THE HT SS A OATE CTTT JO Ü M IA L. W TSIA. OEEQOH. THURSDAY. JANUARY 15. 19S5 Nyssa Flubs "A" Tilt to Vale Flubbing away the game in th« la>t -eoonds of play after leading through virtually the enure game, the Bulldogs lost to the =trortg-finishing Vale Vikings in a class A be.-ketball tilt Tuesday night at Vale. The score was Vale 41. Nyss* 38 At the end of the first Quarter the aocre was Nyssa 14, Vale 7. at half­ time Nyssa 23. Vale 20. and at the end of the third period the Bulldogs led 30-28 The Vikings closed the gap with a rush shortly after the fourth period started, making for the second suc­ cessive game Hartley finished as high point man with 16 points, fol­ lowed by Marcum with nine. Conway made 13 for the Vikir.g.- On the statistical side the figures struck a fair balance The Vikings made 17 points as many Nyssa fouls, while the Bulldog- made 15 points from to Viking fouls loss of enough potential points for winning the game. On the other hand. Vale made 12 field goals to tile Bulldogs' six The Bulldog- will play the Payette Pirates here Friday night, follow­ ed by a game with Meridian at Meridian next Tuesday. Nyssa Hi In 55-42 Win Over John Day "5" More jubilation was manifest by Nyssa Bulldog basketball fans and players over Weiser's downing of Ontario la-t Friday night than in the Bu^dcgs' lackadaisical win over a scrappy John Day team at Nyssa the same night. The Bullucg-Prospector game was a non-conference tilt ending in a 55-42 score, wherea the Wolverine- Tiger game was a class A confer­ ence affair directly affecting Nyssa's future place in the standings. The score was 45-44. Although the Build gs won handily enough from *he cla-s B Prospectors with a generous sprinkling of sec­ ond string players, they received a good lesson in ball handling tech­ nique from their smaller but more deft apponents. In only one department of play were the Bulldogs clearly i « a m e n t and thet was in the shooting of free throws Of 18 fouls comm.tied be the Prospectors, the BuUdogs garnered 17 point: while the Prospectors satis­ fied themselves with 14 points on 25 Nyssa-oommittted fouls Hartley made five of his team s 19 field goals which, added to six free throw points, gave him a total of 16 for high point man Marcum was second with 11 points Elhott was high for the Prospector* with 12 points, with Cheadle trailing with mne. The Prospectors had but three re­ serves, all of them accounting for game points while the Bulldogs used all of their 13-man squad. Berrett's Takes Over Top Spot In Kegler Play Berrett's Service took over scle ownership of first place in the Nys.-a Women's B- vling league following play in the second game of the sec­ ond half Monday night, in which the Berrett’s made a clean sweep of its games against Muir-Roberu- Burnir.gham. Bowling honors were taken as fol­ lows: High Individual scratch. B Bur- bidge. B & E Cafe. 186. High individual handicap. B Reit- enbaugh, Berrett's. 195. High individual scratch series. B Burbidge. 520. High individual handicap series. B Reitenbaugh, 521 High team game. B & E Cafe. 638 High team series, B & E Cafe, 1.837 Of three prizes given during sec­ ond half opening play. Jan. 5. Sadie Butcher, Brownie's Cafe took one for high individual scratch series. 432; a eccnd went t Maxine Brown. B & E Cafe, for high inaividu. 1 handicap series. 445, and a third to Mary Bolles. Berrett' for high in­ dividual scratch game. Each re­ ceived a bowling ball bag. In next Monday's play the teams are lined up as follows: Hospital vs Stunz Lumber, Owy­ hee Beauty Shcp vs Golden Rule, Berrett's Service v- B A- E Cafe. Muir-Roberts-Burningham vs Brow­ nie’s Cafe. MRS. St HIREMAN HEADS EPISCOPAL GUILD Mr.-. William Schireman was elec­ ted president of St. Paul Episcopal guild Monday during its meeting held at the home of Mrs. Claire T. Crenshaw Other officers are Mrs. Dick Tensen, vice president; Mrs. Ralph Lawrence, secretary, and Mrs. Charles Landreth, treasurer. Live-water action, with Frigidaire washers. Peterson Furniture Co. Rodeo Assoc. Names Board of Directors A new beard of directors was elec­ ted at the annual meeting of the My a Nhgm Rodet association held Tuesday night •; Br. wme's Cafe Of the 14-mesnber panel, seven mem­ ber were elected from the m ember- sfufi of each of the Nyssa Chamber of C ermerce and the Oayhee Rid­ ing chib. Those elected from the chamber included Li * Herr ¡man retiring v.ce president of the association who conducted the meeting. Bob Thotnp- -tn Finley Shuster Bernard East­ man. Jim Elkins, T_m Jones and Grant Rinehart The riding club wa; drawn on for W:Hi, Bertram. Charles Culbertson. L ,.yc Adam- J E Brower. Gilbert H unes G e.rge Cleaver and Roy Holmes Ai the meeting was held specific­ ally for the purpose of forming a new board, no other business was transacted. Announcement cf an organizational meet when beard of- ficers rill be elected, will be an­ nounced later. , Any member of the riding club and the chamber is automatically a member cf the rodeo association. A financial report compiled by Trea.-rer Robert Holmes showed that total income from the sixth annual rodeo show last July was M,- 366d& and expenses were 83 368 64 leaving a net loss of 52 35 Expenses were itemized as foliow- paid cowboys. 82.961 99: help. 81.- 570 11 programs. 8255 feed for live­ stock $389 56 insurance 8501. ad- vertising, 8655 17. Rodeo Cowboys' association. S!8' federal tax" $765 - 05: rodeo stock $1024 42 ground preparation. $147 76 miscellaneous expense. 530 53 Revenue came frern donations Ny-.-a bu-:ne;- firm $1 743 adver­ t i n g in pr gram- 5I9S02: carnival. $KD: cowboys entry fe e t 51.020; con c e - ions, $32 72: insurance re­ fund. $125.25. gate receipt . 51.590 Nu Acres Farm Worker Hangs Self to Tree - u?! Is your DID YOU EXPECT A WARM HOME WHEN YOU v BOUGHT YOUR HEATER? • Aro you confinoci to ono room? j* • Aro your floor* Icy cold? • Aro your coiling* ovorhoatod? • Aro your fuol bill* too high? SWITCH TO / ^ T- i : I L .- . A com pact ca st iron fu rn a ce in a p o rce la in c a b in e t - no co stly p ip e s or re g iste rs to in sta ll Announcement was made this week by Glenn Bur:, r. . ..acer of the Nyssa branch of B A M Farm Equipment C h*s firm no lenger holds the c- tier's fran­ chise for Minneapol.s-Y ute P. wer Equipment firm. Burton added, hove • r that his firm would do everyth.:., .n its pow­ er to secure parts ar.d give service n the M-M equipment until a new dealer ha.- been appointed for this area. "Our plans for the future.' Bur- ten's statement ccntir.u- are to spec.alize in beet and hay equip­ ment and used farm t pment of all kinds." In line with plans : xpand ope­ rations. Burton also ai meed re­ organization change- . pe.-.-.nnel Vane Ru-cce. who r .. came here from the east, has sr. named one of two field mer. . ;ner is Johnnie Goddard M i man for the concern. - e will be taken over by B Keiselh rs; and Ray F x main in charge cf the rep... Routine business o’ the Malheur County Jersey Cattle club meeting at the William Toe mb ranch wa- suspended temporarily Saturday when Mr and Mrs V V Hickox fc rmer residents of this area and ns w of Wilder, stopped in for a visit and were gue.-ts by Mr and Mrs Ai Thompson of Adrian. Cuff Beau­ mont of K.r.gmar. Kolony and Mr- Kenneth Vanderpool, youngest daughter cf Rolo Payne, who prac- : td medicine in Ontario about 1910 During :he discussion of "Old time.- it was revealed that Mr ar.d Mr- H.okox came to Malheur c. un;y about 1908 and spent many years promoting e agricultural in- terests in this are Crrdit was given Hickcx for his i rk in helping to establish exten.-io werk in Malheur ly -20 It is be- Ideit past-ma.'ter f the Malheur Pam r.a Grange The Thomp- ns date their arrival in the county a- 1903 He has con­ ducted farming and other business enterprises moat of the time since 1903 m th is area Beaumont arrived in this com­ munity m 1909 and has been a long-time breeder of Jersey cattle or. h..- Kingman Kclony farm near Adrian. The next meeting of the Jersey club is scheduled for early February in the Vale community. Ma -heur county selectees inducted ae wrr.ed forces at the induc- tation ;n Boise Wednesday of ist w eek were Arlar.d Duane Moe- - N; : Lee David Smith., Jasper rsrk r. H well ar.d Donald Earl iens.i ‘> of Ontario. Jitsuo 1m- da r.d Benn.e T Me nr.aga route Pay ette Orville Mar. -n Philpoit. r.. B urns, formerly of Ironside, and K enr. eth LaRoy Preston i Prairie Ity. formerly of Vale, The same day. 21 registrants took «ir ; re-mducticr. physical exam- • and a call for 30 registrants -induction physicals later in Janu try has been received. M: Ruth L Ingebr.:.- >n. clerk of ur.ty .-elective -erv .e board at Onta reported that pre-induction phys ■i 1 u.i.1 for February has also :*.! M f IT ( USD PA R TY SON DORN TO FRANK AVDFR-NONS Word ha. been received .r. Ny-. a of the birth of Stephen Frank An­ dersen to Mr and Mr- Frank A*. - derson of Provo. Utah. Stephen was born Dec 30 and he weighed 7 pounds and 4 ounces Mr- Anderson is the former Elaine Peterson, a daughter of Mr ar.d Mr- W O. Peterson MOSS TO SALT LAKI i ITV Den Moss local opera:- r :.f • n e Firestone Store, left Sunday even­ ing for Salt Lake City : att-:.d the district sales meeting of the F_-e- stene T r e and Ruober Oo He will spend most of the week there, returning this wtes-end. beer, received and 22 r. maded soon. Just Arrived . . . . 100 Sections Algoma WOOD H A R R O W S 5-Bar, 40-Tooth STANLEY NOTIFIED OF DEATH OF MOTHER Gene Stanley arose from a sick bed Friday to drive to Pocatello up- n receipt of word that his mother, Mr- Gene Stanley. Sr . had died un­ expectedly Thursday evening. The junior Stanley was confined with an attack of appendicitus. Orrgcn Trail grange will ,-ponsor a duties Ernie card party Tuesday evening. Jan. 20. .. re­ at the Oregon Trail school house Proceed- will go to Malheur Me- .. p. . .. spital be u.-ed in the pCkio ward. Col. E O Dectiamne« . rnmand- ing officer of the 9094 h croup of the Re-erve Off.cers corp- rr.3de an visit last Friday evening at a meeting cf Nys.-a'i F’.._ : B of the 9449th -quadren which ho- .:> head­ quarter- in Caldwell. As part of the offieia -taff visit. Flight B staged a mock c m mar- ual for and inspection and two films were shown f r those in attendance. Mrs. Barrett Dies In Texas; Burial Here Word was rece.ved here Wednes­ day cf the death of Mrs Florence Beulah Barrett. 75. who died Monday at Dallas. Tex The body is being returned here for bunal at Nv.-sa cemetery, fol­ lowing funeral services at Lienkaem- per's chapel. 2 p m Saturday with the Rev. A. J. H llmgsworth offici­ ating Surviving are two sons. Jack of Sherman. Tex . and Phillip of Min­ neapolis. Minn a daughter. Mrs Ruth Hoxie of Salem, and a grand­ son, Ronald Heavy Wood Bar Drawbar Extra GET YOURS TODAY!! WESTERN CORRUGATGR CO. Phone 181 Nyssa, Oregon Beet (¡rowers Attention B & M Farm Equipment Co. Is Now Handling Two New Lines oi Beet Growing Equipment • . • • The New Precision Millón Planter P lants all types of seeds, including single­ NYSSA WOMI N ASSIST ONTARIO P.-T.A. Mr Leo Gonyer Mr- Eh m Bal­ lou and Mr.- Je- e R.zney took part in the Parent Tea hers association program at the Lir.berg school In Ontario M >ndav evening TTiey as­ sisted with a panel discussion. GENEVIEVE EASHCS ON HONOR ROLL Mr? Jesse Rigr.ey received word from the University of Oregon that Miss Genevieve Eachu* made the honor roll for the past semester there MI m Each us is a freshman * LETS YOU LIVE IN EVERY ROOM Together At Jersey Meeting Armed Forces Take Eight County Men ATTEND ASSCK I 4 TED CHAMBER MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Tb mas Jones at­ tended a banquet at Hotel Boise last Wednesday evening sponsored by the Boise Chamber of Commerce Jones, secretary of the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce, represented the local organization at the event Other officers and their wives from the various chambers in the Asso­ ciated C of C of this area were also guests. il 0 U T H E A T S £(Vt A iil Nyssa Branch of BiSM Equipment In Reorganization Old Timers Get C.O. Pays Visit to Nyssa Reserve Unit Carrel .Alva McFarland. 52 of Tar- ma R ute 2. near Howard's Comer* S tan d in g s farm worker in the Nu Acres dis­ W L trict, took his owr. life last Thurs­ Berrett’s Service ___8 0 day. it was reported by Payette B & E Cafe 7 1 County Coroner Gifford Shaffer, Stunz Lumber _ _5 3 who. with Deputy Sheriff Ray Deck­ Owyhee Beauty Shop _ 4 4 er, was called to the E R Cart­ Golden Rule Store 3 5 wright farm to investigate the hang­ Brownie’s Cafe ._____ 3 5 ing. Muir-Rcberts- Deputy Sheriff Decker quoted Burningham ....... 0 8 Cartwrigtn as saying that McFar­ President Jackson called the first land. who worked fer him. had gene national political convention in to the bam to do the milking a- round seven o'clock that morning 1832. K l -L and did no* return A abort tane la tar the body was d-.«. greve oí trees about a quarter of a mile from the bouse Ht had appar­ ami? taker, a piece of r pe !r m the Oar.wrgh: garage a:. unbed cne of the cottonwood.- r. the gr^ve. Decker sa.Q and tied of the rope to a limb and jumped HI health was the only cause for the acuor. the fam.iy c ascer­ tain. the sheriffs office reported The body was sen: F t .cay by Nys­ sa Funeral H-me tt Huichmson. Kans.. for burial A native of Kansas Mr McFar­ land was berr. Dec 11 .-* 0 C and had lived in the vicinity ab ut seien months Surviving are his Minnie : at • IDS Alva <: f Ka and Earl D cf the U S navy ar ter. Mar.anr.e cf the h cell beet. The New Mechanical * GIVES YOU WARM COZY FLOORS * ENDS OVER­ HEATED CEILINGS D oes th e job q u ick ly , th o r o u g h ly «SAVES YOU UP TO 50% IN FUEL «MONEY BACK GUARANTEE TtewCa/i PATENTED AUTOMATIC OIL or GAS HEATERS WITH THI EXCLUSIVE OR WRITE 8l**tlR.C»«**wl*«. * TW0-IN-0NE Furnace volume heating for a fraction of the cosit! D eserves th e best. T h u tim e get our BROAD FORM policy. M uch b e t­ te r, y e t costs no m ore. KEN POND **** Mr>rx Company Nyssa Furniture 1 Block W est Depot Phone 149-W m n u M H 9 Good >d Are. 1« North 3rd P h o n e 31 « We urge all beet growers to contact their fieicl men in regard to growers' meetings, where farm mechaniza­ tion equipment will be discussed. B & M EQUIPMENT Co. 612 Arcadia Nyssa Phone 444