THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JAN UARY 15. 1953 Buena Vista M m Alva Goodell Phone 069 It 1 Mr and Mrs. Chet Sage of Moses Lake, Wash., have beer, -pending the past week at the Willis Bertram home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rtehie .Garnet Bell and Robert left fur Nebra.-ka Wedne.-day where they will attend the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. Richie's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and Alva, Jr., visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Ethel Goodell near Vale and to see Raymond Goodell, who had returned heme form over­ seas duty 'With the Sea Bees. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffitts and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robbins and children spent Sunday afternoon at the Howard Day home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sage of Washington and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ lis Bertram and Sally attended a family dinner at the Chester Sage home in Nampa Sunday. Mrs. Glen Hofman attended a par­ ty at the Tuttle home Tuesday eve­ ning. Alva Goodell spent several days the past week at Walla Walla on business. Mr. and Mrs Willis Bertram and Sally were in f^avette and Ontario Monday Mr and M: R -bert Runcorn and Mr and M: W E Lundy played Cana.-:a a: the Ward Lundy h<>me Sunday evening M: and M: • Thurman Hill were .•ailed to Boi^e Sunday by the ser- ;cu. illness of J. F. Hill, who has pneumonia. Mr .and Mrs. Jim Ried and sen ■pe:u Sunday afternoon and evening at the Lcyd Adam- home. Mr- Eugene Stephen returned fr ni the Veterans’ hosp.tal La-t week where she has been under observation. Audrey Tanner was ill the pa.-t week and mi-sed school. Mr. and Mrs. Ed vard Topliff en­ tertained at a surpise birthday dinner at their home Monday eve­ ning in observance of Leslie Top- liff’s birthday Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff, Mr and Mr- . Irwin Topliff and children and Mr I and Mrs. John Murphy. W W and Gilbert Deffenbaugh were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Top­ hi f. I Mr. and Mrs. Golden Levitt caned at the S. B. Hoffman home Sunday evening and tiie two couples attend­ ed a dinner and show in Ontario. Mrs. George Cleaver, Mrs. Willis Bertram, Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Mrs. Alva Goodell were among those who helped the Ohatter Box club serve food at the bloodmobile in Nyssa last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram called on E. L. Jamison Friday at the Vet- rans hospital in Boise where he is ill. Mrs. Eugene Cleaver was hostess to the Out Our Way club with Mrs. Lester Cleaver Oo-hostess Eight members answered roll call with gift ideas for Christmas. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. S. B. Hoffman, Feb. 12, with Valentine gift exchange. Refresh­ ment- of fruit salad, cookies and a drink were served. Frigidaire Select-O-Dial. Does everything for you. Peterson Furni­ ture Co. 1-lt. TYPEWRITERS All Makes Bought—Sold—Rented—Repaired Fletcher's Typewriter Exchange Hiway 20 West P.O. Box 459- Boise. Ph. 26961- Idaho We wrn Gladly Do Your Custom Dressing of Poultry al 3 0 c each Gem Produce Co. Corner 6th & Good Phone 17 Ground Beef and Green Beans In A Zesty Combination Around Arcadia tlrv George Moeler I’tionr 0 Si - Hi T next meeting will be F t) 2S at the a week On his trip home Mr Nol*n I home oj Mr- George Coleman on tram-acted bx me a\ Prineville. I I Mr. and Mrs Les Burbank re­ vived word Saturday that their arother-in-law. Nuburn Glenn of Montpl;er< Ida . had been seriosuly injured in a car wreck there. Mr-. Norman Hipp and girls visit­ ed Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Cecil Houston and children. Mr and Mrs. Perle Richards of Parma called at the George Moeller home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schilling visit­ ed at the Deward Benedict home Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Marvin McLean and on of Nampa were dinner guests Thursday evening at the George Moeller home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Toombs and family of Nyssa visited in the Fred Schilling home Sunday evening. The Arcadia Sunshine club met last F’nday at the home of Mrs Les Jamesen. on Alberta avenue with Mrs. Jake Groot co-hostess. Fifteen members were present. Mrs. Fred Schilling drew the door prize, Mrs. Elmer Stradley opened the meeting | then turned It over to the new presi­ dent. Mrs. Cecil Houston. The club I voted to give $50 to the polio fund | and $2 06 to the T. B. seaLs. The Mrs. ( Lara R om and Mr and Mrs. Gem avenue with Mr Mas K.Oo co-h -tess Refre-hments were ser- ved by the two hostesses. M. and Mr Harry Burkhart, Mr and Mr-. Bill An on. Mr. and M Bill S-.< b of Ontario, and Mr am Mr- Erwin Dahnke of Valley Vit uu : at the Fred home Th -Jay evening to help Mr. and M: Schilling celebrate their wed- anniver-ary. They went to the nie’- Cafe in Nyssa for a fried n -upper, then went to Schil- li tne to play card.- Mr. Burk- hart tnd Mr-. Dahnke won prize.-, The croup pre-ented Mr. and Mrs. Sc hi ling with a nice gift, Cl url.e Bowers of Adrian visited at tl o' Clyde Bowers hi me one day last week George N rU ti and Kirfcy of Lenox, 1 1 *a. vi-ited at the Vane Ru^co home ever the holidays. A highlight of the visit was a New Year’s dinner. Guests Thursday at the home of Mr and Mr- Jim Shaw were Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson of Homedale. Mrs. Clarenoe Christie of Yakima returned M >uday last after .-.pending four days at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mr.-. Alice May Taylor. Mrs. Nick Smith spent Sunday visiting Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Ghane at Enunett. Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Smith and children attended a railroad safety meeting and dinner at the Moore Hotel in Ontario Thur-day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cruson visi­ ted Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Cel ALsup visited M rs. C'. A. Reese, Mrs. Kenenth Saturday evening with Mr and M.s. Ree.-e and Mrs. Charles Reitenbaugh Ernest Stephenson of Arcadia. were in Caldwell Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Hudson Kobb visi­ ted with Mr. and Mrs We-ley Piercy Horn• beauty beguu at Adrian Friday evening. Mr Piercy was recently discharged from the Ontario hospital. Mr and Mrs. Snoden Roberts left Friday to visit friends and relatives in Utah. They returned Tuesday. Irl Nolan took his daughter, Shir­ ley and her friend( Charles Jones, to Corvallis last Monday, where Shirley and Mr. Jones are students of Oregon State CoUege. Mr. Jones, who is from Garibaldi, Oregon, had been visiting at the Nolan home for Ground beef shows up on menus in lots of ways, but none more interesting or appetizing than in a new beef, green bean and rice combination called Beef Tattle Ring Around. Easy-to-use canned foods are the key to this easy and economical dish. Canned evaporated nulk helps extend the meat, and tomato soup is used in the sauce which gives the canned green (>eans that extra zip. Beef Pattie King Around 1 pound ground beef 2 tablespoons shortening h i cup evaporated milk 1 1-pound can green beans Vj cup rolled oats U cup liquid from beans hi cup finely chopped onion, 1 can condensed tomato soup divided 2 teaspoons vinegar 1 Vj teaspoons salt, divided 2 cups hot cooked rice tract between the government and ' i teaspoon pepper, divided To ground beef add evaporated milk, rolled oats, half of the onion, j the waters users, led by Attorney 1 teaspoon of the salt and half of the pepper; mix well. With wet hands j Howard R. Stimson of Boise. Others shape meat mixture into 8 flat natties. Brown patties in hot fat in frying | present and taking part in the dis- pan. Drain U cup liquid from beans; add to soup with vinegar, remain­ ! cussion were Robert Dunlay of Cald­ ing onion, salt and pepper; pour over patties. Cover and cook over very well. Wm. Teller of Boise, Herb Van low heat 30 minutes. Remove patties to warm platter. Add green beans to sauce in skillet and heat beans to serving temperature. Arrange rice | Slyke of Notus and directors Eu- I gene Clark, Day Finley, Mark Ter­ in a ring around patties. IMace green bean mixture around rice ring. YIELD: 4 servings. rell and Eber Eldred. Cake and cof- ----------------------------------------------- fee were served at a late hour. Mrs. Paul attended a dinner s guests at . the .. Harry Wood . i 1 meeting _. Thomson . afternoon Thursday at . ,. the home. Mr. Blakesley, a mii of Mrs.] county agent’s office for the purpose| Wood, was recently discharged from cf discussing the possibility of hav- the Air Force after serving for ' ¡¡lg a }10me demonstration agent in I Farmerettes Club three and one-half yeai tin- county in the near future. ---------------------- —“---- ; ” ’ The Black Canyon Water Users [ Mr. and Mrs. George Smit at- Bill Harm of Walla Walla came January meeting at the Nu tended the funeral services Tuesday Saturday to take his daughter Judy, \ c r e s hall Friday night with almost morning for Mrs. de Boer of On- home. Judy has been staying at the 60 present. During the business tario. home of her grandparents. Mr. and meeting the following officers were Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Mrs. Merle Mrs. Ed Meroney for the past week. elected to serve for the coming Thomson attended a meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston and year; president, Walter Gerlach; Payette VV.S.C.S. at the Methodist Jerry of Caldwell were guests New vice president, Mr. Garnder; sec’y, church there Thursday afternoon. Year's eve at the home of Mr. and George Dohner, and treasurer, Mer- They attended with a group of the Mrs. Frank Nedbalek. le Thomson. The evening was spent J Fruitland W S.C23. as guests of the Mr. and Mrs. George Smit enter­ in discussion of the proposed con- i Payette organization. tained with a whist party Friday afternoon. Guests at the Paul Thomson home Now Year’s evening were Mr. and DEPARTURES Mrs. Merle Thomson and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Kersey are From Nyssa spending a vacation visiting at the EASTBOUND home of oheir daughter in Califor­ 4:15 A.M. 12:1# P..M. 9:## P.M. %9:15 A.M. nia. Horace Wood spent the week end | WESTBOUND i Caldwell at the home of Mr. and in 1:50 P.M. »6:35 •6:35 P.M. 9:3# 9:3# P.M. P.M. 5:50 A.M. Mrs. Frank Preston and family. rc Local to Boise—Daily except Sundays and National Holidays •Local to Weiser—Daily except Sundays and National Holidays Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Durrington and family i who formerly lived in the j Mrs. Marie Thomaa, Agent Nu Acres Community were dinner; 309 Main St. Phone 217 guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Oscar Samuels and family. The Dur- ' ringtons are now living near Middle- | ton. Mrs. Seuell, Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Merle Thompson helped with mend­ ing at the Malheur Memorial hos- j pital in Nyssa Friday afternoon an d ! Mrs. Seuell and Mrs. Smit worked again Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garret Groot in Apple Valley.' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blakesley and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Preston, ail of Twin Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston of Caldwell were Sunday LOCAL NEWS • •V’ . W h y not enjoy v i 4 « \ "V, pmnnED Nu Acres News TRAIIWAVS * PROTECTIOn H e re ’s a com plete insurance p r o g r a m - all in one p o l i c y ! &r.x. Protect# against liability claims (personal and automobile); insures against damage to your car; gives broad covorago on your personal property. . . . It's tailor-mad« insuranco at • price you can afford. Cot the facts NOW/ BUS J9S3 ero RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY Nyssa, Oregon GENERAL AMERICA COMPANIES OFF 1C l . . S I AT T LI AMERICA’S MOST MODERN CAR AND GREATEST CAR VALUE 170S SurP'M A e ro -lo rk 2 D o o rS ad o n , 00 / lis t Price P .O .S . Toledo. O h io, plui F e d e ra l To k m . S lo t* and lo c a l T a xe e , if a n y , Freight, D e live ry an d Handling C h a rg e *, O p t i o n a l E q u ip m e n t , Get your JOHN DEERE Equipment Serviced Now! Thj-se days, it seems, old Father Time is jet-propelled; he's gone before you know it. And what trouble that means for those who put off 'til tomorrow. If you're one who's tempted to postpone chores, don't gamble with the checking of your John Deere Farm Equipment. Do it now . . . while you have the time. If servicing is required, let's schedule a date. It's the only way to be sure your equipment will be ready to go . . . when you need it. Remember—our shop is well equipped to handle all your implement servicing require­ ments. The combination of modern precision working tools, John Deere-approved servicing methods, and genuine John Deere parts is an unbeatable combination no other shop in this community can offer you. Won't you stop by soon and talk over your servicing problems? BUY ONIY B im um i JOHN DEERE PARTS-THEY FIT AND WEAR LIKE THE ORIGINALS I HOLLINGSWORTHS’ 605 Main Nyssa, Oregon No other car offers you so much for your money — welded aero-frame construction with 'Jeep' stamina— 61 -inch-wide seating front and rear—four-fentktr visibility—famous Willys economy of operation. See this beautiful car today! E V E R Y S U N D A Y , W illy * bring* you th« N. Y . Philharmonic, CBS-Radio . and "Omnibus", CBS-T«l«vision* ROBERTS-NYSSA, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. Nyssa, Ore. Phone 142 o .