THE NYS3A GATE CITY JOUHNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY IS. 1953 NYSSA Special Phone MIA Announces Gold, Green Ball Rate Meeting; T H E A T R E Costs Itemized TELEPHONE 108 SATU R D AY, JAN. 17 "VALLEY OF EAGLES" with JACK W ARNER NADI \ G R A Y Filmed in the frozen wastes of Lapland. SUND AY-M O ND AY J A N U A R Y 18-19 "THE WILD NORTH" with S T E W A R T GRANGER W END ELL COREV C Y D CIIARIS8E M O R G A N FA R L E Y Th e bitter fight of man man and both struggling against nature. Filmed in the breath taking frozen North. Matinee Sun. 1:30 TUESDAY-W EDNESDAY J A N U A R Y 20-21 "AFFAIR IN TRINIDAD" with R IT A H A Y W O R T H G LEN N I O K I) A LE X A N D E R SC O CKBY H O W AR D W ENDELL K it » is back more glamorous tiian ever in a thrilling spy drama, as the sultry charmer who unmasks the crook. TH U R SD AY-FR ID AY J A N U A R Y 22-22 "CARBINE W ILLIAM S" with JAMES S TE W A R T W END ELL COREY .IRAN HAGEN PAUL S TE W A R T A life-story that throbs with ac tion, love and human emotion. The man who invented the fast- action carbine device. SATURDAY, JA N U A R Y 24 "F A R G O " with Under p nsor^hip of the Mutual Improvement association of the F.r t Ward L.D.S church, a Gold and Green Ball will be held this Satur day at the Nyssa stake house, it announced Monday by Vern What is de cribed as an informal w i meeting, has been called for next M ncur, M IA president. Dancing, which is complimentary at 10 a m at the Moore ( O N T R A C T FOR 1933 ii .tel banquet room in Ontario by to the public, will begin at 8:30 BEET CR O P COMPLETED : he Oregon public utlities commis- pm. At 1(F o'.-lock a floor show will (Continued from Page 1> ,ion to complete the investigation be held, Moncur said. human element. Child -aid. of the application recently filed by The grower association feels the the Malheur H me Telephone Co. to outlook for this year in the domes tic sugar business ls a little brighter, Charles h Heitzei. p u c commi - the vice president commented. "W e -ioner. announced that the public is change of ownership of the Shoe are no w in a little seasonal decline invited to present criticism or sug- 1 clinic, a shoe repair shop located on in the market, but the price for {estions at the meeting before rep- south First street, was announced sugar is still above a year ago,” he re-entatives o f the telephone cctn- 1 this week went on to say. Benning told the pany and staff mmber.s o f the PUC Formerly owned by Leroy B arton ,1 group that the company’s net profits engineering and accounting depart- [he shop is now under the manage- were definitely higher than a year meats. ment of Leo Clason, formerly of ago, which of course will reflect in In the meantime, figures were re- Vale. C'.ason has come directly to beter returns to growers, he said. iea ed by H P Stommel, manager Nys a from Portland, where he op- j The t)eet grower’s vice president if the Mountain States Telephone era ted a shoe repair shop for the pre<h Cted increased acreage in the Co., through Gene Grasty, local tele- past eight months. Nyssa-Nampa district and went on phone manager, to show expendi The new citizens family consists to comment. ’’Although the price tures already made and those plan of his wife, Florence, and two sons, doesn’t fluctuate up and down and ned for facilities within this county ages 3 and 4. is not always the highest of farm In a memorandum to the PUC in crops, the sugar beet has paid off Salem, the telephone company listed more farm mortgates than any other a new building at Nyssa, completed crop.” Dec 20, as costing $22,000. An ad W illiam Carson, president o f the dition at Ontario started Jan. 6. and association, is attending a policy expected to be completed about Although received too late to be meeting in Denver and was unable April 15. will cost $20,000. published last week, the Journal is to attend the Twin Falls session. Central office expenditures were itemized as $68,000 for a dial office in receipt of a statement from Glen L. Hutchinson, chairman, Malheur at Nyssa, started Dec. 29 and ex County Production and Marketing BU CK ET-O F-D OLLAR S, STEER pected to be completed about April administration, declaring that A U C TIO N FUND PROJECTS 1. Seven toll positions at Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 15, is the deadline (Continued from Page 1) to be started Feb. 1 and completed for farmers to make application for Spots. about June 1, together with a com 1953 Agricultural Conservation Pro A campaign feature that proved bination local and toll position there, gram assistance. immensely popular last year is be will total $35,000 the report showed. In making plans for their spring ing revived fer the present drive, ac- Two other local positions in the On planting, farmers were aLo remind aoording to Henigson. tario central office would amount ed this week by Bill Wahlert, man B acke.-of-Dollars 1 to $20.090 ager, Dessert Seed Co., that his com Called the, it is Expenditures out ide the plant in- pany is making preparations for the a feature carried out through co duded $60,000 for 18 miles of cable to Vale, started Dec. 1 and expected custom cleaning and treatment of operation with radio station K.SRV. seed grains. Briefly, it works like this: : to be completed March 1. Cost of re- The company is now in the final A special request prog!am will be 1 centering Nyssa’s cable ovas listed operations of garden and field seed broadcast, on a date yet to be an i. $>500: cable relief for Nyssa, cleaning. nounced, whereby any person may $1.500, and cable relief for Ontario, | have request the appearance of any $10 000 MRS. LARSON RETURNS I other person as a radio performer Grasty stated that toll circuits will TO DUTIES A T STORE upon payment of a $25-donation to provide better service with the ad Mrs. Ray Larson, proprietor of the the polio fund. dition o f new long-distance lines be- Stork Shop, returned to her store Henigson urges all who wish to ! tween all towns in the county as well tins week after a two weeks’ illness. particapate in the Bucket-of-Dollars . 1 / to outside stations. Circuits be Mrs. A. C. Sallee and Mrs. George to have their request numbers— and tween Nyssa and Ontario will be in Mitchell managed the shop during their $25 checks—ready and to fo r - 1 creased from eight to 12 and should Mrs. Larson’s absence. ward both either to himself or W il be completed about April 1, at a cost ton Jackson. The radio appearance. of $9,000; between Ontario and Boise C A L IF O R N IA V A C A TIO N | Henigson said, need not be confined the number of lines will be doubled, Mr and Mrs. J. E. Brower and Mr. to singing talent only. from eight to 16, and between On and Mrs M, E. Jensen arrived home Mans to Auction Steer tario and Caldwell the increase will last week from a 10-day vacation ; Nyssa Lions club will do its bit in be from three to seven, at a total trip to Southern California. the polio fund campaign by auction cost o f $15.000 Those two groups of Included in their trip were at- \ ing, or otherwise disposing of, a | additions are scheduled for com tending the Rose parade at Pasa- ' steer as a feature of the March-of- pletion June 1. One circuit will be der»a on New Y e a r’s day and two Dimes dance, Wednesday, Jan. 28 > added between Ontario and Baker days o f sightseeing in San Fran The steer, a 600-pound anim al,' to make a total of five, at a cost of cisco. They returned through R en o.1 h-as been donated to the olub for the $3,000. and two will be added be purpose by Dale Garrison. tween Ontario and Vale to make a A T IM PLE M E N T SCHOOL Dick Yost and Henry Hartley have total o f nine, at a cost o f $12,000. Ellis Horn and Uel Alsup left Sun been appointed by Ward Wieneke All expenditure figures are the M al day night for Boise where they are c;uP president, to handle details of heur Telephone’s share o f cost for attending John Deere school from the project those going outside the county, the Monday through Friday. local manager stated. The men are mechanics with Hoi 3*1 PINTS BLOOD G IVE N lingsworths’, Inc. at Nyssa. BY NYSSA AREA PEOPLE Shoe Repair Shop Under New Owner PMA Deadline Set For Ian. 15 Guest Speakers At Ontario PTA N A N C Y D \V IS JAMES W H ITM O R E Mrs. Jesse Rigney, Mrs. Leo Oon- yer and Mrs. Elvin Ballou wpre guest speakers at a meeting o f the O n tario Parent-Teachers association held at Lindtoerg school Monday night. Each woman is a county P -T A. ahairman with Mrs. Ballou in charge of family life work, Mrs. Rigney the exceptional child and Mrs. Oonyer P .-T A. magazine publication and study group Each spoke on the work of her respective field. SU ND AY-M O ND AY J A N U A R Y 25-26 Live-water action, with Friguiaire washers. Peterson Furniture Co. W ILD B ILL E L L IO T T P i n I.LIS t OATES Also "S H A D O W IN THE SKY" with Farm Labor Group To Meet Jan. 28 Members of the Malheur county Farm Labor Sponsoring association will hold their annual meeting Jan. 28 at 2 p. m. at the Boulevard Orange hall, it was announced by Roy Hiral, president of the associa tion. He said that the purpose of the meeting is to elect directors and to plan the labor requirement pro gram for the coming year. A report o f last year’s activities >will be made during the session. Use Journal Classified Ads. "PAT AND MIKE" with SPENCER K A TH E R IN E ALDO W IL L IA M TRAC Y HEPBURN RAY ( H IN G When a swank lady athlete meets a gambler from the shady side of Broadway, something has to happen. Matinee Sun. 1:30 A tte n tio n . . . BEET GROWERS! TU ES D A Y-W EDN ESDAY J A N U A R Y 27-28 W e Are Now Taking Orders "JUST FOR Y O U " For the Milton In Technicolor with BING CRO SBY I \ NE W Y M A N ET1IKL B A R R YM O R E REGIS TO O M EY Crosby and Wyman at their best a.* Bh.g sings his wny into ro mance. his daughter into school and his son Into the air force THURSDAY-FRIDAY PRECISION BEET DRILL W e must order from the factory immedi ately to be able to make delivery in JANUARY 29-80 time for spring planting. "W H A T PRICE GLO RY" In Technicolor with — CALL O N U S - Let Us Order Your Farm J AMES CAG N EY DAN D A ILE Y CORINNE C A LV E R T RO BERT W AG N ER Th e fichtlngest, kivinge.-t, most thrilling '< ry ever filmed as Captain Flagg and Sergeant <4 art tight (or and have u»e Frt .a h girl. CUarnume H E R R IM A N HEADS AI TO DEALERS ASSO CIATIO N Lew Herriman was informed W ed nesday morning that he had been elected president of the Malheur County Automobile Dealers' associa tion in a M a tin g of that body held at Ontario Tuesday n.ght. Another Nyssan, Charles Lan- dreth, was named secretary. Equipment for You. Western Corrugaior Co. Phone 18! Nyssa, Oregon (Continued from Page 1) ian and armed forces personnel. With the discovery of the new blood dirivitive, gamma globulin, as a vaccine for modulation o f polio. Dr. Sestero can see where the blood quotas will have to be stepped up to meet the over-all demands. Bloodbanks have been called upon for plasma fractions for the polio project since Jan. 1, according to the doctor. During 1952, Malheur Memorial hospital's quota of blood for local use was 350 pints. For the current year, the quota will be upward of 40 pints, according to John O Toole, manager. Last Wednesday's blood drawing here resolved itself into a contest when the Nyssa Chamber o f Com merce issued a challenge, through | President Jake Fischer, to the Boise , chamber to see which city would | donate the greater number o f pints. The Idaho city’s chamber did not rise to the challenge, however, and it was learned the Boise blood draw ing the day following Nyssa’s result ed in but 140 pints. THOMAS JONES NAMED M AYO R C IT Y OF N Y SS A (Continued from Page 1) and their families had lived In the 34-un;t project. At the present time| all apartments are full and four ap plicants are waiting for vacancies. A written report submitted to the! council by Graham itemized total income since Oct. 15. 1948 to Jan. 13. 1952 as $44,198 04 From the total amount received was deducted $4.500 for the project managers salary for 75 months, with numerous other ex penses, not itemized, such as the j federal government's share o f the j revenue for the first two years, elec tricity, garbage disposal, mainten ance and repairs. City Manager C. K Burton stated that the units rent for fees ranging from $22 to $26 a month, depending on the size, and that a maximum j of $576 per month could be received from tlie entire project. Net profit to the city at the present time j ranges between $2.000 and $3.000 a year. Burton said. Ideas Vary Inform al discussion by members ; of the council brought numerous opinions, not necessarily reflecting' future action of any individual coun cilman One o f the board members tated that during the tenure o f the project, 24 veterans wtto had Heed I at the pr >jec$ u*J ; or daased their j own homes ta W m » and value of i the l omes bought was esuauled a;. Everybody's, two package» flannel ette diapers: ^irestcn Store, tricycle. Stork Shop, Baby Bunting set; Western Stores, bath »et; Wilson’s Super Market, baby bottles; Eder Hardware, silver cup; T a ylo r’s Food Market, two baby foods; In- termeuntain Furniture Co., bassi nette; Gordon’s Drive-In, canned milk; Herriman Motors. 10 free car lubrications. »IC3D00 Two others had purchased Tiailways representative to deter mine a atL>factory plan for adja farms in this commuruty. cent property owners the bus com Other members discussed the principal involved for a government pany and the city. Request for a new street light at bedy, cuch as the municipal board. being in competition v,th property the corner of King and Reece wa» owner» who pay taxe^ and derive a ll1 granted and the beard vetea to re cr par: of their income freni rental place 32 street lights, now giving f houses ar.d apartment units.” It | 2303 lumen seconds of light, to 4000 was revealed ’ hat at least one vete lumen second lights. ran family had cccupied a Vet a- ! Chief o f Pc lice Orville Maze was parturient for a period o f four years. granted permission to attend a Na Suggestions coming from several, tional Peace Officers convention in of the board members present wer? North Platte, Ntbr. He will leave that rental fees be increased to fig here Thursday morning and return ures comparable with that o f pri- ' Jan. 18, with all expenses, except vately owned rental property and a minor incidentals, provided by an time limit be placed on rental of a officer of the national organization. Veteran apartment by any one fam The resignation of J. L. Herriman ily. as Nyssa’s civil defense chairman Mayor Jones appointed Mink and because of lack of time to devote to Thompson as a committee to in the duties, was accepted and anoth spect the project and study in detail er chairman will be appointed later, the rental situation as it exists in Mayor Jones said. Nyssa as well as other communities where municipally-owned housing DELLAS FREDERIUKSEN W IN S 1953 BABY CONTEST projects have been operated. Other Business (Continued from Page 1) A representative of the Trailways Schoen Portraits, one 8x10 colored 3us Co. re-submitted a request that photograph. Bracken’s Department store, blan a loading zone be Established in front o f the Trailways depot on ket and towel set: Nyssa Pharmacy, Main street. Stunz and Tobler were towel set; Peterson Furniture Co., appointed by the mayor to meet high chair; WilSbn Bros. Depart with a representative o f the Signal ment store, crib pad; Owyhee Ph ar Oil Co. which has a station ad-1 macy, formula bag; Ben Franklin jacent to the bus station, and a Store, warming dish and spoon; Paul us Jewelry. Jimmy Weeks set; Marshall-Wells Store, diaper can; Fi^od Mart, baby food; Nyssa Furni ture Co., training seat; Jackson Jewelry Store, child’s Jewelry; Nys sa Food Center, baby toilet set, and Founds Grocery, baby toilet set. Nyssa branch o f First National Bank o f Portland opened a savings account for the child, crediting the account with $5. Other Nyssa firms gave a total of $35 in cash to be credited to the account. Among them were Nyssa Insurance Agents, Boise-Payette Lumber Co.; Nyssa Lumber Co. Stunz Lumber Co. and the Gate City Journal. Representatives o f the sponsoring groups, John O T o o le for the hos pital, Fred Bracken for the business firms and Dick Yost for the Journal, sounded the warning that the con test would become an annual a f fair—but hastened to say they would not ncessarily be counted active contestants. 9 9 , Yes. here's the spot to I start your savings for '53 l| with a big bang! All through our store we've good buys galore this week, next week, every week of the year, you'll find good foods are priced right here! HI-C 3 CANS ROYAL ARMS 6 ROLLS ORANGE . . . . 930 TISSUE........ 3 9 0 4 for ARGO—No. 303 COLORED 3 LBS. GREEN BEANS . 690 NUCO A........ 8 9 0 GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES 5 LB. BAG SWEET JUICE ORANGES . . . . 3 9 0 TENDER—CRISP PKG. CELERY HEARTS 2 1 * DEL MONTE FRESH— SNAP TOP PINEAPPLE Cuber or Crushed 5 No. 211 Cans 2 BUNSHES CARROTS . . . . 190 LARGE 2 LBS. $1.00 DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE 9 c a n '1 $ 1 .0 0 FRANKS........ 69C FRESH PORK SUMMER ISLES PINEAPPLE 4 Ns $ 1 .0 0 STEAK S. . . . . . . . . 47ft LEAN—MEATY 425 Arcadia Blvd. LB. RIB B O IL ........ 2 9 ^ TAYLOR’S U K G IV € LB. FOOD MARKET G R € € n 5Tftm P5 * Phone 222