THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 8. 1953 to Move a Single Thing From Our Old Location To Our New OCK!! Sensational Values! Quality Merchandise! Priced To e D uty! Come! c For Sale Purpose—Our Own High- * Advantage of This Wonderful Op- DRY GOODS___ LADIES' WEAR Biggest Values Ever Offered In This lis Carnival of Real Honest To Good* CRIB SHAG RUGS BLANKET ig In Our New Home Which W e Hope —W e Hope You'll Like It. r i 24x45— All Colors Non-skid Ha i k Hunnv Fsmond ttx M Was 3.59 Yellow--Green--Pink Now Blur Was .2.98 Now 1.99 WASH CLOTHS Was 19c BLANKET EN’S 2.69 Now 25'-, Wool Size 72x84 13c Was 6.98 LADIES’ Now 4.98 ANKLETS Was 39c DOCBLF W OOL •GO N Now BLANKET 19c 5% Wool— 7#xSO LADIES’ Was 4.77 e—It W ill Continue As A Reliable, Now 3est Goods At The Lowest Prices At All NYLON HOSE 3.99 Slight Irregulars 59c BLANKET 5°c Wool— 72x84 LADIES’ FLANNEL Was 3.98 Now 1.99 Large Bath Siie AH Colors th Was LADIES’ 1.00 Now 10 A.M. SWEATERS 69c One Lot % Off TOWELS Cannon Kxtra Hrary Extra large ALL LADIES’ Was 1.49 Now I0NAL HANDBAGS 50% OH 93c SHAG RUGS ladies’ Shorty Flannel 24x36—A U Colors Non-skid Back GOW NS Was 3.49 Was 2.98 Now 1.99 B .ld .n g permit- for construction III issued during 1952, according to rec ord >n file v:th Mi Hilda Tensen, Nyssa city clerk Five business buildirg- accounted for the largest share o f construction and t-he largest o f these was the J. C Watson Produce Co., which built a new $26.000 packing house last summer. Second largest con struction job was the Malheur Home Telephone Co.'s $21.000 structures to house the ne v dial telephone system for the Nys a area During the year building permits were issued for only three new houses, totaling $-’7,000. Alterations on existing dwellings came to a total of $7.000 for 12 different re pair or enlargement jebs. There •were six garages, totaling $4.900, built during the year Four different owners or tenants o f business building saw l i t to re model or m ike alterations on exist ing business buildings for a total amount of $11,277. \ \ S S \ STUDENT MAKES l M Y E R S IT Y HONOR ROLL Miss Alice Komatsu, daughter o f H Ki matsu. route 2, Nyssa, was a- tnong the 190 University o f Oregon students listed on the honor roll for the fall term. The honor roll includes all under graduate students whose grade point averages, on not less than 12 term hours, total 3 50 or higher. Miss ; Komatsu received a state fee schol arship for ’.lie university for 1952- 53. Was 2.98 Now TOWELS IURSDÀY iNUAR Y GOWNS 2.79 Building Permits Total 5110,877 Here During 1SS2 Now _______ 1.99 NEW Y E A R ’S BAB Y IIO K N IN 1IONI 1,11 A girl was born on New Y e a r’s day to Mr and Mrs. Raymond J. Zogg of Honolulu, Hawaii. Nancy Jean weighed seven pounds, 14 ounce« at birth, it was reported. Mrs. Zogg is the former Patty Jean Schweizer, daughter o t M: and Mrs. Schweizer, of Kennewick. Mr. and Mrs. George McKee and Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer of Nyssa are the great-grandparents. ADRIAN Y O l’NG PEOPLE TO ELECT SUND AY EVE Young people of the Adrian Com munity church will have a supper meeting Sunday night and an elec tion of new officers for the year, it was announced by the Rev. Henry E Moore. Morning worship services at 11 o’clock will include the sermon topic. "Quit Y e Like Men.” LOCAL NEWS PIECE GOODS NUES PIN W H A LE CORDUROY REDUCTIONS White—Pink—Blue—Green— Red—Rust—Flamingo W as 1.49 __________ Now Yard 79c GABARDINE 50% Acetate — 50% Viscoe SHOES and OVERSHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY CHILDREN'S—TOTS' OVERSHOES W as 1.35______________ Now Yard 79c W as 89c WAFFLE PIQUE Now Yard 59c WOMEN S MAXIE GALOSHES W as 98c CHAMBRAY __________ Now Yard 39c Was 2.98 Sizes 2 to 10 W a s 59c________________.Now Yard 39c Was 98c N o w _________ Sixes 10Vi to 3 Was 1 39 N o w ____ CURTAIN M ATERIAL Now ________ 1.89 BOYS' 4-BUCKLE PRINT— 80 SQUARE HEAVY Now Y a r d _________________________ 27c OVERSHOES Sizes 98c TAFFETA A N D SATIN M ATERIAL Iridescent and Plain Colors to 3 3.98 W a s 98c________________ Now Yard 49c ALL SHOES AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR ALL MATERIALS % TO GREATLY REDUCED Vi OFF BRACKEN’S NYSSA, OREGON Men's W ear • Ladies' W ear • Boys' W ear - Girls' W ear - Shoes • Piece Goods. Mr. and Mrs. John I ’lrey were Thursday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Root. Other visitors during the day included Royce Chadwick. Barbara Nieger, Glen Schireman and Nancy Wilson, who were home from college for the > holidays. Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Sherwood and Frank were New Year's dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Cy William.1 | at Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty of Owy- i hee were Sunday morning callers at 1 the John Reeves home and during ■ the afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs Leonard Wiechert of Baker and Gussie Wiechert of Manson. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Odrn and family were visitors Sunday evening at the Fred Stephens heme. II. O. Hopkins was on a business trip to Portland from Thursday until Saturday night. Lyle Wilson spent Monday and Tuesday o f last week vbiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E Giddings at Payette. Claude Willson was returned home Saturday fr m the Nyssa hospital following surgery the forepart of the week Their son. Dale Willson, e.nroute to Olympia from Las Vegas and their daughter, Mis% Claudtna W ilRon o f Boise spent the week-end at home. anti as to the validity of such elec ta n auth. aid contract and t a i t and fer an order approving and con- . - . i t A lit: that on the 5th day of Janu ary. 1963 upon the n tion of the petitioner.-., the court, made and en tered it- order fixing the 10th day c f February, 1953. at the hour o f 10 00 o ’clock. A. M . a- the time when, and the Circuit Court Room of the Malheur County Courthouse at Vale. Oregon, as the place where -aid petition and the proceedings thereunder w'U be heard: that pur suant to said order hearing of .said petition and the proceeding there under will be heard on the 10th day o f February. 1953. at the hour o f 10 00 o ’clock. A. M.. in ’ ne Circuit Court Room at the Mali: C unty tL urthouse. Vale. Oregon that :n aid order the court directed th it notice be served on all person-, and parties concerning the publication >lr and Mrs. II. M. Johnson, Nys thereof for three consecutive weeks, sa. tins week an noun red the mar- being four publications in the N 5 -- ri iRe of their daughter, Margary, to .-a Gate City Journal, publ: hed n Hugh T. Wood of San Francis«'». Nyssa, Oregon, and that ju..-dic The marriage took plat e Dec. 24 at tion of the court in the premises be Keno. with the honey moon being complete at the expiration of u n spent in the groom’s home city. The days after the full publieat.. n of this new home will be established at San notice; that the date of the first publication, is January 8th, 1953; Diego. that the date of the la 1 publication is January 29th, 1953: and, NOTICE TO CRED ITO RS You are '.vereby further notifed In the County Court ol the State of that you and each of you or any Oregon for the Countv of Malheur persons or parties interested may In the Mutter of the Estate of at any time, prior to the exp nation Clarence M Zink, Decea-ed. o f ten days after the 29th day of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, January, 1953, appear and contest That the undersigned, B. B. Lien- the validity of this pr<oeeding or kaemper. has been appointed ad- any c f the acts or things covered by mmi-trator of the estate o f Clarence this proceeding or recited and enu M 7.;nk. deceased, by the County merated in said petition and if y >u Ci urt of Malheur County, Oregon, fail so to appear, the ci irt will pro and has qualified as such. ceed to its judicial examination and NOW. THEREFORE, all persons enter its judgment and decree as having claims against the estate of to the regularity and legality in Clarence M Zink, deceased, are such proceedings and of ca :i and all hereby notified and required to pre o f said proceeding- as covered by sent the same, with proper vouchers, said petition and declare aid amen duly verified, within six (6 » months datory repayment contract to be a from the date of thi- Notice, to the legal, valid and binding obligation undesigned. B B Lienkaemper, at c f the district: and. the law office of Harold Henigson This notice is given by me under at Nyssa. Oregon, which place the seal of the above entitled court pur undersigned selects as his place of suant to and by authority of the or bu -¡ness in all matters connected der o f Honorable M A Biggs. Judge with said estate. , o f the Circuit Court, State of O re B. B Lienkaemper gon, for the County cf Malheur, Administrator o f the Estate of made and entered on the 5th day o f Clarence M Zink. Deceased. January, 1953. Dated and first, published January H. S. Sackett 8, 1953 County Clerk. Last publication February 5, 1963 Fir-t publication Jan. 8, 1953 Last publication Jan 29, 1953. NO TICE In The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. Countv of Malheur In the Matter o f the Confirmation of the Proceedings In Relation to the Amendatory Repayment Con tract of the Ridgeview Irrigation District W ith the United States of America and W ith the Other Ir r i gation D istricts'll bh’* Owyhee Fed eral Reclamation Project. To the Ridgeview Irrigation Dis- 1 trict and to all free-holders, legal M A Y HAVE voters and assessment payers within A LAWSUI T said district: Notice is hereby given that on the if someone is injured 23rd day of December, 1952, Claude W Eachus, M H Shenk, and E E. on your premises. You Nelson, directors of the Ridgeview c a n protect yourself Irrigation District, filed in the C ir cuit Court of the State o f Oregon with the best liabitity for Malheur County their petition praying for a Judicial examination in su r a n c e by c allin g and judgment as to the legality and cur office. Th« ($$t is l»w! regularity o f the proceedings o f the ; petitioners and o f the district in the i authorization and execution o f the amendatory ’•epayment contract of I I ami rance the district with the United States of America and with the other irri Phone 318 1« North 3rd. gation districts of the Owyhee Fed tepreieel/ef eral Reclamation Project for the repayment o f the district’s obliga orthwest asualty tion to the United States o f America COM f A « V • ■«Ml • » •• ••* ! •<**•- ••«•»«• and for the construction of the O w y hee Federal Reclamation Project, Legal A dvertising NOTICE OF FINAL COUNT In the County Court of the .State of Oregon for the County of Malheur 1 In the M atter of the Estate of Charles M. Caldwell, deceased. NOTDCE ES H ERE BY O IVE N that the undersigned. The First National Bank o f Portland, as executor of the estate o f Charles M Caldwell, de ceased. has filed Its Final Account as said executor In the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and that «aid court has appointed Tues day, February 10, 1953, at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon o f said day | for the hearing of objections to said | Final Account and the settlement thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, all persona! interested in the estate of M Caldwell, deceased, are uotttlM and required to appear a. ■..»« County Court Room in the Court House at Vale. Malheur County. O re gon. at said time, to then and there show cause, if any there be, why said Account should not be settled, allowed and approved and said es tate distributed and said executor discharged. Dated and first published January 8. 1953 Date of last publication, February 5. 1953 Th e First National Bank of Portland By Lawrence L Clark Trust O fficer Executor o f the estate o f Charles I M Caldwell, deceased. Harold Henlgson Attorney for ; Executor KEN PO ND N C Looking For A Winner? (Y ou Can't Loose W ith Those) Kantwet Pads 2.50 Jumpers 2.75 Car Seat — 2.95 Teter Babe _____________ 7.50 Training S e a ts ---------------- 4.38 Stroller___________________ S n u g g le b u g -------------------- 8*90 High C h a irs ______________ 10.95 Play P e n ______ —....... — 14.98 Bathenette 14.95 -------------------------------- HEADQUARTERS FOR NURSERY FURNITURE W e G ive S & H G reen Stamps PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Your Dependable Furniture Store NYSSA - VALE - ONTARIO - PAYETTE