Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1953)
THE HYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY «. 1953 Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Fry Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McNall land, Neb. Hawkins of Boise and Mr and Mr called at the Parr home during the New Year's day dinner guest« «4 Clarence Hawkins. the home of Mr and Mrs. Don evening. Mr and Mrs. Alfred SinipM»n and Mr«. ( laude D»y Mr. and Mrs. Tom N'ishitani and Graham were Mr and Mrs. Emil girls were dinner guests Sunday at Paulas. Phase H U H children were gue ts at dinner Mon- the Carl Fenn home at Adrian Guests for dinner at the Erell Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wilson and -i.i\ evening M the home of Mr and Blair home on New Year day were Mr- George Schweizer. .Mr and Mrs. Carroll Rettag and home were Alvin Payne and family Janalee were guests ol Mr and Mr- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leavitt and Mr. son of Victorville. C a lif. are visiting from Ontario. Mrs. Henry Gernhardt of La- and Mrs. Kenneth C >ttle. Janie- Shaw for a social evening at present with the Lynn Hursts, Orande was a Tuesday gue>t of Mr. Saturday. Mrs. Art Sparks had as New Years Sunday guests at the Elmer Cru- who are Mrs. Rettig's parents. guests her son. Dick Sparks. Mr. and Hick Schireman left Sunday a f and Mr.- Cliff Main at their home son home were their parents Mr. A'hile her hu.-band, the Rev. Gern- New Year's dinner guests at the Mrs. Dick Stockham and daughters, ternoon for Klamath Falls where lie and Mrs John Updegraff of F*ruit- Lynn Hurst home were Mr and Mrs. Beverly, Norma Blake, Mary Conn plans to enroll at Ore. Tech. He ac hardt. attended to business matters land and Mr. and Mr James F. H D. Mathews and sons. Tommy and daughter, Sharon. companied Clarence Suitor who was in Boise. Cruson and family, a 1 Mr and and Danny, and daughter, Alice Mr. and Mrs. Max Schweizer of Mrs. Douglas Cru- n ind family. returning to the U. of O. at Eugene Francis Thiel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joy. after spending the vacation at home. Kennevick visited over the week-end John Thiel, is on his way home from Mr. and Mrs. Elmer < ruson were i.:h Mr. and Mrs. George McKee. Also leaving Sunday for Eugene t A few from this community to at service. New Year’s eve and vernlght guests resume studies at the U. of O. were Other vi.-itations were made at the tend the 'kitin g party at Ontario Other who attended the fresh of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McCain of homes of Mrs. Lee Householder and Glenn Schireman and Royce Chad Friday night, given for the sopho man-sophomore skating party at Vale. Mr and Mrs Oeorge Schweizer. wick mores by the freshmen, were Wanda Ontario Friday night were Johnn.e Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann enter Ba—ett. Ronnie Thompson, Allen and Katherine Thiel, Carol Slippy, Mrs. I. W. Gruber of Yakima has Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith and tained guests, Mr and Mrs. Dale Farenbrook and David Hurst. Mr and Mrs. Earl Strickland were been a houseguest at the homes of Larry DeHaven and Teddy and Overstake and family, Mr and Mrs. New Year’s dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson and Mrs. i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bassett had as Henry Ratigan. Minnie Leuck the past two weeks. Walter Looney, Mr and Mrs. Her Don Strickland home. New Year's dinner and supper Mr. and Mrs. John Thiel and fam bert Cox and sons and Mrs. Roscoe guests, Mr and Mrs. George Eichner ily spent New Years day at the Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Lienkaemper Findley and children of Vale at Mr«. Dick Stockham and Beverly and children, Patty. Carolyn and John Dority home. joined Mr. Stockham at Owyhee entertained at a New Year’s dinnpr New Year day dinner at their home. Ronnie. dam to spend the Christmas and •it their home guests Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Shaul and Charles Newbill and Donald. New Year's vacation. A1 Thompson is 111 this week. daughter, Linda, of Boise, were Denny Bartron was a house guest week-end guests at the Rev. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nakasnima Mr and Mrs. Floyd Phifer and entertained with dinner New Year’s it the Charles Fisher home in Os Coley home. Mrs. Shaul is M t 3. son, Ronnie, of Madras, spent Sat day for Mr. and Mrs. William Wahl- wego, Ore., part o f last week and Coley’s daughter. Guests Sunday af urday night and Sunday with the Mrs. Kenneth McDanald visited many old friends and former ternoon were Mrs. George W. Geesey ert. Berle Phifer. Floyd Phifer and fam PhM « tok-KS Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Terhune and neighbors in Portland. He also at- and sons. ily came down New Year's ere and | Mary spent the week-end at Baker i tended the wedding of his brother, spent the neat few days with rela Miss Phyllis Garren visited at the Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ditty and tives here. where they attended the Nyssa-Bak- , EUrl Bartron. and Janice Fisher and Rev. Frank Coley home Friday and Charlotte of Ontario and their son, Any teen-ager can tell you that a good breakfast and a good morning er basketball game Saturday night arrived home with them Saturday. I left by bus in the evening for Salem, Mr. and Mrs. James Phifer and Kenneth, who is attending the Glad go hand in hand. Blessed with a hearty appetite he would tell you that and were guests o f Mrs. Terhune’s Dinner guests Friday evening at Ore., where she will be visiting an daughters spent New Years Eve Tidings Bible Institute in Santa a good breakfast starts off with cereal— either the ready-to-eat kind like brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Aus aunt for a few weeks. 40% bran flakes which may be combined with fruit as shown here, or an with the Berle Phifers. Cruz. Calif., and Miss Glenda Friend D. Rinehart and Alberta. appealing piping hot cereal such as wheat meal. In addition, milk and tin J. Hollingsworth were Mr. H oi- j The Rev. and Mrs. Frank Coley Sunday dinner guests at the of Ontario were Thursday evening buttered toast belong in the breakfast picture; and you'll find that the Mrs. C. M. Pounds and Bert lingsworth's brother, W F. Holllngs- ! visited at the Hadley Garren home Charles Bower home were Mr and supper guests in the T. H. Brewer younger set will be happy to take on waffles or pancakes, or bacon and Pounds were business visitors in O n worth, of Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. of Big Bend Thursday evening Mrs. Floyd Phifers and sons, R on home. eggs while they’re at it! This is the sort of spread that’s sure to see a tario Monday. John Schoenwald and daughters, youngster through a rugged morning and prevent that hollo\v-in-the- nie o f Madras and Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Florence Kygar and Merle Mr. and Mrs. Alien Butler and Patty and Darlene of Vale, and Mr. j You can’t go wrong with Frigi middle feeling toward lunch time. Jim Phifer and daughters of Nam and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Parker and daughter moved to the Gene Stunz and Mrs. Orville Sanders of Suther- [ daire. Peterson Furniture Co. Yes, your teen-ager will take off for school wide awake and raring to pa. Charlotte were New Year's day din house over the week-end. go when you serve up a breakfast such as the two suggested here. In Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers and ner guests in the Lynn Kygar home. Mr. and Mrs. William Wahlert at the second menu, by the way, wheat meal shares in the making of some Bobby had supper with the Charles of the tastiest waffles that ever brightened up a breakfast table, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson tended open house at the home of Bower family Sunday night. when you present cocoa— well, there’s a meal that’s bound to create were hosts Friday evening for Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sumida at Ore jlenty of energy for the morning’s activities. Of course, the same good- New Years visitors at the Laur and Mrs. Kenneth Farr of Taylor, gon Slope New Year's day. ireakfast principle holds true for you and Dad, too. And every time you ence Krieger home were Mr. and Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Woolev, Mr. and Mrs. Leo York and baby serve a hearty breakfast to your household you can rest assured that Mrs. Lee Householder, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Montgomery, of Caldwell were New Year’s dinner you’ve helped start the day right for all the family. C. E. Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell and guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hearty Breakfasts for Teen-agers Glenn and Billy and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mitchell. 1 Louis Riggs. Menu So. I Guy Glenn. Charley and Guyann. Mr. and Mrs. Ben I.ancaster and Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and 40% Bran Flakes with cream and sliced bananas Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Piercy went family of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wanda and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mor- Crisp Bacon with Fried Eggs to Ontario Sunday for Mr. Piercy Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Buttered Raisin Toast Marmalade fitt of Owyhee dam were Sunday to have another physical checkup. Lancaster and family o f Caldwell Milk or I’ostum made with milk dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neal On their way heme they stopped were Christmas day dinner guests Menu S'o. II Nicholson. and had dinner with J. C. Olsen. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Orange Juice Mrs. “ Fort” Sumpter served ice Wesley Piercy’s mother, Mrs. Har Lancaster. Wheat Meal Waffles* Maple-blended syrup cream and cake to several people: ry Leader went to Pendleton to visit Buttered Toast Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Earle of Pull- Tuesday afternoon when they called another son. She will be back with Milk or Instant Cocoa i man, Wash., returned to their home to wish her son, David, a happy | Wesley Piercys later. Wheat Meal Waffles* last week after being called here by birthday. Those calling were Mrs. Wesley Piercy’s aunt. Carry Mode- eggs, well beaten *■* cup wheat meal the death of Mrs. Earle's father, Calvin Martin and Billy. Mrs. Lee lin left Friday morning for her home l ' i cups milk 1 cups sifted flour George Bertsch. Levitt and Ritchie, Mary and Carl I teaspoons double-acting baking powder in Twin Falls, Idaho. She has spent Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rigney enter Mrs. Ray Sumpter and Patty and | teaspoon salt several days at the Piercys. tained at Christmas dinner for W. Jerry of Payette, Mrs. Archie Moses 5 tablespoons melted butter or other shortening Sunday visitors at the Walter Long A. McNall, Mr and Mrs. Frank Parr, and Mrs. Rosa Kirtley, David’s great Combine eggs and milk; add cereal and set aside. Sift flour once, add Buzz Parr, Mr and Mrs. James Rig grandmother. His grandmother. Mis. baking powder and salt, and sift again; then stir in cereal mixture. AdJ ney and Doris Rigney. shortening, mixing only until smooth. Bake in hot waffle iron. Serve Oscar Houston, assisted Mrs. Sum Mr. and M n . Alva Harris of Rex hot with butter or margarine and maple-blended syrup. Makea about pter in serving. BUSINESS five 7-inch waffl burg, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris of Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Koger and Sugar City, Ida., and Mr. and Mrs, OPPORTUNITY sons of Ontario had dinner with Mr. I and Mrs. Harlan Koger on New had been visiting his parents, Mr. Mrs. Angelo Morostica visited at Bert Harris o f Nampa were Friday afternoon callers at the Louis Riggs Raymond Bradley Year's day. and Mrs. Grant Patterson, since the Strasbaugh home. home In Nyssa. Mr. and Mr». Ray Franklin and Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dooglaa McDonald Garage & Service Station Mr. and Mrs. James Rigney left Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Franklin and Linda Jones o f Boise visited from of Caldwell were New Year's day last Friday for their home in Eugene and 2 acres, very goad land on daughter, all of Parma, and Mrs. | Saturday until Wednesday with her visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith. where he will enter the University. Mamie Patterson of Kooskia, Ida.,; highway at Owyhee dam junction, aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd After spending the holiday vaca Mrs. Rigney has accepted a position were Thursday guests at the Oerald between Nysaa and Adrian. Walters. tion at home, Miss Marie Seburn on the nursing staff at the hospital Slippy home. Mrs. Archie Atagi entertained with left Sunday morning to return to there. They were accompanied to GLENN I. SHORT. Owner Dale Patterson left Sunday after Rt. 1. Box 40. Vale, Ore. noon to return to Oceanside, Calif., j a birthday party Saturday afternoon Portland where she Is a teacher In Eugene by Denny Etochus, a student where he is serving in the navy. He for her son, Rodney, who was five the elementary school. Jack Setourn at the University. years old. There were six guests {and Miss Lois McLaughlin also left Mr. and Mrs. Theo Drewniak re Sunday morning to return to studies turned last week to McCall after be present. ing called here by the death of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman and at Oregon State college. The Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson of Drewnlak’s father, George Bertsch. family o f Homedale and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farr served Mrs. Homer Brewer and daughters Homedale were Monday dinner New Year’s dinner to Mr. and Mrs. were Friday dinner guests at the guests at the James Shaw home. New Y ear s dinner guests at the j Jesse Rigney, Doris Rigney, Genny T. H. Brewer home. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters were Art Hawkins, Sr., home were Mr. I Eachus, Mr. and Mrs. James Rigney, Mrs. Art Hawkins and family of Buzz Parr, W. A. McNall and Frank dinner guests in Nyssa at the Ralph Thompson home on New Year’s day. { Orson Berrett of Roy, Utah, came to get his wife who has been visit ing here with a son, Wayne Berrett, and a daughter, Mrs. Grant Patter son, for several days. The couple re turned to their Utah home Satur day. Kiyoshigi Hori, who has been con fined to the hospital for the past month with a virus Infection is re ported to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. Ray FYanklin and Trula, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clary { and children, all of Parma, were Sunday guests in the Gerald Slippy home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kygar and children of Parma were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Florence , Kygar. G ood Breakfast — G oo d Mornin Kingman Kolony Konlacts Owyhee i une in anuary ubilee We Invite Y o u ... . . . to visit our Let us restore full power - Show Room - Jan. 9-10-11 to see the new 1953 CHEVROLET W© will remain open on Sunday to accomodate those unable to come in weekdays. When you have seen the new Chevrolet be sure to talk to Ed Pruyn, Service Manager, about your service needs. Gifts for All Prizes For the Kiddies, Ladies NYSA MOTORS 420 Mala Phon* 188 LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Agnaa Erich nan o f P tee, Iowa, came Sunday evening for an extended visit with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mr». DoLoe Vlnsonhaler of Parma. Mr«. A. J. Sullivan returned to Nyssa last Tuesday after »pending three weeks visiting her sisters. Mrs. Annie Severe and Mr». Lavina CWtchfleld at Burley. Mr. and Mrs. (Tarraee Keller ar rived home Tuesday evening from California where they visited Mr and Mrs. Martin Keller. Dr. J. J. S arn ia spent the week end at Portland visiting hie daugh ter and family. Dr. and Mr». C. O. Peter»on and children. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Straoshaugh were New Year’s afternoon visitors at the Tom Nedbalek home and In | the evening, were among guests for a goose dinner at the home of Mr. { and Mrs. Ray Rapp of Nu Acres. Mr. and Mrs. Malromb Sullivan and family of Arock visited Sunday , at the A. J. Sullivan home. Former Nysaa resident«. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Keys of Vallejo, Calif., spent the holidays visiting at the T. J. Sparks home. Mrs. Dick Tenarn and infant daughter, Mardi Ethelwyn came home from the Malhtu»' Memorial hospital Friday. Mr. and M n t J. Svraehaagh were 1 caller» at the Ted Bate» home Sun- > day. Duiu.g the evening Mr. and MlttY-GO-tOUNO IN fadory-aatehed Sleeves and Pistons Save fuel and o il . . . add extra year« o f top perform ance to your tractor. Restore pow er to get m occ work done. Let us install a com plete set o f factory- matched IH sleeves and pistons. Maim a date today! NOW ONLJ a* MM In «AAMOU« Here’s just one oi the 12 new, exciting designs in the 1953 wardrobe of picture-pretty cottons! A colorful jamboree of fabulous fabrics, new-as-dawn silouesses . . . for fun now, for sun later. Have several at this price. Each 7.98 EVERYBODY SAVES AT ■ m ***** 5-STAR SB R V IC E M ANPOW fR ON YO U « CROP PRODUCTION H A M -4 OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO 401 Main Phone 245 i > « t i »NAT io < ial \ * f INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS W e Give S & H Green Stamps NYSSA OREGON