THE MTSIÀ GATE CITY JOUBMAL. MYSSA, ORXGO*. THURSDAY. JANUARY ». 1»S3 Parma. *ttent New Y e a r1 day with Mi and Mrs Conley W.iaon gnd ! T H E G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L family Jess Hammock and Lenna M i* L twl - have both been quit* ill with the flu Several more casts of chick en pox have .hown up Tommy Mor an, Verlene Smith and M*.-ilu Wil son are among those suffering with » I B I K I i r r i O N BATES j it now In Malheur County, Oregon, M: Sara Miller was a dinner and Payette and Canyon guest of Mrs. Elsie Robinson and n i w i p a m i Counties, Idaho: Mi Gertrude Hicks New Year's 1 year |3 'JO FUBl ISHi l S i day. 6 M on th « •BO* Mr and Mrs Allen Reed and Julia ASSOCIATION ELewhere * 1 the U i A , | of Parma were dinner guests o n ' per y e a r ---------------------•»■&• New Year's of Mr and Mrs. Jack Single Copie* M (Strictly m Advanca) Reed Mrs. Dyre Roberts spent Monday wright visited Mrs. Nellie Carol, who Invitations have been received Christmas Calls For G oodies morning in the Ridgeview district resides near Vale. Mrs. Carol was here for the wedding of M lss Ruth Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. outlining the March of Dimes cam their teacher many years ago when Cliff of Nampa and J Everett Miller Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission paign for that part of her district tney both attended school in Lower of Melba, to be solemnized Sunday Bend. through the United State* Malls, as second class matter, under Mr and Mr- Darrell English and afternoon. Jan. 11. at the United Mr and Mrs. Ray Cartwright re the act of March 3. 1879. children spent Wednesday evening Presbyterian church in Nampa. ceived a long distant call New Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl New Years guests in the Orley Clary, when they had their gift ex day from their daughter, Helen, who Smith home included Mr. and Mrs. change, Christmas day all the fam lives in Kelso, Wash. A A Johnson and sons o f Parma Mrs. Angie Chaney and Mrs. Sar ily were home for dinner. C H U K C I1 N O T E S and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wells and ah Cartwright are giving Mrs. Sally daughters of Boise. Sunday, Mr. and Mr Darrell En ASSEMBLY OK GOD Mis.- Madeline Melvedt and friend, glish visited his parents, Mr and Molt, a pink and blue shower Thurs Frank C Coley. Pastor Delbert Naver, of the U. of I., and Mrs. Sherman Wilson Mrs. O. J. English, and sister, Mr day at the Chaney home. Soath 2nd and Reece Aye. Mr and Mrs. Larry Koppes and and Mrs. O. J. Engli.-h. and sister. Phone Parai* 21-MI 10 a. m., Sunday school family of Boise were Saturday even Mrs. Don Boren and family of Nam- 11 a. m , morning worship pa. 8 p. m., evangelistic service. If the men live up to all the ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tue*., 8 p. m., prayer service. Misj Pat Murray was the honor ‘ ballyhoo” they are putting out this Jack Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ostemeir were m . . 8 p. m., young people. Mrs. Pauline M cGinnis guest at a birthday dinner Sunday week, the coming P.-T.A meeting at the C. K. Smith home. Other I Thursday evening, Jan. 15, should be New Year’s day guests of Mr. and THE CHURCH OF THE guests were Mr and Mrs. Ken Smith a super-duper. One play that they Mrs. C. L Pritts. Mr. and Mrs. Larry NAZARENE Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown with and family and Miss LaRayne Smith are so diligently working on “If Fritts of Caldwell visited at the Robert Jackson. Pastor of Boise, Mr and Mrs. Jack Slabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander of Nys the Men Held a P.-T.A. Executive Fritts home New Year’s Eve. 10 a. m., Sunday school. Mr and Mrs. Alva Hill, Mrs. Harry and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank sa spent New Year’s eve at the H. Meeting As the Women Do.” Other 11 p. m., morning worship. Ray and children, Mr. and Mrs DeMark of Caldwell, Mrs. Walter A. Diven home in Caldwell. parts of the program sound Just as 7 p. m , N Y P S. and Junior meet Abbott and family of Prineville and entertaining. DeLoyd Scbimmels Is Howard Smith and baby. Mrs. J. H. Dinner guests of Mrs. Laura Smith ings. Sommars, Mrs. Orley Smith. Ailene gradually add sugar and cream Christmastime calls for plenty Pat Thomas of Parma. in charge. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter 7:46 p. m., evangelistic service. Pilcher of Nampa, and Mr and Mrs until light and fluffy. Add egg and o f cookies— just plain good eating Mr. and Mrs. C K. Smith had all Pinkston of Kingman and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitman were Jack Wilson enjoyed a potluck sup cookies and some that are special beat well. Stir in vanilla. Blend COMMUNITY METHODIST their children home on Christmas Mrs. Andrew McGinnis of Nyssa. in Boise Sunday visiting Mrs. Pit per in the church basement New in looks as well as in taste. flour mixture into creamed mix CHURCH eve and Christmas day. Those pres Callers in the afternoon were Mr. ture. Wrap cookie dough in waxed man's mother at a Boise hospital, Year’s eve. and welcomed in the H ere’s a ta sty eating cookie I»r. H. G. McUalllster, Minister ent were Mr. and Mr.-. C. K. Smith. and Mrs. Hoyt Na.-h of Homedale. paper and chill in refrigerator at recipe and some ideas for Christ and other relatives. They had hoped New Year. least hour. Roll out on floured Jr., Sandy and Gary, Miss LaRayne mas decoration. Nonfat dry milk 0:46 a. m.. church school to see their new grand-nephew twins New Year's day dinner guests at Miss Miriam Dille of Roswell was 1 l>oard to ’ 4-inch thickness. Cut 11 a. m., morning worship. Smith of Boise, Mrs. Walter Abbott. the Gayle Martin home were Mr. at St. Alphonsus hospital, but they a Friday evening dinner guest at 1 is an added feature of this recipe into variou s C hristm as shapes and besides the important milk 7 p m , Youth Fellowship Suzie and Rickie of Prineville, Mr. and Mr-. Don Boren and daughters, are still too small to have visitors. the Jack Reed home. with floured cookie cutter. Bake on nutrients it contributes flavor and and Mrs. Jack Slabaugh and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. English o l Nam ungreased cookie sheet in a mod Betty Boston. Eloise Smalley and texture to these cookies. It is ex Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall and chil L. D. 8. 2nd WARD and Mr. and Mr-. Frank DeMark pa and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English erate oven (375°F.) until lightly tremely reasonable for a one-pound Harvey Pitman returned to their dren, former residents of Apple Val D. Hubert Christensen, Bishop and Pat Murray of Caldwell. browned, about 5 to 7 minutes. package available at the grocer's and family of Big Bend. tudles .it the College of Idaho Sun ley, were visiting at several homes j 9:15 a. m . priesthood meeting. Remove from sheet at once. Cool. will yield five quarts of nonfat Suzie Abbott spent last Sunday day, after spending the holidays here Wednesday of last week. They milk for as little as nine cents a Mr. and Mrs. A1 Parks of New 10*0 a. m , Sunday school. Decorations for Christmas Cook night with her cousin, Miss Sandy with their parents here. Plymouth visited her parents, the S p. m., sacrament meeting. ies: Mix 1 cup sifted confectioners’ are looking for a location here. quart. Smith, in Boise. sugar with about 2 tablespoons Tuesday, 2 p. m.. relief society. S im ply add n on fa t dry milk Mr and Mrs. DeLoyd Schimmels Mr. and Mrs. Don Fritts and son j Mrs. Marion Kurtz, Mrs. Francis E. E. Eastmans Sunday. Callers in o f liquefied Starlac nonfat dry Wednesday, 4 p. m.. primary; 8 and sons were Sunday dinner guests have moved into the tenant house j right from the package to other Deffer. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts met the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. milk (make liquid Starlac nonfat dry ingredients in these Christ p. m . M I A at the Wendell Cottier home in on the Clayton Butcher ranch. Mr Monday afternoon with Mrs. John Bob Eastman and Jennifor o f Cald milk according to package direc mas cookies: well. and Mrs. Rex Nichols have moved Parma. tions). Tint to desired shade with Packwood where they planned the FIRST Christmas Cookies certified food coloring. Spread or Mr and Mrs. Glenn Weed and into the Jim Lane house. Word has been received that Mr. year’s program for the Mary and Church of Christ (Makes 2 'i to 3 dozen press through pastry tube onto Duane Wilson spent from Wed family. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Grimes and and Sirs. Charles B. West, Jr., of CHRISTIAN Martha Missionary society. medium-siz^ cookies) cookies in desired patterns. Austin J. Hollingsworth. Minister Mrs. Mina Smalley, all o f Caldwell, nesday to Sunday in Boise visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett and Longview, Wash., are the parents 1 cup sifted flour Tinted Sugar: Put a few drops o f 10 a. m.. church school. Klvln were New Year’s dinner guests in his mother, Mrs Harold Tietsort. 3» cup Starlac nonfat dry milk Dwain and Allen were New Year’s of a girl. They formerly lived here. certified food coloring into ’4 to Miss Ailene Pilcher o f Nampa| 2 teaspoons baking powder the Waldo Smalley home. Ballou, superintendent. dinner guests at the John Thompson *4 cup granulated sugar and toss Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch were spent several days of the holidays 34 teaspoon salt , 11 a. m . morning worship, directod quickly with a spoon to distribute home. overnight guests Saturday night with Mr and Mrs. Hoy Rucker and son, 34 cup shortening visiting at the Harry Ray home. co lo r w ith ou t d isso lv in g sugar. by minister Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, their daughter, Mrs Don Hatt and Gary, were Sunday evening supper 1 cup sugar Harry Ray, Jr., returned h om e! Sprinkle on cookies before baking. 7 p. m , Christian Youth Fellow- Alice and Jimmy, Mr and Mrs. Tom family of Owyhee. guests at the Ray Rucker home. 1 egg Variation: Chopped nuts, cut-up New Year's eve from a two-day Jones, Janice, Guy and Mary Ellen, I Helen Martin celebrated her birth 3 a teaspoon vanilla extract Mr and Mrs. Harold Wilson of dried fruits, vari-colored candy • p m., evening worship. FFA meeting in Rupert. were Sunday dinner guests at the day Wednesday by having 16 little Sift together flour, Starlac non sp rin k les or ch ocola te bits or ________ i Cambridge, Ida., visited with Mr. Mr and Mrs Reuben Henshaw fat dry milk powder, baking pow Varner Hopkins home. sprinkles may b* placed on cookies and Mrs. Jack Reed Sunday after friends in for a party. FREE METHODIST CHCRCH and Dewey spent New Year’s day at der and salt. Cream shortening; before baking. Mr and Mrs. Ray Cartwright. Mr noon. Adrian. Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moncarr and the Charlie Patterson home near and Mrs. Walter Stradley and fam Mr. and Mrs Jerry May o f Boise Mr and Mrs Lloyd Caldwell, Mr. 10 a m . church school Lake Lowell. ily, Mrs Frome Stradley, Mr. and were dinner guest* Sunday at the and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell. Mr. and M a. m , morning worship. lly, Mrs. M. Matsusaka and daugh Mrs. Harvey Hatch. Helen and Phil Glen Brown home. Kristine Korman Mrs Leon Murray and family and \ lip enjoyed New Year's dinner with returned home after a visit with her ters. Virginia and Joanne, were Fri Mr and Mrs. Thaniel Botner, all of CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr and Mrs. Joe King. day evening guests in the N. Yama Parma. Idaho grandparents. for children. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney and moto home in Kuna. McConnel Are, Mis* Helen Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bott and Modern Pioneer Club family spent New Year’s eve at the family of Indian Valley visited Wed O. E. Robinaoa. Minister Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill and Phone Parma 1-F21 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Phoae *H*-R3 Bob Welch home In Caldwell. 10 a. m . Bdile study. family were Sunday dinner guest nesday with his aunt and uncle, Mr. Fifth Street and Park Avenue Miss Bernice Chaney, who is at and Mrs. ‘A. C Henderson. 11 a. m.. morning worship. ast the Jim Stevens home in Cald John L. Hrlehl. Pastor Mrs. Walter Abbott and children, tending College of Idaho, spent the 8 p. m . Sunday evening service Mr and Mrs. Robert Overstreet well. Christmas eve services, 8 p.m. have been visiting at the home of New Year’s vacation at the home of Wednesday. • p m., Bible study. and son, Bob, were Sunday dinner Christmas day services 10 am . Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Worden spent Mrs Abbott's parents. Mr. and Mrs. | guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Judd. New Year's eve at the home of Mr. CJC gm ith for the past two weeks.! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Buzzing Needles 10 a m . Sunday school. MISSIONARY RAPTI8T CHURCH 1 1 a m , divine worship. Mr. and Mrs. M O. Judd enter and Mrs. Irwin Davison of Ridge- They plan to return to their home Chaney. 4-H Meeting Sat. Elder llaafcell Dane, Fxstar Richard Huett of New Meadows, Wed . 8 30 p m . Otmotion educa tained New Year's eve for Mr. and view in Prineville the l*s-t of the week. 10 a m.. Sunday school. who has been spending his Christ- \ The Buxzing Needles 4-H club's tion class. Mrs L. R. Kinney and son, Millard, The Extension club will meet at 11 a m . morning worship Mrs. C. K. Smith, Mrs. Walter mas vacation at the home of his first meeting of the year was held You are cordially Invited to wor of Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs Jim the home of Mrs. Elvin Worden Jan. Abbott and children, Misses Pat grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Guy Saturday at the home o f Dolores > p. m., evening worship ship with us. Embree o f Harper. and Betty Van Zelf with 11 mem Wednesday. 8 p m . prayer service 15. The lesson will be on "easy iron Mr. and Mrs Jake Borge and fam ing" and will be demonstrated by Murray and LaRayne Smith were Douglas in Parma spent Saturday bers present. The girls brought their visitors at the Jack Slabaugh and CATHOLIC CHURCH afternoon and all night with Phillip ily were Sunday dinner guests at Mrs Worden and Mrs. Dick Kriegh. L. D.8. 1st WARD clothes pro teeters to be judged. Park Avenue and Third Street Frank DeMark homes in Caldwell Hatch in Big Bend. the Lyle Harvey home in Weiser. Gordon Kay. Bishop After the meeting, games were Kemkert Able«. O. F. M Mr and Mrs. Hiroshi Yamamoto last Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Horace Chaney and A surprise birthday party for 9:15 a m , priesthood meeting played and refre:ihments were ser Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m _ °f Moses Lake, and Dick Kurokawa Mrs. Noel Tuppeny attended the family were Sunday dinner guests Terry _________ Borge was _____ held ___________ at the Borge 10:30 a. m.. Sunday school. ved by the hostess, Mrs. William and daily at 8 a. m. at the home of his mother, Mrs. home Saturday evening. Guests were Ontario \tsited the George Hirai extension committee meeting in On- 7 30 p m . ■«erament meeting 9 a m . Catechism classes. Van Zelf. Anna Chaney, in Nyssa. Judy Vanderpool, Wallace Butler.' horne Sunday afternoon. tario Monday afternoon. Tuesday. 2 p m.. relief society. At the next meeting, scheduled Jolly Jane club will hold their first Mr and Mrs. C. B. Hill returned. Mr and Mrs. Dyre Roberts, Mr. Wednesday. 4 p in , primary; 7:30 ADRIAN COM M UNITY CHURCH and Jean and Joanne Haney. for Jan. 17. at the home of Susan meet ing o f the year with Mrs. Doro New Year’s day guests at the home Sunday after an extended ancj Mrs. Varner Hopkins, Mr. and Henry E. Moore, Pastor p m , M . I. A. Kenaston, Dolores Van Zelf will give Frank Pike home were Mr. and Mrs. \ four-week.- trip to the southwest. Mrs. John Thompson, Mrs. Tom thy Reuter in Adrian Wednesday, a demonstration. 10 a m , Bible school. Jan. 14. All members are urged to 11 a in., morning worship. ST. PAI L'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Darwin Jensen and children of Nys Their itinerary included visits to Jones. Mrs. Jack Jones, Mrs. Vern 11 a m , junior church. C. T. Crenshaw, Rector Phoenix. Anz.. the Buckhorn Min- sullen and Charles Witty attended come and others who would like to sa. 20th Constitutional Amend 9 45 a. m., Sunday school. eral wells, Cisa Grande, and Mesa. Adrian high school P.T.A. Mon- Join. Election o f officers will be held ment is called the “lame duck” Misses Virginia and Joanne Mat ( III IK II Ol THE BRETHREN during the business session. 11 a m., baby communion and susaka returned to Seattle Sunday Ariz. From there they proceeded to qay evening. Christian Center Mission Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright amendment. address. morning after spending the holidays Juarez. Mexico, spending two days Mrs Herb Thomas and Mr.- Dvre East 2nd and'Ehrgood visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ken- 7:30 p in , Christmas Eve service .«t the home of their sister, Mrs. Roy George Washington left this coun 10 a m , S u n d a y "chooi. therl ! ~ PeS05, TeX ' and Roberta ^tended a pinochle party nick in Vale Sunday. In the after Hirai. try only on.-e. for a trip to the West to the Carlsbad Caverns. at lhe Rube Graham home in Newell 11 a m . morning worship. Ask a Frlgidaire owner. Washers noon Mrs. Kennick and Mrs. Cart Indies. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Norland en Mr. and Mrs. C. M Morris and Heights Friday afternoon. 7:30 p m . evangelistic service. and dryers Peterson Furniture Co. tertained for Mr and Mrs. Roger family wore guests at the home of Mrs. John Anker and Mrs John Norland and family New Year's eve C B Hill home Sunday. Packwood attended an executive Mr and Mrs. Roger Norland cele Mrs. Forrest Hardman and daugh meeting of the Mary and Martha brated their wedding anniversary on ter, Diane, returned from a short society at the Presbyterian church New Year’s day in Boise. Accom visit to P rtland New Year'.- eve. On in Adrian Friday afternoon. panying them were Mr. and Mr.-. New Y ears day the Hardmans were Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts were Gene Cottier of Caldwell. guests in the Bert Treadway home in Nyssa and Ontario Tuesday on Mr and Mrs Irvin Toplifl were ^ p arnla business. Mrs. Roberts who is the among Che guests attending a pot- . ,. . . . March o f Dimes chairman from Ad SCIENTIFIC luck -upper at the L E. Robbins M raand- Mr!, A , M Hammon I s it p o t t ib le for (his strong c o p ilo t stock PHONE home in Nyssa New Year's eve. I *5dnesdaTy f,.rom an eXtended rian. consulted with Harold Hemg- • * # In sw ro nco c o m p a n y to s a v * 1 5 % on son. who is the county chairman. Mrs Irvin TopUff and daughters. v"l5lt in ° * den U u h E ro in su ra n c e c o sts for o w n e r s o l botto* Teresa and Marcia spent Friday The freshmen and sophomore Mr and Mrs. Miller Henderlider. visiting her sister, Mrs. J. R. Suter classes of the Adrian high school at- Mr and Mrs Delbert Douglas and 180 F * o p orti o s i The a n s w e r to th is q u e stio n of Parma. J tended a skating party held In O n* family, all of Nampa, were New n tn y m o o n m o n e y In y o u * p ocket I A s k uo. Mr and Mr*. Roy Hirai and fam- t*rlo Tr.dty night. They were ac- Y e a r» dinner guest* o f Mr and companies! by six teacher* and Mr* Dyre Roberts and family Nan- trarwported to Ontario In the school ey and Oary Blade remained with T Y P E W R I T E R S RENSTROM bus Many from Nowell Height* at- the Roberts far the rest of their Compia*» Equipment — Low Coat All Makes tended this event | school vacation Bought—Boid Rented -Repaired Insurance Agency The Modern Pioneer chib 1* to Mr and Mrs Dyre Roberta had FU tohar'* T ypew riter E xch ange Hi way 20 West PO . Box 456- hold their monthly meeting at the as their guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Nyssa, Oregon Botse Ph 36061 Idaho home of Mr*. Irvin Toplifl Tuesday, Burton Blade* and Mr and Mrs Jan. 27. Carl Flanary and family of Nampa Apple Valley Adrian News Newell Heights Big Bend CALL US HOW FOR A GOOD JOB WHEEL BALANCING WAGGONER MOTOR CO. Nyssa Municipal Band Show THURSDAY, JA N U A R Y 22, 8 p.m. New High School Gym Admission: Adults 1.00 -- Students 50c