THS N Y S S A G A T E CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY I. H iau O 2 score was tied a time or two oeived a letter from their sons, den­ C *f*. and Fern Kes3er, Stun* Lam- Pirece, who was in the starting Hartley. C 5 tal tectmician -econd class Nell Ran- ber y lineup after resting out the Baker Lovejoy. F Standings scm, and 8 A. Jimmy Ransom who played the Marcum, F 9 Lost game because o f injuries Won are serving with the navy, that they full game and wa - high point nun Ontario 0 Berretts Service — * had spent Chri.-.tmas at Marsilles, v i;h eight throws and one goal, the Savage, G 5 0 OwyAiee Beauty Shop 4 France. latter being made in the last couple Garcia, G 10 1 B & E Cafe 3 Effort expended in winning their ------------- The boys had experienced a real 3 minutes o f the game. Binder, C 2 H p.tal -3 f t o afcrente basketball game la ST p%| |, G U IL D MEETS thrill when they and their shipmates Marcum found the ring for nine Hall, F._____________ __ ___________ 0 2 Brownie’s Cafe _ ------ 2 Friday -.p. lied the undoing of the g t Paul's Ep.^ccpal guild will meet donated money and gave a Christ­ 7 points, three goals and three free Beem, F ____________ 3 3;unz L u m b e r ---------- 1 Nys a high school Bulldogs Satur- Monday evening, 8 o ’clock, at the mas party for approximately 200 Substitutions: Nyssa—Browne 1, throws. TELEPHONE 108 4 Golden Rule 0 day night on the Baker high school home 0f Mrs. Claire Crenshaw, it little orphan girls there ranging in Snider 2, Bumgarner 2; O n ta r io - Nyssa Muir-Roberts- maples, in a non-conference tilt. v&s announced Monday. ag'e from six to 12 years. Though the Anderson 2, Ackerman 5. Stoner 9. Pierce, G ------------------------------- Burningham --------- 0 The nigh; game, played i t ------------------------ children couldn’t speak English, W eLer, was a thriller that ended their expressions revealed their ex­ THURSDAY-FRIDAY In a 49-+5 w>n over the Wolverine^. treme happiness in the event, they The Bulldog versus Bulldog fray JANUARY 8-9 reported. at Baker Saturday is a thing best The brothers left the states in quickly forgotten, for the Nyssa boys Volume o f business at the Union August and are scheduled to return made anything but a good showing Pacific office here during the first in February. Among the countries as they went down to a non-flatter­ Defeat held a barbed sting for five days of 1963 has been greater they have been in on their mission ing defeat, 48-37. Nyssa high school Tuesday night In Technicol r with than the same period in past years, are Italy, France and Greece. Dragging from the first .here was JEANNE CHAIN when both its basketball teams lost Agent Tom Jones reported this week. no scoring for the first three or four M Y R N A 1.0 Y to Ontario teams by 3-point m ar­ During the five-day period 167 cars minutes cf the game, the quarter JEFFREY H O TTE R gins. were shipped from Nyssa and 200 ED W ARD ARNOLD endiitn with Baker in the lead 11-9 Pressing for the lead throughout cars o f various products were re­ Starters Replaced The lovable Cheaper by the doz­ Out to average a 47-7 defeat last the game the Nyssa Frosh-Sophs ceived. Mid-way of the second period. en fam ily" ba' It again to charm Part o f the Increase was due to a year at the hands of Notus, the Ap- were beat out by the Ontario team j you in a merry and moving story Coach McGinley replaced starters slight drop in outgoing freight dur- pie Valley basketball team Friday 33-36 when time ran out on them, as you have ever seen. Browne, Hiatt, Hartley, Lovejoy and Ahead 13-9 in teh first quarter ing December as compared with a night accomplished its purpose by Marcum with Bumgarner. Snider, cetting Notus down 41-37. The fast and 21-12 at half-tim e, the Bull- year ago. In December, 1952, 729 SATURDAY, JAN. 10 | Holcomb, Dillon and Talbot. This cars were forwarded and 2,255 were moving game was played at Notus aogs found themselves one point be- combination made a game of it for received while in December. 1951, and was preceded by one between hind the hustling Ontario Tigers, a few minutes, but the half ended 1,151 cars were forwarded and 1,950 the Apple Valley Bees and the Notus 29-30. at the three-quarter mark and vith Baker rapidly drawing away ™ SZZ were unable to stem the Tigers’ were received. Difference in market giirls, the latter winning. Paced by D WUson. who scored onrush through the fourth canto R O Y ROGERS 17 points, the A P ’s played alert ball that ended with Ontario on the top G A B B Y HAYES and stemmed a Notus rally in the side o f a 41-36 score. behind the sharpshooting o f Myers, Among outgoing shipments last Also Displaying an entirely different final minutes of the game. who garnered 15 points for high lnonth #ere 29 cars o f onions. 88 brand o f ball playing from the S at­ scorer ears oi 196618 from Overstreet and ■ Apple Valley has games scheduled with Ten Davis Friday and Parma urday night variety, the Bulldogs Snider Has 1« For High Adrian and 29 cars of sugar. G U Y M ADISON Saturday. To date, A P has won from immediately went to work, Love- Ned Snider wai high for Nyssa for Included in the 200 cars of incom- R A Y MAI-A joy dumping in the final goal after the less than two quarters he played in& freight so fa r this month have Ten Davis and Roswell i twice) and the Tigers missed the initial shot has lost one to Parma. Coached by with 10 points, with H artley second been autos, coal, gasoline, farm ma- SUNDAY-MONDAY of the game. with eight points after fouling out chinery, feed, sugar oeets and lime NLss Marjorie Sager, it has scored JANUARY 11-12 The Bulldogs held command dur­ 206 points to opponents 174. in the third quarter. rock. ing the first half, making six goals A total of 25 personal fouls was and nine throws. The Tigers’ G a r­ cia was held to a lone free throw, ESTH ER W IL L IA M S throw point* for Baker. Th e local J but he broke loose in the second JOAN EVANS lads could do no better khan convert half to become the different a Bull­ B A R K Y SU LLIV AN 16 Baker personal fouls to nine free dog win or defeat, emerging high V IV IA N B LAINE An adult clothing construction throw points. point man for his team with 10 class, under the direction o f Mrs. A musical comedy about the gals BAKER NYSSA points. Charles Steffens, will be held in the who b< 15 Myers G Browne 0 Second half play in the Nyssa W o­ Steam o f the hard-driving Bull­ they leave behind. A really great rilderM eevp home ^onom ics room o f the high G Hiatt 6 men’.- Bowling league got under way dogs expended itself in the last musical treat. q p iff school Monday, 8 p. m„ it was an­ Hartley 8 C Monday night at Gayway Bowl, with minutes o f the third quarter, when Matinee Sun. 1:110 nounced this week. Love Joy 5 F 6 Pound sponsor replacement?. j the Tigers grasped the lead and nev- j Any person interested in sewing | two Muir^Roberts-Burningham, cap­ 6 Fuller F Marcum 3 TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY may attend. Th e first meeting will tained by Grace Dirkson, replaces er relinquished it, although the Substitutions: Nyssa— Bumgarner be the planning o f tailoring and sim ­ the Farmerettes, while the Golden JANUARY 13-14 3, Snider 10, Holcomb 1; Baker— ple clothing construction. An enroll­ Rule, captained by Ro.-ella Oxnam, Titus 3, W right 3. ment fee Will be charged, Mrs. S tef- j replaces the Bowling Center. Weiser Trails Bulldogs fens said, but amount of the fee will! W ith bowling starting at 7 p. m.. At only one period-ending of the depend on the number of women en­ Fern Kessler, trundling for Stunz Friday night game were the Nys-a rolled, and will be supplemented b y , Lumber, is credited with the first I R IC H A R D W ID M A R K Bulldogs headed by the Weiser W ol- .... . .. , , the state department vocational i strike. Alta Stunz, Stunz Lum ber,! M A R IL Y N MONROE ANNE BANCRO FT education to pay the instructural rolled five consecutive strikes. the third quarter when the score DO NNA CORCORAN fee. Berrett’s Service, captained by | was 44-36 A suspense story that will set Ann Richter, took four points from Nyssa led at the end o f the first your spine tingling with thrills Golden Rule and Owyhee Beauty period 14-12 and at the h alf 28-15 and chills and the screen's most Shop, captained by Bert Fouch, took Statistically, the two teams were ' D E C EM B ER 31, 1933 exciting Marilyn Monroe. four from Muir-Roberts-Burning- evenly matched, as the lin a l score Mambar of Ik« F .d .r o l D .p o iit Im u ran c. Corporatl** ham to become tied for first place. of 49 -44 indicates. Each team com- Henry H. Hartley, Nyssa superin- THURSDAY-FRIDAY B & E was winner o f the first R E S O U R C ES mitted 18 personal fouls, with the tendent o f schools, and S. E. Flana- JANUARY 15-16 half by a 10-game margin. C aih in roult end in F .d « r*l l o w * « l o n k . . » 0 0 ,5 5 * .4 6 0 .0 0 Wolverines bettering the Bulldogs ¡fan, school board member, attended Team and individual honors were Du* from Sank*........................................... 41,704,367.6* on free throws with 16 as against 11 the joint conference o f the Oregon divided as follows: Total C a t h .............................................. $1 3 0 2 4 3 ,1 3 * 4 3 The Bulldogs, however, made 19 Association o f School Administrators High single game, 188, bowled by Unilod S ta t.i G o v .rn m .n l Obllootion», C LIFTO N WEBB field goals as against the W olver- and the Oregon School Boards asso- Mary Belles. Dlroct and Fully Guorontnnd.......................... 1 5 3 ,0 * 4 ,S i l . d e G IN G E R ROGERS ines, 14. j Ciation, held at Salem last Friday Slot*. County and Municipal Bondi and High Individual series, 482, bowled ANNE FR AN C IS Hartley was high man for the and Saturday. Warrant« ................................................................ 4 6 ,2 3 0 ,1 6 3 .0 * by Sadie Butcher. JEFFREY H UNTER Bulldogs with 13 points, closely fol- Them e o f the session was “ Devel- Othar Bondi and Socurltiol................................. « 4 ,1 6 3 ,9 3 1 .0 5 Scratch high handicap series, 445, Old Ironsides on the campus be­ lowed by Lovejoy with 11. Clabby j oping Administrative Leadership in bowled by Maxine Brown. Stock In Fodoroi R .t .r v * Bonk.......................... * 1 ,0 5 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 comes a matinee Idol when he lo a m ond O iico u n ti..................................... • • • • J t B . B I 4 ,677.1 headed his teammates with IS Oregon Schools.’' High single handicap, 198, bowled appears on T V In an ancient points. Accruod Intoroit l . c . l v a b l . ................................. * 2 ,2 4 9 ,2 5 0 .4 2 Dr Irvin g Melbo, professor o f by Alta Stunz. silent movie. NYSSA Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures and W EISER educational administration at the High team game, 635, and high Safe Deposit Vaults.......................................... s 3 7 2 ,7 3 9 .0 1 Pierce 3 O 3 Braden university o f Southern California, team series, 1825, bowled by B Sc E Othar Real Estate owned (Branch locations Hiatt 4 G 12 Hammett Was the principal speaker. purchased for future bank p r o m is e s ) ....* 2 4 8 ,9 0 1 .B4 Cafe. Hartley 13 C .... 2 Laur ___________________ SATURDAY, JAN. 17 Custom«™' liab ility on Accounts of letter« Other team captains are Maxine Lovejoy 11 F of Credit, Acceptances and Endorsed Bills.- 1 ,9 9 5 ,2 3 1 .5 0 Brown, B & E Cafe; Mary O ’Toole, Marcum 9 F 6 Campbell Other le s o u r c e s 9 2 0 ,2 6 4 .7 1 Hospital; Jennie Bennett. Brownie’s Substitutions: Nyssa Browne TOTAL RESO URCES............................... $ 6 4 6 ,9 9 3 ,3 9 4 .7 0 Bumgarner 4, Weiser- Bailey 3. The Salvation Arm y was estab­ liabilities Mr and Mrs. Farrel Ransom re- lished in the U. S. in 1880. C a p i t a l ....................................................................... $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 b with NYSSA POST OFFICE S u r p lu s ....................................................................... 2 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 BUSINESS SHOWS G A IN Undivided Profits.................................................... 9 ,4 8 2 ,3 5 5 .2 0 J\CK WARNER (Continued from Page I) Total Capital Funds............................. $ 4 4 ,4 8 2 ,3 5 5 .2 0 NADIA GRAY munity and the local post office it­ Reserve for possible loan losses. This reserve Filmed in the frozen wastes of self, the postmaster said. is to apply against any loan losses that Lapland. may develop in the future; it has not been Most o f the accounting is now allocated to any particular loans or type of handled through Portland and a loans. (Established from earnings January first class office would deal directly 1 SUNDAY-MONDAY 1, 1949 through Decem ber 31, 1 9 5 2 ) . . . . . 2 ,5 8 5 ,9 1 0 .9 3 with Washington, D. C , m akin g! L Demand ...........................................$ 4 0 0 ,4 7 6 ,1 0 4 .0 0 ( JANUARY 18-19 possible a better and larger supply of i D" OS,TS | Saving, ond T im ............................. 1 9 1 ,3 1 9 ,5 1 6 .4 6 l stamps, envelopes and postal cards | Liability (or l . l t . n of Crodit ond at Acc.plor A first class offioe would call for an E n d o n .r or Makar of A c c.p to n c.i and assi-tant postmaster and a superin- | For.ign Bills ..................................................... 1 ,9 9 5 ,2 3 1 .5 0 tendent of mails and there would be In R .c .iv .d in A d v o n c ........................... .. 3 ,5 6 5 ,2 1 6 .0 5 some changes in the handling of j R . i . r v . for In t .r .it , D iv id .n d i, T a x .i, ffc .. . 2 ,3 9 4 ,6 1 3 .0 5 with parcel post. Of ft or liobiliti.i .......................................... 174,237.51 STEWART GRANGER Although many second class post | TO TA l LIABILITIES ............................. » 6 4 6 ,9 9 3 ,3 9 4 .7 0 offices ar edsuohe WENDELL COREY offices are housed in federal build­ FIRST NATIONAL BANK OROUP CYD CHARISSE ings, a first class office, if it can re­ C o u p « » , fofoir lot Iho Firif National lon k Group Tha Firif Nationol Book aI MORGAN FARLEY tain its volume. Is almost certain to I Farffond and ¡It 46 ifo f.w /d . banking oilicot and 15 oFfl/lotad The bitter fight o f man against k an k i wltk I I bankm f oHItoo. be included in an appropriation f o r , man and both struggling against a federal building, Lewis stated. O f POSITS nature Filmed In the breath­ Tha Firif Nationol Bank of Portland ond 41 O ff lc a .................... » 3 9 1 ,7 9 5 .6 3 2 .4 6 It is interesting to note that Nys- ' taking frozen North. I * othar Oro*on O tfk a * M lh . Ftrd Notional Oroop 156,1 2 5 ,7 6 5 .* 2 sa's post office business has In- > Matinee Sun. 1:3* creased approximately 200 percent I L O A N , ANO DISCOUNTS » 7 2 9 ,9 2 4 ,3 6 6 .2 . since 1938 when total receipts a- The First National Bank ef Portiond end 48 O ffic e « .................. $ 2 9 8 ,8 1 4 ,6 7 7 .1 9 inounted to only *12,578 Since that! TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY 18 ofher Oregon Banking Office« in the First Notional Group 57,1 31,11 3,84 time there has been a steady gain JANUARY 20-21 TOTAL IfS O U B C F S * 3 5 5 .9 4 5 .7 9 , .03 each year, except the period between . The First Notional Bonk of Portland ond 48 O fficae................... $ 6 4 6 ,9 9 3 ,3 9 4 .7 0 1950 and 1951 when there was a j 18 ofher Oregon Bonking Offices in the First National Group 1 5 0 ,3 3 0 ,7 8 0 .3 2 slight drop caused by a change in j k time o f purchase o f a large quantity | TOTAL R IS O U R C IS ef the 66 BANKINO OPP1CIS in the H itch a n d unhitch this new Ferguson M anure Spreader o f envelopes by one business firm, i FIRST N ATION AL BANK O R O U P ................................................ $ 7 9 7 ,3 2 4 ,1 75 02 right from the tractor seat by Finger T ip Control. Tractor The following are year-by-year with gross receipts since 1938 1939 *11 - coupler to haul and uncouples to park with a new-type RITA HAYWORTH :W8 1940, »13.461, 1941, *14,321; 1943 O P fM t o TO I f i x D A Y » A W I I K IM tLUO lHO » A T V A D A Y book and eye connection. Check the other Ferguson im­ GLENN FORD *15.311; 1943. *16.950; 1944, *22,-! ALEX ANDER «CO CK SY provements in design and construction. 659, 1945, *23,169, 1946. *26.204 1947 IIOV' \It 1> WK.NIil I I *27 343, 1948, *29.705; 1949. *32 047;' Or PO RTLAN D Husky beaters synchronized with conveyor, driven by 1050. *33,132; 1951, *32.440 Rita l.s back more glamorous than clutch instead of sprocket, shred and spread in a 7-foot ever in a thrilling spy drama, as the sultry charmer who uninasks path with adjustable coverage of 4 to 20 loads per acra. THESE ARE THE 66 BANKING OFFICES IN THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK GROUP the crook. NYSSA Bulldogs Beal Weiser 49-44; Trounced By Baker 48-37 THEATRE U. P. Starts Year With Big Volume "BELLES O N THEIR TOES" Tigers Hamstring Bulldogs 41-38 Apple Valley Turns Back Notus 41-37 "M Y PAL TRIGGER" T "I "RED S N O W " "SKIRTS A H O Y " resuumg in 30: Clothing Construction Women Keglers ClciSS Being Planned Start 2nd Half At G ayw ay Bowl "D O N 'T BOTHER TO KNOCK" r FIRST NATIONAL BAN K of Portland Hartley, F lan agan Attend Meeting THEM "DREAM BOAT" IS NO SUBSTITUTE "VALLEY OF EAGLES" . Ransom Brothers 5 Entertain Orphans FOR BANK‘ "THE WtLD NORTH" SAVINGS' ACCOUNT Look at the self-hitching on this new-type spreader "AFFAIR IN TRINIDAD" FIRST N A TIO N A L B A N K Church W om en Play Hostess to Husbands THURSDAY-FRIDAY JANUARY 22 23 "CARBINE W ILLIAM S" with J\MES STEWART M I NDEI I. COR! Y fk iN HAGEN P « l l SJI Vt kltT A life * ry that thrub with ac­ tion. '\ r and human cm Mon The man \ ho Invented the Ia>t- aotion carbine ie t .i e Women o f tlve Oolden Rule Mis­ sionary society of the Church of the Naaerene were hostess to their husbands at a fried chicken dinner Hiesday evening in the parsonage recreational room. Kenneth Saunder and Raymond Edwards entertained the 35 who at­ tended with humorous readings dur­ ing the program The remainder of the evening was spent in playing games. i he chairman far the supper party * ■' !: t'* Mr. Robrrt Ja » oq and Mrs. lkm Wilson. T ie ktAway In « g j u **Hed ;he The Ffrtf Natlona/ Bank o f P o r tl a n d and lt$ 4 $ statewide b a n k in g o ff le a t and 13 a f f il ia t e d bankt w ith Vi office« Western Corrugator Co. Phone 181 Nyssa, Oregon Portland Offieos P o rtla n d M a in O ffic e f a s t P o rtlan d B ran ch H aw th o rn # B o u le v a rd Broach H o lly w o o d -R o te C ity Branch In d u stria l Branch liv e s to c k -K e a to n B ran ch M o n t a v illa Bran ch ( n t h and M o rriso n Bran ch So uth east P o rtla n d Bran ch U nio n end R ussell Branch U p to w n Bran ch Oramthii Out •# t»rtlA»4 FERGUSON TRACTOR a n d F ergu so n S y titm Im p le m e n ts A t t k N Y BE A N C ft ASM IAN O k tA N C ft A S T O R IA R IA N C M t ‘ NO (R A N C H f f N T K A l'P O lW T B B A N C * CONDOS B R * K B C O O S B A Y BRANCH C O O U I l l I BRANCH EN T ER P R ISE b r a n c h FO SS IL BRANCH G O L D BE A C H BRAN CH G R A N T S PASS BRAN CH G R ESH A M BRANCH H E FF N E R BRANCH H IL L S B O R O BRANCH HO O D R IV E R BRAN CH K L A M A T H FA LLS K la m a th F a lls Bran ch Sou*h S *th Street B ran ch I A G R A N D E BRAN CH LA K E V IE W BRANCH M ED FO R O BRAN CH M ER R ILL BRANCH MOL ALL A BRANCH N E W B ER G BRANCH NORTH BEN D BRAN CH N T V IA BRANCH /Ml tk * i S «» s r . k i O A K R ID G I BRANCH O R EG O N C IT Y BRAN CH P IN D IT T O N BRANCH FO RT O RFO RD BRAN CH S A L IM BRANCH SH ERM AN CO U N TY BRAN CH S T A Y T O N BRANCH T H I D A I I I S BRANCH T IL L A M O O K BRANCH U N IO N BRANCH W O O D BU R N BRAN CH A ffilia t e d Banks in th* f i r i t N e tie n e i Bank Orcup F irst C c rlto n Bonk F irs t C o r r a l i* Banh P h ilo m ath Branch H fft Corvel « Booh ■»»■ ■¡ 6 * . e » * % d w : ! b o p - a i l e « First Monroe Bonk First M oreland-Sollw ond Beak First O ntario Bank First Sclo Bank First Seaside Bonk First Silverton Bank First Sweet Home Bank First Y am hill Bonk The First N otional Bank e f Co ttag e Grove The First N ational Bank of fugei W est Eugene Btanch The First N ational Bank #f E Springfield Branch The First Na+'onal Banh of le g ei The First N ational Bank of Forest Grove The First N otienal Book of Li The P:*ul N otieool Book of Friiseeilte