Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1953)
THE HYftSA OATS CITY J OVE MAX. MT ISA. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY t. 1153 ¡ J USE THÈ Jr He is attending George pv.x Col lege at Neuburg. I? * QU/Cft Unuiy and Mrs. Carolyn Gardner. Guests o f Mr and Mrs. W, E. M, and M: Prink Bertram left Lundy were Mr and Mrs. Leonard for their home in South Dakota a f ter visiting the past two weeks at PhilLp- and family auu Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy, Jr. the Willis Bertram home Classified Advertising Rates T w o cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the Miscellaneous O lA N B O U S — Electrolux jgners. Sales and service. Ed. R. p.dcreon. route 3. Weiser. Idaho 44-tf. 0387-J4. POLIO Ne v -B E T T E R T H A N E V E R jlicy covers CANCER, as well as ai,y other dread diseases. Costs L’v «12 per year for whole family. tEN POND t \ rth Sri. Phone 218 BEST BUYS FARMS About 120 acres cultivated, ’ a fine row crop, and balance irrigated hay and pasture. Modern 5-room house, good dairy barn. Row crop land under paid-up water, balance of place free water, $37,000, terms. 960 ACRE D R Y FARM Should pay for it elf in 2 years. Ready to go, $10,000. ENJOY AN ACREAGE 2 acres close in with modern 3- bedroom home, $7.000, easy terms. Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement w ill not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. To Buy Or Sell See Mei 420 acres. 6-room modern home. $30.000, $15.000 down, $2,000 per year. 160 acres under old Oaryhee pro ject. good row crop land, 2 sets buildings, terms. 160 acres, good row crop and stock dear, well located, machinery goes with the set up, immediate posses sion. $ W.000, $20,000 down. $1.500 per year. 80 acres, new 2 bedroom home. 40 acres irrigated, $3.500, $1 500 down, $900 per year, worth the money. 35 acres, ro.v crop and stock deal. 2 bedroom modern home, $12.000. terms. 1 acre, productive land, lays per fect. 2 bedroom modern home, close to Nyssa. $5.700, terms. 160 acres, 140 acres irrigated, lays perfect, productive soil, 2 bedroom home. 25 acres, paid up water right, 5 room modern home, several out buildings, $9,000, $4,500 down, $500 per year. 40 acres on highway close to Nys sa. practically new 6 room modern home, $16.800. $10.000 down HOMES Comer location. 200 foot frontage, 2 bedrocm basement home, $1.500. $500 down. 2 bedroom modern heme, furnace, 96.500, down. will consider trad ing on a small ranch 1 bedroom n odern home, full base ment, garage. $1.200. $500 down. $10 per month, 4 per cent interest. 1 bedroom modern home, full basement, 2 blocks from Mam .-:reet, $1.200 down, $50 per month BUSINESS O PPO R TU N IT IE S Your opportunity to buy a busi ness building in Ny--.\ netting 10" Motel in Magic Valley, w ill trade fer ranch in Nyssa vicinity. Small grocery stor». well located, doing good business, $5.000 down. 6 acre-, close to Nyssa. No build ing-. Good spot to build 900 ft. frontage. Garage and service sta tion. Important highway junction, $2500. Buena Vista Mr*. Alva Goodell Phone 069-R1 Mr. and Mr-. Ronald McKmstry t f Payette were dinner guests at the Lv-he Top liff heme in honor of Mr. T cp liff j birthday. Mr and Mr- Frank Bertram and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and Sally -pen: the pa-t week at Med- f, rd and Klamath Falls visiting relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs. Claude Day and family and Mr and Mrs. Henry Day were Sunday visitors at he Howard Day lume. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day were al-o visitors at the S. B H o ff man home. Mr and Mrs. Alva Goodell had as their dinner gue-ts Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver. Gary, and Donald, and Mr and Mrs. George Clearer. The dinner was in observance of Delbert Cleaver's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Fern Runcon and Mr. and Mrs Robert Runcon and children returned from Springfield Friday where they visited at the LI yd Lundy home. Mrs. Lundy is a daughter of the Fern Runcon’s. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lunday played cards at the Ward Lundy home one evening last week Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver had as their guests Saturday evening at cards, Mr. and Mr- Delbert Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Mangus Ekanger and Mr and Mr-. Leslie Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Mangus Ekanger were dinner guests at the Eugene Cleaver home Friday evening. Mrs. Glen Hoffm an attended a party at the home of Mrs. John Bumgarner Friday evening. Mrs. Donald Fryer left Friday for San Francisco to be with her hus band. who has a 45-day leave from the service. George and Janette Shafer of Nampa -9pent several days the past week at the Loyd Adams home. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Simpson j spent the past week in Ogden visit ing relatives. Roger Stephen left Friday after spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, joCELLANEOUS—Do you need READ Y FOR B IG PR O F ITS icney to remodel your home or to Cheapest water in the valley. , id outbuildings or garage? We About 70 acres good land, 23 more m arrange a loan for you and give a little steep. This one can be up to three years to pay it. made to pay big. $30,000, 1/3 down, yssa Lumber Co. 23atfc easy terms. IDEAL, ALL-PU RPO SE FARM Talung a trip? Get one o f our 30- 60 acres level enough for row ay -«.indent insurance policies. Pays crop, 20 acres hillside pasture with S000 accidental death, $1.000 Hosp. free water, 160 acres deeded sage brush land next to range. Fair rid Med. Expense, plus other bene- buildings, good well. $18,000. ts Only $5 00. $3,000 down. BERNARD EA S TM A N teal Estate Insurance 60 ACRES P A ID -U P W ATE R Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. Ideal location, deep rich soil. Some Phone 64 INSUK \\<T row crop land. Modern dairy barn, LOANS N Y S S A . O R E G O N — P H O N E .'00 good soft-water well, small home. ¡0W is the time to gravel your lanes, Own this for $16,000, 1 3 down. ed yards and road ways. Phone 37-tf. M IL K CHECKS HERE 3ti-W. Oregon for the County of Malheur This 40 has a good 5 room home, In the Matter o f the Estate of .ISCELLANEOUS — Septic tanks good dairy barn, and is in a good Florence M ay Servo-s. Deceased. nd cesspools cleaned. Phone R ay community. Net a big deal, but a NO TIC E IS H ERE B Y GIVEN. mond Hild, 64-W4 Parma, or 24, good one $12,600, some terms. FOR SALE — Over-stuffed chair, That the undersigned, W illiam T >arma Hardware. 17-tf. 83 ACRE STO CK FARM 52-tf. Lowe, has been appointed adminis good condition. Call 19. Good place to run beef or dairy trator o f the e-state c f Florence May cattle, paid-up water right for 80 FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall Servcss, deceased, by the County FREE acres. You can’t beat this for paper, complete selection. Firestone Court o f Malheur County, Oregon, $13.500. Easy terms. Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals store. 21Ftfc. and has qualified as such. L IS T IN G S W ANTED NOW’ , THEREFORE, all persons Phone Nyssa 100-R We have lots of prospetes for good W ANTED haviirg claims against the estate of farms and homes. List yours wltn Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Florence May Servoss, deceased, are Dead Animals us and prepare to move. hereby notified and required to pre HOMES Removed Free. sent tiie same, with proper vouchers, MSCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin, JUST BEING COMPLETED Phone Nyssa 102-W duly verified, within six (6» months 3-bedroom home with attached here comes color. A washable, rub- Payette 67$. from the date o f this Notice, to the garage. Shiny hardwood floors £enead finish for Interior walU and Idaho Animal Products Ca. undersigned. W illiam T Lowe, at throughout, large kitchen with wood trim. the law office of Harold Henigson at dinette, central heating. This is a •covers mast surfaces In one uni beautifully designed new home FOR SALE -Sewing macnlnes, P fa ff | Nyssa, Oregon, which place the un- form coat. on a 70 foot lot. Paved stree>t— and Universal, new and used. Fire designed selects as his place of •dries to a satin sheen in less than business in ail matters connected MdewmfeJ and driveway all in. stone store. one hour. 21Ptfc. Strictly FHA construction. Be the _____________________________________ with said estate. •twelve handsome colors all ready g iik I W illiam T. Lowe, first to hve in this home. $13,000, to use. Administrator o f the Estate of easy tenms if desired Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. Nice 5 room modern home, wall to piorence M ay Servoss, Deceased VETERANS SPECIAL 2-bedroom modem home, nearly wall carpet, new paint. Garage, very j Dated and first puolished Decem- B ILL LANE good 200 head chicken house w ith ; ^ n ¡952 new, $5.800, $1,300 down. AU CTIO NEER all equipment on about 2 acres w ith < publication Jf.nuary 8, 1953 ENJOY C O U N TR Y LIF E — Farm and Livestock Sales shrubs and trees. On paved road a n d _________________ _________________ Special — Modern 2-bedroom — 1 water right from Owyhee ditch, j Phone 169 Nyssa, Ore. NOTICE acre $5,700. E'arm Sale Date* $6.500, most cash. Please take notice that the annual; ROOM A -P L E N T Y — 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An • meeting of the land owners within 37-tf. 4 room house with four more abundance of free gravity water, Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District rooms in basement. Modern ten I COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready $31,500, easy terms. j will t»e held on Tuesday, January 13, ant house, always rented. Extra lot to build your driveway, parking area, 2 bedroom house $3,000, only $500 lg63 at t^ e council Chambers, City- with this. $7250 school yard, feed lot, lounging cc down, baiar^e hke rent. Hall, Nyssa, Oregon. I Implement shed. Only pugmlll as O N LY $3,000? Yes sir, we have one. all modern. h o u M ^ ^ * ' I T h « election c f one supervisor will phaltic concrete mix in this area. only $1.500 down Low cost, guaranteed work, free esti 2 bedroom home near city park be held at that time together with ! any other business which may come mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A 3DGE OF TO W N $4.600, terms. Nearly new, 2 bedrooms 100 foot before the meeting. or phone 280. Ontario. 13-tf. lot, $7500. terms to suit. Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOMS By Harold Henigson. Secretary. BOB THOM PSON AGENCY Mr. Working-man. here is a speci 61-2t. 97 ous, comfortable home for your family, nearly new and well lo FOR SALE—Milk cows, Oueri^teys M EN TIO N THE HELP W ANTED— G irl for general cated, $8300, easy terms GATE C IT Y JOURNAL Holstetns and Jerseys, milkers and office work. Must be able to type. BUSINESS O P P O R T W N IT IE » WHEN B U YIN G springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone Call 444. 52-tf. MOTEL RATES H .G H ? 306. Ontario. Oregon, across from W hy don’t you get on the receiving 0ntarlo sale yard 2mtfr end and enjoy those high r a t e s ? ------------------- We have a good 14 undt motel for , FOR SALE WANTED— Highest prices pa>d for \ $10,000, all modern and furnished.! 2 bedroom modern home, full slaughter horses. Clyde Smith Terms can be arranged. basement, extra large lot well 1m- phone 306. Ontario. Across from proved, $5,000, easy terms. East ] AN INCOME FOR LIFE Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc ; Apartment houses provide sure Fourth street. Farm, 40 acres row crop, 34 acres and steady incomes for thousands WANTED — Attention farmers: I of owners. We have several good hay and pasture, 5 room house, new have sold so many ranches, I need barn. Located on highway, $16,000, ones. more listings. Mel Beck Realtor. reasonable terms. 49-lt. Two-bedroom modern home, ex cellent condition, perfect heating 16 North 3rd Phone 218 system, good location. 14 South 6th Motel with market, very good loca tion. JOHN DEERE. 2-row, flatbed pota N YSSA INSURANCE AG ENC Y to digger. Phone 018-J3. Ontario. Ralph G.. Lawrence, Agent 25-tf FOR SALE—7.000 lbs. o f wheat for Phone 53 $3 50 hundred. Call 011-J2. 52-tf. 105 Main St. MEL BECK—REALTOR For Sale FARM LOANS Help W anted W anted F O R S A L E O R T R A D E — 1941 Plym (Opp. Sears) GEORGE J. KINZER Complete Reportorial and Photographic News Coverage IS N O W O F F E R E D B Y The Nyssa Gate City Journal If Il'a News. Cell Us — Phone It NEWS IS OUR BUSINESS USED CARS Dial 9-3371 519 Cleveland, Caldwell. Ida. O.K. RUBBER WELDERS Phone 5- M Farm Loans GIVE YOUR BOY A SWELL ROOM LIK E T H IS —ON LY $5.00 A MONTH! SEE US NOW! STUNZ LUMBER CO. Waggoner Motor Company Phone 180 For Sale or Trade ( HEATING COMPLETE LINE Jersey milk cow just freshened. outh coupe, Prestone, good heater Lloyd Lewis on highway, 3/8 mile and defroster. Phone 39, Saleyard. W e have been appointed agents for north of Nyssa. 49-tf. p' | the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Mak- FOR SALE — Continental trailer ing loans on 40 acres or more. A t house, sleeps 4. Reasonable. E. R. tractive Interest rates. Terms to Norman ; 2 miles north o f Apple suit the^ borrower BERNARD EASTM AN TO -•• r a d ie — N ew modem 2-bed- Valley school house. 5C-2tp-tf Real Estate tvem. full basement home in On- Phon« 94 «•.'io to trade for similar or larger FOR BAUS—Baled straw by bale or 52-3tp. home In Nyssa. Call Erickson, Nyssa. ton. Phone 122-J. *46 Ontario, 363-J 4 4 -U . FCXR BALE—80 acres land. 3*4 ml. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION southwest o f Nyssa. Gerrit S u m Use Journal Classified Ada. United States Department o f the 52-6 tp FOR RAIJE O R T R A D E —2-bedroom Interior. Bureau o f Land Manege house Acre productive land. Terms Two room house furnished, to be Land o ffic e at Portiaed. Ore- or trade for dairy cows and feed. moved. A ll for only 1800 j gon, December 3, 1962. Located 154 miles north o f Nyssa on Good 4- room house, part base- NO TIC E is hereby given that Cecil Highway 20, across road from Bau ment, nice yard, good location. Only H McCormick, of Adrian. Oregon, man's I"arm Equipment. Phone $5500, $1000 down, balance like rent. who> on March 15, 1948, made Recla- 017-J4, Carl Taylor. 52-ltp. 2- bedroom home, bath, kitchen matkwi Homestead Entry Oregon and utility room. Close in. Only 004 (form erly The Dalles 032480). $4200, $1500 down, monthly payments ^ p artn Unlt ..D - or the W H N W ’4 on balance. sec. 34 and S W '.S W li and lot 4, 1-bedroom house, garage, close to section 27. Township 21. S., Range HOR R E N T—Furnished apartment, 46., W illam ette Meridian, has filed IT 'S ALM O ST an extravagance not to take advantage o f the low utilities and heat available. 112 Park town. Only $4500, terms. Duplex 1 block from Main St., notice o f intention to make final Ave . Nyssa. phone 337-R. 52-lt. cost of turning waste space in to.a comfortable all-boy room like 150x150 corner lot, paved both three-year Proof, to establish claim this. L o r r e n t —4-room modern house. streets. $12.000. to the land above described, before SIM PSO N IN S U LA T IN G IN T E R IO R F IN IS H PRODUCTS are 3-room house, full basement with 3— Modern houses, garages, shade, Harold Henigson. Notary Public, at the answer. A H< me Improvement Loan can make It your boy’s IB the basement. J. C. paved street. 3 blocks from Main St. Nyssa, Oregon, on the sixteenth day j K.nith. phone 78-J. 52-tf. All rented. Excellent income pro-1 of January 1953 for only $5.00 a month for materials.* perty. All three for only $11,750, easy Claimant names as wittnesses: We'll be glad to help yon figure out the detail, of remodeling with Simpson ^ •' RENT - Furnished basement terms if desired. E. E. Eastman, of Adrian, Oregon, Decorative Interior Fini«h Products. They Build at they Insulate aa they D e c • >t. Stunz duplex. 38-tf. We have several good business O. L Ashcroft, of Homdale, Idaho, orate— do three jobs at the one low coat. Your copy of Simpson’s new Horn« Frank Johns, o f Adrian. Oregon, Interior Finish booklet is here now. Stop in tomorrow for your F R E E copy! HGR RENT-»Furnished apartment locations, all priced right. BERNARD EASTM AN pith bath, light and heat furnished, John Cameron, o f Parma, Idaho. •Avgrugm m at o f Stmptnn m aterial a n d a m ail a m ou n t o f lum bar f o r tha room t h o u n ab ove, undue Real Estate Insurance I HA /■ want ing, requiring no down payment. uhone 63-J. 32-tf. Frances A. Patton, Phone 64 Manager. • iM f S O N L O G G IN G C O . • S o l*» D tv it.e n • 1044 Stwort B w ild in f • S e o ttle W o th in g » *« ■ >R RENT Paint spray gun Fire First publication Dec. 11, 1952 stone store. 21Ftie. FOR SALE— 5000 Straw-berry Crates, Last publication Jan 15, 1953 POH RE N T - New Clarke 8-inch 12 cup capacity. Quick sale at 5 Joor sanders and 6-ftich edger cents each. First come first served. NO TICE TO CRED ITO RS Nyssa Phone 110 47-rf. j la th « County ( «a r t a t Ut stun» Lumber Co. 16-tf. Call Ontario *5©. For Rent MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS EYES EXAMINED For Sale Livestock For Sale Mrs Eugene Stephen returned Officiating at the meeting o f Nys from the veterans hospital in Boise where s-he has been for observation. sa Toastmasters club next Friday Alan Cleaver has been quite ill morning will be Henry Hartley, the past week Rita Mae and Wanda toastmaster; Earl Alexander, topic- Top liff have been ill with colds and master; Art Walz, grammarian, and Joe Callahan and Mrs. Clarence Dick Yost, general critic and speech evaluator. Herrud have been quite ill. Five-minute speakers will be W al Mr and Mrs David Highland and daughter of North Bend and Mr. ter MoPartland, C liff Main and and Mrs. M L. Kurtz of Adrian werej Dwight W yckoff. dinner guests at the S. B Hoffman Ten members attended the first home Sunday. 1 meeting o f the year last Friday New Year's Affairs morning at Brownie's cafe, with the Mr and Mrs. Leslie T o p liff were Rev. John Briehl serving as toast dinner guests at the John Murphy master. Tom Jones introduced table home in Nyssa. topics. Mr and Mrs. John Adams, Mr. Gus Lim ing spoke on "Tree Farm and Mr- Robert Adams and Mr and ing” and Ted Morgan on "Silk Hats Mrs. Lawrence Miller attended a and Overalls." Yost substituted ?.a party at the Loyd Adams home and critic. later attended a dance at Boulevard. * SMiMOi-aoi Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day enter ■ . ..('""is tained Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Mr and Mrs. Ray Oriffitts. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mrs. LaVern Cleaver and Mr and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver were guests of Mr and Mrs. Jim Chadd New Year's eve. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin en Estimates G ladly Given tertained Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and Aiva, Jr. at dinner and cards New Year's day. Phone 134L2 Mr. and Mrs. Thurman H ill had as their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. George Shafer and family o f Nam Parm a, Idaho pa, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ward and Priced Right — Terms To Suit Snowcaps-Traction Treads Farm M achinery Speakers Announced For Toastmasters Dr. Clare F. Conley Get Ready For Winter Have Your Tires Re-capped KEN POND Vaughn Estrick left for his home in Meridian after visiting several days at the Alva Goodell home. 118 Good Ave. PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY P h y s ic ia n s Dentists S A R A Z IN C L IN IC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K. E. K crby Dr. K. A. Danford DR. C. M. T Y L E R Physicians and Surgeons W ILS O N B U ILD IN G Phone 165-J, Nyssa O ffice Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays. 9 to 12 L. A. M A U L D IN G . M. D. J. R. C U N D A L L Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Daily Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic Jewelry Stores PAULUS JEWELRY STORE NYSSA OREGON DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dental Clinic 7th and Bower Phone iat-W Union Puclfto Tim e Inspector JE W E LR Y — D IAM ONDS WATOHBB Main Street at Second Chiropractor WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C 101 East 1st St. Phone 268 O fficial Tim e Inspector for TTnlon Pacific O N I A R ID OREGON Physiotherapy Electrw- Therapy Nyssa, Oregon Optometrists Veterinarians DR. J. A. McFALL DR. JOHN EASLY DR. B. E ROSS P h o n e 21. Ontario. Oregon Lodqes GATE CITY LODGE No. 214 L O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night, 8:30 South First Street ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION B L U F F V IE W Jersey. Guernsey, Holstein Milking Shorthorn Lennle P. A h ns ted t Technician Phone 2185 or 4073 New Plymouth, Ida. Veterinarian Veterinary Supplies Small and Large Animals O ffire Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone Nyssa 202-W 407 Main St. Dr. Marvin M. Prentice Veterinary Surgeon Large and Small Animals 216 W. Park Ph. 2341 New Plymouth. Idaho DR. VERNON WARD Veterinarian Large or Small Animals Homed ale. Idaho j Bax 761 Phone m i