THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THUR SPAY J A N U A R Y I, 1953 Uncial -Cutes Birthdav Party The Mi -t s Keitha Sirausbaugh, Lei» Wilson and Marian Alford were co-hostess at a surprise birthday party Saturday afternoon and even ing at the F J. Strau»baugh home honoring Margaret Bates. Dinner At Ontario Mr and Mrs. Harry Nalcashima and three children entertained with dinner Saturday evening at the Oriental Cafe at Ontario for Mr. and Mrs. William Wahlert and fam ily and Mr and Mrs. Walter Mc- Partland and family. Yount» Adults Entertained school Mi .- Nt-iaer is a junior at Oreg. n ^-oUege Her fiance at tend the Univer.-ity of Oregon, where he is a junior No date ha been set for the wed ding. •:— * Mrs. Bybee Hostess Mrs. a P Bybee was hostess at a party to honar Mrs B G Bybee on her birthday, Dec. 20. There were 15 present. Mrs. B O Bybee was a recipient of many lovely handker chiefs. ♦ — :• Mr. and Mrs. Club Mr and Mrs. Earl Hollingsworth hosts to their Mr. and Mrs. club M nday night a' their home. Attending the affair were Mr. and Mr Grant Rinehart, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Liming. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Danford and Dr. and Mrs John O l sen. Mr. and Mrs. Glca B.’.lings were guests of the club. Prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. Liming, high and Mr. and Mrs. Rine hart, low. Members of the Young Adult Cla-- of the Methodist church were entertained by Keith Hcrrman Sun- day evening at the Leroy Herrman home. Cliff M iin had charge of de votion- and Jerry Crandall con R.N.A. New Year’s Party ducted the program. The Royal Neighbors of America held an early New Year’s party .Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. Girl Scout Party hall for members and their fami Members of Girl Scout troop Four lies. enjoyed their Christmas party and The program included showing of gift exchange la-t Tuesday evening moving pictures and playing of at the home of their leader, Mrs. games. Mrs. Ed Pruyn wa chairman of the pregram, assisted by Mrs. William Schireman. They also finished their Christ Mural Lewis. Mrs. Clifford Fox had mas project of ba-ket weaving. Re charge of refreshments. freshments were served by Mrs. Schireman. •1*—❖ Sugar Factory Office Staff Has Dinner A group of 17, members of the office staff, their husbands and wive.i of the Amalgamated Sugar Co. gathered for a Chri tmas dinner party last Tue-day evening at the Country Club near Payette. Gift ex change was held the next day at the office. Ralphie Capper Honored Ralphie Capper was honored guest at a birthday party given at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Capper in celebration of his sixth birthday anniversary. Addi tional 13 guests were present. Re freshments were served late in the afternoon. ❖ — Goose Dinner Sunday Mr and Mrs. 6. P. Bybee enter tained with a goose dinner Sunday at their home for guests, Sgt. and Mrs. Bybee and son, Kim, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Byee and Pamela and Mrs. H. E. Chamberlain. v —v Entertain Christmas Eve Mr and Mrs. Owen Gann enter tained friends and relatives with gift exchange at their home Christ mas eve. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loony, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Norland and Lonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Strom and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cox and sons. *> — + Pinochle Club Pinochle club was entertained at a dinner at the Moore hotel in On tario a week ago Thursday, and re turned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Holcomb for the rest of the evening. Winners at card playing were Mr and Mrs, Tom Eldridge high, and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kesler, low. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell were guests. • 1 * — • > Monday Bridge Club The Monday afternoon bridge club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Jim Hansen of Parma this week. Mrs. Gene Stunz was a guest player. Prizes were won by Mrs. Huston Wilson and Mrs. Stan Newman. •t— + Berrett’s Employees Given Christmas Party Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bingham enter tained employees of Berrett’s Ser vice and Cafe and their wives and husbands at a dinner party Satur day evening at the Morroco club. After dinner and dancing the group of 24 were guests at the Bingtiam home. Bridge Foursome Mrs. Eddie Powell was hostess to her Monday evening bridge four some this week. Mrs. Thomas Jones was high score prize winner. * —* Party Honors Corvallis Guests Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Holman of Corvallis were honored guests at a social evening Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson. Additional guests were Mr and Mrs. Hugh Tobler and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis. Tuesday Bridge Party Mrs. Phyllis Counsil was hostess to her Tuesday evening bridge club at her home Monday evening. Guests were Mrs. Tommy Holman of Cor vallis and Mrs. Dale Overstake. Prize winners at bridge were Mrs Clifford Mink. Mrs. Robert Wilson and Mrs. Duane Alters. \ Adrian News C O N T E Sr LOOK W HAT 1953's First Baby W ill Get! F irst baby born here after the stroke of midnight, Dec. 31, will reap inis rich h a r vest of gifts. Mom and Pop Mrs. Pauline .McGinnis I Mr. and Mrs. Horace Simmons and family moved into one of the De- Bord apartments across Snake river Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jacobson and daughter of McCloud, Calif., ■vho have been spending the wreek vith the Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Moore, left Monday to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. William Jacobson of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Ness Hatt of Owy hee were dinner guests Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker. Mr and Mrs. Geoff Williams, Mrs. Margerite Scott and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Newman and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton and son of Homedale were dinner guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch spent Christmas day with her sister. Mrs. Babe Hinman and family in Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs Jim Moncarr in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Alvon McGinnis, Mrs. L»oura Smith and Mr and Mrs. Cecil Smith and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Smith of Mitchell Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney and sons had as their guests Saturday evening his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Looney of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis and Junior spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch in Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch called in the evening. Christmas dinner guests at the A C. Henderson home were Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bonde and family, Mrs. Lorraine Glennon and sons, Mr. Al bert Tillison o f Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney and sons and Mrs. Anna Sparks and Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Martin and family spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. English in Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neer and daughter of Portland returned to their home Sunday evening after spending Christmas with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. K I Peterson. Johnny Hamilton of Homedale spent Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Boo Toombs and family of Nyssa spent Sunday even ing visiting at the Vernon Parker home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eastman and family were Christmas dinner guests of their son. Bob and family in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hibbards of W il der. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft were guests Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hamilton of Wilder. Mrs. Hodges, first grade teacher, underwent surgery in the Ontario | hospital Monday morning Patricia Smith is helping nurse her. Mr. and Mrs. Alvon McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis and fam ily and Mrs. Loura Smith were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Teske of Nyssa. Kristine Korman cf Boise is spending the holidays visiting her j grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas of Big Bend visited Christmas evening at the Bill Ashcraft home. get plenty, too, for their share in the happ y event. P r a y for luck! BRACKEN'S Sponsored by Merchants of Nyssa, in Cooperation W ith Malheur Memorial Hospital and the Gate City Journal READ THESE SIMPLE RULES 1. W inning b a b y m ust be born at M alh eu r M e m o r ial H ospital. 2. A tten d in g ph ysician m ust ce rtify e xact time ■ of birth. 3. In event of tie. gifts will MALHEUR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WILL CON TRIBUTE $50.00 TOWARD HOSPITAL EXPENSES OF THE FIRST 1953 BABY WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Blanket—Towel Set be a w a r d e d at discreation of com m ittee. BEN FRANKLIN STORE NYSSA PHARMACY Eating Set Towel Set Crib Pad OWYHEE PHARMACY PETERSON FURNITURE EVERYBODY'S STORK SHOP Formula Bag High Chair Flannelette Diapers Baby Bunting EDER HARDWARE INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE CO. TAYLOR'S FOODS SCHOEN PORTRAITS Baby Foods 8x10 Colored Photo WESTERN STORES WILSON'S SUPER MARKET Silver Cup Bassinette FIRESTONE STORE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND Bath Set Tricycle GORDEN'S DRIVE-IN $5.00 Savings Account Baby Bottles HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. BOISE-PAYETTE LUMBER CO. Canned Milk 10 Free Lub Jobs ROBERTS-NYSSA Lub, Oil Change, Wash $5.00 Cash MARSHALL-WELLS STORE NYSSA INSURANCE AGENTS Diaper Can $10.00 Cash FOOD MART NYSSA GREENHOUSE CLOVER LAWN DAIRY Baby Food Floral Bouquet PAULUS JEWELRY NYSSA LUMBER CO. Jimmy Weeks Set $5.00 Cash 15 Qts. Milk LOCAL NEWS 4*—-F Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Stunz and daughters of Boise were visitors Sat Dinner Honors urday at the home of Mr. Stunz’s | Service Man brother, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz.1 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Smit of Arcadia enroute to Brookings, Ore., to visit entertained with dinner honoring his sister. Nick W McDonough who is home Miss Shirley Nolen, who la a soph on 12-day leave from his station | omore student at Oregon State col with the Coast Guard at Alameda. lege at Corvallis is spending the Calif. Additional guests were Mr. holiday vacation at the parental Irl and Mrs..John McDonough and fam Nolen home. ily of Ontario. Mr. McDonough will Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dewey left be stationed at New Holland, Conn., Saturday for Hermiston where they after the close of his leave the first will visit their daughter and family. of January. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Henry. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sutliff of Taft. Neiger-Chadwick Calif., have been spending the holi days in Nyssa visiting with their1 Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich Neiger, 1006 .son, A O. Sutliff and family of 312'a Park avenue, this week announced Ennis avenue. Marill Burhidge is spending the the engagement of their daughter. Barbara, to R.ivce Chadwica, son holiday vacation with her parents. of Mr and Mrs. A1 Chadwick, MO Mr and Mrs. S Burbidge She will return to her job in a P rtland de Reece avenue. Both are graduates of Nyssa high partment store afier New Years. | JACKSON JEWELRY STORE NYSSA FOOD CENTER Baby Toilet Set Child’s Jewelry