Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, January 01, 1953, Image 3

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Former Chairm an
Continues Details
«Continued Trim page 1)
the «re.- are in Oregon, thirty per­
cent are in Idaho. There are ten in­
dividual Irrigation districts sub^cnb-
ing for this water If ever a desert
wa.- turned into a Garden of Eden,
it is this Owyhee transformation.
There is not another such prolific
producer of the products of the soil
to be found in the west. It is a révé­
lation of the magic oi reclamation
The tie of community endeavor, the
death of communism. Where waters
impounded in the cauldron of the
devil are lead to the valley for the
beautification of the Garden of
Paint & Glass
B e n n e tt’s
Colorized P ain ts
A uto G lass In stalled
M irrow s, W indow Glass,
S tore F ro n ts and All Types
of G lass for F u rn itu re Tops
P hone 310
110 Main
Eden Truth prevaiieth over evil re­ ed and back home within the hour. lands brought Into pn ductien
gardless of the "i-jn" that confronts Where is the lr aoessible to be fcund through the waters of C wyiiee Lak?
it The citadels of An en. a are bul­ today ' Tlie lake ha- been sucked Quoting fr m the Or.g, , ;.m f
warked in the soli of uncountable with a variety cf Izaak Waltons September 35. 1961, "I am very
choicest thrill tuggers and w hen­ much interested In this a a park
Tlie orwin of the n. me ’Owyhee' ever you oast, your efforts are re­ site The pla .e has won.e.ful . p-
will be .merest ;ng u many reader- warded.
prrtuttit.es * r recreation and t
Tae natural thought would oe of
There is one interesting thing would also be good bec.iu-t f the
local origin, possibly some Indian noted in the present day attendance i aturai beauty of the Ink
tribe but we went oversea, to the ar.d that is that it comes from Ida­ too." he added, “there are n ta'e
Hawaiian Islands, for it. Quoting ho’ Mu.-t the «¡ranger have to unfold park in sou‘hea«tern Ore.- n. and
from Lewis A McArthur’s book, to our un.-eemr eye- the recreational I feel one is needed " G< vernor
’■Oregon Geographic Names '— "In treasure we possess?
McKay's statement sh< w a deep
1826, Peter Skene Ogden's explora­
interest in the proposed pr ject. and
tory expedition went into the Snake
future plans to be worked cut for
Hiver country, was attacked by
! its development I feel will have the
Snake River Indians, and tiwo mem­ tional area? There are two units of I full support of Governor Douglas
bers of the party were killed They the government set up for this pur­ McKay.
happened to be Hawaiians, hence pose. the U S Government through
I would like to amplifo m e por-
its National Park Service, the State
the name Owyhee in their comme­ of
Oregon through its H ighviy ; tion of tihe Governor's statement
moration." McArthur makes one in­
and Park Division All therein he notes that st utheastern
teresting notation, that a century Commission
for this development Oregon has not state park : that he
ago, the Hawaiian Islands were is now owned by
U. S. Govern­ 1 feels one is reeded. During a 25
known as the Owyhee Islands. ment, hence there the
is no need of a year period, 184 recreati. nal areas,
What’s in a name still remains re­ budget for acquisition
purposes. It small and large, have bee:; ., quired.
mote in the majority of Oregonians' is purely one of development,
and Of this total, approximately 75 per­
minds of the scenic mysteries of this can be carried on in yearly stages.
are vest cf the Ca- ide', 25
vatered vulcanized canyon. The There are two precedents in the cent
east of the Casca..
waters temporized the savageness of west comparable to the preposed is no park
in the state p.»..^ \stem
its ruggedness, and the musical lilt development
cf the Owyhee recrea­ that exceed- Owyhee Lake :n recre-
cf the islands in my Owyhee softens tional project,
wherein the U. S. at.or.al and scenic attributes. As
the edges of a once lampant world. Government through
its National formerly noted. I firmly believe that
On the canyon walls, Indian hier- Park Service is now developing for the recreational development of
oglyhics of Aborigines' arts and facts recreational purposes, one being at Owyhee Lake should be a c< -ordi-
await deciphering by the wisdom of Coulee Dam in the state of Wash­ nated project between government
present day technology. Maybe the ington, the other. Lake Mead, cre­ and state. However, if such a com­
key to the mysteries of the volcanic ated through the construction cf bination cannot be worked
canyon is lost.
Boulder Dam located in the state the state should assume the re­
Half way up the lake is a naturally of Nevada.
sponsibility of the development of
created landing field Small ships
The U. S. Reclamation Bureau is the recreational resources of Owy­
fly in from Boise and intermediate the administrator of the Owyhee hee Lake.
points, from Nyssa and Ontario. A project. In all of the state's investi-
With a tourist business third in
few moments of passage, a creel fill - 1 nation of the possibility of Its recre income in the state destined to be­
. — -
,■ I
nt, ihe Burt au has come first, a capital outlay for the
been interested and helpful in every development of this recreational
way. The National Park Service has I asset is good business. Give the
made several temporary investiga­ Parks Division two percen of the
tions of the projeot and are fully yearly highway income that Owyhee,
aware of its recreational possibili­ its counterparts, its overnight camp­
ties. Both departments are under ing, it' iwayside luncheon
ps may
O ptom etrist
Mie Department of the Interior be hastened in their devi l, pment.
ihich is significant of full co-opera­ It sh. uld be remembered that the
Eyes E x a m in e d
tion. In 1949, Congres, passed H R. tourist trade is one of the keenest
4403 which reads as follows: “To, competitive businesses in the world,
Phone 9-2312
facilitate the administration by the for you are competing with the
Secretary cf the Interior, in co­ world. Oregon has been bt decked
7 18 A rthur St.
operation with other Federal. State with a varied beauty second to none.
I and local agencies, of the recrea-1 Showcase It, for if left in the dark,
Caldw ell, Idaho
; ticnal uses of lands and ..vater it returns r.o lustre. California's
I within reclamation, flood-conuvl, yearly tourist income is around 500
I po wer, and other Federal reservoir million dollars. Our Touri-; Bureau
projects." The law reads that funds' shows cne-million foreign licensed
1 will be budgeted by c, ngress for de-! car' visiting Oregon in 1952 It fur­
I veiepment purposes. (It should be! ther : hows *hat 50 percent of that
r.cted at this point that no expendi- ' fetal carried California licenses.
| tures for development purposes will Why? Because we have superior
be added to the water rights of the scenery, air conditioned air, a side
project settlers.) The law authorizes road to hear a sermon preached on
the Secretary of the Interior to \ Creation away from the clank and
I transfer the recreational develop­ smog of the outside world. We have
ment to the state for administration '
j pui poses. With the Coulee Dam and
! Lake Mead projects as criterions of
procedure, it teems a known direc-
j tive for the state.
| However, the intent and concern of
the state in the development of the
Owyhee recreational project should
be noted. Upon the invitation of in-
! terested citizens of Nyssa in the de-
i velopment of the recreational re-
| sources of the lake, members of the
: T. H. Barafield Commission visited
the lake on May 12, 1948. They were
! very much impressed with the scenic
features of the area, but were hesi­
tant in adding it to the park system
due to the cost cf development. The
main contributing factor being the
I revamping of the road to the lake
j which is some thirty miles in length.
! Their actions in such matters are
I controlled by the park law passed
j by the Legislature and signed by the
j Governor on February 25, 1925. The
j law empowers the Commission to
j secure recreational areas adjacent
to, along or In close proximity to
Thank you for
! state highways. In a case cf this
type, meaning so much in general
I recreational development of the
state, what latitude should be taken 1
good will
j in the interpretation of "proximity? ,
Until this clause is amended, a 1
state wide park system is unobtain­
able. An odd condition confronts us;
Phone 17
for the want of a wheel the Uni­
verse stood still for centuries. There
was no rut to follow to the next
parish. Now we have the wheels, but
no surface to roll them on. Could it
be we who are In the rut of Isola­
An Invitation was sent to Gover­
nor Douglas McKay by organiza­
tions of Ontario and Nyssa to be
their guest in a preview of Owyhee
Lake and its many scenic attrac­
tions. The Governor responded to
N yssa, O regon
the invitation and spent two days in
September 1951, in looking over the
lake and the developed irrigated
d rmart stasi, urkn. wn I* further
he v that Calif, rnian- are dlscern-
k ( where •<> kx k for the ac­
tual beauty along the wayside un-
tarr.t hed
K c mpari'on may be made in the
tourist draw..,« power of a develop­
ed re red t: nal Owyhee project, by
.Ting the attendance at Lake Mead
ar.d Coulee Dim In 1951, Lake Mead
drew slightly over two million peo­
ple. Coulee Dam slightly over three
hundred thousand people.
If Oregon would build unto Its
beauty for a world to see. It would
bring C wyhee to the doorstep of the
passing public. Treat the soul to
ft music from a terrestrial world
with an offertory on behalf of the
T v th e G ate C ity J o u rn a l C lassified colum ns for results.
128 MAIN
PH O N E 25
The White House In Washington H
is visited by 1,000.000 people annual- ■
Patrick Henry was the only man
to decline appointment as Secretary
of State.
. ♦ •• V I
T h e a n s w e r to e v e ry d a y
i n s u r a n c e problem s*
and a new wish
for veut happiness i
Here's wishing you all the answers
to all your questions and a very,
•If you’ll address your own in­
surance questions ta this office,
we ll try to give you the correct
answers and there will be no
charge or obligation of any kind.
N yssa
Insurance Aqency
105 Main St.
Phone 53
Corner 6th & Good
Drug Company
And a new era of p u c i
...t f w
on e
We are thankful to be starting
another year in our community,
and prosperity for our
among our good friends.
. friends everywhere.
Success to every one of you.
We’re wishing you
a bigger .better,
and happier New
Year for 1953.
Sunshine Dairy Products
/ u m itü rc com pany
r r r j7 z n h 7 7 7 *
Phone 176-W
N yssa, O regon
Serving the Snake River Valley