THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1952 Newell Heights attending w re Mr Dudley K urtz. Mrs. Stanley Hill. David and Nan -v. •dr and Mr., Eugene Stephen Mr. Modern P ionrrr < lub and Mrs. K enneth Price and son, Mrs. George Ro,,back and daughte-, Pilone (ISO-RI Dick de G root and Mr and M: The Yeung Pi pie’- group of the Irvin Topliff and girl,. United Presbyterian church enjoyed 1 Dick de Groot, formerly of Hol and now of Vancouver, B C . a potluek upper .it the nonaid S ax land, visited the M I Kurtz home Fri ton h< me Saturday evening. Those day to at Monday. He will per.d Christm as in Chicago, then proceed on to K ansas, where he will make T Y P E All W M.ike.s RITERS his heme. Bought Sold—Rented—Repaired Mr and Mrs. M I Kurtz and Mr and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz attended the FU-U In i .> Typet* riter Exchange wedding of Miss Eleanor Durnil of Hi way 20 West P O Box 459- Caldwell to Pvt. Lawrence Fritts, Boise. Ph. 269C1- Idaho also of Caldwell, but now stationed Get Ready For Winter Have Your Tires Re-capped Snowcaps- Traction Treads O.K. RUBBER WELDERS 14 South 6th Phone 5-M __________ in T txu- The wedding was per formed at the Presbyterian church in Caldwell Tuesday evening. Mr and M r, A rthur Norland, who ob erved their wedding anniver.-ary Saturday were honored dinner guests of Mr. and Mr- Roger Norland. Also present to celebrate the event were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Au-man of Ad rian. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Findley of M adras and Frank Pack of Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests at the Roger Norland heme. Mr. and Mrs. H arry W arren of Parm a visited their daughter, Mrs. Irvin Topliff, and family Sunday. They were accompanied by Helen Anne and B arbara Suter, also of Parm a. Mrs. M M atsusaka, who recently returned to the states from Jap an arrived Monday evening to visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Hirai, and family. She is accom panied by her daughter, Joanne. Stanley Hill and Carl Lee left for Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Saxton en tertained ^t a birthday dinner for Donald Saxton Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jennings of The Dalles have been visiting at the Lee Saxton home. Also visiting are Mr. and Mrs. W ayne Best of O ak land. Calif., who are planning on rem aining for the holiday.'. Mr Lydia Worden, wno has been confined in a hospital after her re cent automobile accident, returned home last week Visiting her Sunday were Mrs. V.rna Co'tley and Linda of Hcmedale and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leedy of Payette. Mr. and Mr M L. Judd visited in 3oise Sunday and Monday at the heme of Mr Judd's brother, Robert Overstreet Mr. and Mr Rube G raham and G ary and Mr. and M r,. Harold Byard and family of B ne went to Buhl, Ida Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Thurman, parents of Mrs. G raham , returned with them to spend the holidays. Mrs. Rube G raham attended card club a t the home of Mrs. Hugh Glenn Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Dick Kreigh and Mr. and Mr Bill Toombs and Dickie were Wednesday afternoon callers a t the Rube G raham home. Wesley Piercy returned home from the Holy Ros-ary hospital M on day. He recently underwent surgery and Is recovering satisfactorily. American Indian Day Is the fourth Friday in September. Save with the yellow sale tag. Peterson Furniture Co. 50-lt. Connie Joy of San Pedro. Calif., are visiting at the homes of their par M r and Mrs. Robert Long retu rn ents, Mr. and Mr-. W D. H.Jccmb ed to their home after spending and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison. Thursday through Monday at Jo r W’allaoe Paul, Jr., left Friday dan Valley. evening for W alnut Creek. Calif., to A rrivin g M onday to spend th r visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W al holidays were Mr. and Mrs. William lace Paul, Sr., over the holidays. Lowe, Jr., at the home of his p a r Mrs. Frank G. Cranne* o f Tacom a, ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Lowe. daughter of Ron Campbell, arrived Mr. and Mrs. Jed Lewis plan to in Nyssa Sunday of la-t week for pend the holidays in Salt Lake a visit and to accompany her father City. to Logan, Utah, to attend th$ wed LOCAL NEWS ding of Miss Annette Campbell and Raymond J Evans, Jr Mrs. Cran- nev returned to her home Sunday by train. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leavitt of Lewiston. Utah, arrived at the home of her sister and family. M r and M r. K enneth Cottle to spend sev eral weeks and also a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frell Blair. Save with the yellow sale tag. Peterson Furniture Co. 50-lt. Mrs. Zack W alker, Mrs. W. L. I.anr and Mrs K. K Lienkaemper spent one day in Boise last week. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Gramkow and family of Boise spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Holcomb FOR PROMPT DELIVERY j Mr. and Mrs. Duane Holcomb and Dr. Clare F. EEH H E A T Dependable Service In Nyssa Phone Conley EYES EXAMINED (Opp. S u n l DUI 9-3371 Fletcher OH Company 519 Cleveland, Caldwell, Ida. TO DRAW THE CURTAIN ON THE MOST MODERN BOWLING EMPORIUM IN THE SNAKE RIVER VALLEY On Highway 30, Between Fruitland and Payette Matched Pairs Bowling at 7 p. m. Featuring TED TADICH. of Tacoma, Wash., who finished 10th in the National All-Star Tournament Recently at Chicago. LEELOSK, Bowling Ace of Tacoma. Shig Hironoka—George Vaughn None Better Than Our Distinctive RESTA URANT SERVICE FOOD—with a lingering flavor that will bring you back COFFEE—as you have never enjoyed it before CONFECTIONS—for that 'tween bowling pick-up. Operator and Manager Mickey Wise, Manager Phone, Fruitland 84-11