THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY DECEMBER 2S 1 9 « Social oCutcs Bridge Club Dinner home. D: and M. guests. John Ol en were aid Mr> J- L Hi rritn a. G ift exchange wa Celebrates Birthday aw enj< yed. I»n Vi !’. bv W.irn :. Far­ mer, high and Mrs Ward Wieneke, Jacksons Entertain second high. Staff Members Mr. and Mr». Stan Newman en­ tertained th°:r Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Club Christmas Party club last Wednesday evening with a Mr. and Mr». Thomas Jones were dinner and bridge party at their host and hostess to members of the.r Saturday night Mr. and Mrs Bridge club for a covered dish din­ ner and Christmas party Tuesday evening. Guests of the club were Mr. Mr and Mr.-. Wilton Jaclt^m held open house at their heme Tuesday evening for members of the office staff of the Ideal Gu- ar.d Appliance Co. and their wives. Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Houston W;1 n was hostess at a 1:15 luncheon and bridge party Thursday afterne n tor members of her Thursday bri.i.v club and a guest, Mrs. Dwigh Wy.-soff, Christmas gift e\ . unge was also enjoyed by the group. Prizes at bridge were awarded to Mrs Wyc- koff, high and Mr Earl Hollings­ worth. low. Sixth Birthdav Party Our w i s h for you is that every Christmas M a y be more happy and rewarding than the last. His Flock. Let Vicki Newman celebrated her sixth birthday anniver.-ar with a party Monday afternoon at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mr Stan New­ man. Six little gui :s helped her celebrate the event Games were played and appropri­ ate refreshments served. us all seek Him Christian Church Social He still tends o n Christmas Day. Nyssa Toastmasters Club No. 749 Faith Lutheran Church FIRST Church of Christ CHRISTIAN Approximately 60 attended the all-church social at the Christian church last Wednesday evening. Each department of the Sunday school furnished a part of the pro­ gram, followed by community sing­ ing of Christmas Card», accompan­ ied at the piano by Mrs. Emerson Bingaman. Mrs. N. L. W'ilson wa- chairman of the planning committee, assisted by Mrs. Elvin Ballou, Mr Dan Pennie and the Rev. A J. Hollingsworth. Dinner A t Moore Hotel Austin J. Hollingsworth, Minister To Wish You A ll a “ BLESSED CHRISTM AS TID E” in this year of our Lord 1952. May God help each of us in appreciation of the gift of the blessed Christ Child to give more generously of our time, talent and treasure during the year which lies ahead and now so close at hand. Yours in Christian service Austin J. Hollingsworth Members of the Wednesday even­ ing bridge club enjoyed a dinner and Christmas gift exchange last Wednesday evening at the Moore hotel at Ontario. Present for the party were Mines. Joe Maughn, Ethel Mary Beckham, Tom Burningham, He. b Fisher, Bert Lienkaemper, Ward Tyler, Harry Miner, Ray Rus­ sell and Glen Kenaston. Cub Scout Christmas Party For Mothers nized i:i tin l ,.ui L D S temple, are honeymooning prior to making their home :n Long Beach, Calif., where the benedict is stationed the United States air force K merly U;»> Annette Campbell, br.dt . tiie daughter of R. u Campbell. Mr and Mrs. Raymond J. Evans. Sr . of Malud, Ida., are parents of the groom A wedding dinner wus given fol­ io wing the ceremony for the im­ mediate families. In the evening a reception honored the newlyweds at .. Evans' home in Malad. Mr.». Ronald Butt .«:.1 Mt B 11 ve to M il City Satur- ■ to his uncle. J.m Lee and ary meeting will be held the 21-t d. liter. Viva. The Lees will spend at the home of Mr» Werner Peutz Cl.; una» here with the Lunvilles. with Mr». Kenneth M Donald I Wa. er ran he Owyhee Mr O.-car Houston . . ti:.g M H da are while the owners were Lora Ditty of Ny- a a as a gu» t for the affair and Mrs. Clyde H ke wa and Mr . Dick Brown and co-hostess. > n , t B .-<• visited at the Lynn Mr and Mrs. Claude Kinner a: 1 K jg ar home Sunday. Maxine Kygar children left Saturday morning for rt*t u rued home with the Browns Colorado where they will spend tlv whe re -he will spend the next week, next week visiting relatives. M r and Mrs. Glenn Ward of Ad­ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas ware Sunday evening guests of Tuesdav Bridge Club Ny.'-a. and Mr and M: Byrd Wal­ Mr aid Mrs Kenneth McDonald, Mrs. Campbell Baer entertain ed ters were Saturday evening gue.-t- M and Mrs. George Schweizer Bridge Club Social her Tuesday Bridge club at h ndtd the pinochle party given by Mrs. Dick Stockham was ho-te -s in the Gerald Slippy home. h> me and had Mrs. Leo L renzo f to members of her bridge club la,t P.ebt-kah lodge in Nyssa Satur- R;o de Janeiro as the club's gut Mr. and Mrs B ii M i fit: of Owy­ Wednesday evening for a covered hee dam spent the night Saturday day evening. Prize» at cards were won by Mi t:-h dinner. Christma> gift exchange with Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peu i Lorenz, high, and Mrs. Bernai M r and Mrs. Grant Patterson a id bridge party. Frost of Payette, second An e: . Saturday evening visitors at the td in the Lelatid Montgomery Prize winners at bridge were Mrs. Peutz home were Mr and Mrs. Ken­ change of Christmas gifts was al ’ ill e Sunday afternoon. Vern Duus, high score; Mrs. Hom­ held. neth McDonald and children. W U.ani Peutz and Toots made a er Jackson, second high, and Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. Don Linville and bust: ness trip to Boise Friday. Angie Cook of Payette, traveling. Mi'.-» Marilyn Wilson was honored with a birthday party Thursday <•>. - ning at the George Wilson home, planned by Mr and Mr» Cn. \\ - n, Vera and Hamid. Add::, nil' acre Mr and Mr D :. Wil- >on, Diane and Donnie. T m He».-- ler of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. N L W il n and family. Birthday cake and ice cream were served after a social evening Job’s Daughters Annual Christmas Party Held The L. A. Maulding residence wa- the scene of a open house for 28 members of the Job's Daughters Saturday evening for their annual Christmas party, with Mr Mauld­ ing hostess. Those present included Dr. Maulding’s sister, Mr- Lavern Mulvany of Lebonan, Ore., and her daughter, Pat, of Maryhur t college of Portland, houseguests of the Mauldings. Council members and their chil­ dren attending were Mr. and Mrs. Paul House and Bonnie and Butch: Mrs. Orlin Cheldelin; Mrs. Carl Grunke and granddaughter, Karla Kay Simpson; Diana and Roger Maulding and Mrs. Bud W i’.son and her daughter, Donna Lee. of Steph­ en's College, Miss. A white and red Christmas cake, baked by one of the nurses aides of the hospital, was the main attrac­ tion a: the buffet dinner served in the rumpus room. Home movies entitled, "Scenic wonderland of America'' and Dick­ on's Christmas carols were shown for entertainment. Christmas gifts from under the tree were distributed by Bonnie Kay- House and the rest of the evening was spent in singing Christmas car­ ols round the piano. ❖ — .. Mrs. Bvbee Hostess Eighteen members of the Daugh­ ters of Utah Pioneers enjoyed a Christmas party Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs 8 P Bytoee Interesting stories were told of the experiences of pioneers crossing the plains and each one present had to compose a poem which included the words ’'Santa” and "pioneers." | Mrs. D. O. Bybee is making booklets of the poems and will present one to each member. The group also par­ ticipated in gift exchange. Owyhee At Christmas time we cele­ brate His coming . . . His wisdom ... His Faith. Let us remember in the months ahead, the cheer that His teachings brought us now . . and live them, EVERY day. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Phone 0% R3 O. K K met at the home of Mrs. Werner Peutz Wednesday for the annual Christmas party. A turkey dinner was enjoyed by the group of 2« ladies and 10 children. Flection of officers was held with Mr- Chet Mills being elected president: Mrs. Gerald Slippy as vice president; Mrs. Werner Peutz is the new secretary and Mrs. Byrd Walters was re-elec­ ted as treasurer. Winners of the door prizes were Mrs. Bill Wilson and Mrs. Chet Mills. Mrs. A1 Parker, Bunn's Signal Service Annette Campbell Weds Members of Cub Scout Den four Ray Evans In Logan and their mothers, Mrs. L. A, Maul- ■ Newly-wedded Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ ding, and Mrs. Ward Wieneke en­ mond J. Evans, Jr , who were mar­ tertained with a Christmas party ried Thursday in' nuptial- solem- Tuesday evening at the Maulding Too Late To C lassify home honoring mothers of the Cub Scouts. Save with the yellow -ale tag The scouts presented their moth­ Peterson Furniture Co. 50-It. ers with gifts they had made in their scout work. A Christmas film was viewed and refreshments were served. lor . . love .. peace . . . these are the words that guide us in our celebration of the Christ­ mas and New Year Season. Our wish — that we all keep Memj Christmas Christmas with us in spirit, the whole year through. A Happy Be an angel. Ac­ Holiday to you all! cept our sincer- W igger