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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1952)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEM BER 25. !8S2 LOCAL NEWS Sunday d in n e r guests uf Mr. an d || Mr> Elmer ( ru so n spent S atu rd ay A rthur M oD aniel of P a rm a in Boise. Mr. an d Mrs. D ouglas C ru - Sunday eallers at th e hom e of Mr son were ho sts to Mr. an d M rs. E and Mr? H erb Cox were Mr. Cox's O ruson S u n d a y n ig h t. cousin a n d fam ily, Mr an d M r- Van Cox. 'Ir. and Mr s . Orvel Sanders of S u th erla n d , N e b r . are houseguests of the Rev. an d Mrs. A. J. H ollings w orth a fte r arriv in g h ere F rid ay evening. Mr. S an d ers is Rev. H ol- • Mr. and Mrs. I) Vt. Hooper and B laine will spend th e holidays in Roy and Jtooper, U tah. Mr. and Mrs. I). L. Overstake and fam ily were S a tu rd a y evening d in n e r guests of Mr. an d Mrs. Roy Hoff. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Mann of Woods Cross, U ta h are h ere visiting th e ir sons an d d a u g h te rs a n d th e ir Cfriiitmai 19 32 M py a ll JtappUteM be ijcniM Mrs. J. C soiMh is reported to be Mr- E J W ilkin at H .nedale. fam ilies, M r an d Mrs. C h arlie M ann, M r an d Mr S tan ley M aun. Mr. slig h tly u n p ro v ed an d able to be up Jerry < bester of \ rutilami was a . : l i r a L a v i .. p* i v an d a ro u n d p a r t of th e time. w eek-end gue-t a t th e L e-ter O den Valley an d Mr. an d Mrs. Bill H ep- Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Shaw and hom e. v c rth c f O lita n e. t vo boys a n d M r a n d Mrs M arvin ('allers Sunday at the L. G. Poul- Save w ith th e yellow -ale tag. W ilson an d J a n a le e were guests -en h m s kf: ,1 Mr L avarci 5 0 -lt. . .. ~y_. ' „ S u n d a y a t th e hom e of Rev. an d P eterso n F u rn itu re Co. S im pson an d th ree children. H arp er i5UUU‘, i Moses an d Mr . M ilton C arv er, all ------------- — — ---------------------------------------------- of P a rm a and Mrs Eldon P earson an d four ch ild ren of Apple Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dertn of Em m e tt »’ere vi.-itors S u n d ay of Mr D e a n ’s sister, Mrs. Ella S m ith a t F ro m N yssa th e D w ight S m ith home. EASTBO U N D Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff and 4:15 A.M. c j9 il5 A.M. 12:10 P.M. 9:00 P.M. fam ily will leave C h ristm as a f te r noon for W allowa to visit Mr W yc- W ESTBO U N D k o ff’s p a re n t Mr an d Mrs. C C 5:50 A.M. 1:»« P.M. ’ 6:35 P.M. 9:30 P.M. W yckoff. rr Local to Boise— Daily except Sundays and National Holidays -Lecal to W eiser —Daily except Sundays and National Holidays Lt and Mrs. E. G. I Gene I Stun/. S u zan n e an d Betsy of S an Diego Mrs. M aria T hom as, A g an t i p la n to arrive in Nyssa S a tu rd a y 309 Main St. Phone 21T | n ig h t to spend one week visiting M is. Stunz'.s paren ts. Mr. an d Mrs. A. C. Sallee. Lt. S tu n z's p are n ts, Mr | a n d M rs. Emil S tu n z a n d o th e r j relativ es an d friends. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Saraain and | son have as th e ir houseguests. Mrs. ■sex’* S a ra z in 's sister an d fam ily, M r and Mrs. J. S. H u n tington. Bus an d C arol of M onterey P ark, C a lif , arriv ed M onday evening for a two weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Howard I-orrjojr left W ednesday to spend C h ristm as h o li • S ' days a t T w in Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koth and girls le ft T uesday for S pokane w here , th e y a re enjoying C h ristm as w ith M rs. R o th ’s p aren ts, Mr. an d Mrs. H. S. M urbach and B e rn ard in e. Mr*. Richard Mason has been assistin g w ith inventory a t th e O w y hee T ru c k an d Im p lem en t Co. th e p a st two weeks. DennLs M ason is j sta y in g a t th e tom C h a n d le r hom e an d L aV onna w ith th e Leroy B a r tons. LAWRENCE MILLER Big Bend Phone Parma 5-M-4 h it Cur hop« for your peaoe and happiness goes out to every one of you. In. A p resu m p tiv e h eir is one whose I claim to in h e rita n c e m ay be voided i by th e b irth of a n ea rer relativ e. The gift we cherish most is the priceless one ^ ,4 p of your friendship. 4 1 S ave w ith th e yellow sale tag. P ete rso n F u rn itu re Co. 5 0 -lt. and peace. Bear Cat Chopper TRAILWAVS You deserve a wealth of Yuletide joy H A Y C H O P P IN G ..... V 352 Yule Candle Burning FARMERS SUPPLY COOPERATIVE 18 No. 2nd P h o n e 51 Bright O.K. RUBBER WELDERS May its hopeful light guide us . . . and help to bring ns happiness and prosperity in the ye ar s that l i e ahead. NYSSA THEATRE R oy W ild UOimr MOIiE ufrnn you buy it, P a u lu s Jew elry H OMf/ 1/0/i t '„ben you sell it! * May the friends and relations who happily gather round at Christm as, and the many happy gift surprises that are revealed, create a theme of carefree ¡oy for every day of the year CARL & BURT'S Ils 11 "Worth More” Machine Shop A Tin* IJKfc» S osti» I h till* n e u c È l.l\» .M I I ) o f lire A l l l H I M .V* ÌSo \S> features ofl’pr >011 a ' y * Itoli- nrvt standard «if (lining! R0T9- ROOWf Christmas Calm Let the peace and seren ity of the H o lid a y Season be the goal for which we strive the year around. To all of our friends, we wish a Joy ous Christmas and a year of fulfillment in 1952. Clogged «ewers a n d dr a i n » i razor klecncd with the famous tlectric Rofo-Roofer cleaning mochine. No un necessary digging and septic tanks N o Ford ever held a greater promise of long-lived value than this sparkling new 1953 Ford. Jx>ok what you get! You get road-ruling “Go” in Ford's V-8 and Six engines. You get Ford’s new Miracle Ride for a new concept of riding comfort on all roadh. In Ford’s quality design C.’restmark Body you get “living” room th a t’s the finest, most comfortable in the low-price field. ONE PUCE CURVcD WINDSHIELD, one piece car-wid? rear window p/us big picture windows givjt y^ j Full-Circle Visibility. CENTER FILL FUELING permits gas filling from either side of pump. Shorter fill pipe gives trunk space for an extra suitcase. KEY RELEASE DECK LID is mounted on counterbalancing hinges to open auto matically when you turn the key. NEW MIRACLE RIDE is a perfect blending of advanced '53 Ford ride features like» new spring and shock absorber action. POWER PIVOT PEDALS are suspended from abeve to eliminate dusty, drafty floor holes and to operate easier. FOAM RUBBER CUSHIONS OVER NON-SAG SPRINGS are on both front and rear seats for greatest riding comfort. No wonder they’re calling this ’5:; Ford the New Stand ard of the American Road! 7 Z JS Ju m p e d SEE rr. . . ” VALUE. CHECK IT . . . TEsroHfVE m ! Nyssa Pharmacy w" y i 9 - • MIMIUI O L0 7 * — y tH i T T ? i RECULAI t 3 L ] AUTOMATIC fO W iI PHOT gives you high, compression " G o ” on regular g a ll It’« featured on both V-8 and Six. SHIFT TO FORDOMATIC-and you II never shift again. It's ths finest, most versatile automatic drive ever produced. l o u <*tin p a y I n o r « * l»iat s o u «’» till I m i j l*«*ll«*r Tewr dependable ROTO ROOT« Ser.icemon he« the peeper equip ment to pump Mptic Senke ■ the Drfr*, phone BROWER Plumbing Shop Nyam 1 fMewqll *tf«i lo'i-Mai eNtre cot». fqwiptwer»», ecces mm s«8 tf m I * | K I ♦© >of»ge jf note«. Plume I t J P h o n © M 77 CHOKE Of V 4 0« SIX ENGINES -110- h.p. high-compression V-8 or 101 -h.p. low-friction, high-compression Six. 1> '.T ilt ) ll/ t F.O.A.F. HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. » 314 Main, N yssa