THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY DECEMBER 25. 1S52 ,arty a: the home o i Mr. and M L. T. Pomeroy with a game of card-; afterwards. The guests were -M: and Mr- O H. Schweizer, Mr Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy and Mr Fred Guthrie and Mr. and Phone 02-J3 Mr- Neil Dimmtck The occasion to honor the birthdays o f Mrs. Tuesday evening there was a sup- Guthrie and Mrs. Schweizer. The Sunset Valley All the blessings / /i, Many of the ladies of the Sunset Valley Auxiliary went to the home of Mrs. Clifford Mink in Nyssa to help the American Legion auxiliary pack bags of cookies and small gifts for the veterans hospital in Boise, and the old men - home in Vale. Owen Counsii. and Paul Knotting- ham have been on the sick list the past week. They are both improv ing rapidly. John Knottingham came over and helped with the chores. Do not forget the watch night meeting at the Owyhee Community church. Mr. and Mr- Grover Cooper are remodeling their home and building a tenant house. Loren Stone has leased his ranch to Keith Wooley Mr and Mr Stone expect to go to Ogden for a year, \ \ the season to t ! • t i i • I l ' \ giving his knee a chance to heal D m Worthwhile dub had it Christmas party and gift? exchange Thursday at the home of Mrs Fred Babcock, Betty Nielson w.i- c -h, - tess. As each gift was shown, the doner described her mystery pal When the right one was guessed the gift was handed to her The dc.-crip- tiens caused much merriment. The next meeting is to be the fourth Thursday of January at the home f Mrs. Langley, Mae Wilson, co hostess. M :— Clarice Nothe;.-. Mr and Mr Charles Schweizer and Mr Mildred Hite spent the evening Friday at the h. me o f Mr. and Mr R Up. H.ill- heme o f Mr. and Mr- Ralph Hay- Mr Elver Nielsen . keeping Fay and Dickie Conley, ar.d Mr- Doyn Price is caring for Ronnie Dean Cor.ley. The children’s mother. Mrs. Peggy Conley, Is in the Ontario hos pital having her tonsils removed. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen at tended the Christmas pr. gram, giv- Friday h, me at H m m high Mr. amt ' i : - 1 - Lai daughter- of Pay, <•. were tnir.a. Mr and Mis. Claude Willi - n en evening visitor- at the N. L Wii n tertained Saturday with ea rd home and Mr and Mr- Ed P, veil <,f rue oik -• were Mr md Mrs. Payette were Friday evening - ac t Chi!, rd W -lie, Mr and Mr Clar Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson and ence Reed, Mr and Mrs Charley Culbert ii, Mr. and Mr. Homer Carolyn plan to leave W, In, to .»pend several d.c. . ver Chri.-tni D.a, it o i, Mr. and Mr- Fred Bab- visiting Mr. Wils, n’s parent-. Mr c, ok and Mr. and Mr-. Elver Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs Neil Dimmick gave a dinner party Saturday evening for Mr ar.d Mr- Roy H, lines and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dunn grade chtldre the Ad ami Mrs. L. L. Wilson at LaGrande .a vith Mrs. Wilson - parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Baker at Adams, Ore. Vi- i tors one day last week at the h rie of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke ,* , Mr- Wieneke’s two . : and her father: Mr-. Clair Coulter. Mrs. r in Bean and N. L. Kimball, ill A Weiser. Ben Franklin Store LOCAL NEWS I'hyllis and Janice liichardt, have been ill with the flu the pa-t week. Mr. and Mrs. David Jnhannsen of LaGrande and Bob Berry of Idaho Falls will arrive Wednesday evening to spend the Christmas week-end at the Herman Towne home Mr. and Mrs. J. K Winchell spent Sunday visiting at the B L Adams Wishes You A HAPPY NEW YEAR! tend. 7ii \ \ ^ V > of / // / / center-piece on the table was a Christmas tree made of a nicely shaped sagebrush trimmed with sil ver and blue Chr: tv. « dec »rat: Other decoration included small sagebrushes, three. >ix and eight inches high, in flower pots. V. V. Grider of Ny a has bought the Assembly of God church build ing, and has been moving it to town. It has been at its eld site for 111 or 13 years. Mr and Mr-. Ora Nevgen visited tin* Henry Bake; - in Ontario Friday, and that evening had a> guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watkins of N> a Keith St ker n-.derwent an ope ration at Cald veil, but is now at home and rec vering nicely. Mrs. Magnu Ek.anger ha> been sick with a bad cold this week Pleasant H ur club held a Christ mas dinner for the families of the members at the Sunset Valley hall Wednesday evening. The table- were decorated with evergreen and Christ mas tree halls The baked ham din ner was enjoyed by 32 people. Many of the families were not able to at you and yours. DESSERT SEED CO, Nyssa, Oregon A HAPPY CH RISTM AS TO A U ■■ ; Peace attend ; s you the season -r a h & 'V ♦ through. 4 And may your k V ï ^ ' fondest dreams v * I com e true. \U l \% 19 5 2 1951 , NYSSA LUMBER CO. HOLLINGSWORTHS' We’re popping up *r -* r?. to wiih you Mrs. & John E. Ostrom Nyssa, Oregon y 1 •£? è li \ , A a joyous V ' We are . f stocking up on Christmas. * wishes for your . ? fyM 'V i '" ’ \ -J i ’’ Holiday happiness. mi • ■ >1» STUNZ LUMBER CO. Phone 110 Nyssa, Ore. M ) vta4- Owyhee Drug Company i9 n Nyssa, Oregon S ' In Min prevailing spirit, « e offer eur hope fe r year complete happiness... M a y Chriatmee bring y ou all lta Jof • Wrap yourself in success and achievement in the days ahead. tT * MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. B & E CAFE Nyssa, Oregon Nyssa, Oregon