Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1952)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1952 NV8SA THEATRE TELEPHONE 198 R D AY DECEMBER 26-27 "CALIFORNIA CONQUEST" In Tichnicolor with CORNEL WILDE TEItESA WRIGHT Also The Bowery Boys In "FEUDIN' FOOLS" with Mr^ Uel Alsup as chairman The evening was climaxed with a pr-.gram of -everal Christmas songs md read.ngs. Refreshments were served in the ] Ingebritsens Entertai0 lining rcom deccrated in keeping Mr and Mrs Mel Ir.gebritsen en- vith Christmas. I lertained at a Christmas pinochle •v_••• ! pirty Sunday at their h me Gue.-i Doctors of Sarazin I were Mr. and Mr Clarence Kettig Ciinic Have Dinner ut Ontario. Mr and Ml H ' Drs. K E. Kerby, J. J. Sarazin, K Jer i»n of Payette and Mr and Mr A. Ganford and J. R. Cundall enter .auri Lancaster. tained employees of Sarazin Clinic, their husbands and wives with a dinner party Saturday evening in the Elkins Hosts At Dinner Jo e room . f the Moore Hotel at Mr. and Mr Jin Y.'.f..:. hosts Sunday at a Christmas dinner Ontario. Sixteen enjoyed the din given in their heme. Guests were ner and Chri-tmas gift exchange. Mrs Ava Broughton, Miss Myrtle The group met at the Kerby home I Ilett, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Val- prior to the dinner. — * I _i^z, air. and Mr-. Siy Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dewey and Ml s Club Christmas Party Lila Ilett. Mrs. Henry Hartley was hostess to her Tuesday evening bridge club for a Christmas party and gift exchange Rcbekahs and Oddfellows Wednesday evening of last week. Hold Holiday Party Mrs. Bernard Frost of Payette, Mrs Forty-six Rebekala- and Oddfel Leo Lorenz of Rio de Janeiro and lows had their annual Christina Mrs. Campbell Baer were guests of party Friday at the I.O.O.F. hall, the club. Prizes at bridge were awarded to Mrs. Artie Robert-on, high s-core and Mrs. Frank Morgan, second high. _ j . burial inti's Civic Club Christmas Program and Tea SUNDAY-M ONDAY AND THE SEVEN DWARFS" A return -howing < ' one of Walt Disney’. feature ie;;gth cartoons in technicolor. "WITH A SONG May the bright In Technicolor with est star SI SAN IIAVWARD KORY CALHOUN DAVID WA1 M TIIEI.MA RITTER over your home this Christmas with light and A stocking filled with health and prosperity — that’s our wish for you, t h i s Yultide! warmth. Nyssa MINER'S Funeral Home BARBER SHOP New Year’s Midnite Show "SOUND O FF" with LOCAL NEWS MARRIED" In spirit of the herald a n g e l s who caroled ‘‘Glory to the New Born King,” we extend our s i n c e r e s t Christmas wishes to you and those you hold dearest. OWYHEE BEAUTY SHOP Five couples who have been en joying wedded bliss discover they are not married at all. A bonus package of laughs and stars. Mat. 1:30, Continuous showing S A TU R D A Y -JA N U A R Y 3 RETURN OF LADIES' SHOES Oxfords — Sandals Various Casuals Odd Lots—Broken sizes Values to $8.95 Priced at Values to St.98 $299 $ 2 00 andSJO O GIRLS' DRESS CLEARANCE Many Styles and Colors to Choose From Reg. $1.98 Reg. $2.49 2 for $3.00 Reg. $2.98 a n d $3.49 77c $1.55 $1.88 This is an especially good item—come early Friday morning and make your choice. MAY TRUCKING CO. GENERAL HAULING 1619 Second Ave. South, Payette Pilone 830 with P H I. DOUGLAS EVE ARDEN GINGER ROGERS MARILYN MONROE _ (¡shine Rayons—Cottons Nylons Dressy Patterns TH U R SD A Y-FR ID A Y "W E'RE NOT Christmas Greetings BAUMAN FARM EQUIPMENT DRESSES MICKEY ROONEY ANNE JAMES JOHN ARCHER Show Starts at 12:00 J A N U A R Y 1-2 May the true spirit of the First Christmas shine brightly in the hearts of you and your family to day and every day. LADIES' Dec. 27 Square dance at 8:30 p m at the old gym, sponsored by the Nyssa firemen. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Tucker and family of Warden, Wash., arrived Monday evening to remain over Christina- visiting at the home of Mrs. Tucker's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith. Another daughter. Mrs. Afton Paris and son, Steven of Pocatello plan to join them for the holidays also. Mr. and Mrs. John Wehlitr and son of Pendleton were week-end guests at the Ward Wieneke home. Mr. Wieneke’s father, H. A. Wieneke. who has been a houseguest at the vin Williams of California arrived * r of M here to »end the holidays with her par- at the Medlock heme Sunday for a ent the Rev. and Mrs. Henry visit over the holidays. Moore. December 26lh Through 31st COMING EVENTS shine Mr and Mrs Jacobson and daugh- CLEARANCE The high school class and younger members f the Christian church went out carolling Monday evening. Later the high -cho ■! group was en tertained with a chili suoper at the Richard Mason home and the youn ger children were guests for a chili feed at the church. DECEMBER 30-31 brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Mar- AFTER CHRISTMAS Carolers Entertained TUESDAY-W EDNESDAY DECEMBER 31 Officer- elected at the last meet ing to be in-tailed during the Janu ary meetinr of the Rebekahs are Wilma H n noble grand: Bessie McOonnei! and Sylvia Fox left and right supp rter- to the noble grand: vice-grand. Marv Cox and left and right supporter- to the vice-grand. Blanche It- ind Oven Fingers Other officer- -elected were Daisy Cohen. wird°n: Irene Alsup, inside guardian: Virginia Williamson, out- sid» guard in: Alta Sfunz, chaplin and musician. May Bellon. Wienekn the p a t two weeks, ac- campan.ed them back to spend Christinai at Portland. Mr. and Mr*. Boh Bibbey of Dwy er. Wyo., came the forepart of this week to visit with friends and rela tives at Nyssa, Vale and Ontario over Christmas. They will be Christ mas dinner guests at the Richard Mason home along with Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis of near Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lewis of On tario. •Ir. and Mrs. Wayne Moncur spent last week-end at Barley and Ru pert. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Weeks spent the week-end visiting their son, John Weeks and family at McDermitt, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kudrna and family of Ontario were Sunday visi tors at the Joe Maughn home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tetlan of Idaho Falls were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Grottveitt. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beam of Prineville are visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Clara Beam. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ackerman and family of Kelso, Wash, came Tues day to remain over Christmas at the home of Mrs. Ackerman’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheddie Med- lack. Mrs. Medlock's sister and Miss D >'hy Erwin was hostess afternoon at the Episcopal Parish to 12 member- of the young adult hall. Mrs. Glea Fillings was chairman group of th» Methodist church Sun f the program hour which was in day eveni!.-’. Mrs Ci.ff Main gave the devo- ' tional service and Keith Hrrrim in presented the lesson. Later, games were plavrd under the direction of Cliff Main M: Erwin served re freshment "SNOW WHITE Tiie stranger than fiction story of the gallant Jane Fruman sing ing America's all-tune top song hits. Rebekahs t> Install Officers At January Meeting Miss Envin Entertains The December meeting of the Nys- a Civic club was held Wednesday Young Adult Class DECEMBER 28-29 IN MY HEART" keeping w.*:. the Chn-tmas theme Mrs Gerr 9:am read several ap propriate p ‘ems ani Mr Billings read the Fhr.-una story with mus ical inter: . by Mi He:b Fi. her ■»laying the v. lin and Mrs. C. W Buchner famishing p.ano accom paniment Mrs. Th :na-'- and Mrs. Fisher pre led at the tea table which wa mtered with a miniature sleigh and Santa with Christmas candle at il.ered crn m en ts As sisting M Jone- and Mr.- Fisher on the tea e mmittee were Mrs. A. L. Heldt. Mi Olen Kenaston and Mrs. We ley Browne. SU ITS BLOUSES A “Santa” Special Rayons—Cottons Nylons sgoo Values to $1.98 Regular S19.95 $ | 4 4 to $ 3 0 0 Don’t Be Too Late! GIRLS' and LADIES' WINTER and SPRING COATS Savings up to 50% V a lu e s to $39.95 ______ V a lu e s to $19.95 May the true spirit of Christmas . . born with Him in the manger two thousand years ago . . . bring peace and hope to you and yours . . . now and always. FRANK JAMES TOWNE GARAGE SU N D A Y-M O N D A Y LADIES' Priced From The May Trucking Co. of Pay problems, which, aids in the pro ette is very popular with the peo motion of agriculture and com ple over this section of the state merce in the territory they serve. as they offe? a most modern truck It is such public and business service. Their charges are very activities, producing prosperity reasonable and it has been con that helps to turn the wheels cf servatively estimated that this industry in this section and aids line has saved the people of this very materially in the promotion, section of the state many dollars progress and development of this section of the state. in iiauling charges. They are responsible for bring This concern is meeting with success as they solve the hauling ing and keeping here many dol problems of the people of this lars each year and in this review area and offer first class accomo they must be complimented upon dations. They are prepared bet their activities in the business ter than ever to solve all hauling j world. HENRY FONDA GENE TIERNEY JACKIE COOPER HENRY lit LL Also CARTOON A Return Showing LADIES' J A N U A R Y 4-5 Values to s2995 NELLIE" price and happiness In Technicolor with goes out to every DAVID WAYNE HI GH MARLOWE JEAN PETERS ALBERT DEKKEK one o t you. PAJAMAS PAJAMAS FLANNEL ... FLANNEL $3.49 Reg. $5.00 Dancing Those wild and wonderful days when you were young. You will Uvo again, laugh again to tin wonderful heart-warming story. $2.49 KNIT “FIRST NITER" Music $400to$JQ 00 BOYS' Reg. $2.98 .. Our hope for your Priced From MEN'S BROADCLOTH SUN SHINES. $10.00 GIRLS' and CHILDREN'S Reg. $3.98 "W AIT'TIL THE $15.00 $2.99 Sizes A—B—C—D Reg. $2.49______ $1.98 Reg. $2.98_______$2.49 KNIT “SKI JAMAS” Reg. $3.59.. .$3.19 Sizes 2—14 The management and staff of E V E R YB O D Y’S of Nyssa wish to take this time to wish all of our good friends and customers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Y ear! EVERYBODY SAVES AT Entertainment TU ESD AY-W ED NESD AY J A N U A R Y 6-7 "CRIPPLE CREEK" In Technicolor with GEORGE MONTGOMERY KARIN BOOTH JEROME COVKTLAND W ILLIAM BISHOP Th£ West’s wildest boom town with the mystery of gold looting from cripple creek tinners. only wish you “ A Merry Christmas” and *’A Happy New Year” but intend to M AKE them happv ones for you. Bring Your Friends and Spend Your Christmas Eve Here W e Give S <£ H Green Stamps EZ CARR APPLIANCES Opaa 'Til 9 P. M. Every Saturday M0RR0C0 CLUB On Ontario Highway, Just North of Nyssa NYSSA OREGON