THE NYSSA GATE C IT Y JOURNAL NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY DECEMBER 18 IS ' Ail siars Bcw lo Hawaiiens 69-40; GOLD M EDAL 'Kitchen-tested" E N R IC H E D FLOUR i lbs. . . . 5 3 c SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR Large Assortment Christmas Wrapping Paper * H ■ M » * The touring Hawaiian Am ba^a- dors Basketball club of H nolulu N Saturday night by a score o f 69-40 before approximately 300 fans. D unn« the fir>t and la^t quarters, the All-star- played on fairly even terms, the fir^t period ending with the Hawaiians leading 12-9 Ooing into the final period, the visitors were leading by 53-19, but the All-stars made 21 points during the quarter to 16 by the Ambassa dors. Generalled by Ron Kim, star fo r ward for the Ambassadors, the visit ors rapidly pulled away from the tiring All-stars during the two mid dle quarters. The locals made but eight points during the second per iod and two during the third, while the Hawaiians swished in 22 and 19 during the same periods. I.CW Beck Midi Pointer Lew Beck, former OSC star and All-American, as guest player for the All-stars, was high point man with 14, Just two under Kim's 16 for the Ambassador's high pointer. Bob Church snared 10 points and Bob Wilson eight. The All-stars were coached by Joe Bellon. Starters were Church and Beck, guards; Tom Moore and Lloyd Wilson, forwards, and B W il son, center. Others seeing action were Harold Wilson, Lyle Miner, Ray Larson, Cal Wilson, Stan Mann and Don Herron. Starters for the Hawaiian club, coached and managed by Art Kim, were Miyashlro and Kim, forwards; Makini and Ziehn, guards, and Zor- nig, six-foot eight-inch center who shone at the pivot position under the basket. Delightful half-tim e entertain ment was provided by a trio of pro fessional hula dancers and singers, who sang and danced to accompani ment o f Hawaiian music rendered by the players. Entertainers were Leilam Kanoho, star dancer of Queen's Surf club; Kapiolani Miller, star dancer of Don the Beachcomber’s, and Kaula Low, soloist o f Hotel Nuimalu Canoe room, all o f Honolulu. ay K »[. let ,• : Vile T i e 14 M ind Mr Neil >n and Mr and Mr>. Jack Schenk and fam - ) e dinner gu tv a the E«i Larson home Sunday. Mr and Mrs Melvin Jenson. Mrs. Rat Williams, Melvin Cotterel. Mr. and Mrs. M el Beck, Mrs. Ez Carr, Mrs. Jack Schenk and Mrs. Leon. Childs attended a Stake M. I. A. leader hip meeting in Ontario. A ■racial followed the meeting and re- freshments were served by stake leaders, as hosts to approximately loo people. Luther Fife underwent a m ajor operation in the Nyssa hospital last Friday. M: and Mrs. Orville Child went to Idaho Falls on a temple excur sion last Thursday. M tad He km at < :.ded ub at tin' me of Mr- F O. H Ime: last Wednesday afternoon The Mer ry Matrons held a Chri.-tma party in conue. non with the meeting. Mr. aim Mrs. Ted Bates and Mar g a m plan to spend the Chr; mas holiday- with relatives in Grand view; Ida. Marilyn Lytle entertained the Meth di Youth Fellow-hip at her home Sui.Uay night after their regu lar M Y.l meeting. Lynn« Hickman attended a cat tlemen- dinner and dance at the Moore el in Ontario Saturday Miss Hickman was a warded a trophy for havin- the grand champion fat steer at the 4-H fair last fall. Too Late To Classify Eighty girls and boys of MJ.A. age attended chorus praotice at the W ANTED— Truck or pickup trans 2nd ward L.D.S. church Sunday a f portation to Prineville. Call 337-J. ternoon. This youth chorus is spoil- 49-2tpi m am BUTTONHOiCS The exclusive PFAFF Dial-A-Stitch lets her switch from stitch to stitch as easily as dialing a radio. Give her a PFAFF and you give her a complete home sewing center. Ace Pastime gained undisputed lead in the Men’s Commercial Bowl ing league for the first time last week as Tobler's Feed lost four points to the Bowling Center team. Vying for high team series was close, with Tobler’s taking the hon ors with 2274 point—two more than Nyssa Lumber and four more than Waggoner's N. Van Meter took high individual series honors with 673 and high single game with 278. Waggoner’s posted 874 for high team game. CLASS B TEAM S POST W ID E -M A R G IN W INS Lop-sided scores featured the playing F’riday night o f class B high schools in non-conference games, with Middleton and Marsing seem ingly most evenly matched, Marsing winning by a 47-41 score. In other games Frultland meas ured Notus £2-37, New Plymouth sailed by Homedale 58-17 and Parma cwon over Adr'an 58-44. In Tuesday night play Homed ale lost to Marsing 51-23, while Fruit- land .was taking a close one from Middleton 45-39 at Middleton. Adrian was shellacked 71-24 by New Plymouth at Adrian. The Ad rian Bees aLso lost to the Idahoans 98-34. Buy h#r PFAFF on our lo y -a w o y p la n . S m all d o w n p a y m y n l, e u iy terms o n d a lib e ra l tra d e -in a llo w - once on your o ld se w in g m achine . »PElKJUt X/X/X/X/X/X/X/ PFAFF S a w in g M a chines are a v a ila b le in m a n y handsom e cabinets. PFAFF p o rta b le s alto a v a ila b le . x/x/x/x/x/w /IG'ZAG OVtRCAST SEW STRAIGHT ANO RfVtffSf M A f f MOUYWOOO M ODIl OPIN) PfAff MOlirwOOffc MOOEl Cl OSAD) FIRESTONE STORE 5th and Main Phone 2 Nyssa, Oregon Southwest Nyssa Margaret Ratea P h o n e 0 3 6 -R 2 Phone 21 Modern Methods Make Shopping Easier Here” Free Parking and Delivery A birthday party was held for Phyllis Cheldelin at the O. E. Chel- delin home. There were nine girls present. The girls enjoyed a lovely supper served by Mrs. Cheldelin, then they attended the plays in Nyssa. They returned to the Chelde lin home for a slumber party. Ted Bates returned to his home Monday after recovering from an opera.ion in the Malheur Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Counsil and son and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Keller and son were guefits at the Robert Smith home lust Sunday. They call ed on Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil in the afternoon. Mrs. F. J. dtra.sbaugh has return ed from Scottsbluff Nebr., where she attended the funeral of her brother, Blackie W agrer. William Alfred returned this week from a week and a half business trip to Oxnaid, Calif Word was received that Lois Mc- Oee, daughter of Mr and Mrs. V ir gil McGee nr a married in Winne- mucca, Nev., last week. She has been attending scnool in Burns. The groom was Ben Pam erly o f Bums. Mr. and Mr Eugene Brandt, who have been on a trip la Santa Bar bara, Calif., returned Tuesday to their home in Nyssa. Mr. and Mr.. Ray Russell have re turned from a recent trip to Sail Francisco, where they visited rela tives. Mrs Dave Beers has been confined to her bed for the past few days with tihe flu. Mr. and Mrs Frank Caiilll return ed this week from a visit with rela tives in Manhatta'n, Kan., and Miss ouri.1 Mr. and Mrs Robert Smith, Sr., of Nyssa, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Kendrirk, Ida., visited at the home of W illard Smith in M id dleton Sunday. Mr. and M: Harry Smith return ed to their home In Kendrick, Ida., after spending the past five-weeks at the home o.' Robert Smith, Sr. Miss Louise Relic o f Nampa visited Miss Lila Holmes at the home of Roland Holmes l*st a e e k - e n d Gifts of jewelry are not for just a day but “ for always” . . . to shine brightly through the years as constant reminders of your love L a d i e s’ 17 - Jewel Watches. Wide choice of styles. and devotion! A man thrills to a leather billfold! Men's Watches, Stunning collection of Diamond Rings for la Ladies' bracelets. Sterling silver dies and men. Great Lockets, brooches values! PAULUS JEWELRY Phone 171-W ----- (rim 1 in r i Other R iw riflrslin n a . n j •'**' wa « U > char * * * without rw.tir» T w in I f iv i Worn* *n<| g„. Hrrirm- " W~P>. Ovortriv. oí r T 'riva W rm «» ‘ »ual Kaota