THE NYSSA GATE CïTY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSTU Y DEOFMBFR !» Î9?2 Pie; ce Paces B u lI d rs o !c g ^ r ^ ^ 42 ^ B • O with 113. and 15 1 IL Win Over LaGrande In U :e Till Eagle-eyed sharpshcoting and clever defensive Jvork by Elzie "Peerless” Pierce featured the win the Nyssa Bulidcgs eiced out over the scrappy LaGrande Wildcats in a n^n-conference basketball game here Friday night. In a nip-and-tuck game that wa five times tied up. the Bulldogs pulled the game out by a 45-42 score after it was all tied up at 38-38 with but two minutes to play. Those last two minutes were more exciting and jamb-packed with ac tion than at any other period o f the fast moving game. Enroll During DECEMBER for the MID-WINTER TERM beginning Monday, Jan. 5. Bij* Saving on Easy Term and Course Registrations. New Classes to be organized in all Commercial Subjects. Our School is approved for GI and KOREAN veteran training. Call, Phone or W rite for full Information Bay School and Fiening Classes LINK'S Boise, Idaho 13th & Main Dial 3-8041 • • ’ 1 Going hit the final quarter, the Bulldogs led t 34-33. the widest I margin separa g the two te a m '! during the game With less than I three minutes of play remaining the | . re was Nyssa 37, Lagrande 36. Wild Final Fcriinl Then things began to happen with accentuated tempo. Hurry Bumgar ner was fouled, making good one free throw. retaliated A-ith a field goal: »core, 38-38. Pierce made it one more on a free throw,! followed by two in succession by Leslie Hiatt after LaGrande had made two points: score, Nyssa 41, LaGrande 40. Hiatt connected with a field goal, which was immediately duplicated by LaGrande: score, with about a half minute to play, Nyssa 43 La- Grande 42. Bumgarner was again fouled, making good one point. Seconds lat er Pierce was fouled by Dave Waloh, IN Nl'MBKKs THERE W \S surety, who was forced from the game with apparently, for the nimrod foursome five personal fouls. As the Bulldog shown in the above photograph came co-captain's free throw s wished hark from the special deer hunt last through the cords, the game-ending Sunday with four does, taken in the Baker area i half mile north of whistle blew. Newbridge. From left to right the The game's first quarter was more huntsmen are Harry N'akashima, than half over before the Bulldogs BUI WaVert, John McCalister and made their first field goal. Sub Jerry Ken Sanders.—Photo b\ Dick Yost. Browne doing the trick. Bulldogs 1st to Score Nyssa was first to sc re, however, when Pierce vas fouled three times in succession in the first three min utes. His three free throws were good. LaGrande’s first score came The fi . iIf cf the Women’s shortly after, making the score Nys C mmer. B -vling league ended sa 3, LaGrande 2. Then came Monday it with the B & E team in tcp > by a 10-game margin over tlie ecoad place Stunz Lumber. By taking fc ur point each in Mon day night’s play Owyhee Beauty Shop and Berrett’s Service finished in third and fourth place, respec tively. The other four teams finish- B & E Cops 1st Half Dowling Bunting STOPandTHINK There Are All Kinds of Used Car Guarantees Being Offered . . . BUT NONE CAN MATCH OUR Months or 000 Miles 6 W ritten Used C ar G uarantee S.E.I. Warranties, Copyrighted and Registered W e Give You At No Additional Cost BUYING A USED CAR? STOP AND THINK! Visit Our Lot and Make Your Selection From Our Stock of Good, Clean Cars HERRIM AN Motor Company Exclusive S.E.I. Dealer In Nyssa i ' 1 Yoyer fer , Friday by mak- N| • paid e ff ha ndsomelv for IParma, 30 U mg con- p the Bull- verte<i to 30 points dogs could di) no better th;an make 18 fn e thro.’vs on 30 Parina fculs. Field goals , how<?ver, >pelled the margim of vi::tory I lo r the Bulldogs, who made 19 to theur appo:uent’s 10. V* » In the preliminary .me, the Ny - sa Frosh-Soph team won a 63-39 victory over the Parma Frosh-sophs. Amble was nigh pointer for Nys.-a van i7, closely folic \ed by Simianer .vith 16 and Hartley vith 14. The Bulldog varsity plays Bak t high school here this Friday night. The preliminary game has not yet oeen announced. The box score: NYSSA PA R M A 15 13 Troyer Pierce, g 8 Sutton 6 Hiatt, g 0 »-■"JSSsiSä Í # Hartley, c ...__ 5 Edgeman 1 6 Browne, f Vickers 12 3 Purrill Marcum, f Davis 5 Bumgarner, g 3 1 5 Suehl ..... H lc mb. g ed in this order: Bn wnie’» Cafe, — 10 Snider, c 5th: Hospital, 6th: r..rine:te.-. 7:h, Talbot, c 50 3 and Bowling Cer. r. 8 h. First half honors ere fairly well 56 distributed. Ann Richter, Berrett' posted high Individual e: aver age o f 561. Alta S ir/ h: a individ ual game of 220. H .: i tt .m une av erage was taken b\ Sainz Lumber and high team ser.e by B .V K Cafe. In the Adri.m-H medale Women’s F iy Bra wn, B & !•'. r lit d l:>3 f r B vling league, which bowled Tues high individual - Mot iy's day night on the Ny a alley-. Wil- play, while her teammate, Maxine s,m’s J evelry and Hayes’ Lumber B. ).vn, had 504 f. r limit individual each took four points, while Bican- »cries. B & E tc k the remaining di's and Bill's Food (well lo»t four. honors with 066 for L a team anie H. medale Tractor and Adrian and 1008 for high u am cries. Feed »plit with two wins each, and Vfev * Verna Costley Takes Adrian Bowl Honors Blues Down Parma For 3rd Win; Play- Baker Here Friday In their third warm-up non-con ference game, and the second this week, Nyssa high school bested Par ma by a 56-50 score Tuesday night at Parma. Taking an early lead that was never relinquished, the Bulldogs held a 15-point lead at the end o f the third quarter. At the half the score was 28-19. Pierce was high point man for Browne's field goal. Near the end of the first period, LaGrande was ahead for the only time in the game by an 8-7 score. Repeating his performance o f the first part of this period, Pierce made three free throws in succession after being fouled to bring the count to 10-10— the third time the score was tied— in the final minutes o f the quarter which ended with the Bull dogs ahead 12-10. Pierce Gets 12 fur 16 In that first period, "Peerless” Pierce found the ring for seven free throws out of nine tries. In the other three quarters he made five out of sewn to end the game with 12 for 16 to lead his teammates as high point man. although he failed to make a single field goal. Ray Buckwalter was high pointer for LaGrande with 13, his one-point margin over Pierce coming from a lone free throw. Everett Wir.burn made six frees out of eight tries for the Wildcats. Ned Snider gave a stellar perfor mance at the center position before j going out o f the game via the foul route in the final quarter. His Specialty was short hooks from be hind the backboard his effective ness accounting for 10 points. He also garnered two points frem fr e e . throws. Pace of the game is indicated in | the fcul department, with Nyssa making 23 points and LaGrande 20; via the free throw route. Half-tim e score was 21-15 in favor of the Bull dogs. At half-tim e the Bulldogs were leading 21-15, 11 of Nyssa’s and seven o f LaGrande’s points coming through fouls. In the preliminary, Vale high school physical education class team defeated the Bulldogs Bees 28-25. The box score: N YSSA LaG RANDE Pierce, g ___ 12 Cornwell, f .... 5 Hiatt, g 7 Walch, f 3 Hartley, c 0 Winburn, c 6 Browne, f ___ 7 Buckwalter, g 13 Marcum, f ____ 0 Cochran, g .... 5 Snider, c 10 K offard 2 Bumgarner, g 9 Trotter _______ 2 Quinn 2 45 A d a m s ______ 4 v •»! ; i.i IT S I M O N 6» 10 il1' U* ' ’ • Vale hi n y ime 1 C lev. W:1 n’s, bowled at posting a 61-40 score for high individual game and a?ainst L l ■ ba»ki bail game». th game a i- > l by- ins Drugs, with 706 pins. Mar- R eligi t ha» been the greatest in- S'.- r ted an even 2000 f r -p in :, n for subject matter in the team .-cries. visual art Every D a y Prices Card Tables . . . . 4 .9 5 Hassocks 3 .9 5 Floor Lamps . . 9 .9 5 Slept Tables . . . . . . 8 .9 5 Smokers. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .9 5 Coffee Table . . . Lam ps . . .5.95 M irro rs . ,1 .3 5 3-Speed Phonograph . 2 3 .9 5 ................................. . . . .. . . . • • • % J ........................................ ................................. . For Sale . . . WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS CHRISTMAS TREES PETERSON FURNITURE CO. The Dependable Furniture Store A ll Sizes Oregon Gate Cabins NYSSA — VALE — ONTARIO — PAYETTE g W lN T S S V It w o n ’t be long i now. t o b r i n g in y o u r car for complete winter service- e C h a n g * oil e L ub ricó la chaul a e C h a c k boner y e Im p a c t c o o lin g tya la m i In a la li " f r a t l o n a ” an ll-fra axa per gallon YOU’RE SET... YOU’RE SAFE... Tools Make Ideal Gifts YOU'RE SUREI One Shot Lasts All Win*<- 6-In. Skilsaw Towne G arag e ^-In. Electric Nyssa, Oregon 218 Main St. V 2 -In. Electric Phone 4t FOR MOTHER Give Her a 61-pc. Tudor Plate Silverware Set iIHUHttH»*' with cream and sugar P R O G R A M OF Annual Christmas Activities $63.38 Value for only G ive Him Sporting Goods This Year Some Suggestions Include . . . . S A T U R D A Y , DEC. 2 0 // INDIAN UPRISING h Basket Ball, Basket Ball Nets, Guns, Fishing Reel, Sleeping Bags, Air Mattress, Coleman Stoves and Lanterns. Another FREE SHOW at 2:00 P. M. with More Free Treats Given SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE O F ELECTRICAL A N D DISHWARE GIFTS SPONSORED BY NYSSA CHAMBER of COMMERCE (with the Aid of the Nyssa Fire Department) Through courtesy of Nyssa business firms that extend a welcome to all youngsters in the community Phone 46