Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1952)
T H E N V S S A G A T E C I T Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . T H TRS">AV P T f T M T . r R 1 ". I O "- Ny T h a n k giving day cau-ed caa- .-ellati- n of the a f< t- ball n a m e ----- J( eph Tl Callahan, Days Gone By in Nyssa Community Along The .11 ■ ! Vlr a n d M r- J o s e p h I C a lla - From tii* Journal Kilt-« ------------ ■■ nan, finished his schooling in the . ! . *on f.r • ¡da e in region 2 with ignal corps and m. left tor hi i> I • leesre A «« i x c «. 1»«7 Mrs. Frank B»era A atU- hLS exh‘ blt uf con i -11 ^ gram and m C a n a d a ----- -Because o f til* ra- Bili Stradley. Ny i-a F hay how at the International Lave- -.joning of automobile mileage, local Pbeoe #76-RI k Fxi" it Chicago.— grocery (tore* will reduce their de- M rs Houst :i W.. - n .«as been ap- liveries to one a week Gate City The Merry Matr ns club held F t a t n c in g U p to $700.00 pointed committee naimian for the Dairy and Shelton's Dairy have dis- their Christmas party Wednesday Christma. decvra’ . -i-g content to be continued debvery ctf milk to homes • Seed.«, feed garden seeds, conducted by the Nyssa Crvlc club ctue to ga oline rationing.----- Mrs. afternoon with Alice Holmes ho-te-s. teed ¿rains, farm supplies, Bob Wilder. Nyssa. won a berth Pearl Scvder has sold the merchan- Fifteen members and six children • Write today for application on the all-star Snane River VaUey d j,e in her needle shop to Mrs A L. were present. During the business plank* - or 3U-60 days ahead football team compiled by the Idaho Atkinson of the Atkinson Clothing meeting officers for the next x of spring or fa:, needs. Statesman in cooperation <with Store. months were elected as foil vs ♦ Write for latecet price lists coaches.- Margar- Sarazln of O Walter Looney, former business president, Dorothy Runcorn: vice » Early plannma with us will K C and David of U of O man 0j Caldwell, opened a second save you considerable money. president, Opal Holme ecretary. spent Thank, i i ? at home hand store in the Hinsch building, * Buyers of all seeds. Write to; Lyle Miner, J a c k \ arshall, Clyde j usl hack of the bank building, this Smith and Reid Cottle are home week----- The Nysia Feed and Fjour L. Gibson are "somewhere in the from O. S. C . Adrienne Peterson. MiU was leased j c Himler and East" visiting relative and attend Spencer Beu*. Udell PouLsen and B F Locke by lhe wwr>er Ph;n M ing to business. Mr. G.b- n expect -d Parma. Idaho — Stores at Ray Bybee are home from B Y U Warren, according to an announce- to go to Texas to look up a market Nyssa for the holidays. , ment today.------The new home of 1 for his btg crop of onion -pud*, etc. Caldwell. Homedale, Parma, 1« Years Ago Dee. 3, 1942 Mr and Mrs. R. R Overstreet in the ----- Frank Leuck is ht tpii Oregon Trail H ime.s as ::'ie .al committee The nex: meeting - ill be at Opal Helmet, Jan 7. Roll call will be "Semetlung to Improve the club.” Christmas gifts and treats were given to the pre- -■chool children Lunch was served by the hoste--. ted by Opal Holmes and Gladys Byers. Mr and Mr L. E Tell, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Rolland Holmes, left for their heme at Wallowa, Ore.. Tuesday. A number from this community attended the John Deere day in Nyssa last Monday Mrs Gilbert Holmes and infant daughter, Jolene, returned home from the Malheur Memorial hos- B<>nnie Holmes; historian. Viola Adams New pollvanna names were also drawn The new president ap pointed Gladys Byers and Bonnie Watts Seed Co. A heavy blanket of snow over Kolony is nearing completion.----- j out at Nyssa Garage and black -------------------- Wilson Grocery is selling hambur smith. Though a bona - za farmer ger, 15c per lb; chicken legs, 7 for he knows the game fr; m 25c; bananas 3 lb.^ for 19c.----- (Mr.! A to Z.------Mr. and Mr5 Charles and Mrs. Paul J. Michael and her Garrison are parents of a daughter D P. I parents, Mr. and Mrs. C C. Huff born Thanksgiving day are here from Interior, S. D , hoping Pullen sold about 50 head of cau l’ for a consideration of SJ.050 — to enter into business here. Martha Belle McDonald < ! Walla >0 Y e a r s A g o D e c . 1932 Gas is 20 and 21 cents per gallon Walla and Fred Kln.yba- k were at Nyssa filling stations; dealers married and are living at Ny -a having passed along to the public, 1 a four-cent drop in the wholesale price.----- Frank T. Morgan, Secy, of the Gvyhee Irrigation Dist. has been appointed a member of the commit- ' tee from Oregon to attend the governor’ conference at Salt Lake 1 City to aid and stimulate the cause of reclamation.----- Mr. and Mr'.. Dean Smith drove to LaGrande to bring students home for the holi- | H ow ard Smith days. Their daughter, Deana and Crete Marie Foster accompanied 502 N . T h ird them home.------Mr. and Mrs George Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs Barr Doo P h o n e 78-J little and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Mar shall attended a big Thanksgiving dinner at the Lee Householder home | in Caldwell. 'Have the Keenest Edge in Town” H A R T M A N 'S 2 Mi. East At Locker Ave. The Idaho Power Co. this week connected up the residence of O. F. Boyer and E. Allred.----- Pud Long has purchased the ischam Anderson home on South Third St. and will | occupy .same.------Dean Smith and Blaney Boydell who are doing Che j plumbing for Eder Hardware Co. in | the new houses being erected at the j, spent Sunday in Nyssa at their homes.——Dwight Smith is » i now employee at Eders.----- Star ga- | rage moved to their new building on | West Main.------H Francis is erec- ! ting a new house on his lot north of his residence on Third street.----- President of the General Construc tion Co., lowest bidders on the rail road to be built from Dunaway, a few miles from Nyssa on the Home- dale branch, to the Owyhee dam- site, arrived in Nyssa Wednesday and was joined Thursday by six assistants. BEEF IS NOW LOW PRICED Fill up your locker now Let Our Experts Cure and Process Your Pork W e U s e O n ly th e B est O b ta in a b le M a te r ia ls in O u r P ro cessin g P lan t. HAY Look at the self-hitching FREE { / r o o t/ v 'm on this new-type spreader B ea u tifu l H itch and unhitch this new Ferguson M anure Spreader R ecipe right from the tractor seat by Finger T ip Control. Tractor couples to haul and uncouples to park with a new-type C alen d ars hook and eye connection. Check the other Ferguson im provem ents in design and construction. for Service 25 Y e*rs A go D ec. 2, 1927 B ar-, accompanied Mr- Roy HoIme> ta Bcise Thursday. Mr and Mr- Frank Byers were h* t* at dinner Sunday honoring the birthday anniversary of Mrs. F G. H imes. Other gutsts were F G Hoim-s. Boh Hclme? and Betty and Stanley Byers. KNIFE SHARPENING Radio Only 5 5 £ lb. p.tal la-' M nday. Mr J imie Lane of Ut.ah v.sited her si ter, Mrs. W. P Hend rick , last veefc Mr and Mrs. Sam Parks of Nys>* visited at the Gilbert Holmes hruie Saturday evening. Mr* F G Holmes and Mrs. Frank H u sk y beaters synchronized with conveyor, driven b y 1953 clutch instead of sprocket, shred and spread in a 7-foot path with adjustable coverage of 4 to 2 0 loads per acre. KEN POND « J S T 16 North 3rd Phone 218 Wesiern Corrugator Co. Phone 181 C H O P P I N G ..... N yssa, O regon \ Bear Cat Chopper LAWRENCE MILLER B ig B en d P h o n e P a rm a 5 -M -4 FER G U S O N 30 Y cars A go D ec. 1, 1922 O u r S m o k e h o u s e is A u to m a tic a lly F ire d w ith B u ta n e H e a t, and W e U se o n ly H a r d w o o d S a w d u s t tor S m o k e . Custom Butchering and Curing FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE " Y o u r H e a d q u a r te r s for V a r ie ty M e a t s " Frank Miller sold Ins dairy busi- ne s to Dwight Smith who has been moving the buildings and equipment to his place tins week.------Claude Wilson lias improved his residence by building several new porches.----- Mr and Mrs. Artie Robertson enter tained Mr. and Mrs Harry Goshert and Mr and Mrs. D.vight Smith at dinner Tuesday.- At a meeting of tiie Presbyterian church officials and members of the local congrega tion held in Nyssa last week, resolu tions 'were adopted to merge the I Presbytreian and Methodi. it churches into a community church; merger | to continue until Nyssa si tall reach' 5,000 population. Signed in behalf | of the congregation by C. C. Hunt and Mrs. H P. Sherwood. THE NEW STANDARD OF THE AMERICAN ROAD! -«-'fcng i’ A 35 Ytsars A go D ec. 7, 1917 *2 m ile w e st on A lb e r t a A v e P h o n e 3 8 1 -R , lo c k e r p la n t P h o n e 3 8 1 - W , sla u g h te rh o u se and cu ttin g room J H. Kmnaird, ex-dejxH agent, celebrated his emancipation from that position by taking a trip to Boise Thursday. —Mr and Mrs. W. F o rd o m a tic D rlv « , O v « r d r :v « , w h ite s id e w a ll tire s o p tio n a l a t e x tr a co *t. E q u ip m e n t, a cce sso rie * o n d trim su b ject to ch a n g e w ithout n o tice . W ith 41 ‘‘W o rth M o re ” f e a t u r e s . . . . It's w o rth m o re w h e n y o u b uy it , . . w o rth m o re w h e n you se ll it! This '53 Ford sets an entirely new standard for the American Road. For in this big new Ford you’ll find 41 “ Worth More” features that give you more of the things you ¡rant . . . more of the things you need... than ever before in low-priced car history. You’ll find the “ G o” you need to handle today’s long-distance driving. You'll enjoy Ford's that brings you the smooth, quiet riding comfort you need new M iracle Hide , T>eof*;V8 <nrfsfield/ for today’s level parkways or rough, rutted byways . . . plus nearly effortless steering, braking, and parking. And you’ll see beauty that belongs wherever you may drive. When you see this new Ford at your Ford Dealer's, you’ll understand why it is worth more when you buy it . . . worth more when you sell it. You’ll agree that here, indeed, is the New Standard of th« American Road! A fe w o f tho 41 “ W o rth M o ro ” f e a t u r e s In th e 1 9 3 3 Ford Visiting kinfolk» or friends during the holid ays? To be sure you a rrive rested and refreshed . . . ready to enjoy your stay t® the utmost . . . a rra n g e to go Union Pacific. There are no d riving w orries; your fur» an d relaxatio n begin the moment you step ab o ard . A trip by train is a vacation in itself! C H O IC I OF V -t O t ( I X Ford i famous 110-h.p. high-compression Strate- Ster V-S has ■ portnor for thrifty " G o " in the 101 h p. lew-frktlen, hlgh-comprotsion M o Maker Si«. Ford Automatic Fewer Filet gives high compression " G a " with regular g at. Take your choice of several fine trains ond accommodation*. Co Pullman. . Go Coach.... Enjoy variety of room or berth accommodation*; Club Lounge C ar. economy fares; Lounge C ar. reclining reserved »eat»; those famous Union Pacific dining car m eals. The menu feature in December is pancake* and sausage. W herever your holiday travel takes you, enjoy it to the fullest . . . go Union Pacific) For D o p o n d a b lo Tran spo rt ati on , NEW M IR A G E R ID E-N o t just more responsive spring ond >ho<k absorber action, not just foam rubber cushions, but a balanced ride that gives you o new concept of comfort. Here now ...the PACIFIC POWER-PIVOT PEDALS - are suspended frem above to alim- Inata dusty, drafty ffoor holes. They give more unobstructed ffoer space and prsvida oaeier pedal operation. 53 F O R D CENTER-PHI FUELING - pre vents hoee morks, and makoe filling up" aasier from either side of gas pump. Shorter gas fillo r pip# glvos you trunk spoco for an tetra suitcase. v -V : F U U -C IR C ll V IJ im iT Y - w lf h huge, curved, one-piece wind shield, e car-wide, one-piece rear window end big picture windows ali around—gives yoe visibility unlimited. s a e r r ... vnw£-ou£CK rr... Ttsro&vi rr! r .c .A . HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Bo Specific . . . SA Y UNION SHIFT TO FOftDOMATIC—and you II never shift again. It's the Snoot, most versotile ouSemofic d riv e e v e r. And rem em b er, ford aise offers the snsoo'h ond thrifty Overdrive. Phone 77 314 Main, Nyssa