THE NYàSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1S52 First they are 2 mg to the Oregon coast and th.n down through Cali­ fornia. They are -pending Christ­ mas in Modesto with her parents, M rv l . \ « i n P u m eru v a..J Mr Earl William, and will Phon* #2-JJ visit her aster. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kelch. They are going to Old Mexi­ co for sight-seemg oefore returning This week Mr and Mrs Dale home. Glenn are leaving for a vacation. Thur.-day Martha a u Martha met at the home of Mr M L. Judd with Mr.v Dick Kreigh assisting Mrs. M L. Kurtz had charge of the Christ­ mas program. Opening number was the "Bethlehem Road" with Mrs. Dick Kreigh, Mrs. Rube Graham, Mrs. Ronald Saxton, Mrs. Lee Sax­ ton. Mrs. Francis Deffer and Mrs. R. L McKinnley taking part. Sev­ eral ladies told how they observed Christmas in their homelands, Mrs. Ray Holly, Italy; Mrs. Albert Noth- eis. England; Mrs. K I Peterson, Canada, and Mrs. Geo Scheimer, Germany. The program was closed with a candlelighting ceremony. Book club met with Mrs. M L. Judd Saturday with Mrs. Mildred Hite assisting. The regular book re­ view was not held; the afternoon was set aside as a Christmas party and gift exchange. Guests of the club vere Mrs Albert Notheis and Miss Margery N.har.. Brownie's Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kreigh enter­ tained their cjrd clu Saturday night. 24-Hr. Serviee Prizes for high went to Dale Glenn Sunset Valley r;> k went If FOR YOUR PLUMBING ( Saturday evening. vis Newell' hirniture to Ny.vsa Mr and Mr John /.ittercab went NEEDS ft Mr and Mr . Clarence N ule of to Burns to spend the week-end with 1 Vale Friday evening it . Mr. and Mrs Joe Hendericks. Mr home visited Bath Sets, Water Heater* of Mr and Mr Fred Schill- Zittercob will hunt g««.->e. ing. and Pressure System s Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Conrad Reib and Mrs. Otis Bullard Sunday afternoon family spent Sunday at the home Call were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Houston of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Anderson of and Mr and Mrs. Harold Dail and Ontario. J. C. S M I T H Betty and Wilma Bullard of Boise. Sihirley S. hilling. Jane Mura­ 13 Years In Nyssa Mr and Mrs. Wilmar Hipp of Nys­ kami were out of school Monday sa visited Sunday at the home of with colds. Phone 78-J Mr and Mrs. Fred Schilling and Mr and Mrs. Norman Hipp The Arcadia Sunday school will family vi.uted Mr and Mrs. Rudy have a short Christmas program next Sunday Mr. and Mrs Marvin McLean of Nampa will attend Ar­ cadia next Sunday. Dick Krt. h .«.tended a tailoring Mr*. G eo rg e M e ile r work a p 1 ..e church basement Ptioni- 052 Rï in Adrian Wednesday Project lead­ ers* from the Ridgeview and Pig Bend club- also were present. Mrs. Mrs. E Kitajima of Sacramento. Edna Mae Wimsott of the home ex­ Calif., arrived last ‘reek to spend tension service wiU come and give Christmas wuh her son, Sig Mura­ the instruction for six weeks. kami and family Lee Norland is home from school Mr. and Mrs Bill Stradley and suffering from a sprained back family of Ontario and Mr and Mrs which lie received Saturday while Harold Dail and family of Nyssa wi.h cider boys ui Adrian. were dinner guests Sunday at the Mr and Mr- Buddy Hardman are home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strad­ the parents of a girl born early in ley December. Mr. Hardman is serving Miss Helen Iida of Ontario called in the Nary. Mr. and Mr Frank Pike attended The movie newsreel became a the Fehlman-Chard wedding recep- j daily feature during President Wil­ lion Saturday evening at the Oregon son's admimstrai .on. Trail school nouse. Mrs Pike sang I 3 for the reception. Dick Groot of Hollan, who stayed with the M L. Kurtz family three FOR SALE . . . . years ago, as an exchange student under the Marshall plan, will ar­ Wire-tight Baled rive in a few days to visit at the Kurtz hc-me He plans to visit in Portland first fith Merle and Har­ old Kurtz He plans on spending Christmas in Illinois with a friend who h a s sponsored hir return trip Inquire at to the U. S. to live. For the past year Grcot iias been working in Canada .. waiting the approval of his entry papers. While here before he maoe lets -f friends locally and in. 113 Main surrounding tewns. UTOCO PRODUCTS Tires B atteries A L F A L F A HAY Parts Accessories Repairs BROWNIE'S CAFE BLUNCK UTOCO SERVICE 12 ;; MAIN Phone 160 PHONE 25 LOCAL NEWS By BILL SCHIREMAN V F e w Tips on M a il in g Christmas Packages First of all, wo want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! A m ilk c a r to n makes handy mail­ ing container for cookies. Cut top of m ilk carton on three sides. Pack cookies together with a few marsh­ mallows which act as h um id ors to retain m oisture, keep cookies fresh longer. When fill­ ed, seal top of milk carton with tape. remain legible if you give them a coat of clear nail polish, before sending. Thanks very much for your patronage of our local business during this past year. And Happy 1953! Bill O 'B rie n of L a y to n , L 'ta h , e n - route to Portland was a guest last ■ veek a White, all o. Nampa. Mr. and .Mrs. l>an Schwalbe of Nampa were Sunday dinner guests at the h me o-f Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bar ion. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Iieek were Sat­ urday evening guests of Mr. Beck's 1 sister, Mrs. S. L. Buxton at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kktridge were Sunday dinner guests at the home oS Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eldridge of Fruitland. Phone 61-W CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbors for their many kind deeds during the illness and passing of our loved one. To the Rev. R. E. Cull for his com­ forting words, Mrs. Juanita Stauffer and Mrs. Iverna Lamb for the music and songs, also to the pallbearers. We can't express our gratitude in wordj to the Payette Memorial hos- p.tal staff for the loving care they gave Betty Jean her stay in tiic hospital. We aL-o extend our sincere thanks| «0 her classmates, clubs and many friends who sent her gifts and visit­ ed her during her long illness. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kersey and family. low are invited to enter ... Picture Puzzles JUNIOR PEDAL BIKE Chrysler Oilite Bearing W heel Reg. Reduced 10-in_______ 7.49 6.98 12-in. 11.49 10.98 16-in. 13.49 12.98 20-in. ------ 14.98 G irl’s Cotton Slips 69£ Sizes 2-10 ft % 15c Terry Toon, 2-6 yrs. W alt Disney, 400-pc. 29c Interlocking—Age 6-14 Buill-Riie Puzzles 29c 39c 400-pc. 500-pc. 600-pc. 1,000-pc. 49c 98c In Assorted Scenes Lay-Away Dolls Little G olden Books & Records Reg. 7.98 No w. ........ 7 .4 9 25 * r Entertaining—Educational Penny Porter OKIE DOKIE PLAY SUITS Ladies’ DRESSES Lined Denim — Jackets to Match BLOUSES Color* — Blue. Sleelgray LEARN 98c, 1.98, 2.98 Unlined Jackets and Pants Sizes 6 mo.-6 yrs. In Red Only 98c <& 1.98 Sizes 32-42 HOW T H O U S A N D S HAVE SAVED 15% ON F IR E IN S U R A N C E COSTS T H R O U G H THE P R E F E R R E D R I S K PLAN MEET HIM BETWEEN 6 and 9 p. m. Ask now if your property qualifies! Friday & Saturday and Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday RENSTRON INSURANCE AGENCY of Next W eek at BEN FRANKLIN STORE Toy and Gift Wrapping Headquarter* f t * Strong Capital Stock Protection