Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1952)
M EFH ITY JO URNAL. NYC SA Apple Valley Aciivilies Mr*. Sherman Wilson Phone Parma 21-MI The grade school children are put- Jng the finishing touches to their Christmas program to be given Thursday evening. The Sunday school Christmas program will «• given Sunday morn ing. Invitations have been received in the Valley for the wedding o f Miss Superior Paint & Glass Bennetts Colorized Paints A u io Glass Installed Mirrows, Window Glass, Store Fronts and A ll Types of Glass for Furniture Tops Phone 310 LUCKY WINNER Of Last Week's H A R V E ST BONUS DAYS Harold Wilson Nyssa SATURDAY. DEC. 20, W ill be the Last Opportunity You W ill Have to Win BERRETT'S SERVICE & CAFE N ma Stohler and Kenneth Lisle to be solemnized at the Baptist :<h'jrch in Omar. >. Sunday. Dec 28. .*fc. B< b Shipley came Saturday i. J he and his wife, the former M irian Boston, left Sunday morning : r Seattle to make their home. He v 11 be on limited duty there as a ,iilt o f a baitlt with pneumonia. A bountiful turkey dinner was ser- d Thursday evening by Mr and .r.s. C L F r itt, to approximately j guests at Uie hot lunch room in .e sohool building. Mr* Fritts was i listed in pri paring the meal by rs. Jerry LaCelle, Mrs. Gene . ;ney and Mr Grace Butcher, tree grade school girls served dur- { the dinner. Those invited includ- 1 schoolboard members and their thl P r.A executive board id their hi i-bands, the school iohers, their husbands and wives, d the men a ho assisted in build- ; of the new stage. During the mer, a gift vas presented Fay Uin.s in appreciation c f the work • did in -.upervising the building f the stage. Sell- >1 attendance has been quite v the pan week, especially in the :ond grade where chicken pcx and i have b ith been taking their toll, rry WiLon, Jackie Hild and John iran are among those having the chicken pox. Ur and Mr .. Don Mutch and son Boise wen Sunday guests at the Loyd S.'inmmels home. Jill Sahcen and Mr traveling. V/ast Featured In New Books At County Library Bocks pertaining to the West headline this week - group o f new books which will be ready for circu lation on Saturday, Dec 20. at, the Malheur Ccunty horary in Ontario. The colors, landscape, and life of the desert claim the attention of Joseph Wood Krutch. who spent over a year in the Southwest learn ing to kno v its moods and charm, in his book ’ Th e De ert Year." A novel placed in a similar set ting to that of the above book is Tom Lea's “The Wonderful Coun try.” It is Martin Brady’s story, the tale of his life on both sides o f the Rio Grande. A personal-experience narrative of the Oklahoma frontier is told by Frank Eaton in Pistol Pete, V ete ran of the Old West.” A strictly fictional tale o f the West is “ Sunsot Rider” by Llewellyn H ilmes, writing at “ Matt Stuart.” Rounding out the group o f books relating to this region is Helen Brown's “ West Coast Cook Book.” Sc.ence fiction enthusiasts will appreciate the anthology. “The Best S-.ence Fictio.i Stone*: 1951” edited by E. F. Bleiler and including auth- r., a A. E. Van Vcgt. U-eful to the recreation leader will be the “ Handbook of Active O am ei" by 1*. A. Hindman, which gives instruction for playing con tinuous tag game... dodgebull games, 1 Walter Fox Sunday Dinner combat, target, bombardment, and goal games, among other- W ill Cuppy's humor is evident in the second volume published since his death, “ How to Get From Janu ary to December.” "T h e Power of Faith" by Louis Bins lock displays a broad concep tion o f the subject, dealing with such topics as "Faith and the Mind.“ “ Faith and Ideals," and "Faith and the Other World." “ How to Design and Install Plumbing” by A. J Matthias brings one up-to-date on changes of de sign o f plumbing installations and on adoption of the Uniform Plumb- inb Cede, besides giving much prac tical information e w i ü i j *ere Mr Wils, n Winter, Mrs. Hsward Finger ar.d M r Jame.* Stephen, Jr. Heme beauty begimt a Mr and Mr Harold Robbins had Chatter Box Club as gue-t*. Mr and Mrs. Roy Barnes The Chatter Box club held its an and family, for dinner Sunday nual Christmas party at the Re- Decorations were earned out in the bekah hall with a chicken dinner Jm _ ima .- theme. and all the trimmings served to the members and families. A Christmas Girl Scouts Hold tree was the center of attraction Christmas Party with a gift exchange and a “ mystery Girl ScoUL> held their pre-Christ sister" revealed. Treats were passed mas party at the home of one of out to ail. There will be a meeting •.heir leaders, Mrs. C lifford Fox. with of the club at the Harold Sisson Mrs. Clarence Pounds assisting. A f home Jan. 8 f i r the 1952-53 officers. ter the exchange of gifts. With . . . Stuns Lumber Co. Grange Benefit Party Tne Oregon Trail Grange held its benefit card party Tuesday evening with nine tables in play. High score was von by Mrs. Ward Lundy, Sr., and Oscar Kurtz, low prize went to Mrs Wilson Winter and Carl 6eb- burn while Mrs. James Stephen. Jr., and Frank Sherwood received the traveling prize. Hostesses for the Get Ready For Winter Have Your Tires Re-capped FROM EVERY DROP k PROMPT DELIVERY Owpwndablw Smrvicm In Nyssa Phone Snowcaps-Tracticn Treads O.K. RUBBER WELDERS 14 South 6th Flelcher Oil Company Phone 5 and Mr. and Mrs. Vere Haile and family and Jack Gooing. His tha: la V ern Ferguson, son Mr and Mrs Tom Ferguson, ha.* en elected captain of the osc otball team for the coming year. (Too late for last week» The WSOS Christmas party will be held at 'he home of Mrs. Eva Lei-rh ne.< Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Hunt will a i t Mrs Leigh, and Mrs. ■ ra: * Smalley and Mrs. Lucille Reed a c in charge of program and entertainment. Mr and Mrs. Sever *t Fox, Mr. and Mr Charles McFarlin and Mr. and Mr* DeLoyd Sohinunels were Sat urday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Don Grlbble o f Boise. Later in the evening, three tables of canasta were in play Mrs. DeLoyd SchunmeLs was winner o f ladies’ high and the traveling . prize. Severt Fox won men's 'high prize. Mrs. Martha Norland and Palmer were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr and Mrs. Gene Stephens in Owyhee Heights. Word ha . been received from R ay mond Norland, that lie wa- to leave K. rea for home N< v 27. He plans f> be home for Christmas. Miss Roxanna Sparks o f Calct.veU, spent Che week-end with Alberta End ley and attended the Sunday school party Saturday evening The heavy w.nd Sunday afternoon blew d ,wn t a i trees , i the yard »1 the h me . t Mrs. Sara Miller. Gary Rucker and the ahlldren of Mr and Mr- John Nickens have all been quite ill, but are unproving. M: and Mr Wendell Cottier, Mr rid Mr- ’ a ir! M 'T a llin and Mr and Mr Deloyd Schiminels were elf-invited guo*ts at the Severet •' x home Mend y evening, bringing viCh Shim cake, home-made ice mi and candy to help Mr Fox cobrate her birthday Mr. and Mrs Willis Hansen of ioi*e are the parents o f a seven iiund buy. born Nov 2fi at a IV lse h'lspital He ha- been named Scott Glenn, and arrived on his grand mother's birthday. Thi> tiakex 12 grandchildren for Mr and sirs. J I) Gooing, ten o f whom are boys. A large family dinner was enjoyed it the J I> Gooing home Thanks giving day All the children and their families were home but one buy and one girl, and all the grand children were there but the newest one Tho-e present were Mr and Mrs. IX>n Hunt and two boys of Hazelton, Ida ; Mr and Mrs. Les Itook t 1 and baby girl o f Klamath Fills. Dreg Mi. and Mrs. Roy Ooo- uig and family o f Tule Lake, C a lif . Price Sensation o f the Year! Motordom’s Greatest Value ... Made Possible by Widespread Public Acceptance of the One Car in America that Is Completely New Aaro-lark 2-Door Sad an LIST PRICE F O B. TO LE D O , O H IO . PIU S FEDERAL TAXES, STATE AND LOCAL TAXES (if any), FREIGHT, D E LIV E R Y A N D H A N D L IN G CHARGES, OPTIONAL EQUIP MENT EXTRA FOR ment Ave. THE HARD WATER CONDITIONS IN FOR stone YOUR HOME when it is unnecessary. W e will be pleased-to show you how you can rid yourself of this kitchen FOR ment lllu,tratad, tha Aaro Lark Two-Door Sad an Alto Available in Pour Door Modal thief at a great saving. Fill out coupon below and mail to Robert Webster, 2 r. sure is a ( down Adrian Oil Co., Agent for Modern Appli yard, ance Co., dealers of Rheem Water Soft- m e Kuggedness ot the World-Famous ‘J eep’ The Luxurious Comfort Styling of an Airliner Unequalled Economy o f Operation Saves you Money Every Mile Streamlined Beauty. Wi l l be Proud to O Delighted to Drive It ners. Make sure it is a Rheem. M A IL TODAY Dear Sirs: Please have or of your representatives call on us amt explain you* plan in saving money and making life more com fort at le N am « If yovf cor is of overoçi* value, if will more then make down pavmenf Address When to call W hal day mnmi nimm $ 41.35 4 r term; Du; 150x1 city 1 Bu bo th R e ami j W AN slang] Phnru Oniaj w av have