• W V * « - .• Ä «5 S :< ä ' •__ * — 1 * 4L' / ¿ .v JOURNAL NYSSA THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1952 VOLUME XXXXVII NO. 48 Sugar Beet Yield Sets New Record of 23 Tons Per Acre; Believed Highest In Nation; Price Increase Expected Rate Increase Gets Official Protests School Gains In Enrollment At Time Usual Loss Chamber Member Gets Recognition TW ELVE PAGES Produce Shipments From Nyssa Total 42 Percent of All Malheur County and One Point In Idaho, Reports Reveal Special recognition »a s given O fficial protests on the method Wednesday to “the only N y v » cf financing in connection with the Chamber of Commerce member to Malheur Horn“ Telephone Co.’s re­ quest fo r a rate increase were filed An unexplainable gain in school become a mother" when the orputl- Tuesday by the cine.-, of Nyssa and enrollment between the October and zation voted unanimously to send Ontario and the Cliambers o f Com­ November report periods might be flowers to Mrs. Harold Hrcndte and That Nyssa is the chief produc* An average sugar beet yield o i;----------------------------------------------- merce o f the two towns. excellent sales talk for any Nyssa her son. H srn b e born Monday. shipping center of t ie lower Snaxe Slightlv more than 23 tons per acre . „ . . Mrs. Bern die, formerly Kay Peter- Tn r r r k r r c o Petitions bearing the names of enthusiast. Supt. Henry Hartley told river valley, was revealed this Meek to exceed all records in the Snake IIU IC .U ; members o f the four groups were members of the Chamber of Com­ son. was an active member of the I H L l C U a C when figures on fall upments o f river valley and possibly the nation. ** Nyssa Chamber when she was gen- . _ , filed with the Public Utilities com­ merce Wednesday noon. potatoes, onions and lettuce were re­ was announced this week by exal manager of Peterson Furniture I f l JDUS1HGSS OI mission in Salem Similar petitions leased for six Malheur county and For the first tane in several years ¿ewis. district manager of the Co. Her husband. Harold Brendle are now being circulated in Vale. one Idaho thippii g p »inti by E H. there was a gain in enrollment dur- Amalgamated Sugar Oo. Lewis said The P.U.C. has indicated that ac­ ,ng a particular period when there took over the managership of the Stansbery. state produce -hipping that he knows o f no other area of tion on the matter will be taken is always a loss o f students, he said store early this year. inspector, at Ontario. comparable size reaching that pro­ A 30 percent increase in v nume Dick Schireman, son o f Mr. and before Dec. 24 The October i eport showed a total Nysea's shipment of th« e three duction figure. Figures were com­ of business carried «in by the M.il­ major crops was mo-e than '2 per­ enrollment of 1049 and in November piled from 35.000 a c e s o f beets in Mrs. W illiam Schireman, returned heur Dairy Breeders' assoc lation cent of the total fall shipments from the rolls had gained 31 students, for home Saturday evening a "free the Nyssa-Nampa district. during the first three mom Its of all points in Malh»ur county and a total of 1080 The same period last Average yield for the past six man” after two years in the Army, their current fiscal year was r 'port­ from Weiser in Idaho. year the October enrollment was of which the past 11 months and 19 years has been 20 4 tons an acre ed by Royce Robert«-, manager ol ai the 1092 and dropped to 1086 in Novem­ Stansbery told the Gate City and the average price has been days were spent in Korea. A 4-H sewing club and a cooking a sociation. at the December m« Journal Tuesday th it he was mis­ ber 111 past years a similar loss vu^ *13.30 a ton, the manager reported. The Nyssa soldier was a member club were organized last Saturday rng o f the board of directors at the quoted in a Boise State-man r.ews A t the Booster Night program at usually i hewn. -.This year's price is expected to go of the 82nd Engineers Pipe Line Co. at the home o f Mr and Mrs. O. the Oregon Trail Grange laot -u>ry which gave figures on ship­ Even during the peak of the re­ Hickman with the 1 « lp of E. M county agent’.- office Monday in, much higher because of the higher and has spent most of his overseas [ This increase is based on th Thursday evening approximately 75 turn of service men .md war plant uin- ments as fr.-m Ontario instead «.? sugar content and the secretary of duty on detached service in the | ber o f first eivices for the £ people were in attendance. Among vorkers to this part of : lie country Hauser, county extension agent. all points in Malh*-ur county and agriculture's tstimate of sugar con­ Uijor.gbu and Chong Gongni areas Officers elected ft - the sewing ! ber, October and November per guests of the Grange were Mr. and in 1947, 19+8 and 1949 there \as a from Weiser Th e total -hiiunents, sumption, which is believed conser­ club and Lynnette Hickman, presi­ as compared to the same three Stan.sbery .--aid. were 3.750 cars of of Korea. Only 15 miles from the Mrs. E. M. Hauser, county exten­ slight decline in enrollment bet ween vatively set at 7.800,000. As an exam­ dent: Nellie Vander Oord, vice presi­ | months last year sion agent, md 4-H numbers from tiie Oct« ber and November r« p««rt potatoes. 1,450 cars of onions and 60 ple the average gro^s income from front lines, Schireman’s principal dent; Catherine Cob man. secretary: Mrs. Alfred Adams’ and Mrs. Har­ periods, the superiniei lent aid. The activities of tlie association ears of lettuc He emphasized that beets during the six-year period was duties «vas driving an air compressor Sherral Sisson, news reporter, and have increased each year nice the this total of 5.260 cars forwarded old Sisson's clubs. $270 an acre and this year's gross is truck while crews were building a The low spi>t in enrollment usually Helen Winter, song leader. Mrs. O. organization was formed in 1947, during the past few weeks came Following potluck dinner served expected to go approximately $50 pipeline and drumfill plant. He was comes in February and last year Hi.'kman is the local leader. Other i according to O. D Fulwyler, presl- from Weiser, Ontario, Nyssa, Ad­ later given the duties of dispatcher at 8 o’clock, a nine-year pin was that report showed 1073 and by the members are Barbara Hickman, Do­ higher. ! dent. He reported that eight dairy­ rian, Vale, Jamison and Brogan in charge of records for the pipe -1 presented to Mr>. A llied Adams end o f the school yea' the number lores and Betty Van Zelf and Rena men were accepted as new members O f this total. Nyssa alone had a and a ft ur-year p.n to Mrs. Harold I of students stood at 1077. Dirk-.cn. line. at the Monday night meeting t»ta l of 2.256 cars, T «m Jones, local Sisson for leading 4-H clubs. Awards “ Buzzing Needles” 1 « the name se­ The detachment to which Schire­ " I can't explain the change and Fulwyler explained that the cur- Union Pacific agent announced. . , ... , wore also given to 4-H club boys and man belonged had only 17 soldiers j wjM> ^ad finished their work there has been no heavy influx o f lected by members of the sewing 1 rent increase in activities is above Since July of this year Nyssa has club. people here this fall,” Hartley com­ | the long-time trend. More interest shipped 2,015 cars of potatoes, 21* with 12 South Korean civilians ^ i s year. New officers o f the cooking club T ^e pr< 5 gram «consisted o f group mented. “ It could be that we are are Barbara Hickman, president: j in dairying and in better quality | cars of onions and 22 cars o f lettuce. Annual meetings of the Nyssa- working under them. Th e South really becoming more . table with a dairy cows was given as his reasons Every bit o f that was from the 195® Nampa Beet Growers association in Koreans «were good men with a s i t i n g a welcome by Master Robert greater number o f permanent people Helen Winters, vice president: M ar­ for the fast g'-owth of the associa­ crop and does not include any stor­ five different districts of this area thorough knowledge of ‘‘«what it is Holmes, violin solos by Garnet Rit- than ever before,” he went on to lene Adams, secretary, and Carol tion. "Dairy farmers are pleased age produce from the 1951 harvest, have been announced for this month all about,” he said. Any of the n a - 1 chie and Nellie Vander Oord accom- Adams, reporter. Lynnette Hickman with the production of the cows in Jones said. with all beet growers urged to at­ tives who expressed opinions seemed panied by Irene Jayc, a tumbling say. is the club leader. their herds that are products of the During that some period—-sine* tend in their respective districts to «follow the thinking o f their presi- act by Helen Winter and Marlene Meetings o f the two newly formed breeding program," he commented. last July— Nyssa has shipped 274 Members of the board of directors dent, Synghman Rhee, who has pub- Adams, a guitar solo by Delores Van- clubs will be held at the same time oars o f sugar. 206 cars of beet pulp will make reports on the year's ac­ lscly stated that the Reds must be and «will be Ohe first and third S at­ arvd a reading by Jansie Stain, r j i T -. 5 *:,#■**!**»- and 63 cans of molasses. Those ar* tivities and a director will be named driven out of Korea. Schireman ex­ A movie was shown by County Agent r 1CH1 l l l l l i a i l O I I urdays o f each month. The next farm products that Nyssa has ex­ from each of the districts to serve meeting will be at the home o f Sher­ The regular business meeting of plained that many of the American | Hauser. clusively because of the sugar fac­ on the board for the ensuing year. GIs have learned a few words in the wa5 announced that the Home ^h^ Eagles auxiliary wa held Tues- ral Sisson Dec. 20 tory «here, the Union Pacific agent The (first meeting is scheduled for Korean language, but most of the Ec club will meet Jan 9 at the home day evening, Dec. 2. Mr Ormond Y M 3 David Tyler who has been ; pointed out Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at of Mrs. Loyd Adams and the next Thomas won a g ift and refreshments FLA N AG A N DECLARED stationed in Japan for the past two November Busy Koreans themselves can speak En- the L.ttle Theatre of the Nyssa high regular meeting of the Grange will| were served by Mrs. Bob Runcorn D IS T R IC T DIRECTOR During November tligre were 2.12* years at Oppama Naval Air Base at school for the Nyssa-Oregon Trail gli.-h since it is taught in the public be Jan. 8. All members are urged to and Mrs. Claude Wills« The name ol S E Flanagan was Yokosuka, Japan, arrived in Nyssa cars o f material of all kinds received district. Th at evening at 8 oblock schools. bring two pies and help at Che din­ A potluck dinner ana tonnal initi- the only one filed by petition for Tuesday morning to spend a leave at the Nyssa station as compare# growers in the Kingman Kolony dis­ ner the Grange will serve Dec. 19 ation have been announced by auxil- a candidate to succeed himself on with his parents, Mr and Mrs Ward with 2,270 cars in November, 1961, trict «will meet at the Adrian grade at the Home Ec room in Nyssa. iary president, Mrs. Ward Tyler, to the board o f directors of the Owyhee Tyler, brother, Carl and sister, Mar­ Jones reported. The decrease do aw school. Thursday o f next «week a be held Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m Irrigation district. The election jorie. not indicate a trend for the year, meeting «will be held at 8 p. m. for j Each member is to bring a gift o f scheduled for Dec 16. was cancelled He arrived by plane in San Fran­ but is governed by the weather, the Oregon Slope growers at the one dollar value fo r Christmas g i f t : and Flanagan declared automatical- cisco Saturday morning after a 17- which caused less shipments o f coal, Community hall and Friday, Dec 19. exchange. Mrs. Lawrence Pace and ly elected. He will serve fo r a three hour flight from Japan. and by the demand for other pro­ the Vale-Jamison meeting will be P r Q V e O U C C e S S lU l Mrs. Elmer Jacques will have charge year term and represents the dis- ducts, he commented. Principal in­ held at 2 p. m. at the county court- High winds Sunday did minor of refreshments. coming shipments were sugar beets trict at large. Malheur county has had the sec­ damages to property in the Nyssa house in Vale. The evening o f Dec. from other dump stations, coal, an# 19 at 8 o'clock the Ontario-Luce dis­ ond year of audiometer teKing of area, including about $400 damage miscellaneous items. sohool children o f the county as part trict growers will meet at Boulevard to the roof of the Gem Produce Co., Forwarded from this station in of a three-year program planned in allowing rain to leak in and dam­ Grange hall. November were 785 tars ’vhioh in­ the «summer of 1951, it was announ- age the vails and ceiling. It was re­ cluded 98 cars o l sugar. 68 cars o f ceA th ••«<•-'£ by Mrs. Edna Farris, ported that a partially built wail r-n onions, 65 pulp. 33 molasses, 18 cars ! public health nurse, whose head- a concrete block house on Arcadia of sheep, wheat, cattle, beans and Nyssa area residents arc reminded ! quarters are in Vale. wa- damaged and a transformer miscellaneous items. < f two events to take place in Janu­ In November, 1951, children of near the Dessert Seed Co. was short- Pic tured from left to right in the Order they finished.—Photos by Schoen The first week in December saw ary the March of Dimes drive trie shipment of 120 cars which in­ I Vale school district 15 and schools « d out to leave the firm without which starts J;«n. 2, and the blood- cluded 32 cars of sugar, 17 cars o f Local men who attended the an­ north and west of Vale were tested power for machinery. mobile that will be here Jan. 7. nual «mid-winter meeting of the oy audiometerists from the Oregon In the Nu Acres section the roof sheep and two of cattle. Harold Henigson said that pledge Idaho-Eastern Oregon Seedmen's state board o f health. A follow-up j of a metal granary was torn from The Union Pacific agent called at­ vas completed and reported in Feb­ blanks are being distributed through­ a-.sociation at Boise last Saturday t«!re rest o f the structure and traffic tention to 1951 total figures which out the area in an efiort eo exceed showed 5.381 loaded cars left Nyssa, ! on Idaho highway 95 was blocked included Bill Wahle. t, Horace Beal, ruary, 1952, Mrs. Farris said. the record of 259 pull - donated Aug. surpa . « i i « all other shipping points Students at Adrian and chools by a tree that was blown across the Ace Lloyd, Lawrence Bishop, Mark 5 In addition to using resources of in thri area. “ When the 1952 re- south to McDerinitt, Nev., were giv- road near Parma. Purcell and Jerry Powell. the blood bank for civilian hospitals p rt are compiled I think we'll ex­ Pat Kelley, president, o f Boise, ] en the audiometer tests in October, and war casualties, new discoveries ceed any other station," Jones pre­ presided over the meeting which in­ j .952, by audiometerists from the FORMER TEACHER V IS IT S will demand blood contributed by dicted. RELATIVES, FR IEN D S HERE cluded two greup sessions in the j fate board of health. the American public to help combat Next fall school chilren o f Nyssa Mrs. O. L. Dever o f Boulder and morning, a cambined session in the p ilio, Henigson said. afternoon and the evening banquet. .school district 26C and Ontario dis- Allenspark, Colo., accompanied by I trict 8 and north to Annex «will be Mr. D«ever, has been renewing ac- Individuals and organizations are During the c o m in g ^ession the tested ^ complete the three-year quaintauces in Nyssa where she Truman Cleaver invited t)o suggest new ways o f rais­ Caiole Gilbert Jim Barnes garden seed and held seed group program. taught school from 1*13 to 1917. She Rural Adrian ing funds for the March o f Dimes. Nyssa All organizations contributing funds met in s ^ H „n A total of 638 children were tested, is the former Crete Childers. They Ronald Thompson. FFA member o f problems per. " rpnnrts including 33 students «who were pave been at the home of her sister, to the drive are urged to report tiieir and to give and hear crop p . j fonmj have had hearing losses in I Mrs. W W. Poster and left Tuesday activities to the campaign manager, Adrian, attended the meeting o f th* Main problem aiscussed by each November, 1951, or a total o f 42 with I to visit in Olynypia, Wash , and in or directly to the Gate City Journal. Oregon Jersey Cattle association a * group was the use of sprays and in­ hearing losses. Th ey -were referred California, Salem last Saturday to receive an secticides and their relative effec­ to the Malheur public health de-1 ------------------------ avard he won for fifth place in tha tiveness as against the complaint o f partment for follow-ups, Mrs. Farris Junior Production contest .sponsore# beekeepers that they are lethal to revealed. by the state Jersey association. bees. Mrs. Fanris stated that visits have Thompson's cow, registered Junior In the afternoon joint session the been completed to families of the 42 Kenneth Renstrom. state treas­ four-year-rfld, set a record o f 602 * discussion centered about the anti­ children and all have either been to Mrs. Ray Wise of Nyssa was guest urer of the Eagles lodge, attended pounds (actual» butter fat produc­ quated Idaho bonded warehouse their physicians for examinations | speaker at the regular meeting o f , the annual mid-winter meeting of tion. la«w and the need for its revision. and recommendations or have ap- G irl Scout troop No. 5 last Wednes- j Another Adrian FFA member, who all state officers Saturday and Sun­ More than 100 seed firms were pointments to go. The follow-up day afternoon. Mrs. Wise, a n a tive; was unable to attend the state meek. day at Eugene. Among business represented at the meet, «which con­ work is toy no means completed, but o f England, gave an interesting talk Ronald Peterson, placed eighth in Tim McOinnia Pauline Stephen Janet Russell transacted was the setting of the cluded «with the evening banquet. the families have all been visited on the G irl Guides, an organization ! the contest. Nyssa Rural Nyssa tate convention date for June 25, aither by a home visit or in confer­ in England similar to the G irl Beaumont and Toomb Jersaj SCHOOLS HAVE 11-DAY ence with parents by appointments Scouts in America, characteristic of A complete list of final standings of all candidates will be J6 and 27 at Coos Bay, Renstrom farm, Adrian, sponsored youn* «aid. C H R IS TM A S VA C A TIO N Thompson’s trip to Salem to receive Weather throughout the W illam ­ the award. Nyssa students and instructors Others attending from this area ette valley was "terrible” with lots will have an 11-day Christmas vaca­ if vind and rain, Reiutrom reported. were Mr and Mrs. Herohel Thom p­ tion— eight o l them on regular harve had hearing losses by the audi­ "In fact, It was a pleasure to get son, 'Mrs. A1 Thompson and Hope j, -hool days— with the vacation ometer tests given during the past M °.rr ’ startii*? the day before Christmas four or five years were found this back to the lower Snake river valley Grider. ing served refreshments to the The three weeks of hard but in -1 office by nine o clock Saturday where «we really have some decent on Wednesday, Dec. 24. Th ey will \ year to have normal hearing. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Quigley j teresting work came to a close last night to make their final reports. weather Just about all the time," he have to attend classes Monday and 7" , group. rr\ j e .U , i , „ j » a and iVlrs, J > V ?. V» ornon ot dinner guests Sunday o f Mr. and When the last of these had been ------------------------ I Saturday night at 9 o’clock when Tuesday of that week and wiil re- . . . ... commented. Mrs. I K Peterson of Adrian. The Nyssa Gate C i'y Journal sub­ waited on, the campaign was de­ port back to their school duties M °**>'*r sPent Thanksgiving «with Mr and Mrs. Lamont Fife. scription campaign ended Three clared ended, and the Judges be­ Monday. Jan. 5. girb and three boy* vho worked in gan the «work o f checking the sub­ the campaign received bicycles and scriptions, adding the votes and A late model Chrysler owned and the others received cash corn- determining the winners. Every driven by Lloyd Cleaver was exten- missions o f 15 per cent o f all money receipt, M in, bill and check was ( sively damaged and Mr. and Mr; they turned in carefully checked and tabulated by Cleaver suffered minor injuries One of the outstanding events o f The official Judges’ count dis­ the hard working and offtcient the school year is the annual Christ­ Nyssa’s post office will rem ain , box number, If any. Send greeting about 5 o’clock last Thursday after- closed that three bicycles «went to Judges. Hundreds o f new and re­ mas program given b> 325 pupils of open Saturday afternoon this week cards as first class to obtain first ! noon when their car left the road candidates living in this territory newal subscriptions were found In the fourth, fifth and sixth grades, and next week until 6 o'clock to take delivery service, enable written mes- I in the Cow Hollow district. It was outside Nyssa city, and three went the sealed ballot box. It was around it was announced this week by care of Christmas mailing, Postmas- sages, forwarding and return to reported that the car rolled over to candidates living in Nyssa. Walter McPartland, principal of tha midnight when the last vote had ter Lloyd Le vis announced. Regular sender if not deliverable Patroas one and a half times. Mrs. Lora Ditty, a veteran news­ Highest of all candidates was Cleaver suffered a wrenched back been checked and rechecked and paper correspondent o f 27 year's Nyssa elementary sohool. closing time Saturdays is 12 noon, having a large number of greeting Jimmy Barnes of Nyssa, who had Experience has shown that co- 1 cards to mail are urged to tie them and sprained leg muscle while Mrs. first choice of the six prize bicycles. the winners announced. service arrived in Nyssa last month This year’s event «will be next W ed­ Cleaver suffered bruises. Mrs. Cleav­ Receive Priaes operation o f the public in preparing in bundles, and when possible tie to make her home with her daugh­ nesday evening at 8 o'olock at the Jimmy also won one of the two now gymnasium in the high school and mailing Christmas cards and those for local delivery separately, er was thrown from the car into the W ithin less than an hour after ter, Mrs. Joi n Reeves o f Nyssa barrow pit and the driver was part special $10 cash prizes. Mrs. Ditty, who is now 78 years of building parcels results in more rapid dis- ------------------------ the results were known five of the way out o f the car when it came to The subject of this year's program Highest of the candidates living patching and delivery, Lewis said. L e g is la tio n winners had selected their bicycles age Just receiulv resigned her cor­ is "The Birth o f Christ," with seen* a stop. Both «were unconscious for a outside Nyssa city was Carole Rae TWn K a q w burden o f hAncflirKT respondent duties and sold her home Th e heavy of handling short time and were taken to the Oilbert of Adrian, who got the and Tim McGinnis got his bike on at Johnson City, Missouri. For 27 1 as a “Jewish Synagogue" and di­ Christmas m ills at the Nyssa post Sunday. Commission checks were Nyssa hospital for emergency treat­ bicycle she most wanted although yeans she faithfully reported the rected by Mrs. Tressie King and office has been greatly alleviated Efforts to persuade the Oregon ment. They were released the same -he received second choice. Carole mailed to reach candidates on Mon­ ne-ws of Johnson C ity to the nearby Miss Virginia Voigt. Scene 2 is "A n by such cooperation from the pat­ day and the campaign became his­ Appleton City Journal” at Apple- Angel Appeared to Mary,” directed rons in the last two or three years, legislature to include personal pro­ evening. also «won one of the two $10 cash tory to the people of this area and ton City, Mo , and frankly admits | by Mrs Zette Bumearr.er and James perty on the tax rolls for road im- he went on to say. prizes. a pleasant memory to each o f the that she misses the interesting chores H Nally See le 3, “ No Room at the In addition to Saturday afternoon Truman Cleaver of rural route, splendid boys and girls who par­ of contacting friends and neighbors Inn,” Mrs. Hazel Lane and Elvin L. service parcel den- Tue r at a meeting of the Nyssa, Janet Ru -ell o f Nysea city, Ballou. Scene 4. "As Shepherds tlal area win be delivered earlier in Malheur County Industri for everyday happemngç. ticipated. Pauline Stephen of rural route, Nys­ Watched Their Flock by Night,” Vali ment association in the day. ina much as the parcel Individual votes ran to as high Miss Kathryn Crandall and Mrs. sa. and Tim McGinnis of Nyssa city Through arrangement of two local s i I I M< S S | K O K I Harold Henigscn -aid the group post trains are now running on as more than 900,000 and the grand Charles Garrison 1“ reported to be | Dva Chad vick. Scene 5. "K in g Hercd schedules which will put them in voted to draft a bill to submit to business firms, Santa Claus will be finished third, fourth, fifth and total number of votes for all can­ -< riously ill in the Malheur Memor- ami the Wise Men.” Mrs. Georgia Nvssa in late afternoon or evening, the 1953 legislature. Opposition is in Nyssa every day next week and sixth re pectively and each received didates exceeded 6,200,000. ruke Friday V. M Bernadt. expected from ooncerns having in­ the first three days of Christmas one of the tx prize bicycles. it was explained Many of the candidates have ask­ afternoon. Beene 6. "The Prince of Peace." Mrs. A few items the postmaster point­ vestment- in personal property, but week Wilton Jackson stated that Judges' Statement ed the Journal to extend another Mr Garrison's son and family, Nettie Bumgarner and James H. ed out in preparing Christmas mail efforts will be made to meet with Santa will be at the Ideal Oas V On page 4 of today s Journal Is are: all mail must bt plainly and representatives of such companies Appliance every afternoon from 2 the judges’ statement which give* sincere ‘ thank you” to th# friends Mr and Mrs. Ray Garrison a n d , Nally. The choir will be directed by Mrs. completely addressed, preferably in to expiain the dire circumstances of until 5. while Chester Bowns ha- the final standings of the candi­ who gave their support In making three children nt Klamath Falls ar- the campaign work so pieasxnt and • i>»«t here u st are sta yu * with Dorothy Nolen and accompanied by ink. giving street address, including counties and road districts regard­ made arrangements for him to be dates. meiriben of Jie famay. I Miss Kathryn Crandall. apartment number, if any. or post ing funds for road building and at the Ben Franklin store from $ All candidates toad to be in the profitable. until 8 each evening. edfice box o? rural route and rural maintenance. jJlCK bchireman Jed Returns From Korean War Duty Dairy Association N ew ly Formed 4-H Clubs Announced Large Crowd For Grange Booster Meeting Dates Set For Beet Growers Eagles Auxiliary David Tyler Home From Japanese Duty Hearing Tests On 3-Year Plan Sunday Wind Causes Minor D am age Here March of Dimes, Three Girls, Three Boys Win Bikes In Gale Cily Journal Campaign Seedsmen Attend Annual Meeting Blood Bank Have Similar Goals 'U «Sfe 2 Adrian F F A B o y s Place In Contest Renstrom Attends State Eagles Meet Girl Scouts Hear English Speaker Many Oik,™ -ha found * ^ Nyssa goy and Adrian G i,l Get First Choices, Each Also Wins Special $10 Cash Prize C ar Dam aged In Thursday Crash Post Office Open Saturday Afternoons Until Christmas; Mailing Suggestions Christmas Program By 325 School Children Scheduled Next Thursday Veteran Newspaper Writer Retires For Road Taxes __ ement n Two Business Firms Invite Santa Here C «