THE N Y S S A GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y S S A . OREGON T H U R SD A Y J US DECEMBER 4. 1952 CtAssiFjE* IP 3 QurcK* Jïfr&i Classified Advertising Rates Two cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in ad\ance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the For Sale Miscellaneous Journal office not later than 5 p. m. Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted later than Wednesday. BEST BUYS HOMES 1 bedroom modern home, full base­ HALE Pure-bred young fe ­ For that hard-bo-find Christmas ment, 2 blocks from Main street, eder spar-el dog. $10. Phone gift, try St. Paul's Epi-copal church FARMS $12100 down. $50 per month. 47-tf. bazaar Saturday. Dec. 13 . 5 30 p. m. D R Y LAND W H EAT 2 bedroom modern home, full to 8:30 p m. at the parish hall En­ 960 acre dry farm all ready for [)K SALE — 1 5-fcot meat case, joy the church supper on the same basement, floor drain, city sewer, profitable farming. 150 acres sum­ 16-cubic ft. refrigerator. 1 pop evening. 47-2t. garage. $11.500. terms. mer fallow wheat seeding, 20 acres It-r also scales and cash register, Corner location, 200 foot front­ of intermediate wheat for seed, o le Wade, 306 East Main. Nyssa. Scripture verse: And God shall wipe age. 2 bedroom basement home, 150 acres alfalfa. 40 acres of open 46-2t. away all tears from their eyes, and $l,5o0, $500 down, $25 per month, land, balance good range land, there shall be no nure death nor or will take $1.000 cash. all fenced. Electricity, fair house ;>R SALE 12-ft. Frigidaire deep- scrruv. Revelation 21:4. And who­ and buildings. Should gross $20.000 New 2 bedroom modern home, oil ve. good condition. Price $175. soever was not found writteff in the furnace, hardwood floors. King Ave., per average year, $40,000. book cf life was cart into the lake 11 5-M. $3.500, terms. of fire. Revelation 20:14. Choose you ID E AL ALL-PU RPO SE FARM 1 bedroom modern home, full p R SALE— Used Hotpoint electric this day whom you will serve 60 acres level enough for row ba-ement, garage. $4.200. $500 down, are like new. Only $135—terms, 47-It. ! crop, 20 acres hillside pasture with $10 per mon'h. 4 percent interest. free water. 160 acres deeded sage tsl Gas & Appliance. 38-tf. MISCKLLANM« )U 8 Kl. CtTOlUX “The renter who sings ‘Home brush land next to range. Fair Sweet Heme' is kidding himself and buildings, good well. $18.000. ft plywood boat, trailer, 16 H. P. cleaners. Sales and service. Ed R. $3,000 down. serenading the landlord.” hii'on. 3'a Mercury. Reasonable Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. i Just Ii-ted 2 bedroom modem OC trade for cattle. Reply WU2. Box 60 ACRES PA ID -U P W ATER h me, furna -e. $6,500.. down, will 46-2tp Ideal location, deep rich soil. Some r Attorneys for P la in tiff Except Saturdays. 9 to 12 drive. $7,150, $1.000 down. $12 per be settled, allowed and approved and Residing at Ontario, Oregon. 2-room cottage and shower. 118 N. implement shed. Only pugmill as­ Daily Except Saturday and .aid Estate be distributed by the month. phaltic concrete mix in this area. First street. Phone 016-R2. 45-3tp. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 J. R. C U N D A L L Decree of said Court. SUMMONS Low cost, guaranteed work, free esti­ O N LY $3 000? Dentist FOR REN T—3-room suite, steam mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A Dated and first published Novem- Yes sir, we have one. all modern, In the Circuit Court of the State of Phone 56-J heat. 427-J 45-It. or phone 280. Ontario. i ber 13, 1952. only $1.500 down. 13-tf. C. J. KOPP, M. D. Oregon for the County of Malheur Sarazin Clinic Date of last publication Decem­ EDGE O F TO W N Floyd Acarregul and Carmen Physician and Surgeon NYSSA OREGON FOR RE N T — Furnished basement I INK D A IR Y FARM NEAR Nearly new, 2 bedrooms, 100 foot ber 11, 1952. Acarregul, husband and wife, F R Y B U ILD IN G Apt Stunz duplex 38-tf Myrl Duncan H A R PE R lot, $7.500, terms to suit. Plaintiffs. DR. JOHN W. OLSEN O ffice Hours Administratrix of the Estate of Modern house, Butane, refrigerator, 3-BEDROOM ECONOM Y HOME vs. FOR R E N T—Furnished apartment Dental Clinic 10 to 12: and 2 to 5 Mr Working-man, here Is a spaci­ ’ Roe Felton Duncan. Deceased. The Unknown Heirs o f Annie with bath, light and heat furnished. Hotpoint dishwasher, milking ma­ 7th and Bower Clyde H. Snider, IS North 3rd Daily Except Saturday and ous, comfortable home for your Weir, deceased; the Unknown Heirs Phone 63-J. 32-tf. chine, 40 acres, family orchard, Phone 393-W family, nearly new and well lo­ Street, Nyssa, Oregon, Attorney for of David Weir, deceased; Joseph F Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 modern equipment. 60 tons hay, 20 Administration. FOR R E N T—Paint spray gun. Fire­ cows, 6 heifers, all goes for 23,500, j cated, 38300, easy terms Wood and Jane Doe Wood, his wife; BUSINESS O P P O R T U N IT IE S stone store. 21Ftfc. terms. also any and all other persons or SUMMONS M OTEL RATES H IG H ? CU R FM A N A U LLM AN In the Circuit Court of the State of parties unknown claiming any right, FOR R E N T — New Clarke 8-inch Why don’t you get on the receiving On-gon for the County of Malheur title, Interest, lien and/or estate in E D W IN W. OLDHAM . D. C. Realtors f’. ’or sanders and 6-tich edger. end and enjoy those high rates? and to the real property described >101 East 1st St. Phone 259 Versal Sessions, Plaintiff, Baker, Oregon Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. I PAULUS In Plain tiff's Complaint or any part We have a good 14 unit motel for Physiotherapy Fîertro-Therapy . vs. 45-3t Defendants __________Nyssa. Oregon_________ $40,000, all modern and furnished. Daniel Lynn Gilbert, a minor, heir thereof, JEW ELRY STORE FOR R E N T —Two 'urnished apart­ Terms can be arranged. at law of W ilfred Daniel Gilbert, de­ TO: Th e Unknown Heirs o f Annie ments, phone Brownie's cafe. 3mtfc Union Pacific Tim e Inspector Weir, deceased; the unknown ceased: The Unknown Heirs of W il­ AN INCOME FOR LIF E JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS Heirs of David Weir, deceased; FOR su.E Apartment houses provide sure fred Daniel Gilbert, deceased, De­ W ATCHES Joseph F. Wood and Jane Doe 2 room house, full basement, pres­ TO TR A D E — New modern 2-bed­ and steady Incomes for thousands ri endants. Wood, his wife, also any and all sure water system. 150x138 lot. This room, full basement home In O n­ DR. B. E ROSS Main Street at Second of owners. We have several good TO : Daniel Lynn Oilbert, a minor, other persons or parties un­ Veterinarian i a good house and takes only $500 tario to trade for similar or larger heir at law of W ilfred Daniel ones. known claiming any right, title, down. $25 per month Gilbert, deceased; the Unknown home in Nyssa. Call Erickson, Nyssa. W Y C K O FF Interest, lien and’ or estate In 4 room. bath, part basement, nice 245, Ontario, 352-J. Hoir of W ilfred Daniel Gilbert, 46-tf and to the r#al property describ­ yard, shade, good location, $5500, JEW ELRY STORE deceased, Defendants. 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 ed in Plain tiffs’ Complaint or terms. IN T H E NAME OF THE S TA TE O fficial Tim e Inspector for any part thereof. Defendants. Duplex, one block from Main St , I OF OREGON: You and each o f you Union Pacific IN TH E NAME OF TH E S TA TE 150x150 lot on com er across fr o m 1 are hereby required to appear and O N T A R IO OREOON Veterinary Supplies O F ORBOON: You and each of you city hall. Terms if desired. W ANTED — Highest prices paid for answer the Complaint filed agatm t Small and Large Animal« are hereby required to appear and Business locations on highway, slaughter horses. Clyde Smith FOR SALE—2 houses, both or one, you in the above entitled suit on or O ffiee Hours 8 A M to 6 P. M. both entrances to town, U. S. 20. phone 306. Ontario. Across from with 5 lots. One new 2-bedroom; before the last day of the time answer the Complaint filed against Phone Nyssa 202-W 407 Main St. Residential lots for a little down; Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc chicken house, shed, fruit trees, prescribed in the Order for Publi­ you in the above entitled suit on or and a little a month cation of Summons, U -w it: on or before the last day o f the time pre- W A N T E D —Child care In my home grapes Real buy for someone. Some before the 4th day o f December, '(•ribed In the Order for Publicaron Dr. Marvin M. Prentice BERNARD EASTM AN DR. J. A. M cFALL terms. See this before buying. Also during daytime. Call Mrs. Lloyd Veterinary Surgeon ,1 Summons, to-w lt: on or before Real Estate Insurance 1952, the same being the expiration second hand doors, windows and DR. JOHN E A S L Y Large and Srjall Animal« the 4th day of December, 1952, the Lewis, phone 294-J. 45-2t. Phone 64 of four consecutive weeks from the glass, all sizes. John C Krul, 915 N. | 216 W Park Ph. 2341 date o f the first publication of thi* same being the expiration o f four ru K SAL* W AN TED — Man and wife to operate Idaho St., phone 372-M, Nyssa. New Plymouth, Idaho Summons; and if you fail to answer consecutive weeks from the date of 40-2tp-tf. — 2 bedroom house $3 000. only $600 branch real estate office in Nyssa. for want thereof, the Plaintiff will the first publication o f this Sum­ down, balance like rent. I DR. VERNON W A R D Experience desirable but not neces­ FOR SALE— 10 lots, with house, ga­ 1 apply to the Court for the relief mons; and if you fail to answer for Acreage—2 bedroom house, barn sary W rite C l)A , Box Q, Nyssa. Veterinarian rage and six cabins. Has city water prayed for in his Complaint against want thereof, the Plaintiffs will ap­ and chicken house $4500 ply to the Court for the relief pray­ I «eg« *r Small laimaib 45-tf. and sowag* Charles Wade, 308 East you, to-w it: 2 bedroom horn« near city park That that certain deed from W il­ ed for in their Complaint again*! Main, Nyssa. 4«-2tp $4 900, terms. W ANTED TO R E N T —« ) acre» or fred Daniel OUtoert to Plain tiff you, to-wlt: Phon* 21, Ontario», O e g o a fernem Th at you and w h o? pou kr in ­ trwre farm land Lloyd K Foulsen BOR H MM R —utlfal Ron cei on* dated F«bru«ry33 U K . *n in Block eight OF OREGON You and each cf yc»u ( 8) of Pioneer Addition to the ire hereby cited and required to ap­ Town of Jordan Valley. Malheur pear j i the County Court R o m in County. Oregon, according to the the C<-urt Housr? at Vale. Malheur O fficial Plat thereof on file In 1 Coin Or» gon, on Tuesday. De­ the O ffice of the County Olerk of cember 30, 1952, at the hour of 10 00 said County and State. j o'ckcjt A. M of said day. then and Also, beginning at the North­ 1 there to sh« v cause, rf any exists, east cornel of Lot Tw o (2) in why an order of .sale should net be ■Robe authorizing, licensing and di­ Block Eighl 18», Pi i.m \ : tion to the Town of Jordan Val­ rect.14? Everett L M.ller, adminis- ley, Malheur County. Oregon, :rater of the estate of Mallie J. thence In a Southwesterly direc­ ; Greeley, deceased, to sell the fol- tion along the East boundary of 1 i "wing described real property be- Lot Tw o (2> a distance of 161 4 i longing to sa.d estate, to-wit: feet to the Southeast corner 01 Th« ■ N"rthca-* Q.i arter of the said Lot 2; thence North 89 de­ N< rthwest Quarter » N E L NW . » grees 17' West 61 feet, thence cd action fifteen (15», Town- North 11 degrees 02' East 179 f shii) Thirty-one »31», Ncrth feet; thence South 71 degree» Rar•ge P r-y-fcur (44» E W M 46' East 60.5 feet to the point of in Malheur County , Oregcn; beginning. for thle purpo-e o f pa ying the funi Also, beginning at a point on the ral expenses, claims cf creditor.', a n i North line of Lot Five (5» in exp«!, - of acini;mist ration •f Block Eight (8>, Pioneer Addition 1 the a .thin c tale. -a. A .h pn :>*':■ry to the Town o f Jordan Valley ' to be ■Id at public 131 private sal e. Malheur County. Oregon, which ! fc r « .1c h or on credit , or both, up n point bears North 81 degrees 38 Ml h ;« nns as the Cou rt may appro1 . e. W e-t 233.6 ieet distant from the Dat e >>f firM pillili..•ution, N v. i1- Northeast Corner of said Lot j ber 27!. 1952; claie of 1a-t . n, Five (5>; thence South 8 de­ nber 25. 1952 grees 22' West 100 feet, thence WT fNESS: Th e Honorable s. North 81 degrees 38' West 75 feet: thence North 8 degrees 22 Start i.. Judge of the County Cou rt East 100 feet; thence South 81 t f th«: State of Oregi n for M a’.heiir degrees 28' East 75 feet to the ' Cennity, and the sea!l of said Oourt point o f beginning, and located heret- affixed this 25th day ah N»>- partly in Lot 5, Block 8, Pioneer ! Veiutxer. 1952. A T FEST: H S. Sackett. Cle k Addition to the Town of Jordan By P Vfatkuis, Depu y Valley, and partly in the North­ » Seal east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (N E '.N E 1, ) of Section NOTICE O F ELEC TIO N Eleven (11), Township Thirty STAT’E OF OREGON (30» South, Range Forty-six (46 E.W.M., in Malheur County, Ore­ Coun1ty of Malheur | Owyhee Irrigation District gon. NOTICE IS HEREBY G IV E N Th at by the decree of thb Court it be declared, adjudgec That an election has been called and decreed that the said De­ and Will be held ill the Owyhee Ir ri­ fendants and each and all of gation Di-trict, Malheur County, them have no right, title, interest Oregon, on Tuesday, December 16, lien and or estate whatsoever ir, 1S5C, for the purpose of electing one and the real property described (1 1 Director on said Board to serve in Plain tiffs' Complaint or anj f< r the term of three (3» years, ,ud Director to be elected from the part thereof. Th at you and each and all cf District at large. Sa d election will be held between you be forever enjoined and de­ barred fr>Hn asserting any claim the hours of 8 1)0 o'clock A. M and whatsoever in and to said real 5 00 o'cl .k P.M. of said 16th day of property or any part thereof ad­ Deciir.ber, 1952, when the polls must verse to the P la in tiff’s title there­ be closed. The Board of Directors o f the in, and that to Plaintiffs be de­ creed a good and valid fee simple Owyhee Irrigation District has des­ title in and to said real propertj ignated the Owyhee School House and the whole thereof, free and 1 situated 1 ' 2 nnles west of Owyhee clear o f any and all claims ol ; Dam Junction on Owyhee Avenue in the said Defendants and each of Section 24, Township 20 South, them; and for such other and | Range 48. E W M ., in Malheur further relief as to the Coun County, Oregon, within said District may seem proper and equitable as the place where said election shall be held. in the premises. Dated the 21st day of November, This Summons Ls published by or­ der of the Honorable M. A. Biggs Owyhee Irrigation District Judge of the Circuit Court o f the By Harold Henigson, Secretary State o f Oregon for Malheur Coun­ ty, made and entered on the 3rd day Use Journal Classified Ads. of November, 1952. Th e date o f the first publication o f this Summons is the 6th day of November, 1952, and the date o f the Home beauty last publication o f this Summons with . . . is the 4th day of December, 1962, Anthony Yturri John C O ’K ie f Attorneys for Plaintiffs Residing at Ontario, Oregon KEN POND FARM S 160 acres, good row crop and stock deal, well located, machinery gees with set up. immediate p - sion, $18.000, $20,000 down, $1.500 per year. 40 acres on highway close to Nys- sa, practically ne*> 6 room modern h.mie, $!u,300 . $10.000 down 80 acres, pa;d up water right, row crop and stock set up. new cow barn and machine shed. 8 room m idem home. lull basement, g.iray , $.19.000 . $11,000., down. i acre productive land, lays per­ fect. 2 bedroom modern home, close to Nyssa, $5.700, terms. 25 acres, paid up water right, 6 room modern home, several out building'. $9.000 . $1,500 down, $500 per year. 160 acres under Old Owyhee pro­ ject, good row crop land, 2 sets buildings, terms. 80 acres, new 2 bedroom modern home, 40 acres irrigated. $9.500. $1.500. down. $900 per year, worth the money. Ju.-t listed 80 acres, all row crop, Choice area, 3 bedroom modern home, part basement, barn, loafing shed. $46.500. ' 2 down. 35 acres, row crop and stock deal, 2 bedroom modern home. $12,000, terms. 160 acres, 140 acres irrigated, lays perfect," productive soil, 2 bedroom home $‘ 0.000, $20,000 down. 4 acres, highway location. 2 bed­ room modern home, $7,500, terms. MEL BECK— REALTOR Help Wanted Found Livestock For Sale PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Lodges Physicians Farm Machinery Dentists For Rent Chiropractor Jewelry Stores For Sale or Trade Veterinarians KEN POND £ £ E ! i ” Wanted 1 Real Estate For Sale Optometrists FARM LOANS K