Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1952)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. D E C E M R F R 4. 1C52 lo cal new s Tu .sti.iy Club Mr ajul Mr*. I.eorgt M. Kr. M* U K . It Mr t H B v- * .1 erte i. Tuesday Bridge c’.ut) a: her h me Tuesday ever..:ig of last week Prizes were iwirded to Mr- krt:e R«'bert- Min. fu-'t and Mr* George Mitchell, second Guest- were Mrs Ethel Mat Beckiiam and Mrs. Edward Boydell ❖ —+ V' . . aiid V • M > v „ n aJid Mr and Mrs. M ax „ ' vt avr and family. Saurdav the \1 Kee> were gue.->t^ of Mrs. McKee s ;, r ^nd family. Mr. and Mr». J R Deugal oi Bob*. >u and Mr*. tm il Stunt i*rtul-ned ,, me Friday night from a week's •- P to Eugene and Portland Mrs. ¿• on* remained at Eugene visiting ■ eir daughter and son-in-law. Mr. d Mrs N K. BJealtman and Mr - mz attended the Oregon League \ c.t-es meet Jig in Portland He i. .ned them in Eugene for the bal- j t e of Che week s*c.tcen v n :le h..h *c- re. and Mis. NtBen:.! : red <. - . .gh. The traveling prize was given to M H H Kincrej and Mr Bart O.-trom. Pinochle Partv Mr and Mrs Ellis Horn enter tained Saturday evening. Nov. 22. Mrs. Barnett Hostiass with a pinochle party at their home Mr- John Barnett was hostess to Guests «were Mr and Mr Gurold her pinochle club at her hcnif Tues Horn. Mr and Mr* Norbert Surazin day afternoon of last week Mrs Bill and Mr and Mrs. Guy Tanner M O.E.S Elects Officers During the meet ing of the O of the Ea-tern Star held .rt tlie M sonic hall Monday evening, the A I lowing officers were ejected: Mr Jake Simmons, worthy matron. Jake Sauna «ns. worthy patron Mr» Kenneth Henstrorn, associate wor thy matron. Kenneth Renstnen associate worthy patron: Mrs Wil- Lam echiroman. secretary: Mrs Bert Lienkaoinper, treasurer: Mrs. Edward Boydell, conductre;* and 1 A! x.i 1er a. ::ate ron- ii«r- serving on the food e * ere Mr- L A Mauldin*. V .1 W Kigney. Mr- Glen U: *;» . Mr-. Go.ald Mackey. Sixth Anniversary Mr and Mrs Houston W.Laui Sur.iiay entertained at dinner at the Country Club near Payette in cele bration of their sixth wedding anni- v«c ary Gue-t.s were Mr. and Mrs. Edvard Boydell. c.uests at the Rev. Robnrt A e k - * n t.cme Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. LJoyd Oould and six students of the Northwest Nazarene College at Nampa who furnished special music „ .ring nxrmtig services at the local Nazarene church. IN-emund Medio* k returned HURRY! to KcL-o, Wash. Monday aJter spend- one -week with his parents, Mr. ind Mrs Shed due Medlock. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler and SAVE HURRY!! Take Advantage of The On Food Bills HENNEMAN HARDWARE WITH A G I N UINI Deepfreeze Home Freezer r«Atl tun IK i l l rai ON. « ■ « ■ I k S Mr. and Mrs. Hoheil L. Wilson, for- merly A dele Sehaffield. were married at tlie St. Patrick’s eliiireh in Vale Nov. I with t!-e Rev. John O’Brie:' Model C-13, holds more than 450 lbs. of assorted Frozen foods. Can be had with or without a food plan. Filled with assorted frozen foods it would make the ideal Christmas Gift for the old folks. HARTMAN'S officiating'. The newiy vve«s .raveied to '< tu rul and ienttle f r their wedding trip and are making their new home in BoL-e. W ind-up Close Out Sale ¿laughters were Sunday dinner cate, Harked by tall taper- in sil gue :ts .t the Robert Wd on heme. ver candlclr Ider-. The cake was Sunday morning guests at the S. baked by the groom's mother. R. Wh .».ter iicme were former Nv Friends and relatives called dur- sa residents, Ron Whitaker and .n i the ¡afternoon. daughters o-f Portland, who were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ca- el will enroute home after spending make their heme in California rhardt-giving in Ogden. where Mr Cassel is employed by Mrs. IS. L. Wilson, BarhaiU. Stan the Shell Oil company. | ley and Della spent Friday after There was a charivari for Mr. and noon vi i.tuig Mrs. J O. Cobbley and sen ait Ontario. The Cobbleys ai-e Mrs. Russell Cassel at his parents' 11 | f„.i.ner Nystans. home Saturday night. .Mrs. Florence Forster o f Boise w as a week-end guest c f her aunt and 1 uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Potter, j vlr. and Mrs. Robert Forster of Boise 'were Saturday visitors at the Potter home. T h e John String-er fam ily enjoyed | dinner Sunday at the Country Club near Payette. Social Notes Mrs. diaries Schweizer was hos tess to the ladies of the Book club Saturday afternoon at her home. Mrf. Maurice JurW gave two review’s, one on William Douglas' n:«v book, "Asia 1952", and Martha Martin's true story of "Alaskan Adventures.” Guest visitors for the afternoon in cluded Mrs Delbert Garner, Mrs. George Schweizer. Miss Margery Nihaxt of Homedale and Mrs. Grant Rinehart of Nyssa. Refreshment- | were served. V ’ lf .* Kem-Tone Kem Glow Kem Glow Rake— Hoe Handles Qts.— Reg .1.35 Qts.— Reg. 2.39 Pts. Reg 1.39 Reg. 65c Use Simpson Insulating Dec* orative Tilehoard for ceilings of recreation rooms, spare b e d r o o m s , h o b b y rooms, garages, summer homes, res« taurants ord stores. S impson Insulating Decorative Tileboard is available in squares ami rectangles. All edges are Siir.pkon Tilrboerd is pul up quicker smartly bevelled and grooved %*ith • stapler A new extra wide flanye provide« more area for staples or ceils. for tight fit. Panels are factory- painted a soft, pleasing Tapestry White which harmonizes with any decorative scheme. Fuel-saving insulation,as well as beauty and economy, is provided with this wonder-inaterial.made from the long, tough fibers of Douclas fir. Ask us for free estimates and for vour free booklet of interior decorating suggestions. • t t KS ’ I NSULATI NG QUAUTV I * 1 « ! USS DECORATIVE TILEBOARD STUNZ LUMBER CO. Phone 110 6-In Stove Pipe 24-In. Joints Reg. 34.50 32 ÿ ea. NOW 2-speed. Was 7.50 NOW .22 Cal Md. 47 Winchester Rifle Reg. 18.95 N O W 109.90 L A W N SWEEPER 24.50 5.45 13.95 LOST OR STOLEN—Tuesday be tween Nyssa and Nampa, brown billfold containing $75 in currency, pictures. 2 letters addressed to Mar garet Campbell. 4<M 18th Ave No., Nampa, and marriage license Rea sonable reward. Return of bill fold may save man firm gemg to peni tent ary. Return to Nyssa Justice of the Peace. 47-2t 32£ ea. Was 428.95 NOW THESE PRICES TODAY!! Builders' Hardware Pop-up Toaster W as 22.95 Now 79c Quarts— Reg. 2.25 Now 6 In. Elbows D ISH W A SH E R -SIN K 319.95 17.95 Pints— Reg. 1.23 Now Stove Pipe G. E. C O M B IN A T IO N Small G.K. Appliances Enamoloid MISCELLANEOUS Baby-sitting done in thetr homes, day or evening and also by the week Mrs Ed Steinke, Phone 307-M 47-3tp. 34c 52-Gal. Delux Model Reg*. 154.95 TAK E A D V A N T A G E OF Sherwin-W illiam s Now G. E. W ATER H EATER STANLEY BREAST DRILL SAl I N ft ANTI : I W HAT ARE YOUR PLANS for 1953? A good Ravleigh Business is hard to beat. Big line well established makes good profits. No experience required. WrPe today for informa tion how to get started. Rarvleigh'.. Dept ORL-331-254 Oakland. Calif. 47-2tp. 1.49 Upright Vacuum Cleaner Attachment W as 13.80 Now 5.95 Hinges - Hasps Corner Irons Miscellaneous % Off Also, large amount of small items, one and two of each only, such as enamel- ware, electric alarm clocks, garden tools, hand tools, bath room fixtures, knives 16-gauge shells, life savers, clothes lines, drop cord wire and many other items FOR SALE—185 gallon gas tank, hose and nozzle A A Jamieson, 305 N 6th. Phone 252-W. too numerous to mention. All marked below cost. Come in and look around. POR SALE—80 acre land. 3 'j ml.' southw<: of Nyvsa. G em t Stain. 47-itp I We Quit FOR SALE -5000 Strawberry Crates, 12 cup capacity Quick sale at 5 aarvad «7-tf. * 89c NOW T oo L ate T o C lassify CM OMHrta MB*. S I.49 Now G. E. REFRIGERATOR 199.95 COM ING EVENTS cants «arh fire* aaanr 89c Now Now For N ew lyw eds iP *-*5 • - V Nyssa, Ore. Jr V- ' Book Club CEILINGS OF BEAUTY with ECONOMY T ' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ransom left last week for Kennciviek. Wash., where Mr. Ransom is employed, af- .er a two weeks’ visit at the home of b-s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fairrcll j Ransom. Dee. 6 Rebekah benef.t pinochle Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cassel of party. 8 p. m. Public invited. Kingmian Kolony held open house Dec. 8—St. Paul's Episcopal guild Wholesale Frozen Foods at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grover at the home of Mrs. A. H. Boydell Cooper Sunday for their son, Rus at 8 p. m. 2 Mi. East at Locker Ave. sel and 'his bride who are here on Dec. 9—-A.NX. Garden ohito meets | 2 o’clock at tne Christian church. their honeymoon. Dec. 13—St. Paul's Episcopal The Cooper home was decorated with baskets and bouquets of white church supper and, Christmas ba zaar 5:30 to 8:30 at the Parish hall, Listen to Gabriel Heater and stocks, gladolias and mums which i Bock club at the heme of Mrs. M. were used also at the church where L. Judd. the news by D E E P F R E E Z E they '»ere married. Dec. 15—Open Installation of o ffi Mrs Freeman Rookstool poured, cers of O.E.S. at the Masonic hail Thursdays at 6 p. m., K F X D , Mrs Harold Snider served punch at 8 p. m. and Mrs. Elwood Williams of On Dec. 13—Pinochle party at the Nampa. tario cut aud served the cake. Catholic church at 8 p. m. Public The centerpiece, on the long ser is invited. ving table in the dining room, was a beautifully decorated wedding CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many fr i ends and neighbors for their kind ness and sympathy shown us dur ing the illness and death of our mother. Mrs. Florence Servoss. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Art Servoss and family. * i Mr and Mrs. William Lcwe and family. * We Have A Number of Desirable Items Left— Many of Them Suitable tor Christmas Gifts — Priced as Low as lA oft. m HENNEMAN HARDWARE APPLIANCE Nyssa Oregon