THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NY3SA. CFFCCN THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27. 1952 Kingman Kolcny .Hr*. Claude Dav Phone OSC-K* Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day received Financing Up to $700.00 * Seeds, feed, garden seeds, seed grains, farm supplies. * Write today for application blanks - or 30-60 days ahead of spring or fail need*. * Write for lateest price lists » Early planning with us will save you considerable money * Buyers of all seeds. Write to; Watts Seed Co. ¡'a n n a , Idaho — Stores a t ; Nyssa Caldwell. Homedale, word Wednesday of the death cf the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dav; H;y.U..;.d of N rth Bend. Due to a br. ken water in the grudi tx 1 hv use, school was dis missed Wedm -day noon. Lynn Hurst just returned home from Brooking-, Ore., where he had been visiting his mother. AL aj he was visiting at Myrtle Creek, Ore . with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day attended BIG MID-WEEK DANCE At THE BARN E v ery W ed n esd a y N ig h t Parm a, Ida. Parma, Vi mi. Ea. on Highway 20 CAN YOU STOP QUICK? LET LOCAL »JEWS E velyn Da/ t. n Lie Sto «I Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ilvir, l.eltov and the Claude Bn: n ale northea>t sey Cuitle club m e.ti.i- kers ia t Saturday. M: El. n L of Ny- a Tue-d.i; •Ir and Mr La v r. t- Cl -vcrly <•1 l* of V|r wml M r*, Le ro y B a r- heme while her tr. ;i Mr*. Oord n T . i . j - e:.t< tamed Mrs. L. Dong .- ill utain and was Mr.- Ea. tie attended th? funeral services nf Heme ec Tue-day at Mrs. Bill ton . : Thank-giving dinner will be Daze y of B1 a k C m the hcspnal a couple of days. n i- in a Mrs. Bair's si-ter. Mr-. Clau ; C n- Mrs. Oscar S aaffer is one of the Hcmetc Tuesday a: Mrs. Bill Au-:;n Bart of Vale. Mr. and Caldwell ho-pit.;: d, r of Prova, a week ag Sr...-da. lad.os to attend the exter. ion club. •Toombs place. Mr D 1 ) Pi, Mr and -Mrs. Tom She went Mr Dick Knegh. Mr. and Mrs Wesley Piercy left Chandler, Mr and Mrs. Richard Callers at the 1 . 1 vrenee Kreager for Caliiorn.a Tuesday, expecting to Ma- n and M Dorothy Biiobey. heme this week were ferd Schlcpkh 'l return Saturday. Mr*. Dale ltmgin.ui and sons visit from Salem and H J Newell from Choir practise started Wednesday ed at the S.iiu Phillip- home Sun Boise. n^jht for the Chri. tma pregram at Pollyanna club meets with Mr-. the United Pre oyterian church in day. le e Dwil was released from the Dawrence Kreager Dec. 4 It is to Adrian. Baker hc-pital Tuesday and he and be exchange of Christmas gifts. All Mr and Mrs. Bill T mb- and Mrs. Dail n amed home Wednes - 1 in the community are invited. By BILL SCHIKFMAN uncle, C’. f, heard the : ilk given by day. Mrs. John Thiel, Katherine and Frank Af troth. pre .dent of the Gregory went to Un^ n T wn. Wa-h . Spending the week-end with Mr. Make Easy-Caery Drain Ameri an Jersey Cattle club. Mon for a couple of days. and Mrs Campbell Baer was Mrs day a.t the Hotel Bo: e. Pan From 5-Gallon Can Lawrence Kreager attended the 1 BurmaU Bro vn of Ogden Farm Bureau convention at Baker Mr. m il Mrs. Pel Alsup returned W e’ve heard about a lot of Mr>. A1 Thom pon received werd I recently from a nine-day vacation > makeshift drain pane — many that her brother in Dallas, Ore., is at Phoenix. Ariz., visiting the home o f them troublesom e. But very ‘ill. if Mrs. Alsup’a brother, Mr. and here’e one ( below 1 you can Modern Pioneer Club Mr and Mrs. Dean Montgomery virs Rees Owen. They returned by I make that can be pulled from Phone 0S0-R3 from Clearwater. Utah, were callers way of Grand Canyon. Thanksgiv- I under a vehicle by the handle, RPM DELO Heavy Duty is a high at the Guy Moore home Tuesday. rig dinner guests at the Alsup home I then earned with one hand. perform ance lev el oil, com Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery are the Mr*. Dale Glenn, Mrs Dudley will be Mr and Mrs. Ernest Steph pounded to stop ring sticking, new owavers of the Moore ranch. Kur i and children and Mrs Irvin enson of Arcadia and John Reeves piston deposits and corrosion Mr and Mrs Dean Montgomery TVpliXf and children spent Wednes and son, Walter. 5- gauon CAN We recommend it particularly are the owenrs of the Moore ranch day afternoon at the home of Mrs. C ut o u t M e r i o « for farm tractors. Mrs. Herschel Thompson, Mrs BUI Hamilton in Nyssa amo s i n o o v i a ID G IJ Berle Phifer and Mr*. Claude Day Call us. Service is the chief o im Word was received Wednesday of were among the ladces who attended the death of the infant son of Mr. — iJ h - of our local business. the sixth grade tea at the Adrian and Mrs. Dav.d Highland, who now grade school Nov 21. re-side at NccCh liei-d. Ore. Mrs. Eld Bassett and grandson, Lewis Sowdrldge. enjoyed a phone I Mrs. Irvin Tophi! and children call from their daughtir and moth ! visited ak the J. R. Suter home in er. Mrs. Pat Bowdridge, from Salem, Parma Sunday afternoon to help Barbara Suter celebrate her birth Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson, Mr day. If you want to do away with Mr. and Mrs. Jake B. rge amended and Mrs. Herschel Thompson, Mr 9 a. m.—8:30 p m. engine troubles on your truck and Mr;. Bill Toonvb and Mr. and live state Farm Bureau convention or tractor, try KPM DKLO Mrs. Paul Cleaver attended the Jer in Baker Tuesday. Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil. Mrs. Nancy Yamamoto and family It will aave you up to 60% on Wilson Bros. visited the Roy and George Hirai A Stumdotd Oil Company engine maintenance costs. families Sunday e l C o llísim o P io d o it Mrs. Durlm Hammon a:’.ended a Dept. Store D it lu b u le d b y county P.-T.A. meeting at Ontario .W. and Mr-. Kiaa- Laan and Sponsored by child: n visited : the Pete Timmer Raymond Bradley man home F:' -uy n.ght. Molhodist WSCS I Nyssa. Oregon Phone 61 -W Garage & Service Station Mr. and Mrs. Lui. Stain were visit- and 2 acre*, very good land cn i ccs at the Pete Vand.r Gru home near Ny- a Sunday after:: on. high vay at O vvhee dam June.ion, Kay H am m .n danced at the Nyssa bet ween Ny sa and Adrian. ec-n.i ward Delcr. - Dim- and Glenda Hammc n at their annual GL^NN T. SHORT. Owner bazaar and party. Rt. 1. Box 40, Vale, Ore. Mr. aim Mr-. Roy II.: ai and chil dren and George Huai attended the Kuraka wa-H.i-h.m-to wedding li t i'.iur ..ay .ligut .n Out.;.. Mrs. Rcy Hirai attended t e Young Matrons meeting .n Ontario cn Tue-day. Several people of Ne.vell Heights attended the carnival at Adrian. •Neils Larsen won door prize and Charlie Newbill won a turkey. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Timmerman and attended a birthday d.n- ner honoring Johnny Timmerman a t ; S3 SS the latter’s heme Wednesday even ing. NAME This coupon good for Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Judd drove to i Mountain Home and Caldwell Sun ADDRESS day. R. J. Newell of Boise and Ferd | 6chdcpohl of Salem, visited at the C IT Y The ( f c t f t that will brinj To each new member M. L. Judd heme Friday. a loved one safely home, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy, Mis. PHONE NO. of our food plan or take one tc Mary Leader and Cary Modlin went to Redding, CaLf , last Wednesday, | I am interested in your food plan. have food the fireside o' returning by Hermiston and Pendle-1 Offer good until Dec. 30. 1952. consultant No. 7 contact me. No Obligation. a kinsman ton. They visited three of Mr. Piercy’s brothers. Carl Hill returned Wednesday from an unsucces.-ful elk hunt. Mr. and Mr- Stanley Hill and TH E F R I E N D L Y BUS LINE family visited Mr and Mrs. Dudley 309 Main St. Phone 217 Mau-lir.g in Mar.-ing Sunday. ■ m S B U R W r-VW»— r—V Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Worden and family ad Mr- Lydia Worden visit- id at the Ir vin Davison home in R. dgtviev Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn and S. lly were Sunday dinner guests at the L. L Kreager home. 'fh 3 Í^VlV-40.0«itÍW «Tá!.n4 a Newell H.-ights BAZAAR Nov. 29 US safe -T- grip WM. E. SCH1REMAN YOUR TIRES W O U L D Y O U ?? Better Traction For Starting a n d Stopping on W et, Slippery Ice or Snow -covered Roads 1— Like to save u p to 30c on the food dollar??? 2— Like to find out the interesting facts about the new FOOD CLUB FLAN?? 3— Find out how to serve better m eals for LESS MONEY? 4— Fill in coupon below a n d m a.l to box Q the G ate City Journal, Nyssa, Ore. IT'S INEXPENSIVE! For only a very few dollars w e can m ake your tires safer th a n new with Safe-T-Grip IT'S QUICK • In less th a n a n hour w e can supply this am azing safety process to your tires. DRIVE IN TODAY! P o w e ll S e r v ic e $ 5 .0 0 $ T R A I (.W A Y S Phone 76 203 Main BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Its l?ke getting Use Journal Classified Ads. £ every seventh tanlcful of gas FREE!" Û mists â î!3 (l l i V K O T*- n e tT ’g Clogged sewers • nd FOR H O L I D A Y ^ ENTERTAINING^}^ USE THESE TIME-PROVEN DEVOE PRODUCTS FOR BEST RESULTS Wonder-Tones Mirroloc Enamel Devopoke Velour Finish Just Pick Your Colors-- -t ,1 drains raror klcen-d electric Kot o | and ~~M with the looter famous cleaning m achine. K'o wn- necessary digging- Thousands of ow ners prove for th e m se lve s th at n ew Ford Truck LOW -FRICTION e n g in e s d e liv e r m ore HAULING POW ER p er g a llo n ! Boise Payette Provides Them “ Since I got m y new 1952 Ford Truck, my running costa are lower!” —owners say . . . thank« to Ford's three all-new L o w - F rictio n truck engine«: th e 101-h.p. C ost C l ip p e r S ix , and two m ighty C a r g o K in g V-8's— 145 h.p. and 155 h .p .! Colorful inviting rooms that say "welcome" at a glance are easily attained at small cost when you see Boise Payette. Boise Payette will show you how you can redecorate — using the exact colors you've always wanted — with no chance of costly mistakes. Gloss, semi-gloss — flat paint — whatever your need, Boise Payette will provide it at minimum cost. And now — Ford’« famou« 239 cu. in. T ruck V-8 ih upped to 106 h.p. —the Ford B ig S ix to 112 h.p.! F ivk great engine« for lower-cost Speed Hauling! See us now! Floor and Dock Inomol r.D.A.r. 87 Spar Varnish Marble Floor Varnish Superkleen Brushes BIGGEST SELLER m it« w eig h t class, F o r d F -6 offen» 3 w h eclb aa e le n g th t o fit y o u r lo a d re q u ire m e n t* . Year «.p *.< lo U e IO T O tO O T E B Servictm oa hat the «roper equip- ■eor te pomp leptic ta ek* m I k s most tao ittry w ty. i „L ?& ■ Am U abihlg oj oqwifmont, or Poratex t i f t* . O r e g o n C. I . MINK.. Y*,r. P h o n « 15 BROWER Plumbing Shop N yuk P h a n « 1M J O VCRHfAD V A IV I? foi li— por " broa thing" HIOH COMPRESSION ^ with rogutor gai I SHORT STROKE (U<I di i*on travol vp to l| % , fAvp cuti power- •fl'mg FRICTION More o f developed power be- c offre« hauling power I | Po nahem tanent to and trim <u illurtriUrd, i t depm dont on material ru vp iy Conditione. FORD TRUCKING COSTS LESS . . . Ford Trucks Las' U tim g im tm m t r m g i o tr a tto n d a t a o n 8 . 0 6 9 , 0 0 0 f m c J t i , li/m i n a u r a n c e a a p a r t a p r o v e F o r d T ru a phone Titewall NEW LOW -FRICTION DESIGN HERRIMAN MOTOR C C Phone 77 .ons mailed to be Journal before