THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NY3SA. CFFCCN THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27. 1952 Kingman Kolcny .Hr*. Claude Dav Phone OSC-K* Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day received Financing Up to $700.00 * Seeds, feed, garden seeds, seed grains, farm supplies. * Write today for application blanks - or 30-60 days ahead of spring or fail need*. * Write for lateest price lists » Early planning with us will save you considerable money * Buyers of all seeds. Write to; Watts Seed Co. ¡'a n n a , Idaho — Stores a t ; Nyssa Caldwell. Homedale, word Wednesday of the death cf the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dav; H;y.U..;.d of N rth Bend. Due to a br. ken water in the grudi tx 1 hv use, school was dis­ missed Wedm -day noon. Lynn Hurst just returned home from Brooking-, Ore., where he had been visiting his mother. AL aj he was visiting at Myrtle Creek, Ore . with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day attended BIG MID-WEEK DANCE At THE BARN E v ery W ed n esd a y N ig h t Parm a, Ida. Parma, Vi mi. Ea. on Highway 20 CAN YOU STOP QUICK? LET LOCAL »JEWS E velyn Da/ t. n Lie Sto­ «I Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ilvir, l.eltov and the Claude Bn: n ale northea>t sey Cuitle club m e.ti.i- kers ia t Saturday. M: El. n L of Ny- a Tue-d.i; •Ir and Mr La v r. t- Cl -vcrly <•1 l* of V|r wml M r*, Le ro y B a r- heme while her tr. ;i Mr*. Oord n T . i . j - e:.t< tamed Mrs. L. Dong .- ill utain and was Mr.- Ea. tie attended th? funeral services nf Heme ec Tue-day at Mrs. Bill ton . : Thank-giving dinner will be Daze y of B1 a k C m the hcspnal a couple of days. n i- in a Mrs. Bair's si-ter. Mr-. Clau ; C n- Mrs. Oscar S aaffer is one of the Hcmetc Tuesday a: Mrs. Bill Au-:;n Bart of Vale. Mr. and Caldwell ho-pit.;: d, r of Prova, a week ag Sr...-da. lad.os to attend the exter. ion club. •Toombs place. Mr D 1 ) Pi, Mr and -Mrs. Tom She went Mr Dick Knegh. Mr. and Mrs Wesley Piercy left Chandler, Mr and Mrs. Richard Callers at the 1 . 1 vrenee Kreager for Caliiorn.a Tuesday, expecting to Ma- n and M Dorothy Biiobey. heme this week were ferd Schlcpkh 'l return Saturday. Mr*. Dale ltmgin.ui and sons visit­ from Salem and H J Newell from Choir practise started Wednesday ed at the S.iiu Phillip- home Sun­ Boise. n^jht for the Chri. tma pregram at Pollyanna club meets with Mr-. the United Pre oyterian church in day. le e Dwil was released from the Dawrence Kreager Dec. 4 It is to Adrian. Baker hc-pital Tuesday and he and be exchange of Christmas gifts. All Mr and Mrs. Bill T mb- and Mrs. Dail n amed home Wednes - 1 in the community are invited. By BILL SCHIKFMAN uncle, C’. f, heard the : ilk given by day. Mrs. John Thiel, Katherine and Frank Af troth. pre .dent of the Gregory went to Un^ n T wn. Wa-h . Spending the week-end with Mr. Make Easy-Caery Drain Ameri an Jersey Cattle club. Mon­ for a couple of days. and Mrs Campbell Baer was Mrs day a.t the Hotel Bo: e. Pan From 5-Gallon Can Lawrence Kreager attended the 1 BurmaU Bro vn of Ogden Farm Bureau convention at Baker Mr. m il Mrs. Pel Alsup returned W e’ve heard about a lot of Mr>. A1 Thom pon received werd I recently from a nine-day vacation > makeshift drain pane — many that her brother in Dallas, Ore., is at Phoenix. Ariz., visiting the home o f them troublesom e. But very ‘ill. if Mrs. Alsup’a brother, Mr. and here’e one ( below 1 you can Modern Pioneer Club Mr and Mrs. Dean Montgomery virs Rees Owen. They returned by I make that can be pulled from Phone 0S0-R3 from Clearwater. Utah, were callers way of Grand Canyon. Thanksgiv- I under a vehicle by the handle, RPM DELO Heavy Duty is a high at the Guy Moore home Tuesday. rig dinner guests at the Alsup home I then earned with one hand. perform ance lev el oil, com ­ Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery are the Mr*. Dale Glenn, Mrs Dudley will be Mr and Mrs. Ernest Steph­ pounded to stop ring sticking, new owavers of the Moore ranch. Kur i and children and Mrs Irvin enson of Arcadia and John Reeves piston deposits and corrosion Mr and Mrs Dean Montgomery TVpliXf and children spent Wednes­ and son, Walter. 5- gauon CAN We recommend it particularly are the owenrs of the Moore ranch day afternoon at the home of Mrs. C ut o u t M e r i o « for farm tractors. Mrs. Herschel Thompson, Mrs BUI Hamilton in Nyssa amo s i n o o v i a ID G IJ Berle Phifer and Mr*. Claude Day Call us. Service is the chief o im Word was received Wednesday of were among the ladces who attended the death of the infant son of Mr. — iJ h - of our local business. the sixth grade tea at the Adrian and Mrs. Dav.d Highland, who now grade school Nov 21. re-side at NccCh liei-d. Ore. Mrs. Eld Bassett and grandson, Lewis Sowdrldge. enjoyed a phone I Mrs. Irvin Tophi! and children call from their daughtir and moth­ ! visited ak the J. R. Suter home in er. Mrs. Pat Bowdridge, from Salem, Parma Sunday afternoon to help Barbara Suter celebrate her birth­ Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson, Mr day. If you want to do away with Mr. and Mrs. Jake B. rge amended and Mrs. Herschel Thompson, Mr 9 a. m.—8:30 p m. engine troubles on your truck and Mr;. Bill Toonvb and Mr. and live state Farm Bureau convention or tractor, try KPM DKLO Mrs. Paul Cleaver attended the Jer­ in Baker Tuesday. Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil. Mrs. Nancy Yamamoto and family It will aave you up to 60% on Wilson Bros. visited the Roy and George Hirai A Stumdotd Oil Company engine maintenance costs. families Sunday e l C o llísim o P io d o it Mrs. Durlm Hammon a:’.ended a Dept. Store D it lu b u le d b y county P.-T.A. meeting at Ontario .W. and Mr-. Kiaa- Laan and Sponsored by child: n visited : the Pete Timmer­ Raymond Bradley man home F:' -uy n.ght. Molhodist WSCS I Nyssa. Oregon Phone 61 -W Garage & Service Station Mr. and Mrs. Lui. Stain were visit- and 2 acre*, very good land cn i ccs at the Pete Vand.r Gru home near Ny- a Sunday after:: on. high vay at O vvhee dam June.ion, Kay H am m .n danced at the Nyssa bet ween Ny sa and Adrian. ec-n.i ward Delcr. - Dim- and Glenda Hammc n at their annual GL^NN T. SHORT. Owner bazaar and party. Rt. 1. Box 40, Vale, Ore. Mr. aim Mr-. Roy II.: ai and chil­ dren and George Huai attended the Kuraka wa-H.i-h.m-to wedding li t i'.iur ..ay .ligut .n Out.;.. Mrs. Rcy Hirai attended t e Young Matrons meeting .n Ontario cn Tue-day. Several people of Ne.vell Heights attended the carnival at Adrian. •Neils Larsen won door prize and Charlie Newbill won a turkey. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Timmerman and attended a birthday d.n- ner honoring Johnny Timmerman a t ; S3 SS the latter’s heme Wednesday even­ ing. NAME This coupon good for Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Judd drove to i Mountain Home and Caldwell Sun­ ADDRESS day. R. J. Newell of Boise and Ferd | 6chdcpohl of Salem, visited at the C IT Y The ( f c t f t that will brinj To each new member M. L. Judd heme Friday. a loved one safely home, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy, Mis. PHONE NO. of our food plan or take one tc Mary Leader and Cary Modlin went to Redding, CaLf , last Wednesday, | I am interested in your food plan. have food the fireside o' returning by Hermiston and Pendle-1 Offer good until Dec. 30. 1952. consultant No. 7 contact me. No Obligation. a kinsman ton. They visited three of Mr. Piercy’s brothers. Carl Hill returned Wednesday from an unsucces.-ful elk hunt. Mr. and Mr- Stanley Hill and TH E F R I E N D L Y BUS LINE family visited Mr and Mrs. Dudley 309 Main St. Phone 217 Mau-lir.g in Mar.-ing Sunday. ■ m S B U R W r-VW»— r—V Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Worden and family ad Mr- Lydia Worden visit- id at the Ir vin Davison home in R. dgtviev Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn and S. lly were Sunday dinner guests at the L. L Kreager home. 'fh 3 Í^VlV-40.0«itÍW «Tá!.n4 a Newell H.-ights BAZAAR Nov. 29 US safe -T- grip WM. E. SCH1REMAN YOUR TIRES W O U L D Y O U ?? Better Traction For Starting a n d Stopping on W et, Slippery Ice or Snow -covered Roads 1— Like to save u p to 30c on the food dollar??? 2— Like to find out the interesting facts about the new FOOD CLUB FLAN?? 3— Find out how to serve better m eals for LESS MONEY? 4— Fill in coupon below a n d m a.l to box Q the G ate City Journal, Nyssa, Ore. IT'S INEXPENSIVE! For only a very few dollars w e can m ake your tires safer th a n new with Safe-T-Grip IT'S QUICK • In less th a n a n hour w e can supply this am azing safety process to your tires. DRIVE IN TODAY! P o w e ll S e r v ic e $ 5 .0 0 $ T R A I (.W A Y S Phone 76 203 Main BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Its l?ke getting Use Journal Classified Ads. £ every seventh tanlcful of gas FREE!" Û mists â î!3 (l l i V K O T*- n e tT ’g Clogged sewers • nd FOR H O L I D A Y ^ ENTERTAINING^}^ USE THESE TIME-PROVEN DEVOE PRODUCTS FOR BEST RESULTS Wonder-Tones Mirroloc Enamel Devopoke Velour Finish Just Pick Your Colors-- -t ,1 drains raror klcen-d electric Kot o | and ~~M with the looter famous cleaning m achine. K'o wn- necessary digging- Thousands of ow ners prove for th e m se lve s th at n ew Ford Truck LOW -FRICTION e n g in e s d e liv e r m ore HAULING POW ER p er g a llo n ! Boise Payette Provides Them “ Since I got m y new 1952 Ford Truck, my running costa are lower!” —owners say . . . thank« to Ford's three all-new L o w - F rictio n truck engine«: th e 101-h.p. C ost C l ip p e r S ix , and two m ighty C a r g o K in g V-8's— 145 h.p. and 155 h .p .! Colorful inviting rooms that say "welcome" at a glance are easily attained at small cost when you see Boise Payette. Boise Payette will show you how you can redecorate — using the exact colors you've always wanted — with no chance of costly mistakes. Gloss, semi-gloss — flat paint — whatever your need, Boise Payette will provide it at minimum cost. And now — Ford’« famou« 239 cu. in. T ruck V-8 ih upped to 106 h.p. —the Ford B ig S ix to 112 h.p.! F ivk great engine« for lower-cost Speed Hauling! See us now! Floor and Dock Inomol r.D.A.r. 87 Spar Varnish Marble Floor Varnish Superkleen Brushes BIGGEST SELLER m it« w eig h t class, F o r d F -6 offen» 3 w h eclb aa e le n g th t o fit y o u r lo a d re q u ire m e n t* . Year «.p *.< lo U e IO T O tO O T E B Servictm oa hat the «roper equip- ■eor te pomp leptic ta ek* m I k s most tao ittry w ty. i „L ?& ■ Am U abihlg oj oqwifmont, or Poratex t i f t* . O r e g o n C. I . MINK.. Y*,r. P h o n « 15 BROWER Plumbing Shop N yuk P h a n « 1M J O VCRHfAD V A IV I? foi li— por " broa thing" HIOH COMPRESSION ^ with rogutor gai I SHORT STROKE (U