THE N Y S S A I N V t 'S A THEATRE TELEPHONE 108 F R ID A Y -S A T U R D A Y NOVEM BER 28-29 "WAC FROM WALLA WALLA" with J I'D Y C’ANOVA STEPHEN and JUNE VENi IE NT It's singin’ and fightin' a- Judy comes from a long line of fighter- to join the Wacs. S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y NOV. 30-DEC. 1 "WHISPERING SMITH" In Technicolor with A LA N LADD ROBERT PRESTON DONALD < KISP FA Y IIOI.DEN The exciting adventures of the most feared man of the west. A tornado of flaming lips and smoking guru- in the land beyond the law. A return showing. T U E S D A Y -W E D N E S D A Y THURSDAY DECEMBER 2-3-4 "THE STORY OF WILL ROGERS" In Technicolor with W IL L ROGERS, JR. JANE W Y M A N CA1U. BENTON REID EVE M IL L E R JAMES GLEASON I The warming story of the lovable guy who tossed a lariat and caught a million happy hearts. 3 Big Days F R ID A Y -S A T U R D A Y DECEM BER 5-6 "ROSE OF CIMARRON" I GATE C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 27. 1S52 That an election has been called STVTE E.OX. PREXV M ' l T 1 and w.Il be held m the Ow> .iee Irri- (Continued from Pa- 1' ..i n Di-trict, Malheur County, G arm on and E H Brand' |)r. Clare Conley It took three pecial hunt to pr >- Oregon, on Tue day, December 16 vide the 65 piwa ants required for i 1952, for the purpose o f electing one Optometrist the dinner, with 15 member- par- I ' D Director on .‘ aid Board w> serve for the term cf three (3) years, said . debating m each hunt. Director to be elected from the Balance of the evening was spont District at large. EYES E X A M IN E D in playing bu«go under the direction E stim ate s G l a d l y G iv e n Said election will be held between , of Ben Storms. Assisting him were tihe hours of 8:00 o’clock A M and Glenn Kenraston, Lawrence Pace 5:00 o'clcck P.M. of said 16th day of (O p p . S e a r s ) D i a l 9-3371 and Re ns tram. Priies consisted of December, 1952, when the polls must Phone 134L2 I cash, smokes and turkeys be closed. 519 Cleveland, Caldwell, Ida. The Board of Directors of the CITATION ‘ Owyhee Irrigation District has des Parma, Idaho In the County Cmurt of the Stake of ignated the Owyhee School House i rni mw in wn imriMiiiiuiiiiMiirm inn Oregon for the County of Malheur situated m miles west of Owyhee In the Matter of the Estate of Dam Jun-tion cn Owyhee Avenue in Mallie J. Greeley, Deceased. Section 24, Township 20 South, ID : Max Greeley. Twilia G. Batten- Range 4£, S.W.M., in Malheur horn, Gerald B. Greeley. Gretta County, Oregon, within said District G. Moore and to all other heirs as the place where said election unknown, if any such there be. aha 11 be held. Wire-tight Baled Dated the 21st day of November, IN T H E NAME OF THE STATE ; OF OREGON: You and each of you 1952. Owyhee Irrigation District ‘ are hereby cited and required to ap By Harold Henigson, Secretary pear iin the County Court Room in the Court House at Vale. Malheur Inquire at County, Oregon, on Tue-day, D e cember 30, 1952, at the h» ur of 10:00 »’clock A. M. of .ud da} then and there to sho.v came, if any exists, : why an order of sale sh uld nnt be 113 Main Phone 160 made, ljcen.-ing and di Everett L. M illet adminis trator of the estate ol Mallie J. Gieeley, deceased, to .-••11 the fol- . v iig descr.bed real p perty be longing to said estate, t »-wit: The Norther •: Quarttr t f the North .ve t Quarter i N E 1. N W 14) e f sect.on fifteen (15», T vn- Start NOW and Enjoy sh.p Thirty-one '31», North Range Forty-fcur (14) E W.M. The CGMFORT and WARMTH in Malheur County, Oreg, in; cf a for the purpose of pay.i.g the fune ral expenses, claims i f cred.iors, and f| 1 1 > "• M A Ml Cw* MOM of admun tration < f the within estate, . a.d real property C O A L H E A T E ÌC * .o be sold at pubhc oi private -ale, ,’cr ca h or on credit, or both, upon j Can Be suoh terms as the Court may approve. Instated Date of first publication. Nov, Ti Fefore Your ber 27, 1952; date of la t publication, 5 FREE T U R K E Y S EAC H S A T U R D A Y N IG H T December 25, 1952. Louse Cools 10— 11 A N D 12 P. M. W ITN E SS : The Honorable S. MBO£L«22P Stanton, Judge cf the County Court D eluxe cabinet cf the State of Oregon for Malheur circulator w th b u ilt - in a u to - bounty, amd the seal of said Court m r i e h a*, retr- hereto affixed this 25th day of No u ln to r . llo lila Ml e t c ] vember, 1952. Une r f a rvt n •»iTttArv ing A TT E S T ; H. S. Sackett, Clerk model*. »Seal) By P. Watkins, Deputy 'IHiUil.1 U iillllllllll llll liltlilll! Ilftllllr MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER F. A 25-h.p. Evinrude O U T B O A R D M O TO R Will Be Given Away by the NYSSA BOAT CLUB Saturday, Nov. 29 D rawing W ill Take Place A t 6 p.m. at P ow ell Service FOR SALE . . . . Tickets Obtainable From Nyssa Boat Club Members ALFALFA HAY BROWNIE'S CAFE $ Have Y on Goilen Y oars Y el? $ 5 0 . ( a sh GIVEN AWAY EVERY WEEK COLDEST WEATHER YET TO ¿ g S COME! Here Is your invitation ^ to our Big Free $ UJ h RITI mORIlIJIG STOP IN AND QUALIFY Cam« and b r i n » th# who le f ami l y. Yaw’ll e nj oy o u r show and w e ’ll he happy t# see yew ■/WV GOOD FOOD 24 HOUR SERVICE K-Bar Sport Shop New NOTICE OF ELECTION STATE OF OREGON County cf Malheur Owyhee Irrigation District NO TICE IS HEREBY G IVE N P ly m o u t h SOUTHW EST I D A H O 'S R E C R E A T IO N CENTER In Natural Color with Before trouble strikes SEE US! / D o n ’ t w ait fo r a fire, an accident or lawsuit. Protect JACK BECTEI. M ALA POWERS B IL L W IL L IA M S JIM DAVIS ^ W h at Y ou H ave N ow ! IV( The wild cat o i the west has the outlaw in her sights . . she lived by the law of the six-gun. Wf STAN* MTWRN TOM AND LOTS I bob Thompson Agency S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y DECEM BER 7-8 Phone 97 "SON OF ALI BABA" LUCKY WINNER In Technicolor with Last W e e k ' » TO N Y C U R T IS PIPER L A ! HIE A fantasy of Arabian nights. Phone 149-W 1 Block West Depot "JUST ACROSS THE STREET" 8 P.M. Nyssa High School Gym It w ill be a big, clean, lively show consisting o f high- class vaudeville performers in person, and interesting motion pictures. There will be fun and entertainment for the whole family so bring everybody. N o sales talks. Everything free. Your neighbors w ill be there so don’t fail to attend. Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. 401 Main Phone 245 1 f a f / That« International advantages can't be beat Like most go o d farm ers, In te r national Trucks come from good farm stock. The way they work proves it. Take this new International L-160 for example. It costs less to run, requires fewer repairs because it’s built to take years of punishing field work as well as road work. We’d like to show you what it can do on your farm—to save you work and save you money. How about a free demonstration? • Silv or D ia m o n d v a lv o -in -h o a d # n g in # — b u ilt in th# w o r ld 's larg# » t truck e n g in e plant. • The 'room iest, most co m fo rta b le ca b on the r o a d " — the C o m fo V isio n C o b . • S u p e r ste e rin g system — m o re p ositive control, e a s ier h a n d lin g . 3 7 ° t u rn in g a n g le . • The t ra d it io n a l truck to u g h n e ss that h a s kep t In te r m 1 n a t io n a l firs t in h e a v y - d u t y tru c k s a le s fo r 2 0 stra ig h t years. • 115 b asic m o d e ls with h u n d re d s o f sp e c ia liz e d v a r iations. E v e ry th in g from Vx-ton p ic k u p s to 9 0 ,0 0 0 lbs. GVW ratin gs. • L a rg e st e x clu sive truck service o rg a n iz a t io n . HARVEST Also Thursday, Dec. 4 The nunv exclusive features of V 'ARM M O RN ING n- he it America'« out standing coal heater. None like it! Come in TO*>\Y. Good A v e T U G and LU G At Those Heavy Loads? personal invitation to attend our big Family Party It’s not too lase to enjoy the comfort, conven'd: ■* a rj economy of a WARM M ORNING Coil Heater this U'iutei Why wait any longer? Ju t give us i ring, or stop in, and we'll help yoi select the W AR M M O RN ING mode exact'v suited to your ner.'s. And we'J install it r'ght a -.-ay Nyssa Furniture Co. W hy ... Please accept this advertisement as a RONUS A boy meets girl comedy. DAYS T U E S D A Y , DEC. 9 "OUTLAW WOMEN" with M \RIE W INDSOR RICH ARD ROHER Also "YUKON GOLD" with K IR B Y ( ’. R A N T u.d C H IN O O K H. D. Olander GREATEST TIME AND WORK SAVE* you’ve ever seen . . . a 4-ton capacity wagon box with tractor powered endless-chain unloading mechanism across full width of'bed . . . feeds out any amount o f any kind o f loose or bulky load where you want it . . . under complete control. Big, rugged, beautifully engineered, with heavy aluminum sides, tail gate . . . tongue and groove wood bed. See it at our store . . . and order early! N vssa You May Be the Next To Win the Hifii Speed Sptt«d«r and Mixar-Feadw Aftodwtoaf» Available New W E D N E S D A Y -T H U R S . DECEM BER 10-11 "SON OF PALE FACE" with RUt BOH HOPE J A M H l'K S rX L RO< .1 R « and T R I G O » K I t « Lair ratonil r»»n « n * wiiii nritxH 'X' temen! and a hilar lo»». mel y w n a wewein si.uit S 5 0 Prize Farmhand ^ "POWER-BOX ’ •yCvV l& f1 5 & M Equipment E __ S Company ECONOMY 6- DEPENDABILITY 612 Arcadia Nyssa Phone 444 Have You r Car Serviced At BERRETT'S SERVICE & CAFE Nvssa Before you buy any truck, let ua g ive you a lis t o f farmers in this area who have recently bought new Internationals like the one you're interested in. Check with them. Find out how Internationals cut hauling costa on jobs like yours. In t e rn a t io n a l l 1 6 0 lerie» offer« G V W ra tin g» from 1 4 ,0 0 0 to 1 6 ,5 0 0 pounde, a w id e v a rie ty o f b o d y .tyle t for eve ry fo rm h a u lin g job. For complota information about any Infor notional Truck, too — OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. 401 Main Phone 245 IN T E R N A T IO N A L ^ T R U C K S Standard of the Highway ' èt