T H E NYSSA GATE C 'TY JOURNAL. NYSSA. ORFGON THURSDAY NO 'EMBER 27. 1952 Lucile Mitchell Wt Fred KelU‘r a b.rthday party given at her home Sunday o f last ve.k with Mr- S P Miss Lucile Mitchell. .. hter of Bybee as .the honored gue-t The Mr and Mrs W A M 1 11 was event was attended by both familic-. married to Fred A K i; at the heme of Mr and Mr- Keller Eagles Auxiliary Meet c f Parma during a double ring cere- j The Eagles auxil ary met la t naony Sunday even.: w h Bishop Tuesday night at the F O. E hail entertaining the.r hu bands at p t- •Hubert Christianson . . ting. huk dinner and .Jingo Mrs W ird Aft) i , , lyweds plan to make their home in Tyler won the raffle gift. Mrs. Dorothy Runcorn and Mr-. Nyssa. Ljxha Willson will be co-ho-ie es _,j. at the Deo 2 meeting at which turn Mrs. Kesler Hostesr an election of a three-year trustee Mrs. V L Kesler w.i- h< dess at will be hold U n cia l S u ites N NYSSA, ORE., NOW REARRANGED ON TABLES - - CK, FINAL END. BRACKEN'S OF NYSSA, ORE., HAVE REMODELING - - - ONLY A SHORT TIME REMAINS ardware Nyssa Oregon N L. Kimball Honored On 80th Birthday N L Kimball of Wrisrr was hon­ ored on the occ.i >n o f his 80th birthday Sunday with a dinner and family reunion at the ho*ne o f his daughter. Mi- \V i Wieneke and family. Twenty were present for the event. Including five of his daugh­ ters and their families, seven grand­ children and t ko great grandchil­ dren The gue-ts v, -p Mr Kcnball. Mr. and Mr- Charles Martin and family Mr and Mr T grandson and :.unity. Mr. and Mr- Oer.e Martin and two children, all nsors, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steven* for a social i r in d rtifri ner.t 1 1 the Bu l W;1 on h ine Sunday evening, fol- 1 vm t their regular mee— j at ti.e church. Eleventh Birthday Joy Gay Roth celebrated her 11th birthday with a party for 13 guests Wednesday even;. ; at the heme cf her parents, V . and Mrs. Walter Roth. Prizes in contest rrrne —- by Jeaniie Lewis and Carol Mink. Refreshments, includ.ng birtnoay cake were serveu and the honor guest received many nice gifts. >\_.;. Turkey Dinner Mr and Mrs. Duane Alters eivter- 1 tained w.th a turkey dinner Satur­ day evening at their hone r n u m ­ bers of the Journal Staff, their wives and guests. The group later attended the Li >ns carr.val. Family Reunion The heme of Mr. and Mrs. Dtvone Leavitt was the scene of a family m i: .:i and d im er Sunday. Guest were Mrs. Lea-vicl's parents, Mr. and Mrs Brand, n Clifford of Shelley, Ida., Mr. and Mr.-. Leon Leavitt i f Parma and Mr. and Mi Elton Prank of Arlington, Texas. Mr. and Mr-. Cliff id came Sunday to re- na.ii ever Thar.it giving. tin How The Candidates Siand In The Nyssa G a le C ity Journal Subscription C a m p a ig n Each active cand.dnte in this campaign Is sure of winn n v prize bicycle or a cash mmission as there will be one prize b. v ie and four cash con in;. , .is for each five act ve candidates The candidate are ("paraded1 Into two district These living outside Uie city limits if Nyssa are in District Number one, and those 1 w.ng in-ide the c rty hnutN of Nyssa are in Di trxn Numbt. Two, but any candidate may secure subscriptions from anyone, anywhere. Tlie first two choice .f prize bicycles w 11 be given to the high- e*t candidate in r: h