Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1952)
T H E NYSSA GATE C 'TY JOURNAL. NYSSA. ORFGON THURSDAY NO 'EMBER 27. 1952 Lucile Mitchell Wt Fred KelU‘r a b.rthday party given at her home Sunday o f last ve.k with Mr- S P Miss Lucile Mitchell. .. hter of Bybee as .the honored gue-t The Mr and Mrs W A M 1 11 was event was attended by both familic-. married to Fred A K i; at the heme of Mr and Mr- Keller Eagles Auxiliary Meet c f Parma during a double ring cere- j The Eagles auxil ary met la t naony Sunday even.: w h Bishop Tuesday night at the F O. E hail entertaining the.r hu bands at p t- •Hubert Christianson . . ting. huk dinner and .Jingo Mrs W ird Aft) i , , lyweds plan to make their home in Tyler won the raffle gift. Mrs. Dorothy Runcorn and Mr-. Nyssa. Ljxha Willson will be co-ho-ie es _,j. at the Deo 2 meeting at which turn Mrs. Kesler Hostesr an election of a three-year trustee Mrs. V L Kesler w.i- h< dess at will be hold U n cia l S u ites N NYSSA, ORE., NOW REARRANGED ON TABLES - - CK, FINAL END. BRACKEN'S OF NYSSA, ORE., HAVE REMODELING - - - ONLY A SHORT TIME REMAINS ardware Nyssa Oregon N L. Kimball Honored On 80th Birthday N L Kimball of Wrisrr was hon ored on the occ.i >n o f his 80th birthday Sunday with a dinner and family reunion at the ho*ne o f his daughter. Mi- \V i Wieneke and family. Twenty were present for the event. Including five of his daugh ters and their families, seven grand children and t ko great grandchil dren The gue-ts v, -p Mr Kcnball. Mr. and Mr- Charles Martin and family Mr and Mr T<m Bean. Mr and Mrs Albert Sni th and fam ily.1 Mr- Clara Coulter and Mr Kim- > grandson and :.unity. Mr. and Mr- Oer.e Martin and two children, all <if Weiser The remaining two of hi- children. Nat: an Kimball. Jr . of Yakima, and Mrs. Carrie Ma honey of Eugene and their families i Wire unable to be pie.-ent for the celebration. A large decorated birthday cake was prepared by Mrs Smith. The honored guest »a- presented gifts, i \ ND UP OF THIS HARDWARE STORE UT S A L E OV. 28th 10 a. iE Honor Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones en tertained with a turkey dinner Sat urday evening at their home honor ing Mr and Mrs Walter Evans of •Halfway, Ore Kla-v, Powill and son. Keith ( f Ontario were additional dit tner guests Air and "Mrs Evans remained overnight at the Jones '..erne +— Wednesday Eve Bridge I Mrs John Ostrom was hostess to i her Wednesday evening budge club last week at her home. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nick Rude lick, high: Mrs Dick Stockham. second high and Mr Bartil Ostrom. traveling. OR SALE-TH IS IS YOUR LAST CALL DECEMBER 8ih DEALERS COME IN Make Offer For Balance Of Stock ve Seen In Years—A Real Give Away. PAINTERS ELECTRICIANS Paints - Enamels - Varnishes. Sherwin Williams Paint - Sand Paper - Come, Let Us Figure With You - All Below Cost Pri ces - Buy Now For Future Use. ’ lever Again Such Low Prices On Food Feints. Outside Wire - Inside Copper Wire - Lamp Cord - Switches - Lamp Fixtures - Dome Lamps. —All Necessary Supplies For Electrical Work - Buy A Good Supply At Less Than Cost Price - But Do It Now— MYF Entertained Mi-.' Lois Wi l l n was hostess to members of the Methodi t M Y.F. ?r up ind the.r ;> nsors, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steven* for a social i r in d rtifri ner.t 1 1 the Bu l W;1 on h ine Sunday evening, fol- 1 vm t their regular mee— j at ti.e church. Eleventh Birthday Joy Gay Roth celebrated her 11th birthday with a party for 13 guests Wednesday even;. ; at the heme cf her parents, V . and Mrs. Walter Roth. Prizes in contest rrrne —- by Jeaniie Lewis and Carol Mink. Refreshments, birtnoay cake were serveu and the honor guest received many nice gifts. >\_.;. Turkey Dinner Mr and Mrs. Duane Alters eivter- 1 tained a turkey dinner Satur day evening at their hone r n u m bers of the Journal Staff, their wives and guests. The group later attended the Li >ns carr.val. Family Reunion The heme of Mr. and Mrs. Dtvone Leavitt was the scene of a family m i: .:i and d im er Sunday. Guest were Mrs. Lea-vicl's parents, Mr. and Mrs Brand, n Clifford of Shelley, Ida., Mr. and Mr.-. Leon Leavitt i f Parma and Mr. and Mi Elton Prank of Arlington, Texas. Mr. and Mr-. Cliff id came Sunday to re- na.ii ever giving. tin How The Candidates Siand In The Nyssa G a le C ity Journal Subscription C a m p a ig n Each active cand.dnte in this campaign Is sure of winn n v prize bicycle or a cash mmission as there will be one prize b. v ie and four cash con in;. , .is for each five act ve candidates The candidate are ("paraded1 Into two district These living outside Uie city limits if Nyssa are in District Number one, and those 1 in-ide the c rty hnutN of Nyssa are in Di trxn Numbt. Two, but any candidate may secure subscriptions from anyone, anywhere. Tlie first two choice .f prize bicycles w 11 be given to the high- e*t candidate in r: h <ti trict . the h.gher f.f the tvo Di-trici winners having first chi "ice and the high candidate in the other district having second choice. The other prize bicyales will be given to the c&ndld.t:es, rey.truivaa of winch di strict they are m, having the next high« ; number of wte-s. The active candidates who do not win one of the prize bicycles will each receive a cash com- mission equal to 15 percent of all money he or -he has turned n for subscriptions F ollow in g is » let o f fi e young n«en «and young ladies w ho h a v e signif rd a desire to uiirt In this r&mpzign, arrange») in the order o f their bin din g* in t ‘»rir respective districts . . . the highest f i r s t . etc. The stan din gs below are ha-sed on reports of su I mm ri dions lurue») In up until Tuesiiy noon: DISTRICT NO. ONE DISTRICT NO. TWO (Living Outside Nyssa City) (Living in Nyssa City) GIL3ERT. Carole Rae STEPHEN. Pauline Rural MORIN AKA. Geraldine Rural CLEAVER, Truman R until SPITZE, Dennis RFD Ontario N ' K '.SHIiMA, Hai ry Y , Jr. Rural R " " ri.R. Donna Adrian MAX LIN, Jerry Rural ROOXSTOOL. Ronald Rural FOLKMAN, Brent Rural NI.UUM. Marie Rural KEN ASTON, Susan Rural AliFO.iD, Prances Rural ViVNLdSR OORD, Ray Rural YOUNG, Joann Rural IIi«. ..»FID. Jimmy Rural H i'H, Cmar James Rural BARNES, Jimmy B2ROAM. Roger F*ONl). Bobby MC OINNIS, Tim OOUNSIL. Dirk AVKRY, Jesse RUSSELL. Janet SC'H YBOT. Bobby MVRICK. Jerrv RAFT. Kathryn DTCKEY, Colleen WILSON, Judy OXNAM, Georgia Lee ENOHBRITSEN, David WWIITLE. Arnold EASTMAN, Michael WALKER, Frank MONCUR, Linda WATCH FOR LATER VOTE STANDINGS IN THE WINDOW OF THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Vour Subscription Can Mean First Prize to Your Favorite REMODELING -A B O U T FEBRUARY lsl ¡HERW1N WILLIAMS FISHING TACKLE— PORCH & FLOOR ENAMEL — Best Colors [art 1.83—NOW ........................................... 1.29 _______________BUY NOW—SAVE________________ 10.00 RODS—NOW ................... 5.00 8.00 RODS—NOW ............. 4.00 4.00 RODS—NOW ............... 2.00 Reels - Lines - Hooks - Tackle...............„........... */j OFF 5-E MOTOR CHICK FEEDERS— \ Horse Power—Regular 67.40—NOW’ 49.00 Pulleys — Belts — Brushes — Grinders ¿EMTONE PAINT Extra Heavy Metal - Spin Center • 27 Inches Lon* REGULAR 60c—NOW ..........._.................. ... 39c G-E ELECTRIC BLANKET— tegular Kemtone, Qts. Reg. 1.36, Now .... 89c Lem Glo, Qts. 2.39—NOW ....................... 1.69 Lem Qlo Pints 1.39—NOW ....................... 98c Double Control - Wool Blanket - 3” Satin Trim - Cedar Regular 56.95—NOW’ 45.50 JONDEX— G-E RADIO—Table Model— ~~ Cements Paint—Keeps Walls Dry — Preserves Beautifies lb. Box. Reg. 1.35 NOW ............. 89c TOLLMAN GAS LANTERNS— 1 BURNER—THE OLD RELIABLE Regular 11.95—NOW’ 8.95 LAST CALL—BUY NOW 6 Tube—Irvory 36.95 Reg.—NOW ___ YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS . PRINTED FREE ON ALL PERSONAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS 26.95 PERSONALIZED CHECKS G-E ELECTRIC APPLIANCES- More and more Oregonians are choosing First National Bank of Portland Personalized (.heck* — checks with Y O U R N A M E tnd address printed 52 Gal. Water Heater, Reg. 154.95—NOW 116.95 Comb. Sink & Dish Washer. Reg. 428.95—NOW 359.95 16 c. f. Deep Freeze, 516.00—NOW .................. 398.95 8 c. f. Refrigerator. 269.95— NOW .................. 219.95 10 c. f. Refrigerator, 374.95—NOW ................ 299.20 /ARE - APPLI ANCES Js o on them. First National Pervjnalized Checks are more popular because they offer you a safe convenient means of paying your bills by mail and the prestige of your personal identification printed on them. Remember Personalized (.hecks are free at First National. 4s N Y S 'A CPANCN F 3 R S T N at : o : D m bonk that ttayt OPEN : i s A N K OF PORTLAND 10 TO 5 SIX DAYS A WEEK for your