THE N Y S S A GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOV LOCAL NEWS Mr s and Mrs. Pat Tucker and family. Tha..i i . .i. i wtek her daugh- tre and family, Mr and Mr- M: and M: Clifford Mink and •‘ -•a V Wil- i. Mr and Mrs Irvin daughters *tre Mr- Mink > parents. Matin of Adams also vi-.ted Sunday Mr and Mr- H A Wright of Good at W.lson h. me before continu- ing. Ida. ii4! to B*;-e to attend the Hertford l-eland Barnes and John P. Schaf- as oeiat on meeting. field of Vale, were Sunday visitors! Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wilson. Mr at the Harold WiLon home. and Mrs. J. E Ge.ger and Mr and. Mrs, William Perry Baker of A d Mrs. Edison Child were d.nner am-. Ore., came Sunday to spend guests cf Mr ar.d Mrs. Elweod Flinders la-t Thur.-day Geigers were w-.ting from Ogden with the A. E Childs. Mr and Mrs. A. .1. Child. Ogden, visited Mr. and Mrs Gerald Stanger and Mr. and Mrs. Edison Child. Mr. Child and Mr-. Slang-r are n and daughter of die A J Childs, who a: t. .ud another daughter, Mrs. James Hayden of Payette. W rek -en i quests at the home of of Caldwell and Mrs. T. *C. J l . were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs Minnie Leuck Later they were joined by Mr. and M: ■ Jaclc Gar.non cf John Day. Moroni Tucker of HUekfoat. Ida., arr.ved in Nyssa last week to spend the winter with his son, Kenneth r * • We Will Gladly Do Your is % î of and Cuslom Dressing of Pouliry at 3 0 £ each Corner 6th & Good and R.aert, en.rtained Sunday at their h. me guests. Mr a'lid Mrs. W D. Heldt and son of Boi'e. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heldt and cuildren, Sharon and Kenneth, of San Bernardino, Caltf., Mr. and Mrs. James Ht Idt and daughter and Miss Mary Ann Staub. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ikebe and 9 See our advance showing for pre-Christmas selection. PFAFF Sewing Machine Euy hor PFAFF on our lay a w a y plan. Small down payment, easy term* and a liberal trade-in a llo w - •nee on your old »ew ing machine. •fpi iQuc W N A A /W ZlG-JâG OvfffCAST SI* ST«AIG h T AND Alvi RSI t m »•: PFAFF Sowing Ma ^ chine* are available in many handsome c abi net *. PFAFF p o r t a b l e * also available PfAff CtUSADEI. 17-jawtl Datuia puts styla on a high plana in casa, bond ond crystal Pf A f f MODEL (OTEN) Mourwooo Reserve your MODEL (CLOSED; fm ; 5^: * Vkif \V. ©;«s2 choice on oi»r layaway PL ALU } D3N B. MOSS PAULUS JEWELRY FIRESTONE STORE Phone 2 Nyssa, Oregon iß iß ¥ & iß ¥ iß 127 Main 9 iß iß iß P iß iß New Bowl Center Nears Completion; Opening Date to Be Announced Soon DO YOU NEED MONEY? Are You Short on Cash to Remodel Your Home, or to Build Outbuildings or Garage? Phone 171-W We Can Arrange a Loan For You and G ive You Up to Three Years to Pay it. FREE VV.l cn. Bib Church. I.loyd Wil- n Tom Mocre, R .hard Wilson, Lyle M ner. Be b W il n, Ray Lar-on, D n Her. n, Stan Mann, Harcld Wil.-ot and Lynn Mett-. A i; Kim is coach-manager cf the Ambit .-ador .ouad cf player . team will be accompanied by three pi:<l entertainers. Kay Lar.-cn is chairman ci the advance ticket sale fci the -ponsor- li.g Nys.-a Li ns club Beautiful Now is the Time to Recipe WINTERIZE Calendars Your Windows and Doors for 1953 NYSSA LUMBER CO. KEN POND Stunz Lumber kept pace with B <fe E Cafe in maiintaing its second p a :e position one game ahead of Owyhee Beauty Shop tby winning four games in the Monday night bowling of the Women's Commercial bowling league. The Farmerettes drepped deeper into the cellar by losing four games, as did the Bowling Center team. Game h nors were as follows: High individual game, Mis. B. J. Burbidge, 198 H. ;h individual series, Dorothy Evans, 511. High ngle team game, Brownie’s Cafe, 651. team series, B & E Cafe, 1847. Standings Team Won Lost B & E Cafe 37 7 Stunz Lumber 27 17 18 26 O.iyhee Beauty 23 21 Berrett’s 19 4. j Brownie's Cafe 18 26 H. sp.tal 29 Bowling Center ...... 15 33 Farmerettes ----- ____11 16 North 3rd Phone 384 617 Good Ave. Phone 218 As I Have Recently Taken the Position of SHOP MANAGER for Nyssa Motors, Inc., theChevrolet Agency in Nyssa, I Would Appreciate the Opportunity of Continuing to Take Care of A ll your Mechanical Needs. You can be Assured o! My Personal Attention to your Repairs. Signed: E. W. Pruyn Sale Starts Friday N e w Tree O rnam ents 17-In. "Miraci# Hair" Hair Sewn Into Scalp 7.98 Cuddly Honay Boar and Panda 12-in. High. Soft, Rayon Pluah 1.98 Ea. Brown and gold honey bear or black and white panda with cotton stuffed bodies. Other Animals 1.98 — 2.98 "American Beauty A L L STEEL W A G O N In'Bright Rod lUkrd Enamel Finish Top Quality 89C 1.19 Snowman Candlestick 29* 590 Boxed Stationery 1.89 A little wagon fur little children in an easy- to-see red, with double disc wheels, rubber tires. Body 20 x 10. Electric—TRAINS— Wind-up Marx Bros. Electric A Lovely Gift Single sheet or bifold. White or pastel paper, matching envelopes. From , ' .................- 3.49 38 r tr e r Com plete Farm Set She'll Love A "Grown-Up" Gift! 2.98 With horses, steers Choose from 4 smart styles Plastic "Caterpillars" 1.98 W agon, Grader, or Scraper Gift Atomizer 2-Oz. Size— Each Men'* and Wom en'* Q Q 4 d ^ r r 98c . - '. . . . ... .. ■» Water Pumping "H oo k a n d L a d d e r" Ea. and Actual scale model of Cat erpillar tractor in choice of three models. Metal control levers. ** - j, 1.59 "F ire b o a t" Each carries own water tank • . . . . . 98£ In lovely plastic, fully lined. 2.98 Two “ Buffalo Bill” Single Shot Pistols C A LFSK IN BILLFO LD S Spiffy, Kiddies' Purse Roy Rogers' Farmhouse Men'* and Wom en'* - Ea. Big Metal Barn and Silo 'W ild W est' Holster 3.98 1.98 Each set includes: Johnson & Johnson pro ducts: bandaids, adhesive tape pill bottles, stethoscope, etc. Doctor’s satchel in black, nurses’s in red simulated leathers. Wind-up 1.1 I«*»» 3 « . - * ! « • » -........................ ........ Each Satchel SVixlOxB'/z-In. Size Each Has 63-Pieces of Supplies ..... 12.95 New York Central ......... 25£ 98c 2 Doctor a n d Nurse Kits Diesel Mod. Electric ........ 9.95 Studded Leather Inner Sanctum Walleta H ere* the Fast, New. Wonderful ¥ Deluxe Snolite Decorations Stuffed A n im als y K * 0 V IN Y L B A B Y D O L L iß Fletcher Oil Company WILL CARRY iß iß * jfc-. Ben Franklin Store S' S' $65.50 Prices ¡net Fed. To* eouYwooo * Brownie s Cafe Keglers Gain The exclusive PFAFF Dial-A-Stitch lets her switch from stitch to stitch as easily as dialing a radio. Give her a PFAFF and you give her a complete home sewing center. W JOHNNIE SANDGNE, LEFT, AND STAN HODGEHAN are the workmen shown in the above photograph, taken Saturday at the Gay Way Bowl now being converted from a dance hall to a bowling center.— Photo by Dick Yost. H. C. Smith Neu/ Eld IN u / a tc h e s Give Her a Fabulous W 79 It «>•***%- KNIFF SHARPENING ^09$ W Jp Radio Service 4 J V In Nyssa Phone m i Squad Named to Meet Hawaiians Phone 17 HE A F ROM EVERY DROP PROMPT DELIVERY Dependable Service family returned home Monday eve ning after spending 10 days at the home of Mrs. Ikebe's parents, Mr Conversion of the old dance hall e Tbli-hment will meet all regula- and Mrs. M. Ni.-h.mura of Trout- at Gay Way Corners, between On ican Bowling Congress. dale. tario and Payette, into the latest Opening date will be announced in thing in bowling alleys is nearing the near future. coir.pletion as workmen this week are laying the la.>t ci the alley beds. The building, unused for many months, was purcha-ed in Oct ber First basketball practice in prepa by George Vaughn. Nyssa busine , ration for the game here Dec. 13 mar», for the purpose of constructing with the Hawaiian Ambassadors a bowling center. When completed, the Gay Way from Honolulu was held Monday Bowling and Recreation Center, a light, at the high school gym. The town team roster includes Cal will hereafter be called, -will boa t eight lines and will be equipped w: h the most modern Brunswick equip ment. Tli Tacoma Bcwling and Billiard Supply Co., of Tacoma, Wash., is 502 N. Third installing the equipment. Supervi or 'Have the Edge ,n T o rn " of in taxation i- Johnnie Sand, ne Phone 73-J H A R TM A N 'S of Centralia, assisted by Stan Hodgeman, operator of the Lincoln 2 Mi East At Locker Ave. Bo wl. Tacoma. Vaughn, wh claim the Gay Wav 3 vl a 1 be the be-, equipped bowl ing center in the northwest, -aid the tion- and req1 memento of the Amer- For Her Christmas Everlasting t. CLEAN i'-rs. A. I.. Iteldt and s>-ns, Albert, Gem Produce Co. % MB E L 27. 1952 .......... ..........- — * - - - ... « ......................... ■ ... ... ... . . a