THE N Y S S A G A T E CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON ite DU I NE R « i nr * I T E R S ......................... Rit H \ k d H ‘ vos r J O l I!% Via Editor and Publisher : Sunsel Valley Mi - TH UR SD A Y. NOVEMBER 27 1952 ^ SV\03T.>0.s.Cl-Ove . . IV K L » J VS ' o s - • t s i« - w '--- r - ) UT w *2 . — * H O L ID A Y Get One Now and Have It on Hand Only 55c lb. BEEF IS NOW LOW PRICED Fill up your locker now Let Our Experts Cure and Process Your Pork We Use Only the Best Obtainable Materials in Our Processing Plant. Our Smokehouse is Automatically Fired with Butane Heat, and We Use onlv Hardwood Sawdust for Smoke. Custom Butchering and Curing Wed., 8 30 p m , Thanksgiving Eve service You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. C A TH O LIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Ketnbert Allies. O. F'. M. Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m and daily at 8 a. m. 9 a m.. Catechism classes. C HURC H OF THE BRETHREN Christian Center Mission East 2nd and'Ehrgood 10 a. m , Sunday school. 11 a m . morning worship. 7:30 p m.. evangelistic service. A D R IA N C O M M ! N IT Y CHURCH llenry E. Moore. Pastor 10 a. m . Bible school. 11 a m . morning worship 11 a m . Junior church. " Y o u r Headquarters tor Variety Meat*" mile west on Alberta A\ e Phone 381-R, locker plant Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room . ' C • - r v *. « * V ■ ( AT T; ‘ vo \ . i» guests for Thank-giving dinner at Mr and Mrs. Warren Farmer and Mrs. C. M. Harris of Seattle is a Kikuchi returned to Jamieson to, the home of M r. and Mrs Bert visit w-th their second daughter, Sandy o f Apple Valley. family left Monday for Salt Lake guest of few weeks at the home of Mrs. Arai. Mrs. O. P. Council has been ill City where they will s-pend the her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. K elji Okano and young the past Mrs J. C. Smith. week with bronchial Thanksgiving holiday. daugther arrived home from the trouble. Memorial hospital Thursday. The M r and Mrs. Neil Demmick and baby girl is named Janice, and weighed five pounds ten ounces M r and (Mrs. O. H. Schweizer were Sunday evening dinner guests at the when born Sunday. Nov. 16. home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor M ar­ Mrs. Irvin Durfee and daughters shall. are driv-ng to Rupe: . Idaho, to Laurence Dimmick and Hamid spend Thanksgiving at the home of Fyll.ngness "eturned home Sunday her mother, Mrs. C lan e Aston. from a six-day trip to the Quincy Th e S E Flanagan family plan to area and Yakuna. Wash. -spend Thanksgiving at the parental hemes in Yakima, Wa-h. Mr .and Mrs. Clifford W olfe and daughters. Mrs. Veva Castle, the >lr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray of Salt Burrel Collins and n, Mike, of, Lake were guests Tuesday and over­ f Pisturi Mowing New Plymouth and ti e Alfred Ol- night at the h/nie of her brother. f Iruslt ClMririf eon family- o f Bond, nad a family James Yost and family. dinner Thanksgiving Day at the, U -F Shredding Stalks Airs. H ilton Jackson. Marcia. K a r­ Harold Acherman home in Payette. en and Bruce lei: Ncv. 16 by train -F Eradicating S»f* Sunday afternoon visitors at the for Victorville, Calif., where they Bruit) Jonn R e iie tt home ir. luded Dr. a n d . will visit at the heme o f Mrs. Jack­ M n. Stewart Merrill and four chil­ son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J F-Shredding Cotti dren c f B . „ e , Mi Gert. ude Ref- Crops H liman. Mr. Jackson and Lyr.m will ft lt o f Boise, and Mr and Mrs. R ay­ drive down to join them for Thanks­ mond Hayes of Ontario. 4 Maiultnincs Mowing giving and return them heme. Visit r at the William Gregg In 60 *. I 0 -, 114 ' c l - heme Sunday were Mr and Mrs. ting widths — standard Don G ram and family and Mr. and or h yd ra u lic « o d « ls Mrs. James Langley Mr. and Mrs, Harley Wilson and family had Thanksgiving dinner and spent the day with the Lester Zur- .chtr fainriy »n Roswel! at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Chaile- Wilson in Roswell. W’ ayne 'Berrett helped Paul Blay­ Thasa all-purpoca cut*on ora aq u 'p p a d lock move from Ida.. Falls to the to do E V E R Y culling, shradding and farm located north of Olies Corner, mulching job. O parota from power taka- known as the former Thurn Baker off. Twin bloda* ravolva at 1 50 0 R P M . place. Cutting height adjustable: 0 " to 1 4 ". There was a large attendance at Boiler plate surrounds blades for 1 0 0 % the Sunday evening showing of the protection! See the W o o d 's machine f lull on at the Owyhee Ccm- demonstrated on Y O U R farm. mun.ty church. Mr and Mrs. Don Sayer of Parma were dinner and trapper guests Sun­ day at the home o f Mr and Mrs. F ra ' < Perko. Ora Newgen returned home Mon­ day after a two weeks trip to C ali­ fornia visiting at Fairfield, C alifor­ 24-Hr. Service nia. Patty Rice spent the weekend visiting with her mother, Mrs. Dorothy 'Rice at Eagle. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. P. W Thomas of Boise accompanied Mrs. Rice, bringing Patty. All visi­ ted at the Ora Newgen home for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. W’ llliam G regg and fam ily and Taylor Sandy, were Improve lands, crops, pastures with W O O D’S RO TARY CUTTER LOCAL NEWS c O heavy duty, high speed MOWING and SHREDDING W estern Brownie's Cafe C orrugator Co. P h o n e 181 N y s s a ,O r e g o n G I V E FURNITURE THIS C H R I S T M A S ! « 'W I N T L . * It won't be long now t o b r i n g in yo cor for c o m p l t i winter le r v ic e - 39.95 • C k a n g * a ll C In t r ic a t e c h a c t ll • C k * c k battery • Im p a c t c a a lin f iy s t a a i • Im to i! T t a t t a c t e " antr-tree i t In Handsome Plastic Duran Plastic Cover per gallon Massive New Styling It's Super-Comfortable rou’Ri sir... YOU'RE S A FE . . . YOU'RE SURE! O n e Sho» Lasts Pay $1.00 Down 1 Towne G arage Nyssa. Oregon 218 Main St. Phone 48 C . E . Leseberg LAY AWAY Has A Lale Model D-8 Cal and 17-yd Scraper Available Now For NOW FOR Land Leveling - Sub-soiling FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE v - For Serving Those Last Minute G u e s t D inners . ¿^^1j/f: f Advertising Manager Duanr K. Alter* and Geo. L. H h orton . Owner» CHURCH NOTES • - ^ l >man Pomeroy D ione u • J3 Mr and Mr>. J jn Loucks c f Sal­ em. Ore., were overnight guests Tuesday evening at the heme of S U B S C R IP TIO N KATES Mr and Mrs. W illiam Gregg, after returning from Ohio. Wednesday In Malheur County. Oregon, morning the Loucks, and their and Fayette and Canyon NIWSPAPER a .iC *v daughter. Peggy Ann, who had been Counties, Idaho: P0 a four-day trip to Quincy Bill rent­ Single Copies .07 ed a house there, and the family • Strictly hi Advance) are planning on moving this year. Mrs. W illiam G regg was surprised Published . very Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. and honored with a handkerchief Entered at t.-ie postoffire at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission shower vhen ever 20 members o f the through the United State* Mails, as second class matter, under Worthwhile club met Thursday the act of March 3. 1879 iTterovoon at tile heme o f Mrs. Frank Ptrko with Mrs. H. Okano as c.-h o less. Mrs. G r r jg will be moving toon to Quincy. Wash. Roll ship. call was answered by telling of 8 p m , night devotions with two ■ imechii t intere it o f a city whose ■•tudy gamps. name commenced with the same let­ THE CHURCH OF THE ter as their c v n name. P m e winners- NAZAKENE FREE M E TH O D IS T CHURCH of a Thanksgiving word-game were Robert Jackson, Pastor Adrian, Oregon Mesdame^ Homer Didericksen and 10 a m , Sunday school. Pomeroy Moving pictures were 10 a. m , church school. 11 p m , morning worship shown by Mrs. W. L. Chapin. A 11 a. m., morning worship. tray luncheon was served to 22 7 p m . N Y .PS . and Junior meet­ M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T ( III R< II member- The Christmas meeting ings and party will be at the home of 7:45 p. m., evangelistic service. Elder Haskell Dane, Pastor Mrs Fred Babcock with Mrs. Elver 10 a. in., Sunday school. Niel -n as co-hostess. C O M M U N ITY M ETH O D IST 11 a. rn., morning worship. ( III R< II Rural Health’ was subject of tho 8 p m., evening worship. Dr. II. G. Met allister. Minister Wednesday, 8 p in., prayer service. Friday evening lecture period of 9:45 a. m., church school. the Chalk E l i t e G rarge 11 a. m , wor.-hip. at Sun-et Hall. Plans were made C H l’ Rt II OF ' M KIST 7 p. m., Youth Fellowship. to atter.i the in taxation of Grange Parma, Idaho officeiu Tuesday evening at the MeConnel Ave. B, ulc.ard G range Hall. Mrs. L a L. I). S. 2nd H A R D O. E. Robinson, Minister Price served ref re hmerto. D. Hubert Christensen, Bishop 10 a. nv, Bible stuay. 9:15 a. m , priesthood meeting. M A Rataezyk returned heme 11 a. m., morning worship. 10:30 a. m , Sunday school. the middle ef the week, from the 8 p. m., Sunday evening service. Holy Rosary ho.prtal in Ontario. 8 p m.. sacrament meeting Tuesday, 2 p. m , relief society. Wednesday, 8 p. m., Bible study. Sunday callers at the O. H F-h- Wednesday, 4 p. in., primary; 3 weizir home were Mrs. F J. Zeller p m . M IA i f Ontario and Mr. and Mr-. Tam ASSEM RI.Y OF GOD Cleveland o f Van, Ore. Frank C Coley, Pastor FIR S T Mr. and Mrs. Fred Babcock -were South 2nd and Reece Ave. Church of Christ ho-ts a>: a pinochle party at their 10 a. m., Sunday school. C H R IS TIA N home Saturday even rig. Gue ts in­ 11a. m., morning worship Austin J. Hollingsworth, Minister cluded Mrs. Babcock's sister and 8 p. m , evangelistic service. 10 a. m , church school. Elvin br '.ier-in-la v. Mr. and Mi s. W alter Tues., 8 p. m., prayer service. Hallou. superintendent. Paulsen of Burley, Idaho, Mr and, Fri., 8 p. m., young people. 11 a m . morning worship, directed Mrs Melvin Pentia v.-, Mr and Mrs. by minister. Walter Hillis. M r and Mrs. Clarence L. D S. 1st H ARD 7 p m., Christian Youth Fello*- Reed. Mr and Mrs Lewis Mitchell, Gordon Ray, Bishop and Mr Claude Britton. The Hillis' 9:15 a m., priesthood meeting. and their daughters, Mesdames Pen- 10 36 a. in., Sunday school. darvis .. ,d M .tch ill all knew both cf 7 30 p in., sacrament meeting. th,' P ouj ens when they lived in the Tuesday. 2 p m , relief society. Wednesday, 4 p. m , primary; 7:30 Burley region, and the young peo­ ple gre w up together. i p. m , M., I. A. The Pc ulsens arrived Friday and were week-end guests at the Bab- ST. PACE S EPISC O PAL CHURCH •c i k home. C. T. Crenshaw, Rector Mrs Ora Babcock of Boise was a 9 45 a m., Sunday school. Monday guest at the heme of her 11a. m , w:-ship services. :i. Fred Bi bcock. The family turkey dinner was F A IT H I . l'lliE K A N ( III RCII held Thank giving Day at the h.m e Fifth Street and Park Avenue if Mr and M: Pete Wilson with John L. Itriehl, Pastor Buck Rood, the Claude Wilsons and 10 a. m , Sunday school. the Clarence Reed families prt.enr. 11 a. m , divine worship. The les.-on uf Homemade Toys" was presented to the ladies o f the extension group by Mesdames D ef­ iers and Klaus La an at the Thurs­ day afternoc n meeting at the home of Mrs. G r e e r Cooper. There were , nctnemade building blocks, boats, trains and a great variety of toys. Mr-. Cooper also gave a 20 minu.e lesson on wrapping of Christmas packages with samples shown. A j limoli was served buffett style to 12 ladies and 11 young people. Mr. and Mrs. H Okano attended I the Saturday afternoon wedding of Miss Joan Hirano t o Yosh Suyerat.-u sit the Women's club and the recep­ tion at the Blast Side cafe in On­ tario. Mrs. H Qkano's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Z. K.kuchi and her brother, Mr and Mrs. Art Kikuchi. all rf W ■ >ato. Wash., attended the wedding Mrs Okano's parents were I overm gnt gue-t Saturday at the Okano home Sunday additional vis­ itors were Mr. and Mrs Fred Aral and fam ily of Jamieson, and the Art Kikuchi family. Mr. and Mrs. Z. SACS* S E T S T , < - CONTACT GLENN H O FFM AN Phone 067-R1 Christmas W E GIVE S i H GREEN STAMPS Peterson Furniture Co "Y O U R D E P E N D A B LE FURNITURE STORE" N Y S S A — ON TAR IO — V A L E - PAYETTE