Owyhee Mrs Kennt th M Dunatd Phon«* o' « K O.K K o f Mi C Mrs. Karl K > .r a * were Mr Grant Pattei CUucit Skinner and Mi - Lynn Ky- Car Winn Mrs. O scar Houston and K nine D i t t y . Kefre.-hment cere .-r\ • J to t h e 30 m em ber- present The next m e e t i n g will be Dei 17 a: the h .ne OF THE SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN o f M rs W erner P e n '/ M> ' ter« will be revealed. . lft a 11 be enchanted and there will be an e le c t io n uf officers after the one o'clock pot luck luncheon. Mr and Mrs. Bu ter Talbot and Ruaty arrived Thursday evening from Pasadena to spend the next t w e week., with Mr. and Mr Char­ le y C u l b e r t s o n . M rs Kill.; Walters and Mrs G er- oM SU|q>y and Eldon a r m e d home Ftaday m orning from Portland, w h e r e they had taken Eldon fo r a cheek up at the hospital The boy la c burnt very well. M e r l e K ygar and Kenneth M c­ Donald went to Lewiston, Ida , W ed- am 4ay. where Kygar purchased a ■wiling max-hine for his repair shop. M illie there the men visited with D an Sknory and Wayne P etne, both been an prison cam p in Japan w i t h (Merle Kygar durmg World War LOCAL NEWS By helping your child win You should interest your­ self, actively, in the campaign of your boy or girl entered in this subscription campaign one of these prize bicycles you save the actual money it would cost to get a bicycle for him or her. The campaign work is an ex­ perience and training which will be invaluable to your child later in life. tm m . Mr a n d Mrs Je.ss Chad well of ■ u a r i t . were Sunday dinner guests m t h e O m ar Hite home Seixhty guests in the E E Crook- er hom e were Mr and Mrs Ed Case and daughter o f Nys.sa, Mr Keith M o o r e and son o f Notus, and Mr. and Mr ¡. Melvin C rocker and son. j Mrs. Roland Maw entertained w i t h a birthday party for her son. R i c h a r d , on his ninth birthday M on­ day uifternoon. T he guest o f honor r e c e i v e d m any gifts from the 10 youngsters present. Mi and Mrs Archie M< e pent Saturday in Boise with thesir .son- in -law and daughter. Mr and Mrs R a lp h Shelton. Mr and Mr Kenneth M cDonald Mid children went to Boi i Satur­ d ay where *hey had dinn* r with Mrs. M oD on a ll’ aunt. Mr L.r.ona F irth, who had jusi returned from six weeks in Iiultinu re. Maryland and in Chicago. Mr. and Mr Bill M< Even and Ethelyn an.l Evelyn o f Ontario, were Sunday snipper rue ts at the Orville M cEwen hi me. Dickie McEwcn had spent the week-end in O ntario with his grandparent who brought him hor.'.e. Mr. iuu I Mr Lynn Kygar and Max me were overnight guests in Boise ¡Saturday at the home o f then aon-in-daw ami daughter, Mr. and M rs D on Franklin Shirley Skinner was an overnight g u e t c l Kay M cDonald Wednesday ws Adman grade school pupils had vacation frem school Wednesday and1 Thursday due to a br< ken water PPe ONLY TO THE PARENTS DAYS LEFT Even if you can well afford to buy a bicycle your boy or girl will derive lots of pleasure from the one he or she has won, plus the additional thrill of a real accomplishment. Your child wants one of the prize bicycles or he or she would not have entered this campaign For You lo Renew Pay Up or Subscribe to the credit of one of the boys or girls in tiie subscription campaign. DAYS LEFT For Candidates to Do Their Best Work to Win One of the Prize Bicycles NOW IS THE TIME $ 3.00 $ 6.00 to start an active campaign in earnest. W hat or One of the Cash Commissions For 1 Year For 2 Years any candidate has up to this time has no bear­ Plus the New Prize of ing whatever on this second new Cash Prize $10 IN CASH campaign. It is only for the last week of the to lie mailed to addresses in Payette or Canyon counties Idaho, and Mal­ heur county Oregon. Elsewhere in the US A . the price is $,'1.50 for each year. campaign, starting Saturday. Announced Today Another N e w Subscription Campaign With $IO Cash Prize Is A nnounced Mr. wild Mrs. .1 1 » llughirs o f M c ­ Call and San D.cgo arrived Friday fc> rem ain until after Th ink giving a t tire hom e o f their d a u ih ter and f a m i ly . Mr. and Mr- Bud Wilson parent Mr and Mr T . E O h i- ding-s at Payette. Mr. ¡».rid Mrs. Frank George of Connell, Ida., were Tue day over- r-cfht and Wed nr Jay gu- t- o f Mr and tMr> T! nun J< lies, enroute to California i :i \ »eat n <• e ivi 7 e Fritxen o f Albion, N’etir . wa ■ i vi 1 1< r from W ednesday until Friday m orning at the home o f hn ntre iMr Paul Russell and family He was enroute hom e after a visit in W ashington. M r. a n d M r s P h il W ilso n o f K la math Falls cam e W ednesday eve­ ning lr o w n In ­ s u r a n c e q uestio n * to this o ffice . e l l t r y to g iv e you the .. re ct iwers a n d t h e re Will be no c ’ i r g r or o b lig a tio n o f a u i kind Each is a separate competition and all sub­ scriptions secured and turned in between Saturday morning of this week, an d Saturday night of next week, will count votes toward the original bicycle prizes and points in the new $10 C A S H P R iZ E campaign. Every one wins, as all subscriptions turned in during the new $10 campaign will count Schedule of Points And now the re Is a n o t h e r $10 ca sh prlza— now wui It’ It will m eau $10 spending money fo r the winner. 9 W 1 T IO N : N O T E — This $10 Prize campaign is a new campaign and only those candidates entered in the original campaign for the prize bicycles and the cosh commissions are eligible to compete in the new $10 prize campaign. IN THE NEW 1 10 CAMPAIGN E v e ry b o d y w ill win In t!Ws second N s w $10 cash prize ca m p aign as all aubacrlptiona turned In during the tim e of the N E W $10 cam p aign will count v o t e s toward the original prizes. In the original prize cam p aign only as many a c t i v e c a n d id a t e s a re allowed to be a c ­ tiv e as the re a re prizes, and each active ca n . did.ite will r e c e iv e a prise bicycle or cash com m ission for the w o r k he or s h t do ss In this cam paign. W h a t su b s crib e rs a ny can d id ate has secu re d before this time will h a v e a bso lu te ly no b e a r . ■ ng on the aecond n ew $10 cash prize c a m ­ paign. Only those s u b s crip tio n s secu re d and turned in be tw ee n S a t u rd a y m arnlng of this w ee k and S a tu rd a y n igh t of next w eak (ths last night of ths c a m p a ig n ) will coun t In thl* n s w cam p aign . LA W R E N CE You can win the $10 CASH P R IZ E in the new campaign and, at the same time and with the same subscriptions, enhance your opportunity of tvinning the most valuable prize in the original list of prize bicycles and cash commissions. will hr given to «hr ranuraatr among the present active Candidates securing tha most points on new or old sulucriptioni between Saturday morning of thii week and Saturday night of next week, the closing night o f the entire campaign. In the e v e n t o f a tie In th e N E W *10 caah p ri z e ca m p a ig n , a p rize Identical in value will he g iv e n e ach tying candid ate. VU prize w inn ers w ill be announced and all R A LPH Just to r securing the most points on subscriptions, e ith e r old or new, du ring the last 8 days o f the subscription cam paign. It's fo r Y O U ! Tb.s New Prize of $10 in Cash p riz e s will he s w a r d e d by the Judges w hen th e y m a k e tk e filial c o u n t of v o te s on the last n ig h t of t h e cam p a ig n . By W H A T IT M E A N S ( O r - i e h t io 1 ’ ' v > G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L For F u rth er T e le p h o n e , or In fo rm a tio n . W rite C a ll C a m p a ig n on. M anager O ffic e Open Phone Each 19. E v e n in g 109 M a in fro m S treet. 7 U n til N y a -a C a m p a ig n Ends at 9 o'clock S a urday Night, D ecem b er 6, 1952 E :C 0 Choose A Favorite Candidate