4 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1952 ». C■ *-* ** - ' l Ì* ^ 7 % -- ^ ^ ^ - m v. 1 f l . _ _ . . *> ^ jM __ ^ *y r- „ *- r-5 + ** T& r . '. ^ ^ ,_ 4 p * p ^ p m X* 'h ti »» Ta ö . t* i ìli,* f * ^ ä *a > ¿r *:« * ., T. . 5 J.S * - » a ~ - U ' ! î ;*1 * ! '■ } f c ¿J MW w w y w MW \iJ • >' W3 I , M >V -« o>> ; WW «. ■• =■ • t i, : ä « s ,: /I M W ft? r-; * In* y t fi y I y * rj: I 0L- j : 'W mJ: t 1 !\ ; * ; fjf fi w to w * M r -• W «?. • m ? Extra S & H G reen Stam ps to help * ? to yrÿ you fill your stam p books in time to ex ch an g e them for C hristm as Gifts Will Be Given on Every item Purchased, in Our Store a w a y -in Addition the Following Xmas Gifts are Offei Regular 1.00 Regular 1.98 FIRST QUALITY Size 24-In. by 42-In Regular 3.95—6.95 Men’s Long Sleeve Sport Shirts Nyicn Hosiery 60 G uage—15 Denier Full Fashioned BE AN ENGINEER Run a complete railroad in your own home! Color, paint and cut-out books, story books about Bobbsey Twins -Harden Boys - Nancy Drew and other story books including a large selection hv Zane Grew Rubberized back Assorted colors Limit 6 rugs DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS DOLL BEDS - CRIBS an d HI-CHAIRS 4 . 9 8 to 1 0 . 9 5 Air m attresses are available for cribs and beds WAGONS DOLLS Reg. 4.95 All Sizes and Styles LIONEL 3 .9 8 ELECTRIC 23-Ia high lifelike hair and sleeping eyes dressed in variety of colors TRAINS 2 9 . 9 5 lo 7 0 . 0 0 \ wide range of sizes from 8-In. to 16-ln E xtra cars, track, switches, transform ers and almost everything of interest to the young railroader! DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS 2.99 D ouble S & H G reen Stam ps Regular 75c and 1.00 MEN'S SPO RT SHIRT! 1.69 Assorted Colors and Styles All Sizes D ouble S & H Green S tam p DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS SPORT SOX 50c Pr. P art Wool Argvles and O ther Fancy MEN’S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN’S Styles LO A FER SOX 1.99 R egular 1.50 an d 2.00 For Sleepy Dolls DIESEL and STEAM TYPES TRICYCLES 4 . 9 8 to 2 4 . 9 5 Assorted Styles and colors to choose from—A Super-Saving! R egular 1.98 to 2.98 BOYS' Long Sleeve DOLL BUGGIES 4 . 9 5 lo 1 2 . 9 5 M en’s Neckties Double S & H G reen Stam ps lding type . .. durable and attractive . . . small and so easv to handle 77c Ladies, this is your chance to get your gifts for that "Hard-to-Please” Man! R egular 2.98 THICK, THIRSTY You can find what you want in this extra large assortment! GIFT T O W E L EN SEM BLE <*> For the Entire Family The Ideal Christmas Gift FANCY KNIT TOPS LEATHER SOLE Regular 55c MEN'S Bright Color SPORT SOX 25c A ssorted P atterns A Si: