THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSÀ. OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 195t Days By in Gone Nyssa C om m u n ity From the Journal file» 10 Years Afo Nov. 19. 1942 • Wear« Ago Nov. 20. 1947 *IYw school census, just completed Dale G arrison was re-elected m as by G rant Rinehart hew a popula- ter of the Oregon T rail Grange teon of 1737 children fr m 4 to 20 Fate of the M alheur County experi years old in the Ny a school di m ental farm is indefinite a- a re ult enet. an increase of !a2 over last of the rejection of a special levy ub- year — Howard Liovejoy was elec m itted to voters at the general elec ted president of the coat he of tion.----- Checks totalling $1.580.510 23 S n ake River Valley Conference. were mailed by the Amalgamated Lloyd Lewi- wa fit Pd v.ce presi Sugar Co. to beet growers in this The den t of the S R V. ba-kctball offic area, on basis of $3 per ton ials association 'Ii.t Standard C hristian church is laying a new four-foot concrete sidewalk on two Oil Co. ides of the church building — Service S tat. i. It’s here aiul you nun iiin one FREE! , P ly m o u th th e n e w On $25,(XX) “ Meet tho new Plymouth” I Plymouths — hundreds of cash p rize s— will be given away! Com e in now — get your e n try blank and complete contest details. display now—the truly bal anced 1953 Plymouth—the b e au tifu l, C o ntest S p ark lin g new most best riding, best per Plymouth ever built I fo rm in g V0U MAT WIN A NEW PLYMOUTH FREE I it now, and enter the WAGGONER MOTOR Phone CO. 180 exciting G o o d A ve. W h a t a W o n d e r fu l w ay to bay M. Marie Holman c l Baker has m< in i to Ny--a to live w ith her sis ter. Mr Lioyo L»w. ----Clinton Kuashnu has been appointed m an ager of Farm ers Supply Coop of Ny -a and O ntario. 15 Years Ago Nov. IS. 1937 Fifteen years ago, Nov. 22. 1922, Sidney Burbidge and Dewey Ray • trted the N yva Packing Co. It was located next to th e post office and b> a'ted one wooden m eat block and counter- It now is one of the most modern m eat shop.'.— $275.000 in- ..ial paym ent was distributed a- mong local beet growers. Approxi mately 8900 acres were planted to beet. Max S. T aggart, attorney- ti-law, opened his offices in the We tern hotel Monday By virtue oi contract signed this week be tween the board o f trustees of the My a Aerie of the Eagles and Dr. L. A., members and their famtlii will oe able to secure m edi cal attention. 20 Years Ago Nov. 24, 1932 Eleven fine, fat C anadian geese were shot on the Owyhee river above the dam by Artie Robertson, Dr E I) Norc >tt. Ed Wilson and Robert Long Ella Points of Nyssa was -elected altern ate winner of the 1932 Un.on Pacif.c 4-H scholarship t > O S C.----- Jake Bodmer is com- plc-.r.g a new 5-room house on his : land property in the Snake river.— Ny a Boy Scout receiving m erit badg in court of honor at Roswell were Wi loy Lathen, Robert Wilson, Robert Johannesen. Curtis Foster, W arren Larsen and Howard Larsen. Li jyd Wilson, L athen and Paul J< hi. i n were advanced to second class. I.', A t ars Ago Nov. IS, 1927 Construction work on the railroad to the Qw*nee dam site will start in a very .short time.----- Eddie Powell, who recently purchased a home on Bower avenue is busy remodeling the -ame thin week, adding bath room and garage.----- Elm er L. Pow ell of Ironside, who receeirtly p u r chased the Ehrtfood place, intends to start an up-to-date dairy oi about a dozen cows.----- F Marquiss, P a r ma, Ls doing the carpenter work on the new filling station to be occu- "1 Love You” A>,ed by the S tar Garage 35 Years Ago Nov. 23, 1917 4.000 head I tb« Bt (field holdings were stld for $17 per head.----- Finishing touches are be ing put to the storeroom of Nyssa H ardw are Co which is being re modeled and modernized.----- Doug an d Jack, sons of Mr and Mrs. A M cDonald are somowhere ;n France doing valianj -en .-e on the fighting line.------Dixon ar.d Man ell shipped a fine car of apples this week to the New York m arket Every vacant room in town ha- been filled to overflowing with produce, apple onions and p- tat e» Shortage of cars has made it .mpo.-.-ible to get the stuff to m arket and grower-, are trying to .save th ttr crop-. Non-Fiction Is Featured In New Library Books A nother group of new books may be seen at the adult circulation de^k this- week a; the M alheur County Library. Three hole.- will be ready for circulation Saturday, Nov. 22. The first of these is “Troopship” by K ite Holliday who rec unts the reactions of American.-, en route to the K orean front. “T rail Driving Days” by Dee Brown is a retelling, with the aid of m any picture-, of the cattlem ens s.ory in the Old We-t. A collects n f ries depicting other pha.,e.^ of life in the Old \Ve-,t a-> told by the old tim ers them-elves is “Living Pioneer-" by Harold Fret e. A m ountaineer and writer, H. W. Tilm an, his travels in Chinese Turkestan and his attem pts at m ounta.n-clim btng there in "China to Chitra! ’ “Pottery and Poreclain” is a stan dard reference guide for collectors, the new edition of which has just been secured by the library. “Double in Space" by Fletcher P ra tt oontains two science fiction stories: “Project Excel-ior" concerns an allied iipace station, and “The W anderer’s R eturn" a fleet of Unit ed Planets space ships. Ju an De Castrol writes a thought- provoking book, "The Geography of H unger,” in which he rejects the theory th a t birth control is the only- road to the survival of W estern civi lization and gives facts supporting the view that, though there is no physical difficulty m doubling the world food supply, there is a limit to the capital and labor th a t society and governm ents are willing to de vote to it. “Commercial Art Techniques” by S. R Maurello is a handbook on equipm ent and m ethods, including airbrush, pei. and mk. scratchboard, layout, and design. An informally w ritten guidebook for the traveler in Horace Sutton’s •‘Footloose in Sw itzerland.” building Tuesday Mr and Airs. Claude Willson wef* guests ci their daughter. Mis- Clau dia Willson for dinner Sunday eve ning in Boi_-e. M iv Willson pent the weekend at heme and they re turned her to Boise Sunday after noon. ll«u*e|tM-*t-> this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGinnis are Mr M cGinnis’ uncle, Je--> Can- trail and his sister, M r» Joe Westes. both of Alturas, Calif. Mrs. lin k SUxkhani and Beverly- spent last weekend in Boi-e visiting .vl.-j. L. E. H , viand. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ntrit kland and family were dinner guests Sunday it the W yat: Sm ith home. Mr. and Mrs. George Daley and Mr ana Mrs. John P t:er enjoyed a drive to G rand View Sunday to view the newly con-tructed dam there. Mrs. Barney Wilson returned home this week from a week's visit at Marysville, Calif., with her brother. Jim Ritchie She was accompanied to Marysville by her sister, Mrs. Bill'Ruxton of T aft, CalX, who had been a houseguest of the Wilsons here for 10 days. Mrs. Ella Sm ith was a happy re cipient of a beautiful lei of lavendar orchids sent from Honolulu this week by her brother, Emil Dean of Emmett. Mr. ar.d Mr Dean are cn a m onth’s- tour of tha Hawaiian I - lands. Mrs. Arthe KoheffUon ah® hits been ill at her home the p a-t two weeds ar.d has been absent from her po-;- turn at the Nyssa Pharm acy, is re- ported to be m u .h improved and hopes to return to work the forepart of next week. Mr*. < harle» Short o t OBtan« ¿ jk J M: Charle.-, McConnell were Sunj ay evening visitor.- at the Dean home Mra McConneU ihow . , . e<* pictures and scutem rs o er recent trip to Hawaii. FREE TURKEYS 0 *' for THANKSGIVING! Stop in today and REGISTER fo r th e d ra w in g for tw o d ressed an d p ack ag e tu rk e y s. NO OBLIGATION TO BUY Bunn's Signal Service 301 Main P h o n e 59 LOCAL NEWS Visitors Friday at the home of Mr. ! and Mrs. H. D. Zobell weire Mr. and Mrs Laurn Ashliman of Rex- burg who were enroute to Seattle to atten d a shoe fair. They plan to visit at the Zobell home again this Friday on their iway home. San« I.yn Woodard, nine-Tear old | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Woodard is reported much improved from rheum atic fever. She is able to sit up p art of the time. Mrs. John Rrrtz, Mrs. Walter Fox, Mrs. Robert Bowen and Mrs W yatt Sm ith were business visitors in Boise Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Wilson and I Mi and Mrs. H enry H artley were among Ny-ssans attending the open ing of the new O ntario high school CRANBERRY SAUCE No. 303 Ocean Spray, whole or strained <90 3 c a n s............ 65c CHESTNUTS_______Lb. 45c For dressing SWEET POTATOES Durands, heavy syrup, No. 3 squat COCOANUTS ........ Lb. 15c All sizes 2 cans............... 75c LETTUCE 2 heads 17c CELERY HEARTS Pkg. 23c MINCE MEAT Snoboy Brand Kerrs, 29 ounce jar CRANBERRIES .... Lb. 35c Eastern E ach..................4 9 c * Th« Gift that C o lhtrt Mor* Gift* I $ t ia A io in f conto!« u p * d u n ■■ C ellar M o n d oak f i a t r o . u m . full * 070 - * 0076 * gth draw er in bat* '•im r m o Je l in ral vih«r populär fcnishci MANY 1 AME CHESTS AS LOW AS * If you has* • "ipeciil someone" lo remember •»on —you II htul the loveliest gifr of all ns our big selection of Lane Cedar Chests — the gift that's sentimental and practical, loo! See them today—and have jroux gill problem happily solved. 5 Ü** OAtmtMl lAVtO FAY% FO* A LAMI m f* V \* *i »«« m r, - 1 roror klerarf with Ik* famosa Rato-Raatar flto a ia« machina. No on- M c itta 'i f 'f t 1*« — and septic tsnkr HOLDS «•na-lin itk • • i I n in UPI DOWN 'Sii » » S MAU VY HALT F A Y * I N T | C r i i rful lftth Centurv ¿tiling in Circus, 8 ounce tins__________________ C lo «qe4 iiw tr t «leetne A i A iv t fé W H A .xai hu I e ««a T.t nrAterfâlI Jetif n in rich % A OC w# T «r mer ,. n an » ta a « l l n a u t i —h - M ,a * 4 4« « m » «A u |, t i n »«ll- H a t MÛ f i t i B | U AJ, WE GIVE S 4 H GREEN STAMPS Tour 4*o«nJaWo ROTO ROOT» S « r * « , m a n h a i r k a p r t p t a « o i» Peterson Furniture Co, Your Dependable Furniture Store NYSSA — VALE — ONTARIO — PAYETTE m«rt I« ,uni, M«*« loaki ia tha ••ail va ni ta ry aay. piton* BROWER Plumbing Shop H t « » PUMPKIN ....... 2 lor 39c Del Monte. No. 2 Vi PEANUTS 2 for 65c p w * IM -J We will have a large supply FRUIT COCKTAIL of bronze and white Turkeys, Del Monte, No. 24 geese, chickens, and hams right for your 2 cans ............... 75c priced Thanksgiving Dinner____ FRUIT CAKE MIX HAMBURGER Lb. 35c Lyons, 1 lb. package BEEF ROASTS Lb. 39c 2 fo r................. 93c Milk Chocolate Bars JELLY 4 for $1.00 Ghiradelli's, 14 ounce Kerr's assorted, 12 oz. PRESERVES 3 for S1.00 E ach............... 59c Sunny Jim, berry, 12 oz. Hour»- W»«k day». 8 ». m.—8 p. m. Sundays. 12 noon—3 p. m. Nov*mb»r 2 1st and 22nd WILSON’S SUPER MARKET Modem Methods Make Shopping Easier Here” Pk04M 21 F r— P a r k in g a n d D s U v n / 204 2nd & Good l2SSS2S25l I