THE N Y S S A G A T E CITY JOURNAL. N Y S S A . OREGON. TH UR SD AY. NOVEM BER 20. 1952 n c u s s /F t e o Classified Advertising Rates 1 wo c e n ts per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for piopei classification, all ads must be turned into the Miscellaneous For Sale Journal office not later than 5 p m. Tuesday. Publication of a n y classified advertisement w ill not lx guaranteed when submitted later than Wednesday. BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell See Mei FARMS That you and each quired to execu’e a the Plaintiff a de- d perty as last atx and that in ca'e of v to do. the decree Rive the I iffect and said sonve That you you be forever enj ;n.\: and restrained from any claim whatsoever :: said real property or . thereof adverse to tlie 1 title therein, and that t tiff be decreed a go, d a fee simple title u. and real property last above ed: and for such other ther relief as to the Co M e n proper and equitab be re. ver to 1 MO» .'aid County and State \. bt :.n u v a the N >rth- , rue: of L c : T w i »2» .it li; g f . P. neer kddl- • n ■! r u f J irfl »n V ai- 4 i then * in a Southwe'terly d.ree- H i | Lot Tw o <2< a distance-o f 1S1 4 feet to the Southeast corner o f •aid L. t 2: then *‘ North #9 de gree' 17’ West 61 feet: them:» 17$» feet; thence South 71 degree« 46" East 60 5 feet to the point at beginning. i y part - Plain- id val.d to the le v rib - nd fur- rt may t m the HOM ES 1 bedroom modern home, full base ment. 2 blocks from Main street, premises. $1,200 down, $50 per month. 2 bedroom modern home, full This Summons is publi'hi i by or basement, floor dram, city sewer, der of the Honorable M A. Biggs, garage, $11,500, term.- Judge of the Circuit Court of the Corner location, 200 foot front State of Oregon for Malheur Coun age, 2 bedroom basement home, ty, made and entered on the 3rd $1,500, $500 down. $25 per month, day of November, 1952 The d *te of the fir t publication or will take $1.000 ciq-h New 2 bedroom modern home, oil \ of this Summons is the 6th day of furnace, hard e n d fl, r~ King Ave., November. 1952. and the date of the l last publication of this Summons is $1.500, terms. 1 bedroom modern home, full I the 4th day of December, 19.'2 Anthony Yturri basement, garage. $4 200. $500 down, John C C K ie t $+0 per month, 4 percent Interest. Attorneys for Plaintiff "The renter who sings ’Home Residing at Outer. >. Oregon. Sweet Home’ i' kidding himself and Also, beginning ai a point cn the North line of Lot Five 15» in Block Eight »8 *. Pioneer Addition to the Town of Jordan Valley. Malheur County, Oregon, wlueia point bears North 81 degrees 34T West 223.6 feet distant from the Northeast Corner of said Lot Five i5>; thence South 8 de grees 22’ West 100 feet: thence North 81 degrees 38’ West 75 feet: thence North 8 degrees 22" East 100 feet: thence South #1 degrees 28: East 75 feet to th » point of beginning, and located partly in Lot 5, Block 8. Pioneer Addition to the Town of Jordan Valley, and partly in the North east Q uarter of the Northeast Quarter ( N E L N E 1» ) of Section Eleven i l l * . Township Thirty (30> South, Range Forty-six i4*> E.W.M.. in Malheur County, O re- 2 'll That by the decree of this Court it be declared, adjudged and decreed that the said D e fendants and each and all of them have no right, title, interest, lien and or estate whatsoever in and the real property described in Plaintiffs’ Complaint or any part thereof. 160 acres, good row crop and stock deal, well located, machinery goes with set up. immediate posses sion. $48.000. $20.000 d >wil, $1.500 per year. 40 acres on highway clo'e to Nys sa. practically new 6 room modern home. $16.800, $10.u00. down. 80 acres, paid up water right, row- crop and stock set up. new cow barn and machine shed. 8 room modern home, full basement, garage, $29,000 . $11,000., down. Trade in your old range $100 on a 1 acre productive land, lays per ID E A L A L L -P U R P O S E FAR M new Hotpolnt range and enjoy your fect, 2 bedroom modern home, close FOR SALE Good New Hampshire 60 acres level enough for row Thanksgiving dinner. Ez Carr A p pullets, laying now Take your pick crop, 20 acres hillside pasture with to Nyssa. $5.700. term' pliances. 25 acres, paid up water right. 6 free water, 160 acres deeded sage $2. First house west of Big Bend brush land next to range. Fair room modem home, several out Making round trip to Taoomi, school. No Friday night or Saturday i buildings, good well. $18.000. buildings. $9.000., $4.500 down, $500. Wash., via Yakima. Leave Nov. 26, sales by Big Bend school, 4 miles $3.000 down per year. serenading the landlord." \ si MMONS return via Cortland Dei1 . 1 or 2. 160 acres under Old Owyhee pro Just listed 2 bedroom modem 60 ACR ES P A ID -U P W A T E R Have room for passenger, inquire In the ( iri uit Court of the State of ject. good row crop land, 2 sets hi me. furnace. $6.500 G down, will Ideal location, deep rich soil. Some S P IN E T PTANO— Big reduction for Oregon for the County of Malheur I*. O. Box 314, N’yssa. consider trading on » small ranch. row crop land. Modern dairy barn, | buildings, terms. qu.ek -ale. Net used. Terms or cash. 80 acres, new 2 bedroom modern Floyd Acarregul and Carmen B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S good soft-water well, small home. M IS C E L L A N E O U S — Electrolux See it in Nyssa. W’rite to: H M. ( home, 40 acres irrigated. $.1.500. Motel in Magic Valley, will trade Acarregui, husband and wife, Own this for $18.000. 'i down. cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. Martin. W h Resale Department. S al $4.500 down, $900 per year, worth Plaintiffs, for ranch in Nyssa vicinity. Andersen, route 3, Welser, Idaho, em Music C inpany. Salem Oregon. 29r<- D O W N I the money. vs. Small grocery store, well located, Located 1 mile ofi oil highway. phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. Just listed 80 acres, all now crop. 45-2t. The Unknown H eir' of Annie Lovely homp, and good set of farm Choice area, 3 bedi cm modern doing good business, $5 ooo down. Your opportunity to buy a busi Weir, deceased; the Unknown Heirs G et on the easy E Z food plan. See FOR SALE 12-ft Frigidaire deep building'. About half suitable to home, part basement, bam, loafing of David W eil, decea ed; Joseph F ness building in Nyssa netting 10%. row crop farming Balance g o o d ; shed. $4g.500, »2 down. freeze, good condition. Price $175. Ez today. Wood and Jane Doe Wood, his wife; rolling farm land. $37,000, 29% Call 5-M. 2-Bt droom modern h >ine, hard That you and each and all o f 35 acres, row crcp and Stock deal, down, balance $2,000 per year, plus 2 bedroom modern home, $12.000, wood floors, log-burning fire-place, also any and all other persons or you be forever enjoined and de parties unknown claiming any right, FOR s a l e Used Hotpolnt electric 5'i .:. barred from asserting any i-laioa terms. oil furnace, full basement, complete title, Interest, lien and or estate in range new. Only $135—terms. M IL K C H E C K S HERE whatsoever in and to said real 160 acres, 140 acres irrigated, lays ly modern, 1 bedroom in basement; and to the real property described Ideal Gas Ac Appliance. 38-tf. This 40 has a good 5 room home, ! perfect, productive soil, 2 bedroom property or any part thereof a d garage, spacious yard, good soil, in P lain tiff’s Complaint or any part New— BETrER T H A N EVER good dairy barn, and is in a good verse to the Plaintiff's title there home. $40,000. $20,00*1 down. Defendants. I Policy covers C A N C E R , as well as FOR SA LE — Fuller paints and wall c mplete set of furniture. O ood thereof, community. Not a big deal, but a in. and that to Plaintiffs be de many other dread diseases. Costs paper, complete selection Firestone 4 acres, highway location, 2 bed- terms can be arranged. Shown by TO : The Unknown H eir' of Annie good one $12.600, some terms. creed a good and valid fee sunpl» only $12 per year for whole family, store 2 in f c 83 ACR E S T O C K FARM i room modem home, $7,500. terms. appointment only. Weir, deceased; the unknown title in and to said real property Heirs of David Weir, deceased: Good place to run beef or dairy and the whole thereof, free and IN S U R A N C E Joserph F. Wood and Jane Doe cattle, paid-up water right for 30 FREE clear of any and all claims of Phone 218 16 North 3rd. Wood, his wife, aiso any and all acres. You can’t beat this for the said Defendants and each of Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals other persons or parties un $13,500. Ea/sy terms. them; and for such other and Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranchos. H O P K IN S W H O L E S A L E M EAT known claiming any right, title, 60 IN B L A C K C A N Y O N further relief as to the Court LOANS IN S U R A N C E Phone Ny*«a 100-R State inspectent. One mile north, interest, lien and or estate in 30 acres, good 4-room home, soft may seem proper and oquitaM » 1 4 mile west o f’Nyssa on Columbia N’YSSA. O R E G O N — PH O NE 200 and to the real property describ well water. Priced below appraisal in the premises. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. ave. Custom slaughtering cutting, ed in Plaintiffs’ Complaint or at $7500. $3500 down This Summons is published by o r wrapping, curing and rendering. any part thereof, Defendants. I W E L L L O C A T E D S M A L L FA R M discharged. der of the Honorable M. A. Biggs, Hogs, cattle, sheep received any Grand piano. $650 Ez Carr ApulL 26 good acres. 6-room modern IN T H E N A M E O F TH E .STATE Judge of the Circuit Court of t h » Dated and first published Oct 23, day. Also we consign hogs, cattle ancas. home, good set of outbuildings. O F O R E G O N : You and each of you State of Oregon for Malheur Coun 1952. and sheep for farmers to Portland Buildings alone are almost worth Date of last publication Nov. 20. are hereby required to appear and ty. made and entered on the 3rd day market. Free cooling and free de FOR SALE— OH rings for oil heater; J O H N D E E R E 2-row, flatbed pota the total price of $12,500. answer the Complaint filed against of November, 1952. 1952. livery within five miles of plant. stove grates and walls for coal heat to digger. Phone 018-J3. Ontario. E N JO Y C O U N T R Y LIF E you in the above entitled suit on or Bertram B. Lienkaemper Phone 395-W; if no answer. 31-M ers and ranges. Quick service. Nyssa 25-tf The date of the first publication Outdoor living, garden, chickens, Administrator of the estate of before the last day of the time pre of this Summons is the 6th day o f 3mtfc Furniture Co. Phone 149-W. 37-tf. cow, pony for tne kids— all this scribed in the Order for Publication Vernena M Beam, deceased. November. 1952. and the date o f th » can be yours on one of our acre FO R SALE- -M International trac M IS C E L L A N E O U S — Do you need FOR SALE!— Sewing machines, P fa ff Harold Henigson, Attorney for of Summons, to-wit: on or before last publication of this Sum m on» ages. Grocery bills go way down, tor. Clifford Wolfe, Sunset Valley, the 4th day of December, 1952, the money to remodel your home or to and Universal, new and used. Fire- is the 4th dav of December, 1962. too! Here are a few of our many 5 miles west, >4 south of Owyhee Administrator some being the expiration of four - • 21Ftfc. build outbuildings or garage? — We| stone store, listings: Anthony Yturri Junction. 45-2tp _ consecutive weeks from Afte date of can arrange a loan for you and give ____________________________________L . NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT John C. O 'K ief • the first publication o f this Sum FOR SA LE — Dressed geese, 40c per you up to three years to pay It. — T* O 1 Li the Countv Court of the State o f mons; and if you fail to answer for Attorneys for Plaintiffs New modern home, 1 acre $12,600. 23atfc pound. Phone 077-R3. Mrs. Frank Nyssa Lumber Co. F or the County o f M alheur Residing at Ontario, Oregon. Modern 2-bedroom home, want thereof, the Plaintiffs will ap ______ J Graham. 41-5tp. 10 acres $1) 500 --------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the Es-tate of Roe ply to the Court for the relief pray Now is the time to gravel your lanes, I The columns in the Lincoln 3 rooms, 3.2 acres $1500 FOR R E N T —3 room modern house Felton Duncan. Deceased. H O P K IN S W H O L E S A L E M EAT ed for in their Complaint against feed yards and road ways. Phone Memorial in Washington tilt inward. 5 rooms, modern, 2 acres $7000 S.W. of Ny.*a. Gerntt Stem. 44-2tp For your own protection, buy Notice is hereby given that th e 1 you, to-wit: 136-W. 37-tf. The state o'f California is ten 6 rooms, modern. 13 acres, $12,000. state-inspected meat Buy a quart That you and each of you be re FO R SA LE 80 aen » land. 3’ , m il*. rueneil■ « R j D'liwan. Admit. - er half or whole beef, pork or mut- L IS T IN G S ' W A N T E D miles longer than the state of Texas. quired to set forth the nature of M IS C E L L A N E O U S — Septic tanks S. W . of Nyssa. Gerrit Stam. 44-atp. *»tratrtx of the * * * * * of ^ Pelt™ 1 ton.. See us at plant, 1 mile north, W e have lots ol prospetes for good Duncan, Deceased, has filed her and cesspools cleaned. Phone Ray your claim, if any you have in on highway, then 1/4 mile west on farms and homes. List yours with and to the following described mond Hud, 164-W4, Parma, or 24, Columbia avenue, Nyssa, Oregon, FO R SALE— Six to three acres farm Final Account as such Administra us and prepare to move, real property, to-wit: Parma i Hardware. 17-ti. phone 395 w or 31_M 14dtfc< H O M ES 5 milt ' west of Nyssa Phone 6-4474 trix in the County Court of M al heur County, Oregon, and that said Lot Three (3) in Block eight Nampa. 45-2tp. V E T E R A N S S P E C IA L court has appointed December 15 (8) of Pioneer Addition to the M ISC K i l k a N O U S — Wall-Satin, FOR S A L E — Milk cows, auem seya ! 2-bedroom modern home, nearly1 'Have the Keenest Edge in Town" 1952, at 11:00 o’clock A. M. of said Town of Jordan Valley, Malheur Here comes and Jerseys, milkers ------- and 1 new. $3,800. $1.300 down, easy . . color. . . . A . . washable, „ rub- . Holsteins , - -------------- day for the hearing of objections t( County, Oregon, according to the H A R TM A N 'S berized finish for interior walls and springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone ENJOY C O U N T R Y " L IF E __ saiid Final Account and the settle Official Plat thereof on file in wood trim. 306. Ontario, Oregon, across from | 2 Mi. East At Locker Ave. Special — Modern 2-bedroom — 1 ment thereof. the Office of the County Clerk of •covers most surfaces In one uni- Ontario sale yard 2mtfc FO R SA LE — Registered Duroc and acre $6,000. form coat. \--------------------------------------------------- Hampshire swine. Aged sows, boars. N O W T H E R E F O R E all oersons ROOM A -P L E N T Y — •dries to a satin sheen in less than Buy your Christmas gifts through Open gilts, spring boars. W eaner interested in the Estate of Roe Fel 4 room house, with four more one hour. Easy Ez. pigs. Unrelated males, females. Spec- ton Duncan, Deceased, are hereby rooms in basement. Modern ten- , iaI price t0 4_H and jap A boys." 260 •twelve handsome colors all ready , --------- ------------------ --------------------------- notified and required to appear at ant house, always rented. Extra lo t1 to use. j » FO R SALE head to choose. Michael F. O ’Leary, the county Court Room in the Court with this. $7250 Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. 2 bedroom modern home, full 2 miles south Fruitland. 38-tf. House at Vale, Malheur County. M O V IN G T O C A L D W E L L ? basement, extra large lot well im — . . . . . Oregon, at said tune, to then and 2 bedroom home on Hillcrest B IL L LANE FO R SA LE RegiMtered Holstein ^ jere show cause, if any there be, proved, $5.000. easy terms. East drive $7.150, $1.200 down, $42 per bull 15 mos. old Bill Grasmick. Ph. w^y Final Account should not A U C T IO N E E R Fourth street. month. 022-R11 Nyssa. Farm, 40 acres row crop, 34 acres O N L Y $3,000? 45-ft. be settled, allowed and approved and F'arni and Livestock Sales said Es-tate be distributed by the Phone 169 Nyssa, Ore. hay and pasture, 5 room house, new Yes sir, we have one, all modern, barn. Located on highway. $16,000, Decree of said Court. only $1.500 down. Farm Sale Dates reasonable terms. » EDGE O F T O W N Dated and first published Novem- 37-tf. Two-bedroom modern home, ex Nearly new. 2 bedrooms, 100 foot W A N T E D —Highest prices paid for ber 13- 1952 cellent condition, perfect heating lot, $7,500. terms to suit. j 1 slaughter horses Clyde Smith Use Journal Classified Ads. -------- Date of last publication Decem system, good location. A H O M E F O R $1500 phone 306. Ontario Across from ber 11, 1952. Motel with market, very good loca C O A S T Blacktop Paging Co. Is ready Comfortable 2 room home. Beats Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc Myrl Duncan to build your driveway, parking area, tion. paying rent. Easy terms, or will ------ — ~T 7 ,T . Administratrix of the E tale of N Y S S A IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y discount for cash W A N T E D -C h ild care in my home Roe Felton Duncan, Deceased. school yard, feed lot, lounging ^r Ralph G „ Lawrence, Agent implement shed. Only pugmill as 3-B E D R O O M E C O N O M Y ’ H O M E during daytime. Call Mrs. Lloyd Clyde H Snider, lb North 3rd 105 Main St. Phone 53 phaltic concrete mix in this area. Mr. W orking-m an. here is a spaci Lewis, phone 294-J. 45-2t. Street, Nyssa, Oregon, Attorney for ' 1 " ■■ 1 1 Low cost, guaranteed work, free esti ous, comfortable home for your Ad.iunif tration. mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A family, nearly new and well lo W A N T E IY 'Man and wife to operate cated. $8300, easy terms or phone 280, Ontario. 13-tf. branch real estate office in Nyssa. SUM M ONS BUSINESS O PPO R TUNITIES FOR R E N T — 3-room suite. steam Experience desirable but not neces In the Circuit Court of tlir State of G et your big FR EE turkey from heat. sary. Write CT>V B x Q, Nyssa. 45-lt. M O TE L R A T E S H IG H ? f :r the County of Mallieur ■Why don’t you get on the receiving Easy Ez Just ccrne in and see Ez. Versal Sessions, Plaintiff, 45-tf. end and enjoy those high rates? 606 Main. Ez C arr Appliance. 45-lt. FOR R E N T — 2 bedroom unfurnished vs. ■ '»". rt— • house located 206 Locust Ave. See W e have a good 14 unit motel for W A N T E D T O R E N T 60 acres or Daniel Lynn Gilbert, a minor, heir FINE D A IR Y FARM NEAR Mrs. Ralph Lowe, 709 N. Second. $10.000, all modern and furnished. more farm land Lloyd E. Poulsen at law of W ilfred Daniel Gilbert, de Come in and see the fine pullets in our store. You be HARPER 106 E. 2nd St. Nyssa. Phone 426-W. cea ,ed; The Unknown Heirs of W il Phone 215-W. 45-2t.1 Terms can be arranged. the judge as to which pullet will lay the most eggs and Modern house. Butane, refrigerator, 45-2tp. fred Daniel Oilbert, deceased, De- A N IN C O M E F O R L IF E r e n t Four 2-room . dendants. how many eggs she will lay. Hotpoint di.shwa.sheT, milking m a Apartment houses provide sure Oate Cabins. T O : Daniel Lynn Oilbert, a minor, and steady Incomes for thousands chine, 40 acres, family orchard, furnished. Oregon heir at law o f'W ilfr e d Daniel 45-2tp. of owners. W e have several good modern equipment, 60 tons hay. 20 Reasonable rates. Gilbert, deceased; the Unknown ones. cows. 6 heifers, ail goes for 23,500, H E LP W A N T E D -H uzier Cosmetic FOR R E N T — Furni'hed apartment. Heirs of W ilfred Daniel Oilbert. -terms. Jerry LaCelle, 112 Park. 44-lt distributorships. Car necessary. 20-40 <ii c m -ed. Defendai I TURKMAN & ULLM AN hour work week Write qualification-, IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STATE Phone 218 Realtors FO R R E N T Furnished basement 16 North 3rd to Inez Stiles, 420 No. Garden, Boise. O F O R E G O N : You and each of you Apt. Stunz duplex. 38-tf Baker, Oregon 42-4t are hereby required to appear and WANTED 45-3t. answer the Complaint filed again,t FOR R E N T -F u r r , i-le d apirtment Dead Animals R A W L E IO H Dealer wanted at once. you in the above entitled suit on or with bath, light and heat furnished. Oood opportunity. Write at once. before the last day of the time Removed Free. Phone 63-J. 32-tf. Rawlegh’s, Dept ORK-331-105. O ak prescribed in the Order for Publi Phone Nyssa 102-W land, Calii. 44-3tp. cation of Summons, to-wit: on or FO R R E N T -M o d e rn 3 room furn- Payette 670. FO R SALE!— 2 houses, both or one, before the 4th day o f December, ished apartment. Close in. Call Idaho Animal Products Uo. with 5 lots. One new 2-bedroom; 127-W. 1952. the same being the expiration Legal Advertising 32-tf. chicken house, shed, fruit trees, of four crnsecutlve weeks from the grapes. Real buy for someone. Some FOR R E N T — Paint spray gun. Fire- date of the first publication of this FOR S A L » NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNT terms. See this before buying. Also stone store. l$t PfffZI 7rsé PRIZI Summons; and if you fail to answer 21Ftfc. 3rd PRiZI I I » Ort« D »c«rot»r CUcfc About 2 acres, fair house, barn, In the County Court of the State of C$**rtd Pryiftf Pa second hand doors, windows and KitcH«n Shtal for want thereof, the Plaintiff will Oregon for the County of Malheur chicken house, pasture, 4 1 2 miles glass, all sizes. John C. Krul. 915 N. F O R apply to the Court for the relief R E N T — 2-room rurnlshed In the Matter of the Estate of from Nyssa $3650 Idaho St., phone 372-M, Nyssa. prayed for in his Complaint against cabin. Chadwick camp. 30ntfc 80 acre stock farm. 53 Irrigated, Vernena M. Beam, deceased. 40-2tp-tf. you, to-wit: There’s nothing to buy. N O T IC E LS H E R E B Y G IV E N that FOR R E N T — New Clarke R-inca S°od modern home $18,000. W ill take That that certain deed from W il FOR R E N T — Modern unfurnished floor sanders and 6-*ich edger. home In Nyssa a-s part payment the undersigned. Bertram B Lien- fred Daniel G ilbert to Plaintiff Ask us for one of the 2-room cottage. 118 N. First street. Stunz Lumber Co. 2 bed room, modern. 2 lots, trees I kf*m per. administrator of the estate 16-tf. dated February 28,1952, and con 45-2t. Phone 016-R2. and lawn. $3,700, $1,000 down, $35 deceased, has veying the following described free judging blanks. PO R R E N T —Two furnished apart- per month. filed his Final Account as said ad real property, to-wlt: n ents phone Brownie’s cafe. 3mtfc FOR SALE ministrator in the County Court of 2 bedroom modern, near city park, T h e South H a lf of the South Malheur County, Oregon, and that 2 room house, full basement, pres $1.600, terms. west Quarter ( S 'v S W M of Sec sure water system. 150x138 lot. This Good basement house on 50x150 said Court has appointed Tuesday, tion Two (2*. Township Twenty- November 25. 1952, at 10 00 o'clock in is a good house and takes only $500 ft lot. E a 't side location. $1.500. one (21» South, Range Forty- $500 down, east side, nice fenced the forenoon of said day for the five i45> East of the WillameUe down, $25 per month FOR S A L S O R T R A D E — New. mod- hearing of objections to said Final Meridian, Malheur County, O re 4 room. bath, part basement. nice em home in Quincy, W ash 6 rooms, yard and trees. $1.800 Account and the settlement thereof gon, yard, shade, good location, $5.500, two baths, full basement, furnace, N O W , TH ER EFO R E, all persons be corrected and reformed In terms. 1 4 acre W ill trade for property interested in the estate of Vernena j BO B T H O M P S O N A G E N C Y conformity with the Intent of Duplex, one block irom Main St.. Vale, Ontario, Nyssa area Would M Beam, deceased, are notified and 1 Phone 97 said W ilfred Daniel Gilbert and 150x150 lot on corner across from consider unimproved land, livestock. required to appear at the County the Plaintiff to describe said and farm equipment Write Box 754 ( lty hall Terms if desired. Phone 26 ~ - m . 1 • 1 _ ri p _ _ 0 - 1 » Court Room in the Court House at Nyssa, Oregon property as follows: Business locations on highway, or call 2036, Vale, Oregon 44-2t I o r b a ie v » i » Malheur u v n c i r County, n™ i n t v Oregon, at Vale, The Southwest Quarter < S W 'u ■ ------- both entrances to town, U. S 20. said time, to then and there .tfww of Section Tw o »2», T o w iu h ip , I O I f W» I H the C H E C K E R i O A S O SI CK Residential lot9 for a little down PO R SALE— 194« Ford 4-door Sedan cause, if any there be, why said Twenty-one '2 D South, K sn f» and a little a montfi in g d condition, extra clean. Account should not be settled, ai- Fiwty-flve 45> E»>t of the W illa- BERNARD EASTMAN \ttrvin Bower., i i u I Phone lowed and an>: •®ii • » * ■ • * • * * « • LO S T —ó mos. old black Lap bird " , onette Meridian, in Msiheur f r * Ptione 437-J Reward. 46-1$. dletrkbuted and s».4 adtcuxuauwior, County, Siate ol Oregon. ic $4 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain de ceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness o f the G od head txdily, and ye are complete in Him. which is the head of all prin cipality and power. Colossians 2:3- 10. Study your Bible. 45-lt. H >me Freezer $190 Ye>! that’s right. Only $190 and you can start savin? FAR M S on ti e old food bill right now with D R Y L A N D W H E A T 960 acre dry farm all ready for rhe easy payment plan Easy Ez Carr profitable farming. 150 acres sum Appliances, 606 Main. mer fallow wheat -eeding, 20 acres of intermediate wheat for seed, FOR SALE — 13-ft. factory built 150 acres alfalfa. 40 acres of open trailer house, $450 Oregon Gate land, balance good range land, Cl I 18 E ■ ’ M i.:. 45-2tp. all fenced. Electricity, lair house and builuings. Should gross $20.000 FOR SALE -2 handicaps and 1 gun per average year, $40.000 for $1 80 N j a Lumber Co. 45-lt POLIO KEN POND ! ^ , KS, V,K MEL BECK— REALTOR Farm Machinery r arms r or bale KNIFE SHARPENING Livestock For Sale W anted HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Nov. 22 is deadline for Entries in PURINA LAY and PAY CONTEST JÈËâÈ$r For Rent Help W anted KEN PO ND » “ SiS™ The three top judqes will receive these prizes— Real Estate For Sale For Sale or Trade TOBLER S FEED AND FUEL FARM LO A N S Automobiles Lost Inc«