THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20, 1952 If M ' r e t.ieir n ev : a »n at Spokai.t- ? Ouy Glenn. R ibe Graham and to Emine '«Vedre-day a g'-.e-t • - (the a. Gary and Charle S u r e a r M » ’ Fr. The w rlted Sa urday and Sunday de '1rs Io n ia n Pt>mer<>v horning and branding cattle at the the tudy and grcrwth of irise. Phone O' JJ Schweizer ranch. Mr and Mrs William Gregg and Wednesday evening Mr- Charlea I \ , held by were nude : r a C ' - > party Schweizer. Miss Clarice Nothei- and family were dinner gue-ts at the Ed Topliff home Sunday. < the v: . .at H -ur club for the gr ip their families and Mrs. Mildred Hite attended the first Holcomb of Nys.,a has been build „ , . community concert of this season in when the group met Thur day af- supper Rufreshmen.- »ere - e r v e d Ontario. ----- ing the 16-foot addition across the ter noon at the home of Mtaa Edith and each lady was pre.'ented with a Sunday dinner guests of Mr.i Ora Vern Garner home. Walls are up. it Vtv. n.< w Fllen S:ri.-k!and as «tarter of the foliage plant, "coleus Newgen were Mr. and Mr.,. Dick! *s partitioned, and this week shing- month's hos co-h. ' Newly elected officers »Maters Next month\ hoste Is Mr- Fred Curtis o f Caldwell. Mrs. Curtis is a ; hn* will commence, Eugene Steph- Steiph- ' St0ph#a. „ are pre .dent, Mr Eugene niece of Mrs Ne-wgen. Saturday evening visitors at the president. Mr,. Hnlen j Stephens er-v V1< e ¡,n • :pl ’ Mr H.iien ......................... « --------— Mr and Mr- CaJ Hooper of Bak- Elver NieUen home were Mr and * ’ *” * r ne U . , C . > m t Stn r : " ‘ ' ' I . hoSts at a dinner for 35 a: . » the Sun- a er. were guests Sunday at the home Mrs. Ivan Chase and Uncle Bill from and Mrs. . . w / ‘ , ^ t hall The -• , . wa a farewell of Mr and Mrs Glen Strickland.! Nebraska. Dinner guests Sunday Stephen, v ; ih .^ « ir L ^ t h e ^ : £ h»U. ^ vh o Mr. H x)per ta a brother of Mrs -e r e Mr and Mrs Doyn Price. Sunset Valley Speaks f ||r la ; Sunday Id M Ml U »' ' M < Iff ri were d .* \ bert Oifford la-: Sunday Mr and M: Arthur M >1: were afternoon visitors this Sunday. Miss Clarice Notheis returned home last Sunday after pending the week-end attendng a conference for classroom teachers in Portland. Owyhee Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Phone 09*»-R3 Rev. Robert Kriner will hold ser Strickland. Mrs. Elizabeth Hopper of Norman Jean Garner had had vices at the Owyhee Community Durkee is a houseguest, visiting her acute tonsilitis all the past week daughter. Mrs. Strickland for several S E Flanagan .-.pent two days in church Sunday morning. Sunday days. All were dinner guests Sunday the Burns area this week evening at 8 pan a full color sound at the home of Mr. and Mr., Ray M A Rataezyk was taken ill late film "News for Tibet” will te shown, Stric-kland. , Sunday evening and taken to the Thts picture is presented by the Mr, Amelia r ytnngness arrived Rosary hospital in Ontario In Worldwide Evangelization Crusade. Mrs. Ray ‘ Everyone ........... Is Invited home Saturday evening after visit- the night ” His daughter. " ~J to attend ' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson uvg old friends at Spokane and also •Aston, is flying home from Hawah. Mr. and Mrs Howard Connoughy. took their son. Dale, to Boise Sat- at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mr- John Jarvis, and Mr urday where he left by plane to re- H Crutchfield, at Othello, Wash. Fern Price, Bonita Langlois and and Mrs. Robert Schweizer of Vale, turn to his duties as as hospitalman Geneva Connaughy, accompanied by were Sunday dinner guests of Mr in the Navy in Oceanside On the return trip the Pattersons visited Henry Reuter drove to Boise Satur- and Mr, O H Schweizer day to purchase the prizes for the Mrs. Fred Mitchell and Mr and with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cottle in Friday carnival at the Adrian M-” 3- Irvin D'arfee attended the wed- Nampa, school. ding reception at the Oregon Trail Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves and Thursday evening. Mrs. Ira Price school hcu»e Friday evening for Mr. Mrs. Lora Ditty o f Nyssa were and daughter,. Fern and Bernadine, an<l Mrs. Donald Fryer. Mrs. Fryer Sunday dinner guests at the Jesse Ditty home. "ended the Joint initiations for Is the former Leya Callahan. Mrs. Dorothy Rice of Eagle, and Mrs. Ralph Jones of Boise spent the FHA and FFA held at the Ad rian grade school building, and 'tav- her son. Bud. who ha^ just recently Thursday and Friday with her son- ed for the dance and refreshments. been di,charged from the service, in-law and daughter, Mr and Mr-. Mr and Mr .. Clyde Didericksen of were afternoon and supper guests at Byrd Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith and C.ilavell. were supper gue-ts at the the heme of Mrs. Ora Newgen Sun Lana Rice attended the wrestling h me of Mr and Mrs. James Chadd day. Mr and Mr John Strickland and matches in Ontario Saturday night. Saturday evening and played cards. Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer Sunday both families were dinner family were dinner guest, at the gu#>'ts a: the Conley Lockett home at Willow Crrek. A birthday party at the M. A. Rataezyk farm Sunday honored two grandsons, Ca.simer Jur.i r, who was two years- cld, son of Mr. ar.i Mrs. C J Rataezyk. and Andy Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs Harold Parks of T v.n Falls. A1 present were Harry Rataezyk, and children, Letter, Mary, and Julia, and Miss Sophia Rataezyk. Miss S phia of Boise, wa« an overnight gue-t at the home of her parent. Saturday night ar.d stayed for the party Her .sister, Mr, Harold Parks, and son, Andy, are visiting at the parental home Mr and Mrs. Wayne Berrett ar rived home Friday from a two day- trip to Idaho Falls, Ida . and the L. D S temple. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and Mr and Mr- Keith Tallman attend ed the wedding of Beverly Smith to BJ1 Parker at the First Christian church in Ontario Saturday even ing Mr Parker is a nephew of Mrs. Tallman and Mr Brewer. Prayer meeting was held at the Corner 6th & Good Phone 17 Gregg home Wedne-day evening with Reverend R L Kriner leading. Mr and Mrs. James Lcucks and daughter, Peggy Ann. were hou-e- guests five days at the heme of Wil liam Gregg la<t week. Louoks is a nephew of Mr Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Lou^k continued on to Ohio to get a Jeep -tation wagon, leaving Peggy Ann to visit at the Greggs. Larry and Shorty Hite of Haines were overnight guests at the home of th<.: parent Mr in I Mr John Reffett, last Saturday. Sunday afternoon visitors at the Jim Arm ng home were R E Fischer of Ontario, father of Mrs. Armstrong, and W W Deffenbaugh and son, Gilbert, of Nyssa. Mr. and Mr- Jim Armstrong en tertained Mr and Mrs Merlin Ditty and daughter of Ontario at dinner. Thursday the Armstrongs were din ner gues;, at the Jesse Ditty homF Mrs K E Flanagan. Mrs. Frank was leavu ■ e ind also p ian* for their daughter, and her husband. .......... “ \ 2 Charles Chapir. who were leav- ing for Spokane* Gue-i at dinner included Mr and M: Jim Phiefer and family. Mr and Mrs Pettinger. Mr anti Mrs Clyde 14 *• : id iam- ily. Joyce and Mardell B ver, Mr atid Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen. Mr and Mr, Willard Whitman and family. Estimates Gladly Given Marvin Bowers. Mr ar.d Mr,. Don Parker and family, and A 2 Charles Chapin and da irhter. Cindy Lou Additional frtend dropped in to Phone 134L2 visit in the aftero ■n at the hall. Marvin Bowers, who has joined the service, is with the navy. Charles Parma, Idaho Chapin and family left this week for • fa4 mal ' ' K *J MEULLER FURNACES— J INK BELT STOKERS HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER CA?i YOU STOP QUICK? LET US SAFE-I-GRIP YOUR TIRES Better Traction For Starting a n d Stopping on Wet. Slippery Ice or Snow -covered Roads IT'S INEXPENSIVE! For only a very few dollars w e can m ake your tires safer than new with Safe-T-Grip t IT'S QUICK In less than a n hour we can supply this am azing safety process to your tires. DRIVE IN TODAY! Powell Service Phone 76 203 Main ° ‘ * We Will Gladly Do Your Cuslom Dressing of Poultry at 3 0 ^ ; each Gem Produce Co. -•nte.-ta.ne1 w.'h a pin hie p a r y home at their home Saturday night Guest Mr ,tnd Mi Claude Skinner t W M Mrs. , m B Frankie F V M' M t m . _ ,, ,, \ a t B F j ., x, M t M » V hall High prize, were »"on by where the two boys played the.r Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, traveling by guitars over the radio. Mrs Frank Perko and Mr Wilson. M, ancj Mrs. V A Vanscoy and Mr- F L. Sumpter prepared a bir- chUdren of Payette were Sunday thday dinner for her mother. Mr dinner guests at the George Sch Oscar Houston Sunday. Just the weizer home. family was present. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Kygar and Mrs. Ellis Walters and Mrs. G er ald Slippy'and Eldon left Monday children of C hoked Creek were morning for Portland where Eldon quests at the Florence Kygar home will get a medical check-up. Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Bill Wuson of Ny- Tony Zickman broke his collar ssa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morfitt of bone Monday morning while play- Owyhee Dam and Mr and Mrs ln g 3,1 school. Kenneth McDonald were Friday Mr and Mrs Keith Moore and evening guests at the Werner Peutz son o f Notus spent Saturday at the home. Melvin Crocker home. Mrs Gertrude Jackson of Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. E E Crocker visit- is visiting at the Lee Householder ed In Nyssa at the Ed Case home home. On Sunday Mr and Mr . Sunday evening. Householder and Mrs. Jackson call- < --------------------- ed at the Charlie Schweizer home New York City has a waterfront Mr and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and of 578 miles. sons and Mr. and Mrs. Don Linville ------------ and children were Sunday evening A unicameral legislature is one dinner guests at the Byrd Walters having only a single house. Improve lands, crops, pastures with W O O D ’S ROTARY CUTTER + Pasture Mcwinf 4-Brush Clearinf 4-Shrsddinf Stalks + Eradicating Brush Sap -f Shredding Co*tt Crops -F Maintînmes Mowing In 60', SO', 114' cut- ting widfhi — rtandard or Hydraulic modolt heavy duty, high speed Thai« aM-pu'poie euttwn are »quipped to do E V E R Y cutting, shredding and mulching job. Operate from power take off. Twin blades revolve at 1500 RPM . Cutting height adjustable: 0 " to 14". Boiler plate surrounds blades for 1 0 0 % protection! See the W o o d ’s machine demonstrated on Y O U R form. MOWING and SHREDDING Western Corrugator Co. Phone I8I Nyssa,Oregon THE BIGGEST ANTI-FREEZE SENSATION IS Ye» — now you can have the garage you w ant' and need by seeing Boise Payette. Boise Payette provide» the plans, material lists — complete specifications and will arrange for contracting and financing if desired. SKYWAY ETHYLENE GLYCOL S A Quality materials are used throughout — 2 1 0 // Thick Butt Shingles, Douglas Fir Framing, Drop Siding, Ouality Pine Trim, Devoe Paint, Stationary Sash and handy Overhead Door». S $2.85 a GALLON - $17.10 Prices quoted cover all materials and labor with the exception of concrete and paint application. a CASE ADA Standard single size for families requiring moderate storage space. Ideal for the smaller lot — u t iL z a ^ ^ o f minimum space for maximum efficiency. Be Safe, Be Sure, Be W ise, Economize BOULDER BUY SKYWAY 5 Y # Has D ouble Your Money Back Guarantee. Q Saves You Nearly $1 00 a Gallon, Nearly $6 00 a Case # The No-Rust, Non-Corrosive, Non-Evaporatmg, w A» low a i O utsid e Dim ension» * $ 2 3 .6 1 CANYON ______The design that * popular with those de* »iring covered patio space. Ample car storage space plus big 8 x 20' patio. Can be attached to your pre*enf home for a breezeway ’ effect. K yew de the week yeurtetf — te ite Pey« ette will furnish meteriol lists, draw ings, end will help arrange financing an convenient monthly payments. Ethylene Glycol Permanent Anti-Freeze A • I s Testes! With Ethylene Glycol Testers Y • SAVES YOU MONEY For the two-car family or those who desiro extra storage and work space. Big 20' x 20' deluxe gar* age that will increase your property value appreciably. • - $2.85 A GALLON At BERRETT’S SERVICE NYSSA,OREGON O utsid e D im e nsion s G a ra g e - * - - - 1 2 ' x 2 0 ' P o t i o ...............• ' x 2 0 ' * • O** rSuf ewn loi and *Ovnd ol o'l A s lew ae $ 1 8 .8 2 per month C. F. MINK. Mgr. Nysss, Oregon Phone 15