THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1952 round Arcadia Mrs. George Morler Phone 052-Rt Mrs Dan Gallegos of Sunset Val- is staying with her m other. Mrs. ,hn Lucero, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Houston and r- Cecil Houston attended a sale Apple Valley Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and ary and Jackie Dail went to Ba't- afternocn to see Lee ail, *no is in the hospital .there Donald Bullard. Joan M ath^rly d Jcretta Moeller attended the jnday school youth rally at Lin- tn. Friday night. Parley Feik 4-H Stock club met at e Arcadia school house Friday Mr. lauser was present and presented e awards. Several musical num - were given by members of the -H and Mr. Hauser showed slides. Otis Bullard threashed clover seed or Cecil Houston Monday. Mrs. Alva Amiclon of Valley View Visited Mr Oeorge M eller Tae«- day. Mrs. Cecil Boekweg of Apple Val ley and Mr Boekweg's two sisters. Mrs Lie yd Carrer and Mr- Henry Van M eeterne and son of Ogden visited Mrs. George Moeller Wed nesday afternoon. O tis Bullard. Theo M atherly and Frank Tescrida left Tuesday on an elk hunting trip Mrs. Ernie Ramirez and children of Nampa vi-ited Tuesday her m other, Mrs. John Lucero. Food Sense— N ot Nonsense 1« it hard for you to distinguish between f.K>d sense and nonsense ^ A re the claims and counter claims of nostrum peddlers confusing you.’ Are the faddist attacks on .>ur 1 asio foods increasing your faith in the claims of the supplem ent di • r? We have passed through the era of exaggerated claims for rough age; the e ra of c a rb o h y d ra te fears and the era which saw the word vitam in tossed around with little regard for its actual nrean- inpt Today prom oters are taking nver the protein story and are telling it in a pseudo scientific way with little regard for fact • r food sense. According to some • f these prom oters, protein supple ments promise a long life and a me rry one. i’ro te in is im p o rta n t to the diet. The word itself is from the G reek — m ean in g to tak e f iis t place. Proteins, found in all bc.iy tissues, are made up of various am no acids. These serve as the Social IVotes Partv for Amy Lewis Miss Amy Lewis was honored at a surprise party at her heme by eight of her friends Monday evening. A chili supper was served with cake and ire cream. Muss Lewis received m any nice gifts. m anufactured in the body but some of them must be obtained from food we eat. A supply of essential building blocks is needed day m a d day out. Those th a t we eat over and above our needs are burner! ny the body to supply energy. In this wav they take over some oi tne functions of more economical carbohydrates and fats. Selection from each of the bas.c sew n food groups everyday will assure the needed proteins as it will the other food requirem ents, i o of the basic food groups the meat, poultry, fish and eggs—and tne ni * and milk products—are known as the protein food groups because . f their high content of excellent quality protein. The -e foods furnish . 1 of the essential building bb cks. Br» ".d, cereals and other th riit fi * .s also furnish protein, hut the quantities of the essential building I o ns in these foods is not as well balanced as th at of the anim al proteins. The use of bread and her con al pro> uets in a diet which also in cludes m eat, milk or eggs \.iil help put the cereal proteins to os gi < use by our bodies as the protein- fr-mi more expensive sourer s i his ,> one reason the baker uses nonfat milk solids in prouucing the Sta't of average serving of meat will furnish 20 to SO'! of the daily pro', un requirem ent of the average man or 2f> to 40': of the daily requirem ent for the average woman. One glass of milk will furnish about 10fi of the day’s requirem ent of protein for a m an and about 13G of the requirem ent of the average woman. In milk and its products, such as cheese, nature has given us the happy combination of quality protein and a libera! supply of calcium. Calcium is needed for good bone structu re and buoyant health. One glass of milk furnishes about of the day’s need for this m ineral. A daily diet based on foods of the basic seven is food sense protein-wise. iH ily servings of m eat, fish and eggs and milk and milk products along w ith proteins found in enriched bread and other foods, will furnish more of this essential food than your body requires. Need we fall for the protein supplem ent promotion? Royal Neighbors Club Royal Neighbors chapter of O n tario has extended an invitation to GENUINE FORD BATTERIES Sizes and Types to Fit Most Makes Cars the m em bers of the local chapter to j L D.S Bazaar Nov. 22 attend their m eeting Nov. 24 at the Mrs. K erm a Olson, president. Nys- Oddfellows hall in O ntario for the -a second ward oi L.DS. Relief so visit otf Mrs. Mae Logan, state su ciety. has announced the date of its pervisor of Oregon. annual bazaar as Nov. 22. It is to •:— * be held a t the ward house, beginning w ith lunch a t 7 p. m. Mrs. Alexander Hostess We Will Allow 3.50 To Bridge Club Mrs. Earl Alexander was hostess j NEWS to m embers and guests o i her T hurs- J Mr. LOCAL an d M rs. Lloyd T o b irr were day evening bridge club. Mrs. John Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Ostrom was guest player. W inning prizes were Mrs. V. W Mrs. Hudson Robb. Duus, high; Mrs. Homer Jackson, Mr. an d M rs. L. H. S no dgrass were second and Mrs. Nick Rudelick, traveling. •j.__ For Your Old Baliery on the purchase of a new one. CYF Skatinc Party HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. YOUR FORD DEALER 314 MAIN NYSSA. ORE. WSCS Bazaar Nov. 29 PHONE 77 SO M EW H ER E, • — * The C hristian Youth Fellowship | of the C hristian church attended a j skating party and devotional ser vices held in Nam pa M onday even ing. This was one of the social get- togethers held every three m onths for the CYF of the C hristian chur- i ches in this area and near-by com m unities in Idaho. The W omen’s Society of C hristian Service oi M ethodist church has set Nov. 29 to hold their bazaar at W il son’s Bros. Dept, store according to announcem ents made Tuesday. It will sta rt a t 9 o ’clock and feature handiwork articles. UJnRm moMiiiiG COAL HEATERS On One Filling! Says: Duke of Paducah, SUr of pf "Grind Opry j now and ooicM Worm 01« Morning •kow. "Ilio Oulo of Podueoh and tho Opry rvary Sana Sot " — network tuo NBC — 9 30 P M. CST W arm M orning’* patented Firebrick Flue Interior gets extra heat from every pound of coal— assure* steady, even burning of fuel. W ill actually hold fire several days on a closed draft! N o early m orning stove firing, since your W arm M orning provides com fortable w arm th all through the night— you wake up in a warm home every morning! See us soon about a new W arm M orning Coai Heater! for W arm Morning Heaters I 109.50 J 'u n ita y evening -axial callers at th* home of Mr. and Mr- Tracy M ilfird were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cartener of Parm a and Mr and Mi Dale S hoen. TURKEYS Choice Brunit— White ¿tidC-fteeQe, Top Grade Birds HENS OR TOMS HALF OR WHOLE o ORDER EARLY 1 HARTMAN'S 2 Mi. E. at Locker Ave. We Give G reen Stam ps Stam ps As I Have Recently Taken the Position oi SHOP MANAGER tor Nyssa Motors, Inc., theChevrolet Agency in Nyssa, I Would Appreciate the Opportunity of Continuing to Take Care oi All your Mechanical Needs. You can be Assured oi My Personal Attention to your Repairs. Signed: E. W. Pruyn e For JO B It’s ■m * Heat ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT Nyssa Furniture ie ft* er.d elk hunting w - h M Mr i M vY the f rtner B .ftu ra B u sell ul B g Bend. I ee (tail hr. anie ill and had to & v itir.g with Mr and Mr O n Newell and family during the Ar- nn tice holiday. The Gate City Journal * f See Our Friends at M. nctay evening i tors M were M r and Mr Jam e Todd Charles Reucnbaugh en of O M Mr. and Mrs Hudson Ktibh and Mr- Cite ter Straw n ana d a u ri.v : Mr and Mrs Lit yd Tobler acre Carol, of Fruttland Monday evening vi-r.ors at ae Mr and M rs %lvin M xmiii an d Mi Janie- Stephens. Jr., hem e in Sun and Mr- Bd M ason and family were set Valley and at the home if Mr. in John Day over the week-end anti Mrs H arlan Kroger at O ayhee Mrs. Jane P arr Kignrt lelt on the Junction. stream liner Sunday, after c im p lf- Mr and Mrs. lin k Stm kliani and ir.g tlu-ee weeks . f nursing in the Beverly enj.yed dinner as gue : at polio ward at the ho.-pltal, for her the Arthur Sparks home at King- home in Vancouver. She will join her m an KoKmy. husband. Janies W. Rigi. y. who :- Mrs. Miek Smit underwent a stationed at the Portland In tern a throat operation at a Boise ho al tional airbase. Friday and returned home Mon Melvin M arcum will I n - home day. to spend Thank-givi Mrs. Kay Aston of Hawaiian is Tuesday with his parent Mr lands arrived Monday for a \.-it holiday Mr- M earl M.ireuin, m S.i vith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. where Ive Is attending fr Williamettc .1 4 Rataezyk Mr. and Mrv Elvin t’.illuu md University. Linda were Sunday dinner gue.-t at M arilyn and Ralph I.owe spent the Harold Robbins home Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stum left Wednesday morning for Eugene, r eTTfr''fc| "here they will spend the Tham is giving holiday with their daugh- MUESTONE* er, and son-in-law , Mr and Mrs. s’ K Bleakm an Mr and Mr- O O. \nderson accompanied them ,i- far i rou’M srr...! as Lebanon where they will visit ! .•lth their daughter and family, YOU If SA FI... Mr. and Mrs. Selby Mr. E K Bur- 1 YOU I f SU5I! on also a passenger with the Stunz, vtll join Mrs Burton at the h. me % .a Ju *; tà m 2 a f 14 » ; h r -on n ear Portland I.ater . :T.e i.vetk. Mr Stunz and Mr. urton will attend the Oree I.ea- A so ZEFiEX ue oif Cities m eeting to be In ,d in Portland. P erm a-G uard Mrs. Jack Will anison of M artinet, ’ ilX . was a guest at the h< me of BERRETT'S her daughter and family. Mr and ,r; D 'u Herron. Service and Cafe S.mduy evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M Ginley M o d e l 818 Clean, m odern line* com bined writh »mooch, porcelain enamel finish make this A m erica’» mo*t beautiful Coal H eater. Has the famous patented W arm M orning Firebrick Flue In terior . . . keeps up to 5 room» warn» and com fortable! Heat* 24 hours or more on rust one filling! where your printed matter is given special attention — where you are able to see just what your special forms will look like — where efficiency and promptness take pre cedence over profits. New Equipment being installed gives your local printing firm a better opportunity to quote reasonable prices on anything that's printed. W e Are Here To Serve You Low Down Just Phone 19 Easy Terms Payment Nyssa Gate City Journal Nyssa I Good Avo- Furniture 1 Block West of Depot Co. Printing« Publishing 109 Main S t