THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1932 D'jena Vista Mrs. Alva Goodell Phone Ofift-Kl ui Hill an > •:. till., week. Alva O > dell left Sunday for Port- i Paetfle Su;>i mi > 111 . the fir t three days aim a n* -etit.,4 f the a ^oodation of Ci.ur.' u.'ta i|f the >tate the lat ter part of the week. Mi and Mi- Willi Bertram. Mr. ind Mr. and Mr- Alva Goodell were guests . Saturday evening '■» help the Adams celebrate their wedding anniversary. Cards were in play. Mr Edward Topliff was hostess to the Out Our Way Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Seven members answered roll call with "What I want for Christinas.” Elec tion ( f officei wa held with Mrs. Eugene Cleaver chosen p r e se n t; Mr Jim Ritchie, vice president; Mrs. Olen Hoffman, secretary, Mrs. George Cleaver, treasurer. Mrs. Les ter Cleaver, welfare chairman; Mrs. Maned Bishop, game chairman, and Mr- Alva Goodell, news reporter. Refreshments were served The next meeting, the annual Christmas FOR YOUR PLUMBTNG NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Call J. C. S M I T H 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J C- -v ■ party, will be held at the t e CU-iver h >me, D- 11 Mr and Mrs. Ward Lundy, Sr . had as their dinner gue- - - Sunday. Mr. and M R- t • • Run rn md ch.ldren and Mr and Mrs. Leonard Phillips and family. Mr. and Mr Ward Lundy, Jr, and boys were dinner gue-t.s Sunday at the John Bowen home at Vale. Mrs. Alva Goodell and Alva Good ell. Jr, were Sunday dinner guests at the Henry Estnck home m Merid ian. Mrs. Le-.ter Cleaver and Mrs. Man- cil BLhcp entertained with a birth day party at the Cleaver home Sun day Su in Cleaver, Lor raine and Jimmie Bi hop Twenty- six little gue-ts attended. Gifts were presented the honor guests and ap propriate refreshments were served Mr. and Mrs. George Vaughn of New Plymouth were guests for din ner Sunday at the James Stephen, Jr. home Larry Stephen, small son of Mr. and Mrs James Stephen, Jr., has i<>ent the past several days in bed after sus-taining a concussion from a fall on the living room floor. Mi. and Mrs Edward Topliff en tertained with dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs Bill Gregg and chil dren. Mr and Mrs Leslie Topliff were guests for dinner Sunday at the home of Mrs. Ethel Goodell near Vale. Clinton Simpson left last week for a visit in Utah. Mr and Mrs. S B Hoffman left for North Bend to visit Mr and Mr -. David Highland and to meet their now son. Mark Dudley. They also plan to visit Mr Hoffman's sitser in Susanville, Calif Mrs. Jim Ritchie attended a tea Thursday evening for the Future Homemakers of America and their mothers. Mr. and Mrs LaVern Cleaver and Alan spent Sunday at the John Bow en home. If You W ant Any PMA ASSISTANCE Contact Community Committeeman FRANK SHERWOOD Entertains Thursday Club Mr John OLen was to her Thursday afternoon bridge club w. h Mr- Ji t- Cundall a Kumt player. Mrs. Warren Farmer was high score prize winner and Mrs. Cundall, low. The Week's Na Acres News Farmerettes Club NOV. 24 — 6 10 P.M. Those who arrived last week to attend the funeral services for F ., Payette county. Mr and Mr- Davidson of Parma Wed. Pinochle Club C. Fry, were Mrs. Lela Quirk c! San Fernando, CaJif., a sifter who came were caller at the home of Mr and Mrs. Carl Seburn was hostess to Friday and returned to her home Mrs. George Smit Monday after members of her Wednesday after Monday evening; Mrs. Flossie More- noon. noon pinoohle club last week at the and Mr- Ruby Buckingham Martha Goodman of Nampa. home of Mrs. Walter Fox ind daughter of Terry. Mont., who Charles Robinson of Nampa. Mrs. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Harry left Tuesday, and John and Vera Victor Waterman of Beaumont. Ida., Kingrey, Mrs. Nettie Bennett, Mrs. Lee Fry, son and daughter of Mr. and Mr and Mrs. A. J Schrock John Barnett and Mrs. Wilma Os- Fry from Detroit and Kalamazoo, of Boise were here Monday to at trom. Mich. tend the funeral of Mr. Fry. Roger Jenkins was a visitor at On Saturday. Mrs. Fry received Sixth Wedding Anniversary the home of his brother and family, word that a brother of Mr. Schrock Mr. and Mrs. Glen Evans enter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins and had been killed in an automobile tained friends in celebration of their -ons of New Plymouth. accident in Payette county. Mrs. sixth wedding anniversary at din Mrs. George Smit and Jake Smit S ch ro ck and Mrs Fry are sisters. ner Saturday evening. Bingo was attended the community concert in played for entertainment later in Ontario Wednesday evening ol last I the evening veek. *_+ Holgate and Playskool Mr and Mrs. Roy Hoff and chil- j Birthday Dinner Sunday dren of Nyssa were Sunday guests cy (_ A birthday dinner was held at the at the M. C. Seuell home. home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cart Mr and Mrs. J. L. Walker and Golden Anniversary wright in honor of their sons, Dar Mr and Mrs John K Griffith« rell and Lloyd, and Mrs. George family of Seattle, visited in the For children to 8-years at Nyssa observed their 50th wed Cartwright of Adrian, Sunday even Ralph Baxter inane last week. ding anniversary at their home last ing. Guasts were G. Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs Gerrlt St am of NOW ARRIVING DAILY Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright of Nyssa visited at the George Smit week t —+ Big Bend. home Sunday afternoon. Clarence Morehouse of Kalispell, Monday Afternoon Club The Monday afternoon bridge Surprise Party Staged Mont., arrived Tuesday at the Fry home. He and Mary Jo Jenkins club was entertained this week by The Young Adults league of the drove to Boise Tuesday evening Mrs. Dick Tensen Mrs. John Olsen.1 Methodist church surprised Cliff where they visited at the home of guest player, won high score prize Main at a party held at his home her aunt and his sister, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, low. Friday evening in celebration of his •5*—❖ A. J. Schrook and family. On Wed birthday. Refreshments were served nesday, Mr Morehouse drove to Turkey Dinner by the group and games were play Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings enter ed. Cheney, Wash., taking Mary Jo back tained their Mr. and Mrs. Bridge to her school there. Gift of a hunting knife was pre Mrs. George Smit attended the club with a turkey dinner and bridge sented to Mr Main. funeral servi es for Mrs. Van Zelf party Friday evening at their heme. Headquarters for Shower Gifts Guests of the club were Mr. and ¡ In Ontario Saturday morning. WSCS Met Nov. 6 Mrs. Tip Powers of Ontario Heights.! Mr. and Mrs. J T. Martin had Women’s Society of Christian Ser M No. 3rd St. Phone 301 Warren Farmer was high score as their guest last week. Prank vice of the Methodist church met at prize winner at bridge and Mrs. Fischer of Beth.aida, Md. They had the home of Mrs. J. R. Cundall for not seen their friend for about Ward Wier.-ke, second high. 40 years. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell left Mallvs Hosts at Bridge Sunday morning for Pocatello where! Members cf the Mr and Mrs. Sat they will attend the State Farm urday nig'ht bridge club and guests, Mrs. Jessie Morgan and Ren Camp bell were entertained last week at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Savage vis-.ted the home of Mr and Mrs. C A. Sunday evening at the Lester Clea Mally. ver home. Prize winners were Mrs. Clyde Carol Lundy was a Sunday night Snider and Mr Mally. guest of Glenda Hammond. RuHo and Junius Tanner accom panied Russell Sorensen to Burley over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day spent Sunday at the Howard Day home. Mr. aaid Mrs. Guy Tanner were Saturday evening visitors at the Ellis Horn home. Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and girls $$ $$ were visitors- in Wei.ser Saturday. NAME Theron Simpson, who recently re This coupon good for turned from Korea, spent the past 9 a. m.—8:30 p. m. week visiting at the home of his ADDRESS ____ uncle, Wayne Simpson and family Mr and Mrs. Guy Tanner visited CITY Mr. Alta Pekkala an Ontario, Mon Wilson Bros. To each new member day evening. Guy Tanner returned with an elk PHONE NO. Dept. Store of our food plan instead of Guy Fanner as reported I am interested in your food plan. Please have food last week. Sponsored by- Mr- John Cleaver of Iowa and consultant No. 7 contact me. No Obligation. Offer good until Dec. 30, 1952. Mrs Mangus Ekanger were dinner Methodist WSCS guests at the George Cleaver home Tuesday. M ortal :X ntcs Educational Toys Take Advantage of our Lay-away Plan for Your Christmas Buying The Stork Shop WOULD YOU ?? BAZAAR 1— Like to save up to 30c on the food dollar??? 2— Like to find out the interesting facts about the new FOOD CLUB PLAN?? 3— Find out how to serve better meals for LESS MONEY? 4— Fill in coupon below and mail to box Q the Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Ore. $ 5.00 $ WEEK-END VALUES At Everybody's LADIES’ LADIES’ & MISSES’ NUSUEDE WINTER COATS OXFORDS S is e s 12-18 Reg $14 !>5 GREAT GOIN • C re|>e S o le • S o m e S ty le s w ith F la p * • G re e n . G re y , B ro w n o r B la c k -any way you figure Reg $3 9« $ g 1.90 Penrod and Mrs. t £ Robbins, was in charge of the program entitled, “Fruits if Evangelism Mrs. Carlos Buchner and Mrs. McCallister pre- sided ever tea. Nov. 29 At The City Hall G r e e n . B lu e . W in e their Nov. « meeting. Co-ho^tesses at the gathering were M-s Marl Lancwter^ and Mrs. Melvin Spitze. Mrs. H G. McCallister, assisted by Mrs. Kin.>ey Keveren, Mrs. Paul $ 2 -9 9 LOCAL D tllV W « r*»CE ITEMS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY!! FOR THI N£W 1952 M IC A SPIGAR RUMMAGE TABLE 2 -door 6-pa»»«"9*r Our Famous Rummage Sale of Items From All Departments! Men’s, Women’s, Children’s Clothing All Items on Rummage LADIES’ NYLON HOSE CLEARANCE B r o k e n S le r* A w r l e d C o lo r« P o p u la r B ra n d * SPIGAI Sodai! MODEL 460 (Illustrated) S1.00 , .„-„i ,0.«i '< cr"f- 2 L MEN’S 100', WOOL WHIPCORD WORK PANTS lla rk G re e n A ll S is e s 2 Pair for Reg $12.95 s 1 .0 0 s8 SANTA CLAUS HAS BEEN HEREI And he left a lot of toys and games for little boys and girls. Come in tixlay and see Nyssa’s largest assortment of trains, dolls, and Christmas toys. EVERYBODY SAVES AT I tmbfr o n f item on m ott anyone’s list of autom obile ’’m usts” is pow er —the life anil lift o f your going. N In this Ruick S pfcia l you get a ta lv e -m - head high-com pression FirehaJl 8 E ngine that i an pour out a w ealth of the tb rillm g est pow er you f o t he Li rein on —m ore po w er Per dollar than yo u 'll find elsewhere. OREGON 'V B u t price is very much part of the picture, too —what you pay for what you get. So when you add in the big horsepower rat ing you get in a Bukk, plus the extra thrill and thrift of its Fireball performance . . . And when ynu put this total against the price of a Buick —y o u ’re g o in g to say, ’ Man! That s great going all the w ay!” Every Ruick has hig to ft coil springs on each w h eel to cushion your way—and an u n yield ing torque tube that firms end steadies your rule. Yet these are just tw o o f the fifteen W hen you measure the inches of room, count up the many hours of comfort through the years, check off things like durability and solid satisfaction and high trade-in value . . . Come in and see us today or tom orrow , won't you? W e Give "S & H" Green Stamps NYSSA Then there’s style, there’s room, there’s visi bility, there’s handling ease—all part of your travel — all helping to make the difference between good going and great going. Number Two is rule —the way you g o —the comfort and steadiness and luxury of your travel. Tw o g re a t television event»: The TV Opan T il 9 P. M Every Saturday Ruick ride features that cost, literally, m ore than a m illion dollars to engineer. Second Si. and Good A*e. Football Game of the W eek e v e ry S a t u r d a y and Equipment accessories, tnm and model* an ¡object to clone* u if bent notice. Buick C ir c u i Hour e ve ry Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. fo u rth T u e s d a y NYSSA, OREGON