Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, November 20, 1952, Image 1

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Candidates Named Recoid Number at
For New Officers Nov‘ PTA Mee,ing
Chamber of Com.
The November meeting of the Ny.;-
-a Parent-Teachers association last
Thursday evening drew a record
attendance of 400 people who helped
observe National Education week
and participated in the back-to-
school theme for parents. Parents
visited the classes o f their children
during the evening
Princ pals who are W aiter Mc-
Part.land. elem etiary; Murl Lan­
caster. Junior high, and Richard
Wilson, high school, spoke to the
group on general procedures in their
respective departments.
It was reported that this years’
P .-T A member hip is lacking 42
membership to reach the increase of
10 percent more than that o f last
Refreshments served tn the home
economics rocm a.ter adjournment
were handled by a committee com­
posed of Messrs and Mesdumes Leo
Gonycir. Henry Hartley. Kinsey Kev-
ern, Carlos Buchner. W W. Low.
Harold Session; Henry Simlonar,
Ernest Ketselborst, Kenneth Mace
and Harley Sager.
Journal to Press
Early Next Week
The (la te City Journal will be
published on Wednesday next
week because of Thanksgiving.
All correspondents and o tilers
submitting news are requested
to send in ms much copy as pos­
sible on Saturday of this week
with the remainder o f the news
no later than Monday.
Advertisers, too. are asked to
prepare early copy to help make
it posable for the Journal staff
to obaeree the American holiday.
"Hillcrest Is New Narcotics Agent Nyssa Sugar Bssi Area Ex-ended In
Name Chosen for :n Saiurday Visit Consolidation ci Districts; First
Nyssa Cemeiery
Payments Made to Growers Saiurday
A Saturday visitor her was Jack
Merrill. U. S. narccdcs
ent from
the Portland office wh< played a
lea.l.ng role in the era mg o f a
dept peddling case here
i Oct 30,
resulting tn the arrest
Enriquez on the charge f posses-
sion and .sale o f marijuana.
According to Merrill, wh had just
returned from Montana Enriquez,
who had resided here seven years,
is bruig held in Multnomah county
(Portland/ jaal. He is beirg held in
lieu o f 83 000 bond bail set by U. S
Commissioner Duval Isaminger at
Pendleton, before whom Enriquez
was arraigned following his arrest
here The tie pe suspect will be bound
over to the grand Jury scheduled to
mc< t at Portland the itr-; week in
M errill said Enr.quez' confession
that he i< an alien make him sub­
ject to deportation following the
erv.ng of any sentence that might,
l e imposed oil hmi by the court.
This sentence, Merrill pointed out.
can be a maximum of five years in
the pen.tentiary and a fine o f $2.000
on eaith of three counts of posses­
sion, sale ad sale without a trans­
fer tax of narcotics.
"Hillcrest Cemetery" is the new
The Nyssa-Nampa-Caldwell . :g.»r
name elected for Nyssa > long un­
beet district has been consolidated
named burial place by a special
into two districts with an extensive
c. nim.ttee of the Women's Civic club
inert asc m the area to be served by
and announced at the organization's
the Nyss-a >ugar beet factory, it was
Th e music department erf the Nys­ announced by Jed Lewis, district
regular meeting Wednesday
sa high school will present i-s an­ manager of the Amalgamated Sugar
Mrs H. R. Sherwood, who with
nual fall ooncert ait 8 p nv Tuesday Oo.
Mr* CamfbeU Baer and Mrs C W
tn the school auditorium. Band, or-
Buchner made up the committee.
Boundaries for the two areas com-
chestra and the mixed chorus will i prising the district have not been
.-sated that 28 different persons sub­
take part i na varied program.
definitely designated, Lewis said.
mitted proposals for the cemetery's
name and that four of the sugges­
Among the numbers to be sung and the amount of new acreage to
tions were for Hillcrest.
by the chorus, under the direction be served by Nyssa cannot be an­
al Miss Put Kuvter are the Blue ! ncunced at the present time.
Names o f person* sending sug-
Tailed My, Some Enchanted Even-
The change came about last week
ge.-ked titles to the committee are
ing. Rose Marie and In the Garden When n*-bert Van Horne of Oald-
anonymous as requested when the
of Tomorrow
project was announced two weeks
well was named to succeed the late
Tl>e orchestra directed by Richard E&rl Q Marsing as local Nampa
ago, Mrs. Sherwood said
LoSasso will include in its selections, manager. At the same time Henry
Permission to natnt the cemetery
Trumpteer's Lullaby with trumpet Zobeli c f Nyssa, agricultural super­
was granted the C.vlc chib la t
solo by David Hartley and I'll Never intend» i t fcr the Nyssa factory, was
month by the Ny-sa city council a f­
Walk Alone.
given additional responsibilities with
ter the project was proposed. Nyssa
Band numbers will include The the larger area composed of the por­
is one o f the few towns of compar­
Billboard March. Thir.e AKme and tion of the former Calc .veil district
able size in this area with a ceme­
idded to Nyssa, mo.-t c f which is
L i'l Liza Jane.
tery having no name other than
"Nyssa cemetery," it was explained.
There will be no admission charge in Idaho.
\;<1 to Nvsjsa
to the public.
Following discussion ot a proposal
Although the amount of the m-
presented before the Civic club in its
creastd area to be served by the
Wednesday afternoon meeting at
Ny-sa factory has not been definit-
the Episcopal parish house, the club
etly determined, it was indicated
Voted to advocate placement of tra-h
that the increase will be great
.ii.ipo.>al containers at various place
tnough to have a noticeable and
along Main street and at the higl
highly favorable economic effect on
I Lions Community Carnival will be Nys.^i Hundreds more beet growers
A^ chairman o f the committei
I a 12-gauge shotgun and an 8mm will have their headquarters here,
named to act on the proposal Mrs
j movie camera, it was announced by not only fcr processing their beets,
Frank Morgan, who introduced the | ¿ e y e n M e n T u e s d a y
t Ed Boydell at the Monday noon but for the purchase o f pulp and
utojeot of the clean-up campaign
meeting o f the sponsoring Lions! other Iran actions pertaining to the
will be ass-vstadi by Mrs Gerrit Stan,
and Mrs MuatkLancaster.
one of a group o f seven Malheur j
Th e district manager expressed
Theme o f the program was "T o ­ jounty-regi tiered men inducted into 1 Th e annual carnival will be held
the igjnuon that the "new business
day's Storehouse o f Literary T rea ­
' this Saturday at the old high school
contacts" insofar as the sugar beet
.he armed forces in Boise Tuesday,
gymnaolum, and will start at 8 pm
surers.” Metnbers o f the library
industry is concerned, will almost
board, composed o f Mrs
automatically result in an expanded
will be used by the Nyssa Lions club
Sherwood, chairman, and Mrs. Car­
trading area potential for Nys-sa re­
for community welfare during the
los Buchner, Mrs. Bernard Eastman. ©card in Ontario.
tail and service businesses,
Others inducted were John S. ocming year. An advance ticket sale
Mrs. Desmond Jones and Mrs Bert
l t r 4 m 2 Paym ent
Lienkaemper, were hostesses in Skinner, Caldwell, formerly Jordan i is being carried on by members of
Growers in the Nyssa-Nampa dis­
charge of the program and the tea Valley; Owen O. Froerer and Alvin the club Ron CamjrfieU is ticket
trict received a total o f $5.730,000
W Berry, Vale, and Robert O. Oliver sales chairman.
last .Saturday initial payment for
Mrs Joe Brumbach, Nyssa high gkoji Kino and John B Leyendecx-
Carnival events as announced by 575,000 tons of beets delivered to
school librarian, gave a Ust ot new
Co-chairmen Dirk Ten«en and Fin­ Ny»sa and Nampa during October,
flet.On and non-fiction books, to the
Induction call for December is ley Shuster include country store, Lewis said. Of the total payments,
Library this fall, and gave a brief ,
for 10 men and physical examina­ fish pond, ball throw, dart throw, $2¿00,COO went to growers in the
synopsis of each. She reviewed the
tion call for November was 31 men. bingo, coin toss, novelty booth and Nyssa area.
book erf verse entitled ‘A Brief Walk Pre-induct ion physical for December) other features.
Th e next payment for the 1962
From the Station," by Phyllis Mc-
is fo r 111 mdn.
In addition to a hot dog stand, crop will be made next Tuesday for
Ginley, who was born in Ontario.
1 there will be other refreshments deliveries between Nov. 1 and 15 and
Mrs Desmond Jones, Nyssa city
will amount to more than $1,500.000.
W e e k '« B ir t h *
librarian, presented awards to San- |
T iro boys and two girls were born
Final committees were also asslgn- the district manager reported. In
dra Lewis and Bobby Hanley, the
girt and boy in the grade school who ^o four Nyssa families at Malheur
at the Monday meeting. Chair- addition to the company payments,
read the most books during the MiTnorl*-1 hospital during the past
and names of these committees growers will receive $2 40 a ton from
week, and a boy to an Ontario cou- include Elmer Cruson, bingo; John- the Production and Marketing ad­
ministration for the government
Miss Marjorie Pomeroy, Malheur P^*. Mr and Mrs. Charles Short nie Goddard, coin boss; Murl Lan­
of “ »* newspaper. Th e new machine
caster, oountry store; Paul House, conditional payment provided in
County librarian, was a guest of the i*ov- U
the sugar act. Other company pay­
operation in approxl-
T h e Nyssa couples were Mr and | dart toss; Clyde Wellner, fish pond;
mately two hours time with two chib.
ments will follow as the sugar is
Mrs. Clarence Heach, a girl Nov. Tom Jones, concessions stand; How­
persons operating the folder fo r a
two vocal solos. Mrs. Carlos Buch- 14. Mr. and Mrs. K ay Okane, a girl ard Lovejoy, baseball throw; and
total o f only four-man hour*.
Lewis announced that in spite of
Nov. 16; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haor, a Ward Wieneke, roulette.
. . .
____ ner accompanied on the piano with
the smaller acreage this year, the
8 034 violin obligato by Mrs Herb Fish-
pounds, presented a difficu lt pro­ er.
Gene Stanley will serve as relief Nyssa factory will operate until
Reid, a son Nov. 18.
mid-February, or for about as long
blem in installation. It was necess­
p.tchir>: n.
a period s . the campaign for an
ary to remove the front window of
Don Wilson will head the carnival average season.
the Journal printing plant, move
construction crew, among whom are
the tan and o re-h a lf Linotype ma- |
rensen, Shuster. W alter M cPart-
chine into the front o ffice and move
land. Cruson and E. SUphenscn.
ail type cabinets and heavy stones
An inlereJting feature of the car­
out of the place to make a “ runway"
nival will be a turkey raffle, tickets |
for the printing press and folder to
One of the boys or girls who are active in the Nyssa Gate for which may be purchased only at
be moved into the building from
City Journal subscription campaign will be more lortunate the carnival Hugh Tobler and W ar-
"“ Extensive remodeling and rear­ than ever — by the time the reports for Wednesday, Novem- r^n K^ mer Wi‘ * handle details of j
C lifford Mink, manager of the
Boise-Payette Lumber Co . and Jake
Fischer, owner of Fischer’s Locker
Service, have been nominated as
candidates for the 1953 president of
the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce, it
va< announced Wednesday by Ber­
nard Eastman, chairman of the
nominating committee.
Nyssa public schools will be clos­
Other nominations for Chamber
ed nrxr- Thursday and Friday for
officers are Leonard Hewett and
the Thanksgiving holiday, it was an­
Earl Hollingsworth, vice president,
nounced this Thursday by Henry H
Thom as Jones, secretary to succeed
Hartley, Nyssa superintendent of
himself, and Ralph Lawrence. K en ­
neth Ren. irom, Emil Stunz, Ted
Morgan, Charles Lair.oreth. Roy
Th e Rev. and Mrs. H E Moore at­
Wild and Paul Penrod, candidates
tended a farewell reception this
for three directors.
week at Nampa fcr Dr. W illiam
Th e annual election will be Wed*
who is leaving Nampa to be­
neaday. Dec 3. and add.tiona! nomi­
et me pa>tor of the Rose City Pres­
nations may be made from the floor
byterian church in Portland Mr.
at next week's meeting and on elec­
Moore was the representative grom
tion day, President Elmer Cruson
Idaho Presbytery on the pro­
This year's officers are Cruson.
Bob Thompson, vice
president; Jones, secretary, and
Harold Henigson, Fischer and Hol­
lingsworth, directors. Th e terms of
all the incumbents expire at the end
of this year. Th e board o f directors
V -teem student representatives ---------
is composed of all officers, the elec­
from Nyssa high school will attend
ted directors and the past president,
the annual Snake River Valley Stu­
general discussion was held on a
dent Officers conference at Payette
Discuss Community Chest
next Monday in an all day session.
At Wednesday noon's meeting a
Student officers of the 16 S. R. V.
propof.id county- wide community
schools will be represented at this
chest fund to take care of all chari­
conference, purpose of which is to
ties and other contributions asked/
discuss activity programs of the
from business firms in Nyssa, O n­
high schools in this area.
tario and Vale.
This week's G ate City Journal is
Attending from Nyssa wil be Ray-
It was pointed out by several pres­
ent that many dTives, particularly mon Bergam. student body presi­ published with newly purchased
the March of Dunes, cannot be con­ dent; J u n i s Tanner, n ee presi­ equipment installed last week as
ducted m conjunct ion w.th other dent; Lois Garner, secretary; Les­ part o f the newspaper s expansion
campaigns. Clyde Snider and Har- lie Hiatt, treasurer; Olive Beus, in- program in keeping w.th the grow­
olr Henigson told o f the uncer­ tercIa-MS rivalry chairman; Email ne
ing community it serves.
tainty of funds needed for poho and Ftndling, year book editor; J u n e;
A four-page newspaper press has
cued examples o f the refusal of the
National Foundation for Infantile tive; Jolene Hunter, achool paper bean installed to replace a two-page
Paralysis to accept funds ooHeeled « f i l e r ; Janell Haney. O. A. A.; Dave press that has been in the plant for
in such a manner.
Savage. Letterm an club represent* -
Several other organizations fi-1 ttTe. Kenneth Cottle, band; Doris many years. In addition to printing
nanced by popular subscription were R ^*r*y. Speech club and Darlene twice as many pages in one ope­
reported opposed to combined drives j Rale-man and Pat Nicholson, yell ration the newly installed machine
has a speed approximately 50 per-
for funds and attention was called Baders.
! cent greater than that at the old
to numerous "emergency drive* ' and ! Mbs Margery NBiart and Mis*
‘ press.
that could not be budgeted art the Lois Bungum are the two advisors
A folding machine aLso has been
beginning of the year.
who will accompany the students to
added to fold papers as soon as they
No action was taken by the or-1 Payette.
I come o ff the press to speed up the
ganization on participating with the
— ----- — -----------
output many tunes. Heretofore, all
OJier fwo towns on such a plan.
E l© C tr iC F d l C G
folding operations have been done
by hand with a>s many as 36-man
hours required lo r one week's issue
High School Students to Attend SRV
Student Officers Conference at Payette
□aim s of Phone Sets Ha? A Fire
Company Finance
Methods Refuted
A heavy Jog that froze to ear
Wi ndsluelde hung h ea rty over Nyssa
early Thursday, clearing in mid-
m om . i g under preasure o f a warm­
ing sun.
_________ B7
_________ 6.
________ 41
_______ 48
Nyssa Rural Fire department was
called to the John R effett ranch, 1«
miles from town on Klam ath avenue
in the Sunset Valley district, aft. 6:30
p. m. Monday to combat flames in
a 12-ton ikack o f baled clover and
Origin o f the fire was determined
as due to a short circuited electric
fenca. The baled straw-clover, val­
ued at $15 a ton. was a total loss,
although no buildings were endan­
This was the third such fire to
cause heavy loss in hay and straw
during the past week A ll o f them
were caused by electric fences, ac­
cording to Assistant Fire Chief
ranging of the plant was necessary
Ralph Lawrence.
to make use of somewhat limited
floor space. Separate rooms are re­
quired for such operations as m elt­
ing Linotype and stereotype metal
aaid fo r saving out "casts'’ o t pic­
tures Which are advertisements or
part of the ads. These two rooms
had to be constructed in a dJifereni
Members o f Nyssa American Le- Pa n
h e building than was used
, . . _
... _
« i° n ■uxihary a™ conducting a drive ■ o e tn t and ventilating la u lm es in-
io r the collection of gifts to
P ™ « * escapement of
^ s^
t0 th* Veterans hospital at fumes from melted metal into the
Portland to enable hovpnabaed vete- rest of the building,
opportunity to do Christ-
The Journal publisher and staff
m* a shoppm* f ° r
families from are deeply grateful to innumerable
the ho5prtal rooms.
individuals and business firm * for
Chairmanning the drive here are their perseverence during the ten-
Mrs. C lifford Miirfc and Mrs. Don day period re-arrangem ent« and ad-
O rah am, who said the gifts must be JustmenU w~re being made Typical
mailed from Nyssa by Dee. 1 *o al- o f » rural community and the Nys-
lcrw tru e for sorting and dwtrtbu-
co*nmun.ty in particular, exten­
siva assistance was given by nume­
Since the gifts are for the vet- rous buainesa firms that realized the
erana families, they rfvould all be 4 predicament" and took care o f
emergency needs w ithin minutes a f­
clean, new merchandise,
Do not gift wiap the packages ter requests were made a* well as at
since each patient chooses his fam- night and on Sundays
Legion Auxilary
In 2 Projects for
Soldiers, V eterans
N.H.S. Music Dept, to
Present Fall Concert
Lions Community Carnival This
Saturday; Ticket Sale N o w On
Journal Installs
Added Equipment
For Newspaper
Gene Grasty, Nyssa manager of
the Malheur Home Telegraph Co .
told members of the Chamber of
Commerce Wednesday that Infor­
mation received Tuesday evening
from Boise refutes claims made last
week at the Chamber meeting about
the company’s financing methods.
A t the present time the telephone
company has $300.000 plus in bonds
held by the Mountain States T ele­
phone Co. and $000,000 plus in stock,
Grasty said. He asserted that three
attempts were made recently to sell
bonds and the Malheur Home T ele­
phone was turned down because the
company is too small and is con­
fined to one county with three prin­
cipal towns. The telephone company
manager cited the example o f a
disaster hitting this area and bring-
mg complete bankruptcy for the
Malheur Home Telephone, thus
making the bonds unattractive to
bonding companies For this rea-
aon It was necessary to borrow funds
from the Mountain Ctates at the
rate at 135 percent interest, Oarsty
Gravy went on- to comment that
instead o f 8 percent interest being
paid on stock, the interest on bonds
held by the Mountain States and
dA-tdends paid
means only 6 percent
Harold Henigson, who last week
explained reasons for opposition to
a rate Increase by the city, for which
he is attorney, stated that he had
received financial statements from
the Mountain States Telephone Oo.
thta week Last Wednesday he stated
that financial reports and answers
•o questions requeifted several weeks
•go had not been received Henigson
stated at yesterday's meet in* ♦Mt|
h ^d ld not fcrtog the copieswith him
and could net quote any of the fig ­
ures given
Armed Forces Take
Cash Prize Offered Boy or Girl
For Four Days Work
Hartley Attends
School Confab
urged t0 b
theJ At Portland
b«.fore the date Clf the carni_
ber 26, are in, one of the candidates will be $10 richer in ad- j "
dition to being a winner, December 6, of one of the cash com-1
missions or a brand new bicycle.
vaJ and plan to take the whole fam -
ror the Journal today announces a new subscription and ily There will be amusement booths
prize campaign in which it will give
a $10 cash prize to (the candidate ob-
tam .n« the most points for securing
new -ubscroption« just between S at­
urday morning, November 22, and
Wednesday night November 26 Here
is an opportunity for an ambitious
candidate to earn a welcome cash
award in addition to one o f the
or-ginal prizes fo r Jiet four days of
ple&sar.t competition.
N am e Committee
For Chest Drive
Calvin W ibon. Ward Wieneke and
Ken Fenstrcm have been named as
a commute to head the Nyssa phase
of the Oregon Chest drive for wel­
fare funds.
Th e
Monday noon by Bernard H Ra
der, Ontario, who outlined teh needs
and the program of the chest before
the Ny.ssa Lions club.
Nyssa's quota in the county-wide
goal of $5800 is $1300, according to
Rader, who is oo-chairman with J.
W Leslie, Ontario, to rthe drive,
which started la.-ft Monday and will
continue for ten days.
to attract ail ages. according
Tensen and Shuster.
Firemen Sponsor
Square Dancing
Th e Nys.'a Firemen's organization
Is sponsoring a beginners square
dance event scheduled for next
| Tue-vday In the old high school gym
The dance will be held from 8 30
until 11 p m. All net proceed* will
be donated to the Malheur M em or­
ial hospital, according to Ken Ren-
strom, chairman of the committee
tn charge of arrangements.
Ross Crispin© and h d wife. Penny,
of Nampa, will be callers.
Rervstram afcso stated that the
square dances will continue every
second and fourth Tuesday o f each
Serving with Rwnstrom on the
planning committee are Dale Bfng-
man and Glea Billings
New Campaign
The $10 cadi prize is a new cam­
paign lit is separate from the o rig­
inal campaign In Which bicycles and
cash commission* art a fleied to
candidates Bee the large advertise­
ment in this issue for full details.
The prizes offered in this cam ­
paign i particularly now with the
new $10 cash prize for Just four
working days) are well worth the
efforts of the entire family. P a r­
ents should get behind their entry,
Uy's gifts at the hospital and then
help them with actual work and
members o f the auxiliary wrap. T q t ] 1 A S M l l l u r d
advice to the end that their own
package and mail them tor him at
* * * z * u i«
favorite candidate will win one of
no cost to the veteran.
n j<
T V l 11 r e r l i - r t f
tIve major award«
No poho admission* have been SER VICES AT ST. PAUL’S
Wilson Brother, department store A 1 1 1 0 8
1 n iir S U a y
made to Malheur Memorial hospital
t * the reesanng depot for all
Funeral services for James L a ­ Faaiittea Should Help
Community Thanksgiving services
and thoae , rlih ln f
the paift thro weeks, Manager will be held Wednesday, Nov 36, at
fayette Millard, IT, who died Mon­
Th e Journal Is especially anxious
tru>ute are asked to drop their pack­ day at the home of his parents. Mr that parents should come to the John O'Toole reported early Thurs­ St Paul's Episcopal church at 8 pm .
ages 1 na large box provided there. and Mrs. James B Millard, Nyssa. office with their children to receive day
The Rev H O McCaUixter, Com-
Representatives o f the Oregon
There are now 13 coiwelesrent pa- munity Methodist pavtor, will preach state Sy.tem of Higher Education
Another project now embarked A llow ing a lingering lUneas, were full details of the campaign and
upon by the (uxlhary is 'Otve A O tft
liU4 Thursday at First
Ward learn how they can best help to get . .en ti in the hospital—the krwest the Thanksg.vlng sermon The o ffe r ­ were meeting with members of Bhe
to Yanks That Oawe," a national \ ** D 8 chapel.
j on* of the priae bicycles fo r their number in many weeks. O f these, ing will be contributed to Malheur senior classes of Nysea and Adrian
only three require respirator aid at Memorial hospital.
project foe the raising of funds to i Bishop Oordon Ray officMbeO own family
at Nyssa high school this Thursday
buy new gifts for hospltaliaed sol- with
interment at Hillcrewt ceme- j The subaerlptlor. campaugn is ex- intervals. O 'Toole said.
Colleger represented were Eastern
Donation*, however, continue to UM AL MAN IM PROVES
diers at Rc.seberg and Portland ho«- tery.
Nyssa, under direction o f Lien- | pected to get underway In earnest
Oregon college, Oregon state col­
putaW and Camp White. Medford
kaamper funeral home
lege, Oregon Technical In.WItu';.
this week and since it will run only pour into the poho fund of the hos­ AT PO RTLAN D H O S PITA L
Charles Reitenbaugh of Nyssa, UnrveTsMy o f Oregon. University
Mr.v Mink and Mrs. Graham visit-
Bom J an. $. 18CV5 at Idaho W ls . 14 more working days, it Is essential pital During tbs past week Just
ed 33 cJa-s r o o m of iha Myssa grads James ** .ended v * N j * m * schools that candidat«« utillas Ihsir spars J vot T of HO# wers received by O’­ underwent a major spinal operation Oregon « M e d ia l School and the
Nov 3 at Providence hospital in school of Nursing.
and Juiwor high atboola Monday and
Bes.de« the imrsnks. ha bavas a u n a and get vibserlptior» H<*p Toole from threw organisations
The method of bringing informa­
Nyssa Indépendant Onklr o f Odd Portland. The surgery is reported to
explain*d tf.s purgiwa rrf Uva pro>act sister. Jutos. 1$. aod a br jsbar. Ban- them all you can
Naan«« o f candidates in the nam-
Fellow» lodge donated $110. Solon* I be su<Mewful and he is Improving tion about Oregon state college«
N x t was* dtev will p i * op f a oon- nte. S. both at ttia home, and grand-
trBfthioTW of schcal children in this, parent*. Mr and Mrs J. H. Millard palgn are llrfted In today's paper and club o f South Hkghllne contributed rapidly Mrs Reiterbaugh retu rn ed ' to high -choo! «tudents ha* been *r-
» ( O raised from a quilt raffle and Friday afterf spending two weeks In ranged by the Oregvn high school
plan to provide sach
r.U . • ot N y v * and Mr and Mrs. L O wJ! be published each svmk during
j the oMnpaigu. W atch t o t them.
WestfaJS'community donated $49 25 , Portland kd111 ^er husbai\d.
ooUege relatkins committee.
Jaclufcu* jt Idaho FufU.
Cm is anas ( K v
Polio at L o w Ebb;
Donations Pour in
Henry H Hartley, superintendent
o i Nyssa schools, Uft Thursday late
fcr Pcrtiar.d, where he will attend
the two-day session on Friday and
Satuiday of the quarterly confer­
ence of school district superinten­
dents, to be held at the new Oregon
Education association building.
Purpose of the confab, Hartley
said, is to "chow over our school
problems so that we’U keep going
tn the same direction."
Ail sextons will be presided over
by Rex Putnam, state .vupenn/ten-
dent or public instruction, who, in
company of James Turnbull, .*t»le
school buildings consultant, visited
the Nyssa schools last week
As* a member of the state commit­
tee for the study o f school bus costs.
Hartley was also in Portland for \
session of that committee last week.
He will be called to Portland again
after Nov. 28 to assume duties of
the office of president off the board
o f control for the State High School
Activities association. Hartley is now
first vice president of the associa­
tion, which regulates and maintain.*
control over all phase* of inter-high
school activities.
Representatives of
Oregon Colleges Visit