THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1952 Onljr two U B. Presidente, Tavior riwn. »'*-> wsst.-tar.t hostess. Mrs El owned by Mr and Mrs Harry An ding trip for a week and make ing the mi owner month Refreshments mJl be -ervej by the ton McCormack Parma tuid charge derson. who moved to Payette and Roo.-evelt, died while cung'exa their ta>me in Boise upon the* re librarv board of the program which centered 1 Thursday. turn. was in session. + -4> around a birthday party theme Mrs For her going away costume, the M ra. E d w ard B e rd e ll'a m o th er George Schweizer reported on her Mr-. W H Hofstetter of Monmouth, new M rs Wilson chose a wine knit Entertains Club letter six months was presented with ted two-piece dress, light blue coat Home Ec Club Meets Ore., visited at the Boydell home Mrs S. P. Bybee was hostess to vacation trip to Redmond. and black accessories. Twelve members were guests of over the week-end two week- ago to men*jers of her “Hewn Eight” ca- The Home Economics club of the a gift. Among the gue*-xs were Mk-s Bar +—+ Superior nasia did» Friday afternoon. Mrs. the Emmett Garden club at the -ee her new grandson, Kent. Oregon Trail Grange met at the bara Moore. Miss Joan Tater. Mr Emil Stunz and Mrs. Dale Moss were Drew Little home there Wednesday Adele Schaffeld Marries M r. a n d M rs. P ete S h a w of H er- /tome of Mrs. Astricl Stephens for and Mrs Jack Atkeson, Miss Oolleen guests. Mrs. C. R- Kesler and Mrs. afternoon. miston were week-end guests of Mr Paint & Glass their Nov. Meeting recently with a Robert L. Wilson In Vale | Beverly, Mrs Bud Wilson. Miss Do Tom Eldridge won prizes. and Mrs. Dale Bingman. politick luncheon. Eight members M w Adele J Schaffeld of Va.e lores Coffman, Mr and Mrs Lestw The Halloween theme was carried M r. an d M rs K inlry S h u s te r r e LOCAL NEWS answered roll call with plant ex and R>«bert L. Wilson were married and Lavem Cleaver. Mr and Mrs out in the lunch. Mrs. N. Boyce of Payette was a turned Tuesday from a week-end Fix up your broken auto change and Mrs. Thelma Parr re during double ring candlelight cere- James Savage, John Savage, Mr *_* guest Friday at the home of Mr. and j elk hunting trip near Enterprise. ceived the door prize. glass while you shop. money performed by the Rev John and Mrs Barclay Wilson and Mr Am ity Club Meets Mrs. Paul Penrod. Visitors from New Colleen Bybee and CLaudtna Wil and Mrs Damon Savage. O’Brien at the St. Patrick's church Discussion of Booster night and Mrs" Calvin Wilson was hostess to Plymouth Sunday afternoon at the son matted the homes of their par Experienced workmanship +— election of officers were held re- in Vale Tuesday afternoon. Nov 4 e u llu « with the new officers as fol The bride, daughter of Mr. and Tanva Burningham Honored the Amity club last Thursday after | Penrod home were Mrs Anna Heng- ents over the week-end from Bouse. Factory patterns. V isito rs la s t w eek a t th e home of lows: Mrs. Arma Goodell. president; Mrs. Henry Schaffeld, was given in Tanya Burningham was honored! noon with 12 members in attend geler and Mr- John Fritzsimmons Mr. a n d M rs. 1). 1!. M itch ell p lan Mr. and Mrs. G. W Cummins were Mrs. Lucille Runcorn, vice presi marriage by heir father. For her Friday afternoon at a party given ance Mrs. Taft Pett had charge of 110 M ain Phone 310 dent; Mrs. Gwen Finger, secretary, wedding, she chose a gown of a-hite at her home in celebration of her the program and Mrs. Edison Child to Journey to Roseburg Friday and their niece and nephew, Mr and read a biography of Mr- Pett. Light Mrs. Charles Fisk of Los Angek- i faille with an ovardcirt of Nylon and Mrs. Thelma Parr, treasurer. birthday. There were 12 guest.- refreshments were served by the return with their daughter, Beth, and a redingote of white nylon ninth who will spend the Thanksgiving Next month’s meeting will be a ; net present for games and refie.-hments. hostess. lace with a Queen Ann collar, long holiday with them Mr and Mrs. Ira •2*—4» Christmas party at Che home of sleeves + + train. Her fingertip veil j R. Ure of Rupert were Sunday | Mrs. Janice Stam. Each member Is fell from and Entertain At Party a crown of seed pearls and St. Paul ’,2 Episcopal Guild guests of the Mitchells. to brir« a gift far exchange. Miss Patricia Eichner and Miss St. Paul's Episcopal Guild met she carried a bouquet of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. I a-Id of ❖ —* Matron of honor was Mrs. Harold Scherill Hendricks entertained at a with Mrs. W E Schireman at her Shoshone and Mr and Mrs Delwin ' O.E.S. Holds Meeting Wilson of Nysaa. Miss Gertrua. Halloween party Oct 31 for 12 home Monday evening During busi E. Field of Ogden, Utah, visited at The local chapter of the Order of oc naif eld, sister of the bride and guests. Halloween games were play ness session final plans were made the home of Mr and Mrs. Ellis Field the Eastern Star met Nov. 3 for their Miss Roberta Morfitt. niece of the ed and refreshments were served. for the Christmas bazaar and supper over the week-end. regular business meeting. Members bridegroom, were bridesmaids. Miss which will be held Dec. 13 The Rev Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller left Sat having birthdays in January through Frances Schaffeld and Miss Agnes Guest Honored C T. Crenshaw gave a talk on the urday morn’ng to visit over the “Have the Keenest Edge in Town* June honored the group having Schaffeld, also sisters of the bride, Mrs. Lena Leober of Connell. Bible, discussing the earliest rec week-end with their son. Donald birthdays in July through Decem were the candlelighters. Flower girl Wash, was guest of honor ot a fam- ords, the different priming, trans ber Those on the food committee for her aunt was Christine Wilson ly dinner last Wednesday evening lations and editions, including the Miller and family near Hermiston Week-end guests at the home of were Lou Pratt. Adrian; Mrs. Jim Jerry Erstrom was the rir^ bearer. at the home ot Mr. and Mr- George new 1962 translation. Mr aud Mrs. Robert Titus were Mr Miller. Adrian, and Mrs. Ethel Mary Refreshments were served by the and Mns. A B Miller and grandson. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Wilson and family. Mr. and Mr-. Beckham. Cupcakes with one candle Mrs 2 Mi East At Locker Ave. L. E Wilson, had his brother, Don Wilson, Dianne and Donnie hostess. Gary, of Enterprise cn each were served and each mem Harold Wilson acting as best man. were also guests. 4*—4* Mr and Mrs. W S. McTavLh Mov ber ahaving a birthday during the Ushers were Pete and John Schaf Friday evening the Don Wilsons A.N.K. Garden Club ed Saturday into the home formerly feld. Jack Atkeson and Leo Toombs entertained with dinner at their Mrs. Carl Hill, Newell Heights, en home for members of the same of Boise. tertained members of the A N K Prt -eduiig the ceremony, Mrs group. Garden club Tuesday afternoon at Mark Hartley sang ’ Always” ac her home. Mr- Dale Ashcraft, Ad- companied by John Savage. Mrs. Methodist Choir Arie Smit sang ”Ave Maria" accom Entertained panied by Francis Christy who Members ot the Methodi.-t church KIGNEY VISITS HERE A l e James W. Rigney. stationed also played the wedding music. met at the home of their di at Portland International airport, For her daughter’s wedding. Mrs. Choir rector. Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff for .1 spent the week-end visiting his par Schaffeld wore a turquoise wool practice and social la t ents. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Rigney and dress, white and black accessories Thursday session Beautiful evening. Mrs. Wyckoff his wife, a registered nurse, who is and a white carnation corsage Mrs. served refreshments at the clo.-e o f! on special duty at the polio ward Wilson wore a purple wool dress, the evening. Recipe in the Malheur Memorial hospital. black accessories, and a white car •I— nation corsage. Calendars Following the ceremony, a re Wedding Shower Mrs. Earl Hollingsworth was h - 1 ception was held in the parish hall. for Mrs. Robert Morfitt, sister of the te-.- at a wedding shower and card 1 bridegroom, cut the wedding cake party l-a.-t Wednesday afternoon at ,uid punch was served by Mrs. Joe her home nonoring Mrs. Marvin 1953 Ston and Mrs. Frank Syrovatka Holloway of Baker, the former Mr Miss Freda Nakamota was in charge Betty Atherton of Ontario and Nys- the guest book and Mrs. Emil sa. KEN POND V Insurance KsUte of Bridge and canasta were in play P R E S E R V E Y O U R FI SH Maag and Mrs. Ted Schaffeld were at five tables with prizes for bridgr 16 North 3rd Phone 218 in charge of gifts. The newlyweds will travel to 1 warded to Mrs. Art Agur, Oman Portland and Seattle for their wed high and Mr.-. Bob van Orman, On tario, second. Mrs. Ken Kerby won high score prize for canasta and Mrs. Kay Johannsen, Ontario, sec ond. Guests were present from Ontari Marsing, Nyssa and the honoree sister from California. 4*—. 5 . AND GAME S o c i a l A c t iv it ie s ' KNIFE SHARPENING HARTMAN'S FREE Sportsmen! Thursday^jFjIday • Saturday Tuesday Dinner Guests Tuesday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Hugh Tcbler were Mr and Mrs. Leo Beers and son of Sausalito. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Davit Beers and Norman Boyd. ^ The Sensat i onal New La^? Buffet Dinner Mr. and Mrs. William Schireman entertained with a buffet dinner and card party Saturday evening. Guests were Mr and Mrs. E. K Burton. Mr. and Mrs V W Duns and Dolores, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Terhune, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Simmons. Abe Sim mons and Ed Harvey of Cheyenne, Wyo. Prize winners at cards were Mrs. Terhune and Abe Simmons. — ■•»oi M a n t i e u t eat om Guests of Mr and Mrs. Oxnam at j a dinner party Saturday evening | * E ve ry housew ife w ants were Mr and Mrs. Glen Eldridge of j a D eepfreeze Home F reezer 1 Fruitland and Mr and Mrs. Tom j fo r storing food! Eldridge. * Can be had w ith or w ith Monday Eve Party out a food plan! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson en- 1 j tertiained with a party at their home * A free tu rk e y w ith e v e ry Monday evening. Cards were in play j at three tables witn prizes being fre e ze r! awarded to Mrs Calvin Wilson, high * The perfect gift for the and Ernie Bryan of Portland, low. | After an evening of cards, Mr. old folks! * Bryan entertained the group with PRICES BEGIN AT interesting tricks of magic. .;._. 5 . Many homes are in the "pre ferred circle" and have qual ified for a 15% dividend on their fire insurance premiums. The General Insurance Com pany of America will not ac cept bad risks; therefore losses are below average and “ pre ferred" property owners have shared in the savings. — > j Civic Club to Meet Nov. 19 Meeting of the Civic club will be j held at the Parish hall Nov. 19. The ! musical program will consist ot a $ 2 7 9 95 LOW DOWN PAYMENT Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. vocal .solo by Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff. a violin rendition by Mrs. Herb Fischer and Mrs. Carlos Buchner ; will play the piano arrangements. Others who will participate at the meeting will be Mrs. Joe Brumback W h olesale Frozen Foods in a book review and Mrs. Desmond Jones will present two awards to a 2 Mi. Ea. at Locker Ave. bey and a girl of th° grade schools W e G ive S & H G reen Stam ps who have read the most books dur HARTMAN'S ? ir*$ to n e Offers it a t . . S A V ED 1 5 .% ON FIRE INSURANCE * 6.95 Value Through a Special Purchase Deepfreeze Home Freezer * Eat it w hen you please — w eeks or m onths later! Dinner Party Regular IN A G E N U I N E The Light You W ant. . . Where You Want I t . „ . at the Turn of a Dial The General Insurance Company’s “preferred risk” coverage on fire insurance has saved thousands of families 15% on insurance costs. T his G e n e r a l plan is for careful people, who build solidly, plan for the future and take care of what they have. “ P referred R isk” isn’t limited to modern homes. It means “eliminate the bad risks.” Does YOUR property q ualify lo r this selective insurance? Ask us. We w ill tell you prom ptly — and without obligation. RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY “The Capital Storie Company of Preferred Rieles" 30 t * G EN ERA LS Take A Chance For Your Community At The Annual SO* NUISCRY ; i HONS COMMUNITY CARNIVAL Just dial the light you want . . . smooth, powerful light for reading . . . fine, indirect light for TV viewing . . . or shaded, low light for the nursery. Dial-Lite clamps to any bed or mounts on the wall. Streamlined steel case, baked enamel finish. Hurry . , . Hurry . . . stocks limited . . . don't miss this chance to buy at this drastically reduced price. B U Y ONE FO R Y O U R HOM E .B U Y NOW IDEAL FOR GIFTS . - > O AX/C M f t *'■1 Tickets, now on sale, must be purchased in advance to be good for chances on door prizes. Buy tickets from Lions Club members. FIRESTONE STORE Phone 2 Nyssa, Oregon OLD NYSSA GYMNASIUM -i . DON B. MOSS 5th and Main SATURDAY MIGHT, NOVEMBER 22 GAMES - $125 IN DOOR PRIZES OTHER FEATURES