NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1952 h Ü,C S’ ^ M ? ncTn!tHani S 0t EtTA & Co., Seattle. Wn„ Liquidators, With Tools, Instructions To Turn a*e, Tools, Sporting Goods, House Crockett Ware, Garden Tools, Mechanic & Carpenter Auto Supplies. .L ALL STOCK SOLD WE HAVE CLOSED OCT HUNDREDS OF HARDWARE AND APPLIANCE STORES IN OCR BUSINESS AND VERY SELDOM HAVE WE HAD SUCH FINE. CLEAN. UP-TO-DATE STOCK AS HENNEMAN H VRDWARE IN NYSSA. OREGON TO CLOSE OCT—WE HAVE MARKED AND TAGGED THIS STOCK—AR RANGED ON TABLES — RE ARRANGED THE STORE FOR QUICK SERVICE — FOR QUICK SELLING — SO OCR ADVICE IS FOR YOU TO BE HERE EARLY AND GET THE BEST SELECTIONS — DON'T HESITATE — BUY FOR FUTURE USE — STOCK UP — HARDWARE PRICES ARE HIGH — GOING HIGHER — SO THIS IS YOUR GREAT OP PORTI NITY TO SAVE REAL MONEY ON EVERY PURCHASE — BUY FOR CHRISTMAS —NEVER HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO BUY NATIONALLY ADVERTISED (GENERAL ELECTRIC) APPLIANCES AT THESE RE DUCTIONS — ALL LINES CARRIED IN THIS STORE ARE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS AND ARE SOLD AT ONE PRICE ONLY — SO HURRY FOLKS — GET YOUR SHARE — THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE TILL ALL SOLD OUT — REGARDLESS OF LOSS. THIS STOCK MI ST BE SOLD OUT QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. -GET YOUR SHARE! I HARDWARE TIONAL A, OREGON Signed K. A. Crocket A Co., Liquidators In Charge ss Of Loss— Reductions Up To If. 14th 10 A. Vi Off! Come - - - Buy! STORE CLOSED W EDNESDAY AN D THURS- DAY TO ENABLE US TO TAG- MARK AND ARRANGE ON TABLES. SALE OPENS l«RI it - - - Daily Reductions DA Y AT 10 A. M. BE HERE. TI I AT S ALL— -Take To Cashier - - - That's AIL Wait On Yourself Buy For Future Use! G-E STEAM IRON Fuuly Automatic. Keg. 18.95 14.89 .90 NOW »5 ENTIRE STOCK FISHING TACKLE NOW MUST GO AT Yi OFF 10 Qt. Galvanized PAILS, 85c Re*. 3ES - REFRIGERATORS >eep Freezes—All Must Go! POP-UP TOASTER Toastmaster. Automatic. Re*. WASHER with Pump. ie 23.0« 127.20 Now ......................... 18.90 ASHER G-E WAFFLE IRON ¡ie. Automatic Timer. Non Automatic Combination Sandwich & Waffle. Re*. 16.95. ......... 134.20 Now ......................... 13.90 ASHER uxe Wrin*er Typ«, liner. Re*. 174.95. ............... 13120 DEEP FAT FRYER Fry-Rite. Re*. 29.95. NOW 69c Entire Stock PLUMBING FIXTURES, PIPE Yi OFF - KEMTONE SUPER Qts., Reg. 1.65 NOW Gal., Reg. 5.19 NOW Qts. 1.39 NOW Regular Gal. 4.10 NOW 1.19 3.98 98c 2.98 ENTIRE STOCK SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS NOW CLOSE OUT AT y4 OFF ENTIRE STOCK PAINT BRUSHES Now ......................... 24.90 y4 OFF RADIO cht Color. Re*. 24.95. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR COLEMAN LANTERNS West Bend. Red, Blue. Re*. 13.95. 1 Burner, Re*. 11.95 NOW .. 9 .9 5 Now ........................... 9.89 2 Burner, Re*. 14.95 NOW 1 1 .9 5 ELECTRIC CLOCKS G-E Ivory. Re*. 4.95. CAMP STOVE Now ........................... 3.89 COLEMAN 9 .9 0 2 Burner, Re*. 11.95 NOW KITCHEN ELECTRIC CLOCKS Round ¿Si Square. Different Colors BENCH SAW G-E. Re*. 6.50. Now ............ 4.89 Shop Master Tiitin* Platform Re*. 51.50 Now 3 9 .9 0 DRILL PRESS ELECTRIC MIXER Shop Master, Yi., Re*. 43.95 NOW ................* 3 4 .8 9 Sunbeam W?/Juicer 46.50. Now ......................... 39.89 MOTOR LAWN MOWER Toro 18 Inch, Clinton Motor, Re*. 129.60 Now 9 7 .9 9 G-E WvJuicer 39.95. Now ......................... 34.89 DOUBLE SOCKET SET With Tool Box—SK Brand — G-E ELECTRIC BLANKET 2 4 .9 5 Fully Automatic, Single Control. Re*. 29.34 NOW ...................................... Re*. 55.15. DUTY SOCK FT SET NOW .........................+4.89 HEAVY 1 1-16 to 1 5-8 Sockets With Box. Re*. 19.29 NOW ............................ 1 3 .9 9 SLEEPING BAG W hite Sta* - Zipper - Kapok LARGE PIPE DIE SET Filled. 34x78 In. Re*. 18.95. 1” to 2” Complete. Re*. 28.95 N0W ....... 2 1 .9 5 •piC HEATER Now. Re*. 8.95 GARDEN TOOLS I HEATER »mat* DeLnxe. Re*. 119.20 R _2! in. Roller 10 In. AR-U 70.95 „ ........59.20 ER OVEN th Disi*» And Trays. 3520 KiC SWEEPER . Thrwaway Ha*— ments. Re*. 99.95. ................ 84.20 SWEEPER II Complete with At- te*. ... ............ 63.20 ................ 19.90 NOW ....................... 16.89 ...... ........... 6.90 [EATER 14.90 Now '/3 Oh F CARPENTERS TOOLS MECHANICS TOOLS GREATLY REDUCED LADIES TRAVELING CASE With Tray. Blue. Red, Brown, Tan Re*. 24.50—NOW ....................................... — SUIT CASES 7 .9 5 Leather Bound—Linen Covered V A QC Satin Lined—21 Inch. He*. 17.50—NOW .... 1 U * U J dware - Appliances NYSSA, OREGON + * burial Kotes Eagles Auxiliary Meet Eagles auxiliary met Tuesday night at the FO E hall with Mrs Ward Tyler winning the raffle uift Mr ami Mrs D* ;.r Wyckoff en Next meeting I.r.ed for Nov 18 w. l tertained with dinner Saturday eve be a potluck dinner entertaining ning at their h'me for M s Bill their husbands Each member is re Ruxton of Tatt. Calif . Mr and Mrs quested to bring a gift. Hostesses Barney Wilson. Richard Wilson. Mr will be Mrs Louise Wermck and and Mrs. Houston Wilson and Lor- ■ Mrs. Helen Walker. raine, Mrs Frank Ward and Mr »:id Mr> Alva Sutliff M others’ Tea I +—* A tea was held in the old grade Winchells Entertain school gymnasium for mothers-of Mr. and Mrs. J H Winohell were the fourth grades of the Nyssa i host and hostess at a dinner party grade school Friday afternoon. last Tuesday evening honoring Mr Room mothers in charge of the af , and Mrs. T P. Winchell who visited fair were Mrs. John Newman. Mr i here several days last week from | Mitrl Lancaster, and Mrs. Lee l>a.l, I.yman. Nebr Additional guests were with Mrs. Bud Wilson as chairman. Mr and Mrs. B L Adams and Mr Patty Flanagan welcomed the and Mrs. Don Martin and children visitors and Mrs. Bud Wilson intro of Homedale, Mr. and Mrs. Keith duced the room mothers and teach Orris and family of Adrian. Mr and ers. Mrs. Eva Chadwick. Miss Lenora Mrs. Norvelle Robbin- and Mrs Dale Bernadt, Miss Catherine Crandall Osborne. and Miss Georgia Nichol A program consisting of three folk dances and Anniversary Dinner two songs were performed by the Mr and Mrs. Edward Powell and members of the fourth grades. family of Payette were Tuesday eve Refreshments of punch and cook ning dinner guests of Mr and Mrs ies were served. V. L. Wilson and family in celebra tion of the Wilson's 16th wedding Mrs. Newby Honored anniversary. At Open-House Party +—•S* Mrs. Lillian Newby was guest of Mrs. Jackson Hostess honor at a open-house party cele At Bridge Party brating her 84th birthday Monday Mrs. Homer Jackson was hostess afternoon at the horn-- of her daugh | to her Wednesday evening Bridge t e r Mrs. Earl Larson of Newell club last week at her home. Mrs Heights. Co-hostesses were Mr- Nick Rudeliek was a guest player 1 Lawrence Dimmiok and Mrs. Con Prizes were won by Mrs. Bart ley Ward, with Mr Reid Larson of O-Drom, high; Mrs. Earl Alexander, Marking, Idaho., in charge of the second and Mrs. Nettie Bennett, guest book. Approximately 50 gur-ts travelling. attended from the Mar-mg, Nyssa. , Parma and Owyhee areas, 16 th Birthday Event t MVs. Newby received a lovely cake. Miss Lois Wilson entertained with ! many personal gifts and beautiful a theater and birthday party last I flowers. Wednesday evening in celebration of her 16th anniversary. United After attending the theater, the ; Kersey-Nielsen In W edding Rites group returned to the home of Lois’ Lais Fae Niel-en, (laughter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson of Miss and Mrs. Ed vard S Nielsen for refreshments. The Misses Betty and Mr James Arvin Kersey, son of Mr Lou Smith, Mary Anne Alford and and Mrs. Archie Ker ey, both of the Keitha Strausbaugh were prize win I Nu Acres- community, were united ners in stunts. | in marriage Wednesday, Nov. 5. at 1 7 :30 p.m. in tihe parsonage of the Ninth Birthday Event First Christian church with the pas Stanley Ikebe celebrated his ninth tor, Austin J. Holling: worth perfor birthday Wednesday, Nov. 5, at- a ming the double ring ceremony. They party given at his home. There were were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Clif six guests present to enjoy refresh ton T. Nuels'cn, brother and sister- ments of Ice cream and cake and to in-law of the bride. Saturday Eve Dinner W E QUIT! ARDWARE, APPLIANCES, ETC., GED FOR QUICK SELLING ON COUNTERS, TABLES — RE CE SELLING HERE’S THE G SALE E V E R S E E N ANY WITH THE PRESENT HIGH PRI GOING HIGHER, THIS IS YOUR REAL MONEY — BIGGEST SAV ’LIANCES, ETC. IN 20 YEARS. play games. ^ Tice bride chose « t*ui suit % i red accesauries for her we ,tl Mrs. NieLen was attired in » biowi* suit and tan aootsaories. The newlyweds plan to make fcht r new home in Fruit-land after a • hert wedding trip. ❖ —+ Micki Blaine M clntire Honored At Party Micki Blaine Mclntire, daughter of Mr and Mrs. L J Mclntire was honored at a party to mark her her second birthday Nov. 5 given at the home of her grandmether. Mrs. Minnie Leuck. Ouests were Mr' Ethel May Farmer and two chil dren, Jimmy and Lela. Harold Daal, Mr and Mr.,. Tom Johnson ami Hubert Leuck Past Presidents Parley Meet Past Presidents- Parley of Un- American auxiliary held an aU-day meeting at the home of Mrs. E k Burton Friday. The members work ed on their project of sewing pa jamas for children of veterans hos- pitalr/ed at Roneburg. Ore A potluck dinner was served by the hostess. DON'T THROW THEM AWAY Take Them to THE SHOE CLINIC OR. C.W. CRAVES O ptom etrist Eye» Exam ined Phone 9-2312 718 A rthur St. Caldwell, Idaho r 5 ! TEA GARDEN STRAWBERRY PRESERVES ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING 3 £ 1.00 TU RKEY BETTY CROCKER NOW CAKE MIXES TO BE SURE OF GETTING THE SIZE AND KIND YOU WANT AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES Party Cake or Devils Food 2 Pkgs-73^ Vitamin Rich FOR ORANGES 3 Lbs.............. 2 9 ç VITAMINS PfíOTEINS MINEÑtíLS Ü 2 MÇATS LB. BEEF ROASTS____ 4 5 * T-Bone—Rib—Sirloin OCEAN SPRAY BEEF STEAKS____ 5 5 * CRANBERRY Jelly or Sauce 3 Cans LB. ) HOME MADE LB. LINK SAUSAGE . . . 4 9 * Pioneer Brand TAYLOR’S MARKET F00D LA R D ..........4 . lbs. 4 5 * W € 0IV€ 425 A rcadia Bled. G R « n STftm PS t Phone 222 A