THE NYSSA CATE CITY J 0 U1 MAL. HY8SA. OÄECOM. THUHSDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1152 done u i great detail but over nterevted in renting information Funeral Held Monday been ‘>n family type aocommodwtioiw on much of the sttt* it i* of only a in N y« Working ranches They want lodg For Francis Fry reconnaissance nauira The objec- ing meat', cooking facilities, «addle Ui* Journal f d w Funeral service» for Francis Cur ^twe pi the Oregon Stale college com hor es and prefer nearby racrea- ■— wJ"' w . . 1 — d s IWv M of Mu Acres, who ckeTi Now that the elertion is over, a m and at the Fruitland ^clxx>l at tion >ueh a? boating, fishing and n c : Agw Nwv. 1$. 1*41 ! and Oliver Bunch were the first to !*s: Friday following an extended pilation is to ensemble both pub lished and unpublished map infor mart« we '•»n c w h up with open 1J 45 Anyoate joterewed in hearing ■wimming Mam object of the re- Fr*rtk Wikrott is raizing some 3 000 bicycle across the great Owyhee dam illness, were held afternoon mation and reduce it to a uniform ing our mail no we 0 only he * day tfua fine speaker on this timely sub quets is a spot for restful relaxa structure.---- -Mrs GmrriU Bum en at Lienkaamper funeral chapel The or two behind It's .surprtang :ne ject is cordially invited bavette tion not found in a commercial at turkey* on his island farm in the tertained the Civic club with a pic- scale on one map. Snake’river.-----A youthful bandit . ture trip to Holland Mr. and Mrs. Rev A. J Hollingsworth officiated, amount of mail even a anal! weekly Valley Sentinel. mosphere—Wetser American. I A preliminary black and while with burial at Parana cemetery. who escaped with more than 8100 Stam returned recently from an en newspaper receives and actually edition of the map will be ready A native of Thomas, Okla., Mr taken in a sensational robbery of if one were to read completely every aheriff John C. Ejfenng reported COMING EVENTS tire summer spent in their native Fry came here with his family in next year This will be followed in the Sweet Shop last Saturday night ; land. bit of maul, we're willing to risk a today that tax collection* through 19C He was a charter member of three or four years by a color edi is still unapprehended. He entered .«nail wager it can’t be done if you Monday amounted to $302.001. a Nov 17—Special invitations are 25 Years Age Nwv. II, 1927 Nu Acres grange and a member of tion. aocording to Ik-. Kintae. read steadily e^ght hours a day,1 figure that is about the same as j «tended to the pad. patron* and the building while one owner. Mr- Victor Hlcko* of Big Bend, earned One of the areas of the state especially during election campaign that for the . ame date' last year matrons of the Eastern Star for Oar son Healy and Mrs Helen An i ofr first prize in the boys’ and gurls' the Christian church. ing Then comes arm-loads of fat Total tax bill to be collected is $1.- their meeting, at Ma.-onic hall. 8 p m d iro n were washing dishes at the choc work division by winning in the Surviving are his wife, Alioe of where geological mapping is in pro envelopes of all awes from all points W6.000 November 18 is the W day, Nov ig_.Eagle.s auxiliary to hold counter and the cock. Mr^ Mary Union Stockyard's special corn the home; six sons, John and Wil gress is the John Day country of Pierce was in the kitchen and an of the compass . . . not to mention liam. of Michigan; Richard, of New central Oregon where the OSC geol 3!*"?* dVm potluck dinner for Eagles at 7 p. m. nounced it was a hold-up.-----Fire growing contest at P I. Livestock Plymouth, three acore king-size weekly news count for payment in full.—Malheur and Roger, Francis and ogy summer school cacnp is held £ F O £ hall. Exposition in Portland.-----The last men have announced they will es papers, two or three daily pagers ®n^*r**n **’ Nov. 19—Ruth and Naomi circle tablish an kre Mcating rink on the lap of surfacing on John Day high Jesse of the home; five daughters, annually. to scan . . . and sales pitches from of WSOS meet at the home of Mrs, cable property on Main street be way, a link of € 4 miles in the Cow Vera Lee of Michigan. Mary Jo of James Irish of Eugene, a graduate pecans to pickled pears.-----Hailey . Commis- filbert Wilson at. $ p m Bring your tween Fourth and Fifth streets.----- Valley-Brogan section is to be ad Cheney, Wa>h., and Corynne. Ger student in geology, is amuUng with Times, aldine and Lela, all o> f the home; ■'-on authorized KWEI today to 1 bazaar items. The Malheur Home Telephone Co. vertised for completion.-----Ooc and transfer control of the radio station Nov. 30—Past Presidents Parley has announced that it has started Fred Pullen have leased the John three sisters, three brothers and the mapping project. The Porter-Site Enterprise store, to Mervin Ling and Edwin Miller. of American Lotion auxiliary to installation of two more sections of Ward ranch and expect to soon four grandchildren. one of Drewsey's oldest landmarks, The station was sold by the In> meet with Mrs. K. K Lienkaemper switchboards, making a total of four. move down from near Parma----- ■was gutted by fire early Sunday land Broadcasting company to Ling for regular meeting at 8 p m Chili Mr and Mrs. Leon Higby hare mov Jersey Club to Hear morning Nov. 2. The «tore, a combi and associates early this year, pend- supper at the Methodist church 18 Year« Agw Net. 12, 1942 ed into their new house on Fourth | Last Saturday night, 231,000 tons nation grocery and drygoods, was mg POC authorization.—Wei.wr Sig- 5 30 to 8:30 p.m. St. Ann’s Alter So- of beets out of art estimated 383.066 street From Nystg^during ¿he past President at Boise owned by Mrs. Castoha Dr tidewater. 1 ~V ■ ’ I ciety of the Catholic church to meet tons had been lifted in this district, two week.*, through the Nyssa Grain Frank Asrtroth. Minnesota, presi The fare started in a small house aud Seed Co. five carloads of clover dent of the Americah Jersey Cattle 2 p. m. at teh church. according to R O. Larson, district occupied by Mrs Nora Hughes, The Moose lodge of Baker is Nov. 21—Amity club meets with manager of the Amalgamated sugar seed Jiave been shipped with total club, has been announced as the M wwa't bw to n g n o w ... -spread to some adjoining sheds be ponsoring a county-wide spelling Mrs. Frail Blair, 8 p. m company.----- Joe Coun.sU of Ny.>sa receipts near $50.000 sa b rin g M your speaker for the meeting Monday of hind the store and then to the store bee with loving cups and certificates 38 Yean Age Nwv. 18, 1922 Nov. 14—Brownie fly-up and in- the Idaho State Jersey Cattle club c o r for com plot« itself. Firefighters were able to re of .standing to be furnished the win vesture ceremony, 7:30 p m., Little . has been promoted to third class Dr. E A. Nixon has been busy this at Boise. petty officer in the commercial de wifttor »orvico— move some of the merchandise.— ners. Theater, high school. Public invited. partment of the Navy at San Diego. week fixing up his dental office and A luncheon affair, the meeting is Malheur Enterprise. The Moose lodges of Oregon arc is about ready to open for busmess.— ! ---- Or. C. A. Abbott, Bill Bolitho scheduled for the Hotel Boise. Mem using Baker county a« a testing and Cash Turner returned from | A Boy Scout troup was organized bers of the Malheur County Jersey A Canyon City 4-H club member ground, and if this works out suc Plans Completed ior o Camp Creek in the Granite Section Thursday evening at the Nyssa j Cattle club are planning to attend. has been selected as one of four cessfully here, it will be launched Commercial club rooms Scout Mas O Cim i The local organization will meet state youths to attend the national state-wide, going so far as to Breeders Meet Nov. 24 with three cow elk. O u«««t ters Harley Diven and Larry Ham- Oben Simonsen, manager, Oregon 15 Year* Ag« N«v. 11, 1937 4-H cltA) camp in Washington, D. C. crown state champions. O la*!«a ulcer were in charge.-----Hay is sell Saturday night at the home of Lee Tuesday afternoon the city hall next summer, it was revealed this ing for $8.50 in this vicinity.-— | Stoker, south of Adrian. The purpose of the spelling bee Dairy Breeders association, has been week by Burton Hutton, state olub j> to create a greater interest in secured as featured speaker for the was moved to the basement of the Elected to fill city offices were: P. Eagles’s hall.----- At a regular meet leader at Oregon state college. spelling and understanding of the full membership meeting of the Mal ing of the Owyhee Irrigation Dis M. Warren, mayor; C H. Pettyman, heur County Breeders association Bill Gardner, 18-year-okl gradu English language trict, Dr. J. J Sarazin was reelected I F. E Young, Arthur V. Cook, H F $ ate of Grant Union high school, has The rules and regulations have Nov 24, according to announcement for a term of three years.---- -Mr. : Brown, councilmen; Albert Cook r e -: been selected to spend a week in been made by County Superinten- f’ulw>1ler> county board and Mrs. C. W. Reberger moved to I corder and C. F. Elder, treasurer.----- PRESÏ0NE citizenship training at the nation's dent Jim Evans. The Judges will* clia“ man- : The Commercial club has made pre capital next summer In 1951, Gard also be selected by them, said Don An State college faculty Heir new home in Caldwell Mon liminary arrangements to hold a ' Oregon ~ per gallon day.----- Dale Garrison, accompanied ner won the county leadership tro G. Sheppard, Jr , civic affairs chair number will also address the asso big community Christmas tree. What will be the first detailed by his father, Charles Garrison, went ciation, Fulwyler said. phy and is four-times winner of the man.- Baker Record-Courier. 35 Years Ag« N«v. 16, 1917 scholarship for 4-H summer school The meeting will be held alt Boule to Boise and returned with a new J B. Parsons will open a shoe re geologic map of Oregon is being model ’A" John Deere tractor.-— awarded annually to the out tanding vard grange hall. noon lunch pair shop next door to Chink Res compiled in the geology department A growing industry is in the off 4-H boy of the county - Blue Moun ing here, based on continued re eon will be provided, ‘with door Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laurance and taurant.-----Mr and Mrs. J. M. Rob at Oregon State college. YOU’RE S£T . . . son Rolland of Prairie City weer The map, which will show distri tain Eagle. ertson and Miss Louise Robertson, quests at the local Chamber of Com prizes for both men and women. week-end guests at the E J. Beam On the business- agenda is an elec former Nyssa residents have return bution of rock formations, will be of YOU’RE SAFE . . . merce office for guest accommoda The American legion is present tions at working ranches by tourists tion of board members to fill the home. ed to this good old town to reside — special value to highway and con YOU’RE SUREl ing an Americanism program at and excursionists who would like expired terms of George Coleman 28 Y e a rs Ago Nov. 17, 1932 A huge Red Gross benefit dinner struction engineers, reclamation a- The Oity of Nyssa will be moving and entertainment is being planned gencies, mining interests and stu both the Fruitland and New Plym to spend their vacation time on a Nyssa, and Leonard Grimes, Ontario. Holdovw members are Fulwyler soon as negotiations for the purchase by local Red Cross organization, for dents of geology, according to Dr. outh schools, Nov. 11th. ranch that Is reailly a ranch, ac One Shot La$t$ All Winter? Dr Lawrence Nye. from the First cording to Blaine Stubfield. Cham and Irvin Hart, Vale, and R. H. of the handsome Malheur County- Thanksgiving Day .----- Candidates Lehi F. Hintze, assistant professor bank building for city offices have Hunter, Nyssa. Technicians are R. ber .secretary. for queen to reign at the big Red Methodist church of Portland will of the geology who is in charge of He said that the state Chamber M Roberts, Paul Currits auid Ray been completed. As the city pro Gross benefit celebrations are Eliza the work. be the main speaker with special vides quarters for t'he library, Mrs. Meldrum, Ontario. beth Thompson and Mattie Dennis, musical numbers provided by the in Boise has received two request - Oregon is one of the few states Fred Marshall will be moving the Nyssa: Marion Lowe, Owyhee: Helen recently, one from an executive in Legion Auxiliary books to the new location, too.----- Seventy-two acts ofCongress have Peck and Goldith Johnson, King- in the nation still without such a The speaker will be present at New York and another from a Cali Nyssa Grain Co. wound up the clov man: Florence McDonald and Pearl map. Town© G arage the New Plymouth school at 11 30 fornian, who said that they were been held unconstitutional. er seed pool for the season with Dale, Arcadia. Approximately three-fourths of Nyssa, Oregon shipment of the seventh car last the state has been geologically sur 218 Main St. week. Based on advancement alone, Thomas Jefferson sold his private j veyed to date by the U. S. Geolog the crop returned about $18,000 to local grower.s---- Much of the virgin library to the government for $23,- ical Survey, Oregon state depart P hone 4$ ment of geology and mineral in crop of sagebrush on the Owyhee 950. dustries, Oregon State college and project is being harvested for fuel, The Unknown Soldier was buried the Univeristy of Oregon. bringing Idaho people from as far In some areas the mapping has as 25 miles a-way.-----Basil Newton in Washington on Nov. 11, 1921. NEIGHBORING TOWN TOPICS P»ys Gon« By sa Community C. OSC Compiles First Geologic Map of State 3.75 The Oregon Chest Serves You DID YOU KNOW ? THAT: 13 Boys-Girls from Malheur Received 3369 days of care ROOM OVERNIGHT # (Mudéót: - 4L f o u n d ,/ any extra room in your heart ? # Now, it's so easy to make an old room appear like new! You can do it — simply, easily — and for such little cost. WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES 1. CARE FOR BABIES: Albertina Kerr. Providance Nursery and Waverly Baby Home pro vide care for infants who are deserted, neglected, illegimate chil dren, etc., from birth to five years of age. 2. CARE FOR OLDER CHILDREN: Christie Home. St. Mary's Home i^r Boys, Children's Farm Home all maintain excellent institutions for the care of boys and girls from about five years to eighteen years of age. These children are neglected, from broken homes, court placements, etc. Your first step in restyling is to paint the walls, using the new deep toned decorator colors that have become so popular. A harmonizing single wall of wallpaper lends added drama. Your hardware or paint dealer will be glad to suggest color schemes that will harmonize with your furnishings. 3. ADOPTION SERVICE & FOSTER HOME CARE: Boys and Girls Aid Society. Catholic Services for Children, Alber tina Kerr Homes. Waverly Baby Home all provide state-wide ad option service and foster home care to hundreds of children an nually. 4. CARE FOR MINOR DELINQUENT GIRLS: St Rose Industrial School, Louise Home and Salvation Army White Shield Home all provide care for warward and delinquent girls, unmarried mothers, and the Louise Home cares for venereal minor girls. Step two: add new pictures. Group four, six or eight small pictures in a symmetrical pattern behind the sofa, on any large blank space of wall. Such pictures are inexpensive and worth their weight in gold as a decorative device 5. SERVICES TO MOTHERS AND CHILDREN: The Volunteers of America Mothers and Childrens Home provides care to mothers, or to mothers and their children, on a state-wide basis. Step three changes night into day — raaliy and truly. Add a new lamp or two and your room quickly comae to life. 8. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: The new certified floor lamps are designed for better seeing The Mental Health Association of Oregon, the Oregon Priaon Association and the YMCA. through its Youth in Government pro gram are all doing an outstanding jc*> in their respective fields. — they have wonderful decorative values as well. There hevo never been so many attractive table lamps, as you'll find 7. DEFENSE SERVICES; today. There you have it — three easy steps to a brand new room for holiday entertaining. Your family will love if, and your guests will too. YOUR COMMUNITY CHEST DONATIONS WILL CIYE HER A CHANCE! The United Defense fund which finances the USO, Camp and Hospital Shows, American Hygeine Association, National Recrea tion Association. American Relief in Korea, and United Commun ity Defense Services All of these are serving millions Nearly 26 000 Dregon Boys are enjoying UBO facilities throughout the world QUOTA FOR NYSSA AREA $1200.00 ID A H O V TOWER Dees So MUCH» Casts So U T T IC f G I V E G E N E R O U S L Y - - GIVE E N O U G H ! ! MALHEUR COUNTY OREGON CHEST CAMPAIGN STARTS NOV. 17 Chairman, Jim Lcalie — Co-chairman, Bernard Rader — Treasurer, Frank Jenkins. O