PAGE NINI THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1952 point bear N th 81 degrees 38 West 223 6 lee distant from the N o rth e .i-t C < er of said Lot Five i5i; tln- ce South 8 de- grees 22' We-t 100 feet: thence North 81 deg] ■c i 38' West 75 feet; thence N rth 8 degrees 22' East 100 feet thence South 81 I .vo cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for Journal office not later than ;> P m. Tuesday. Publication of any degrees 23' Ea • 75 feet to the point of beirmni: - and located first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified classified advertisement will nut be guaranteed when submitted partly in L t 5. Bl k 8. Pioneer pat^e for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the later than Wednesday. Addition ’ the T wn of Jordan Valley, and partly in the North- east Quarter of he Northeast Quarter (N E L NE’ « > of Section Eleven ( l l i , Town-hip Thirty iSO> South. Rat e Foi . --.x < +»;• FARMS $1.500. per year, 5 interest. E.W.M , in Malheur County, Ore 100 acres just listed g'Hxi row crop 160 acres, 140 acres irrigated, lays FOR SALE—Used Hotpoint electric gon. and stock deal, well located, ma perfect, productive soil, 2 bedroom ranyt — new. Only $135—terms. That by the decree of this FARMS chinery goes with se: up. immediate home $40.omi $20.000 down Idtal Gas Ac Appliance. 38-tf. SUMMONS Court it t>- i (judged DRY LAND WHEAT possession, $13 000 $.’0,000 down, 4 acres, highway location, 2 bed In the Circuit Court of the State of and decreed that the said De New—BETTER T H A N E V E R 960 acre dry farm all ready for $1.500. per year. FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall Oregon far the County of Malheur room modern home $7.500, terms. fendants and each and all of profitable farming 150 acres sum 40 acres on highway close to Nys paper, complete selection. Firestone Policy covers CANCER, as well as Floyd Acarragui and Carmen them have no right, title, interest, many other dread diseases. Costs mer fallow wheat seeding, 20 acres sa, practically he* 6 room modem HOMES Acarregui. husband and wife. store. 21Ftfc. • lien and or estate whatsoever in only $12 per year for whole family. of intermediate wheat for seed. I home. $16.800 . $10.000 down Plaintiffs, j 1 bedroom modern home, full base and the real property described 80 acres, 67 acre- irrigated, row 150 acres alfalfa. 40 acres of open * HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT vs. ment. 2 blocks from Main street, in Plaintiff-' Complaint or any land, balance good range land, j crop and stock, large 3 bedroom For your own protection, Duy The unknown Heirs of Annie part thereof. $1.200 down. $50 per month. 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 all fenced. Electricity, fair house modern home, basement, some out state-inspected meat. Buy a quart Weir, deceased, the Unknown Heirs 2 bedroom modern home, full That you and each and all of er halt or whole beef, pork or mut and buildings. Should gross $20.000 buildings. »27.500 . $22.500 . down. HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT basement, floor drain, caty sewer, of David Wen. deceased, Joseph K you be forever enjoined antf de 80 acres, paid up water right, row ton.. See us at plant. 1 mile north Wood and Jane Doe Wood, his wife, per average year, $40.000. State inspected. One mile north. barred frvim asserting any claim crop and stock set up, new cow garage, $11,500. terms on highway, then 1/4 mile west on also any and all other persons or whatsoever in and to said real Corner location, 200 foot front parties unknown claiming any right, j barn and machine shed, 8 room Columbia avenue, Nyssa, Oregon, 1 4 mile west of Nyssa on Columbia IDEAL ALL-PURBOSF FARM t;6 acre* level enc ugh for row | modern home, full basement, garage, age. 2 bedroom basement home, property or any part thereof ad phone 395 W or 31-M. 14dtfc ave. Custom slaughtering, cutting, title, interest, hen and or estate in wrapping, curing and rendering crop. 20 acres hillside pasture with $29.000 $11.000 . do vn verse to the Plaintiff's title there $1,500, $500 down, $25 per month, and to the real property described free water. 160 acres deeded sage in, and that to Plaintiffs be de 1 acre productive land, lays per or will take $1 000 cash rO R SALE -Oil rings for oil heater; Hog^. cattle, sheep received any In Plaintiff's Complamt or any part brush land next to range. Fair fect. 2 bedroom modern home, close creed a good and Valid fee simple stove grates and walls for coal heat day. Also we consign hogs, cattle thereof, Defendants. New 2 bedrivin modern home, oil buildings, good well. $18,000. to Nyssa. 36.000 , terms title in and to aid real property ers and ranges. Quick service. Nyssa and sheep for farmers to Portlana furnace, hardwood floors. $8.500. $3,0^0 down. and the whole thereof, free and The Unknown Heirs of Annie 25 acres, paid up water right, 6 Furn.ture Co. Phone 149-W. 37-tf. market. Free cooling and free de terms. | livery within five miles of plant 60 ACRES PAID-UP WATER clear of any and all claims of Weir, deceased, the unknown room modern home, several out 1 bedroom modern home, full ‘ the said Defendants and each of Heirs of David Weir, deceased. Ideal location, deep rich soil. Some buildings, $9,000 , $4,500 down, $500 FOR SALE—Sewing machines, Pfaff Phone 395-W; If no answer, 31-M 3mtfc basement, garage, $4,200, $500 down,) them; and for such other and Joseph F. Wood and Jane Doe row crop land Modern dairy barn, per year. ana Universal, new and used. Fire further relief as to the Court Wood, his wife, also any and all good soft-water well, small Imme 160 acres under Old Owyhee pro $40 per month, 4 percent interest.. stone store. 21Ftfc. j MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need may seem proper and equitable other persons or parties un Own this for $18,000. L down ject. good row crop land, 2 sets Politically speaking this is a good money to remodel your home or to in the premises. known claiming any right, title, buildings, terms deal, if your candidate vwns you'll FOR SALE—Creto. the guaranteed build outbuildings or garage? We 78 ACRES—GOOD HOME interest, lien and or estate in 80 acres, new 2 bedroom modern be able bo buy a better home, If he i waterproof paint, Creto waterproof This Summon is published by or 71 acres of good farm land here ■ can arrange a loan for you and give and to the real property describ der o f the Honorable M A Biggs, concrete, brick, cement, stucco, plas Good home and buildings. Yours home, 40 acres irrigated, $9.500, loses, at least you'll have a roof over | you up to three years to pay it. ed in Plaintiffs’ Complaint or Judge of the Circuit Court of the $4,500 down, $900 per year, worth >nur head. ter. motar and terrazzo. Water for $15,000. 1 3 down Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc any part thereof, Defendants. the money. proofs by application and perman State of Oregon for Malheur Coun monthly payments. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ently waterproofs walls and floors, Now is the time to gravel your lanes, 40 acres row crop and stock .set up, IN THE .NAME OF’ THE »TATE ty. made and entered on the 3rd day 29' 1 DOWN inside or outside, wet or dry, new or feed yards and road ways. Phone Motel in Magic Valley, will trade OF OREGON You and each of you of November. 1952. Located 1 mile o fi oil highway 3 bedroom modern home, soft well old, painted or unpainted. Nyssa are hereby required to appear and water, 20x30 barn, chicken house, for ranch In Nyssa vicinity. The date of the first publication 136-W. 37-tf. Lovely home, and good set of farm ; Lumper Company. 20stfc Sfrnall grocery store, well located, answer the Complamt riled against o f this Summons is the 6th day of buildings. About half suitable to garage, $17,000, $5,000 down. you In the above entitled suit on or November, 1952, and the date of the 160 acres row crop and stock deal, doing good business, $5,000 down. MISCELLANEOUS — Septic tanks row crop farming. Balance good FOR SALE—Box wood $3 per truck before the last day of the time pre last publication of this Summons and cesspools cleaned. Phone Ray ready for row cropping, small home, Your opportunity to buy a busi rolling farm land. $37,000, 29% load delivered promptly. Phone mond Hild, 164-W4, Parma, or 24, scribed In the Order for Publication is the 4th day of December, 1952. down, balance $2.000 per year, plus 8-head cow barn, $28,000, 28% down ness building in Nyssa netting 10%. 1042-W Ontario. Will Fleming 711 of Summons, to-wit: on or before Anthony Yturri Parma Hardware. 17-tf. 5% interest. N. W 3rd St. 41-4tp.1 the 4th day of December, 1952, the John C. O'Kief MILK CHUCKS HERE same being the expiration of four Attorneys for Plaintiffs FOR SALE- Dres ed geese, 50c per MISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. This 40 has a good 5 room home, j oonsecuttve weeks from the date of Residing at Ontario. Oregon. Here comes color. A washable, rub pound. Phone 077-R3. Mrs. Frank good dairy barn, and is in a good the first publication of this Sum Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. Graham. 41-5tp. berized finish for interior walls ami community. Not a big deal, but a LOANS Use Journal Classified Ads. INSURANCE mons; and if you fall to answer for wood trim. good one $12,600, some terms. want thereof, the Plaintiffs will ap •covers most surfaces in one uni NYSSA, OREGON — PHONE 200 FOR SALE—Milk cows. Guernseys, ply to the Court for the relief pray '•1:1 III HI IIII l:l MII11M III I IHil fill llllill I ¡ill •' 83 ACRE STOCK FARM form coat. HoLiteins and Jerseys, milkers and ed for in their Complaint agulnst Good place to run beef or dairy 1 •dries to a satin sheen in less than springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone you. to-wit: Dr. Clare F. Conley cattle, paid-up *ater right for 80 Vernena M Beam, deceased. one hour. 306, Ontario. Oregon, across from That you and each of you be re acres. You can't beat this for NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that •twelve hansome colors all ready Ontario sale yard 2mtfc O plom etrist $13,500. Easy terms. quired to set forth the nature of tine undersigned, Bertram B Lien- to use. your claim, if any you have in FOR SALE Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. 60 IN BLACK CANYON FOR SALE—80 acres land, 3 L miles kaemper, administrator of the estate and to the following described 30 acres, good 4-room home, soft S W of Nyssa. Gerrit Stam. 41-2tp. of Verneiva M. Beam, deceased, has 2 bedroom modern home, full real property, to-wit: EYES EXAMINED BILL LANE well water. Priced below appraisal basement, extra large but well im- filed his F iiul Account as said ad Lot Three <3i In Block eight at $7500. $3500 down provtd, $5,000, easy terms. East ministrator in the County Court of AUCTIONEER FOR SALE (8) of Pioneer Addition to the WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM Fourth street. Malheur County, Oregon, and that Farm and Livestock Sales Town of Jordan Valley, Malheur 26 good acres, 6-room modern Nearly new two bedroom home, said Court has appointed Tuesday, Farm, 40 acres row crop, 34 acres Phone 169 (Opp. Scars) Dial 9-3371 Nyssa, Ore. County, Oregon, according to the home, good set of outbuildings. hardwood floors, full basement, 60x- November 23, 1952, at 10:00 o ’clock tn hay and pasture. 5 room house, new Farm Sale Dates Official Plat thereof on file in Buildings alone are almost worth 120 lot, good location Only $8,500, the forenoon of said day for the barn. Located on highway, $18,000, 519 Cleveland, ( allinei). Ida. the Office of the County Clerk of 37-tf. the total price of $12,600. terms. reasonaole terms. hearing of objections to said Final said County and State. ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE Two-bedroom modern home, ex- I _ _ . _ _ ~ ~ " ~ ] 2 room house, full basement, pres Acoount and the settlement thereof Also, beginning at the North-1 cellent condition, perfect heating COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready Outdoor living, garden, chickens, I sure water system. 150x138 lot. This NOW, THEREFORE, all persons to build your driveway, parking area east corner of Lot Two (2> in j glHIUlM 1111111 ! 111111 ! I! 11111 ! 111 ! 111 i 111 ! 1111 cow, pony for the kids—all this j is a good house an id takes only $500 Interested in the estate of Vernena system, good location. " ” " ~ Block Eight <8>, Pioneer Addl-i can be yours on one of our acre- ! down $25 per momh Motel with market, very good loca school yard, feed lot. lounging v>r M Beam, deceased, are notified and implement shed. Only pugmill as tion to the Town of Jordan Val ages. Grocery bills go way down. . ... , . __ . . tion. required to appear at the County phaltic concrete mix in this area. ley, Malheur County, Oregon; | too! Here are a few of our many 4 ™ T ' j >“ th' P“ rt, ba'st” nent2 ^ e NVSSA INSURANCE AGENCY yard, shade, good location, $5,500, Court Room in tlve Court House at Low cost, guaranteed work, free esti- I listings: thence in a Southwesterly direc Ralph G.. Lawrence, Agent Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at terms. tion along the East boundary of 105 Main St. Phone 53 mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A or phone 280, Ontario. 13-tf. Duplex, one block from Main St., said time, to then and there show Lot Two (2> a distance of 161 4 New modern home, 1 acre $12,600. 150x150 lot on corner across from cause, if any there be, why said FOR SALE OR TRADE—K -X In feet to the Southeast corner of Modern 2-bedroom home. Account should not be settled, al said Lot 2; thence North 89 de ternational truck. Would consider Mary and Martha circle of Metho- 10 acres ....... ..... $11,500 city hall. Terms if desired. Business locations on highway, lowed and approved and said estate grees 17' West 61 feet; thence equitie.s or home property. 029-R2. dist church are having a rummage 3 rooms, 3.2 acres ___ ___ $1500 Fix up your broken auto distributed and said administrator North It degrees 02' East 179 9 5 rooms, modern, 2 a c r e s _$7000 both entrances to town, U. S. 20. Nyssa 41-2tp sale at the com er of 5th and Main, discharged. Residential lots for a little down feet; thence South 71 degrees 6 rooms, modern, 13 acres. $12,000. glass while you shop. Now. 7 and 8. Will feature men's, and a little a month. 46' East 60.5 feet to the point of Dated and first published Oct 23, LISTINGS WANTED FOR SALE Marbeet Beet Harvester women’s and children's clothing. * beginning. BERNARD EASTMAN 1952. We have lots of prospetes for good Experienced workmanship on W -D Allis-Chalmers. Sell with or 42-2t. Real Estate Insurance Also, beginning at a point on the farms and homes. List yours wltn Date of last publication. N ot 20, without tractor. Harvested only 75 Factory patterns. Phone 64 North line of Lot Five (5) in us and prepare to move. 1952 acres. 5 miles west, L south of Owy WANTED—Kitchen cabinets either Block Eight (8>, Pioneer Addition Bertram B Llenkaemper HOMES hee Junction. Clifford O. Wolfe, base or up-right. Call 018-J5. 110 Main Phone 310 to the Town of Jordan Valley, VETERANS SPECIAL Administrator of the estate of Legal Advertising Nyssa. 42-2t, 42-2t. Malheur County, Oregon, which 2-bedroom modern home, nearly Vernena M. Beam, deceased. new. $5,800, $1,300 down, easy NOTICE OF FINAL COUNT Harold Henigson, Attorney for FOR SALE --Good rubber tired wag- | ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE— In the County Court of the State ot Administrator. on, Good set of harness. One Palo Special — Modern 2-bedroom — 1 Oregon for the County of Malheur mino pony, gentle for women and acre $6,000. SUMMONS In the Matter of the Estate of Ira children. Dixie Kinkade. Meniola JOHN DEERE 2-row, flatbed pota ENJOY THIS HOME! In the Circuit Court of the State of to digger. Phone 018-J3. Ontario. Scott, deceased. road 1 mile north of Adrian, Ore. Near school and store, quiet street NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Oregon for the County of Malheur 25-tf 42-2tp. Versal Sessions, Plaintiff, with little traific, wall-to-wall undersigned. B. B Llenkaemper, vs. carpet, shiny hardwood floors, 2 administrator of the estate of Ira FOR SALE—Furniture for sale for bedrooms with closets large liv- ^ deceaRed> hafi nied ms Final Daniel Lynn Olltoert, a minor, heir dining room, living room, bedroom; ------- ---------- — -------------- ---------- mg room and kitchen, utility room Account as said administrator in at law of Wilfred Daniel Gilbert, de miscellaneous items. Locust Ave. and ' FOR RENT — Furnished basement with laundry trays all Plastered h<> Count Court of Malh* ur cou n - ceased; The Unknown Heirs of Wil urq lie a u r n in ir r v o n a h ia n h lin d c n il J . , , _ . . Ontario highway. Phone 270-J. Apt. Stunz duplex. 38-tf. walls, awnings, Venetian blinds, oil ty, Oregon, and that said Court has fred Daniel Gilbert, deceased, De- furnace, many other desirable appointed Wednesday, November 12, dendarnts. 42-2tp. GATE CITY LODGE FOR RENT—Furnished apartment features. Lawns front and back, 1952, at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon TO: Daniel Lynn Oilbert, a minor, SARAZIN CLINIC No. 214 I. O. O. F. FOR SALE—Blond 6-piece dining with bath, light and heat furnished. good garage. $9250, F. H. A. terms of said day for the hearing of ob heir at law o f Wilfred Daniel Dr. J. J. Sarazin 32-tf. ROOM A-PLENTY— Meets Every Monday Night, 8:30 room set and davenport at a very Phone 63-J. Oilbert, deceased; the Unknown jections to said Final Account and South First Street Dr. K. E. Kerby 4 room hous-e with four more 1 the settlement thereof. Heirs of Wilfred Daniel Gilbert, low price. Phone 28-R evenings. FOR RENT—Modern 3 room furn deceased, Defendants. rooms in basement. Modern ten- 1 r h y r i d a u and Burgeon* NOW, THEREFORE, all persons FOR SALE I pair bunk bed-$20. ished apartment. Close in. Call IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ant house, always rented. Extra lot interested in the estate of Ira Scott, 127-W. 32-tf. with this. $7250. Cot and baby bed—$10. Coal range— deceased, are notified and required OF OREGON: You and each of you $20 Trash burner—#10 290- n j APARTMENT—For rent, heat and MOVINO TO CALDWELL? L. A. MAULDING. M. D. DR. C. M. TYLER to appear at the County Court Room are hereby required to appear and 2 bedroom home on Hillcrest in the Court House at Vale, Malheur answer the Complaint filed against 43-11. Water furnished, $37.50. Phone 112 WILSON BUILDING Physician and Surgeon drive $7,150, $1,800 down, $42 per County, Oregon, at said time, to you in the above entitled 6ult on or or 392-J. 18-tf. Phone 165-J, Nyssa Phone 37 before the last day of thu time month. Office Hours From 9 to 5 then and there show cause, if any Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 8 FOR RENT—Paint spray gun. Fire A BRAND NEW DREAM HOME Except Saturdays. 9 to 12 there be, why said Account should prescribed In the Order for Publi stone store. 21Ftfc. Dally Except Saturday and On beautiful acreage, close In, not be settled, allowed and approved cation of Summons, tonwlt: on or WANTED—Highest prices paid for long time financing. Total price, and said estate distributed and said before the 4th day o f December, Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 R. CUNDALL slaughter horses. Clyde Smith FOR RENT—Large 3 bedroom, part only $12,600. 1962, the same being the expiration Dentist administrator discharged. phone 306, Ontario. Across from ly furnished apartment. 305 Good ONLY $3,000? of four consecutive weeks from the Phone S6-J Dated and first published OotobeT Ave, or phone 22-W. 31-tf. Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc C. J. KOPP. M. D. date of the first publication of this I Yes sir, we have one, all m odern,' 9, 1952. Sarazin Clinic Summons; and if you fail to answer j only $1,500 down. Phyridaa and Surgeon OREGON NYSSA Date of last publication., Novem WANTED—Some farm land, crop F O R R E N T — 2-room rurnlshed for want thereof, the Plaintiff will FkY BUILDING 30ntfc EDGE OF TOWN ber 6, 1962 land preferred. Cash or share rent. cabin, Chadwick camp. apply to the Court for the relief Nearly new, 2 bedrooms, 100 foot DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Office Hours B B Llenkaemper M. A. Rataezyk, Rt. 2. 40-3tp. prayed for in his Complaint against FOR RENT — New Clarke 8-inch lot: $7,500, terms to suit. Dental Clinic Administrator of the estate of Ira 10 to 19; and 2 to 5 you. to-wit: WANTED—Girls’ junior size bicycle. floor sanders and 6-inch edger. A HOME FOR $1500 7th and Bower Scott, deceased. Daily Except Saturday and Comfortable 2 room horn*. Beats That that certain deed from W il Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. Phone 366-NM. 43-2tp. Phone 393-W Harold Henigson, Attorney for Ad fred Daniel Olltoert to Plaintiff Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 paying rent. Easy terms, or will ministrator. FOR RENT—Two furnished apart discount for cash. dated February 28, 1962, and con- I ments, phone Brownie’s cafe. 3mtfc 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME veying the following described j NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr Working-man, here Is a spaci real property, to-wlt: In the County Court of the State of FOR RENT—3 room modern house ous, comfortable home for your The South Half of the South EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. Man wanted to service 800 family Phone 290-NJ. Oregon for the County of Malheur 43-lt family, nearly new and well lo west Quarter (SV4SW1«, > o f Sec- : 101 East 1st St. Phone 259 route with nationally advertised In the Matter of the Estate of cated, $8300, easy terms tlon Two (2», Township Twenty-1 Physiotherapy Electro-Therapy Watkins Products. Better than aver PAULUS William Van Eerden. deceased. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES one <2D South, Range Forty-, age earnings. If you have car and FOR SA L» Nyssa, Oregon JEWELRY STORE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, MOTEL RATES HIGH? five (45i East of the Willamette can devote 40 hours weekly, write J. That the undersigned. Bertram B About 2 acres, fair house, barn, Union Pacific Time Inspector Meridian, Malheur County, Ore- j Why don’t you get on the receiving R. Watkins Co.. 137 Dexter Ave., Llenkaemper, has been appointed chicken liouse, pasture. 4 S miles JEWBLRY — DIAMONDS gon, end and enjoy those high rakes? administrator of the estate of Will Seattle 9. Washington. 39-6t. from Nyssa $3650 be corrected and reformed In WATCHES We have a good 14 unit motel for iam Van Eerden, deceased, by the HELP WANTED H I/.’ : C- 80 acre stock farm. 53 Irrigated, conformity with the Intent of I DR. B. E ROSS $40,000, all modern and furnished. County Court of Malheur County, Main Street at Second distributorships. Car necessary. 20-40 good modern home. $18,000. Will take said Wilfred Daniel Oilbert and Veterinarian Terms can be arranged. Oregon, and has qualified as such. the Plaintiff to describe said hour work week Write qualifications home in Nyssa as part payment. NOW, THEREFORE, all persona AN INCOME TOR LIFE WYCKOFF property as follows: 2 bed room, modern, 2 lots, trees to Inez Stiles, 420 No. Garden, Boise Apartment houses provide sure having claims against the estate of The Southwest Quarter (SW44) JEWELRY STORE 42-4t. and lawn $3,700, $1,000 down, $35 and steady incomes for thousands William Van Eerden, deceased, are of Section Two <2>, Township, per month. Official Time Inspector for of owners. We have several good hereby notified and required to pre Twenty-one (21) South, Range 2 bedroom, modern, near city park, TTnlon Pacific ones sent the same, with proper vouch Forty-five '46> East of the Will-»- 1 $4,600, terms. ers. duly verified, within six < 6> ONI A RIO OREGON OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED Veterinary Supplies mette Meridian, In Malheur ___________________________ t i Good basement house on 50x150 Country g e n e r a l merchandise months from the date of this Notice, Small and large Animal« County, State of Oregon. FOR SALE—2 houses, both or one, ft. lot. East side location. $1.500. store, nets $40 per day, building, to the undersigned, Bertram B Lien- Office Hours K A. M. to 6 P. M. That you and each of you b« ra- 1 with 5 lots. One new 2-bedroom; $500 down, east side, nice fenced stock equipment all goes for kaemper, at the law office of Har Phone Nyssa 202-W 407 Main St. qulred to execute and deliver to chicken house, shed, fruit trees, yard and trees. $1,800. $22,500, down. Also will Include old Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, the Plaintiff a deed of said pro grapes Real buy for someone. Some modern two-bedroom home for which place the undersigned selects perty as last above described, j Dr. Marvin M. Prentice terms. See this before buying. Also only $4000 more. DR. J. A. McFALL as his place of business in all mat and that in case of your failure so | Veterinary Surgeon second hand doors, windows and BOB THOMPSON AGENCY ters connected with said estate. to do, the decree of this Court | large and Small Animals DR. JOHN EASLY glass, all sizes. John C Krul, 915 N Phone 97 Bertram B Llenkaemper have the effect and operation of [ : 211 W. Park Ph. 2341 Idaho St., phone 372-M Nyssa Administrator of the Estate of said conveyances. New Plymouth. Idaho 16 North 3rd Phone 21» 40-2tp-tf. William Van Eerden, deceased. That you and each and all of Dated and first published October you be forever enjoined, barred 9 1962 and restrained from asserting FOR SALE—Registered Duroc and Last publication November * 1962 any claim whatsoever in and to Hampshire swine Aged sows, boars FOR SALE- 1960 3 4 T Chevrolet said real property or any part LOST 16 mm Bell Ac Howell maga- Open gilts, spring boars Weaner pick-up Excellent condition wlth thereof adverse to the Plaintiff’s pig-, Unrelated males, females Spec Zine-typ" m v, ■ camera, while hunt* stock rock. Price $193$ Banker's title therein, and that to Plain »ng ,r. C w Hollow aiea $25 reward ial price to 4-H and TV A boys. 290 term. 112 Oreen Ave Nyx.a tiff be decreed • $ *«l « i d valid Notify Frank Jenkins at U S Ban, h»ad tu choose M.chael F O Lears 41-ltp ■ ** *»b»ie lit» m m 4 t*> -<• M- Ontario. 43-2L 2 rmie* sou th F tu itla n d . H toQ uiC K 1, Classified Advertising Rates For Sale Miscellaneous POLIO BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell See Mei real property last above describ ed and f. r •• ich other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem proper and equitable in the premises This Summons is published by o r der of the Honorable M. A Bigg'. Judge of the Circuit « State of Oregon for Malheur Coun ty. made and entered on the 3rd day of November, 1962 The date of the first publication of this Summon« is the 6th dav of November, 1952. and the date of the last publication of this Summons is the 4th day of December. 1952 Anthony Yturn John C O'Kief Attorneys for Plaintiff Residing at Ontario. Oregon. KEN POND MEL BECK REAL ESTATE Farms For Sale Superior Paint ¿r Glass Farm Machinery PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY For Rent Lodges Physicians Dentists Wanted Help Wanted Jewelry Stores Chiropractor Veterinarians M Real Estate For Sale Optometrists FARM LOANS KEN PCND Livestock For Sale Automobiles For Sale