THF NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1952 PAGE EIGHT the home of Mr medical b-iervation and treatment ■ Sunday at VVy koff’.> parenti Mi Mr • VI r v I. V . It us** II <*f Julesbur». Mr tuid M r » Jam «-» Y o s t an d M r. » n d M r». D a ig lit VVvckc.ff and C C W yckoff at Wallowa Dwigiit Colo. G .spending -ix wee'*- vi-it joined a group there on an elk at the home of her »on and family. fa m ily w t r e S u n d av v. it< r at th** c h ild re n -/p<-iit fro m 1 hunting trtp. Mr and Mrs. Paul Ru- '11 and fam '-u iid ay a fte r n o o n vis ito rs at th e ily. mi I Ml a ml Ml N. L. Wilson Mr. and M rs ( lifto n \n-lsrn Here and on. Lee. of Baker, and Mrs. Sunday dinner gu»- t- of Mr. and '.til S'Aiiart and daughters of Pay Mrs. Carl Choat at Caldwell. ette. Vlr. an d Vlrs. T om I oe spent Sun Mr. an il VIr ,. I . r « H e r r » anil sim day visiting at Payette at the home i: I Norman Boyd, all o f Sausalito. of Mrs Pearl Frank slif . are housegue^ts at the David S u n d ay d in n e r gu*-st- o f Vlr. and P R O M P T D E L IV E R Y Ueer ' home ana are enjoying ijvo Mrs. D. L. Overstalce were Mi- Ab- * eek - of phea ant huntii A. - b.e M .<Jinley of New Plymouth and Dependable Service Hurry McGinley and V|r. an il M rs. (lie n W eek s and Mr and Mr family were Sunday evening dinner family. M iss M ae L u e rk le ft fo r her hom e ;ue u o f Mr. and Mrs. Ronald in Chicago Sunday morning alter Smith at Caldwell. S ilu r d a y o v e r n ig h t guests at th e visiting with Mr. and Mr- Mel In- In Nyssa P h o n e h me of Mr. and Mr- George Wil- gebriuen. M r. an d M rs. F ran k Selders anil on were th‘ x r son and family, Mr. u I Mrs. Vernon Wilson and Lee of children of Portland were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mr- Baker. Vlr. and M rs. T . P. W’in c h e ll o f Murl Lancaster Thur-day evening. S u n d ay ca lle rs a t the hom e o f Mr. Lyman, Nebr., arrived here M ond°v rning for a tew day ’ visit viti» i:: ! '>■ Mr WinctwU’s brother ana sister- Mrs. John Canenvind of Boise who in-law. Mr. and Mrs J R Wincheil werQ hunting near this area. M r. an d M rs. <'. I). L ov e jo y and and with other relatives in this Fletcher Oil C o m p a n y son, Michael, o f dark-ton. Wash., vicinity. Vlrs. W illia m R u x to n o f T a ft , visited a week at the home o f his C a lif. Is a houseguc-t at the home brother and family. Mi and Mr of her sister and brother-in-law, Howard Love Joy. tDd M r B u t.. WU D in n e r guests Friday at th e hom e vlr. and M rs. E. l\ T e rh u n e w ere Mr. and Mr Fred Guthrie Acrt Sunday dinner guests at the home s A Lloyd and Mi - Ethel Kirby, f their son and family, Mr. and both o f Caldwell M r. and M rs. A rla n lla ro ld s e n anil Mr H F. Terhune and Mary. Vlrs. A fto n P a r is and son, S teven family of Boi-e -pent the week-end I of Pocatello were houseguests last at home of his parent-. Mr. and Mr.-. veek and the forepart of this week Reuben Haroldsen. Mrs O Sipes at the Dean Smith home. Mr. Paris and children o f Homedale spent joined them Sunday and returned Sunday visiting with the Harold- yervs. them to their home Tuesday. I Claud u C ortabitar • I ndian. LOCAL NEWS ^ C L E A H H E A \ 1 F R O M E V E R Y D R O P 79 Cleaners and Processors of Clover, Alfalfa and Grass Seed. We are an approved warehouse and cleaning plant for seed to be put under the government loan and Beal Seed Company Phone 564 Vlr. and M rs. N o rb e rt S a razin anil Bruce enjoyed a visit Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chet C un-il and Noel at New Plymouth tnd 'With Mrs. Council's sister, Miss Clair Maddlson o f Melbourne, Au a tralia. who is a hou.-eguest at the Counsil home. turned to their home at Ogden. Utah, Saturday after a one week's visit at the home o f their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs. George Oxnam and children. Vlr. an d .Mrs. E d w ard P o w e ll and family of Payette were Tuesday eve ning #ue ts of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Wilson and family. Mr. Improve lands, crops, pastures with W O O D 'S ROTARY CUTTER and Mrs. John W eek s and , ’ *r. D ea n e H u n te r | 4 Shr*dding Cord ! Crops Airs. V ern on L in d e n m u th an d son, LI! Larry, of Atomic City, Ida., visited over the week-end at the F lo y d 1 Brown home. Maintonanc» Mowing Air. an d Airs. T o m C h a n d le r r e Airs. HARTFORD Air. and ACC BERNARD KASTMAN Real Estate Insurance Phone 64 MAITIOtD Mil IN1UMIKI CO «MUT «A1M0O Attlni NT m. IN Diami I (M M Nertfertf, E m m i IN «« N olan W ils o n anil Airs. and Phil returned recently fk>m Portersville, Calif., where they were I called by the illness of Mrs Selph’s mother. Mrs. Delia Mills. She is re portedly improving. Air. and guests of ford for Th e men pheasant Ja<k Airs. L lo y d Jenkins, coach 80 SQ. WINTER SUITS FANCY PRINTS 100% Wool» S.zes 10 to lfr Assortment of Colors Good Quality -Good Patterns Regular 39c 25% off Special 28<: yard an d Vlr an d Airs. F in le y Shuster spent Sunday at LaOrande visiting Mr Pennyroyal is a strong-scented ind Mrs John Bowen. herb of the mint family. Jaek S e b u m , a s tu d en t a t O regon S ate College at Corvallis, spent the week-end at the home oif hie par ent Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seburn. Vlr an d Airs. P a u l S elp h and fam an d M rs. J. E. Shuster Tuesday, November 25 PAR M A H OTEL P AK A 1 V I D A H O Boise O ffic e : S on n a B ldg. 252 D ia l 3-7011 DEAD ANIMALS ily were Tuesday evening guests of Mr and Mrs. O. L Main in Fruit- land Air. Dr. A. T. Bradbury of Huntington were Sunday overnight ;ue-ts at the Finley Shuster home Air. and M rs. W . F. S a va ge r e turned last week from a week’s trip tJ Bend, Albany and The Dalles. They visited their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Kenneth La- ing, Jerry and Kathy at The Dalles. A ir- H u rm a ll B ro w n o f O gden was Free Pickup Fast Service Phone 98 Parma Nyssa guest last week at the home of her -i-ter. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Baer. Sunday d in n e r gueat.s a t th e G lr a Billings home were Mr. and Mrs C. A Malley. Phone 100-R Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Nyssa. Oiegon Mrs. A lv in Sh au l o f B oise and her Let Our Experts Prepare Your Favorite Cuts ON MEATS WINTER! ^ For Your It won't be long now... t o b r i n g in your car complala for Freezer Locker-Deep Freezer winter service* S Chang, alt y 4 ’*, S Lub rica ta e b a n i» S C h a c k baftaty S Im p a c t c a e lln g »yttaa» • In sta ll " f r a t t a n a " a n ll-fra a ia V 2 * ° r h a lf ° f V z* from our feed lot* x/ z * and wholes of Pork ELK and BIRD HUNTERS per gallon Bring Your Game To Us For Processing YOU'RE SET... YOU’RE SAFE... YOU'RE SUREI Custom Butchering and Curing One Shot last» All Winter? 46 INCH FANCY OILCLOTH Regular 55c SPECIAL PRICE Nyssa, Oregon 218 Alain St. FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE “Your Headquarter* for Variety Meat*” P h o n e 41 Vi mile west on Alberta Ave Phone 381-R. locker plant Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room v ic e Bendix Sale WASHER BOYS’ UNION SUITS Sale Price Only 1 8 9 195 Value to $1.79 Size 2 to 14 4 5 c yd. WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS 980 Peterson Furniture Co. Your Dependable Furniture Store i >hv«s, Dry Goods and Ready-To-Wear X Ray Shoe Fitting Towne Garage Reg. Price 229.95 V Vilsoi n Bros. Dept. Store PHONE 32 M r. an d A ir». B e rt A d a m » o f O w y W ils o n w e re principal o f LaGrande high school, was a Saturday evening guest o f Mr and Mrs R V Wilson and nc- LADIES $ 1 .9 8 of Dr and Mrs. K A. Dan- a social evening Sunday. had spent the afternoon hunting. Friday and Satuday November 7 and 8 Multifilament Crepe Lace Top and Bottom Sizes 32 to 40 Lynn Airs. P a u l Selph, K a r e n Wilson's Week End Specials CREPE SLIPS E v e r e tt quests o f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas hee Heights were supper guests of lone- for a bridge foursome »nd Mr and Mrs. Roy Wincheil Tuesday ocial evening Saturday. night. E. Pruyn met with Mrs. Richard Mason at her home to set plans for the dinner sponsored by the Christian I church Tuesday, Nov. 20. IN SU R A N C E Western Corrugator Co, M r». turned home Saturday evening from Portland where Tom has been re ceiving treatments for his eye a il ment. SHREDDING LADIES' of force in Portland and Lou Kennedy, I also of Portland, were pheasant hunting here and were week-end guests o f Mr. and Mrs. James Bav- ! age and F ld rtd g r w ere I.t. H a r v e y T ro u t oi th e d e te c tiv e -f Eradicating Sag» Brush N y ssa ,O re g o n Airs. an d Ey»a Examined Glasses Fitted Adjusted and Repaired Air. a n d Airs. L e o B eers und son, HARTFORD 4 Shielding Stalks l^g-Lj/J^or Aeavy duty, high speed M O W IN G Airs. T o m Donald, and Norman Boyd o f Sausa- lita, Calif., are .-pending two weeks hunting in .this area and visiting at the home ot Leo Beers' brother. David Beers. -f Brush ClMring P h o ne Id i Vlr. an d M a in sp en t th e w eek -en d an d M r. Corvallis visited at the Orsel Hunt er home over the week-end. you’ll do well with the 4 Pasture Mowing *^iiren J family o f McDermitt spent several at home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold days over the week-end visiting at Km :z - the parental T 8. Weeks home „ ,Ir s ' Wilbur H olcom b , M rs. O tis Vlrs. I d P ru yn retu rn ed F rid a y Holcomb, Mrs Clifford Main and morning from Portland where she> rs' ^ exn Noyes spent the week- had taken her uncle. Louis DeBord I eI?^ at Wallowa with their husbands to enter the veterans hospital for! were hunting in that area. Year in and year oat The»» o D -p u rp oia cu fttn a m » q u ip p e d to d o E V E R Y cutting, th r.d d in g a n d m ulching job. O p w ra t* from power lake - off. Twin b lades revolve at 1 5 0 0 R P M . Cutting height adjustable: 0 " to 1 4 ". Boiler plate surrounds b la d e s for 100% protection! See the W o o d 's m achine dem onstrated on Y O U R farm. and Airs. A r t R ou th o f T w in B ill S elby o f M elb a was a M on day dinner guest o f Mr and Mr- Hud- **r' ani* Mrs. Emerson Binguinan -.on Robb. ! bad as their guests Sunday Rev S a tu rd a v vis ito rs at th e la-land aIlt* Mrs. A. J Hollingsworth and Ricks home were Mr and Mrs. Dan Rev w 8 Lowe Luncheon guests K i :mgton o f St. Anthony. were Mr. and Mr- J. C Smith. ONTARIO, OREGON In 60'. tO ', 114' cuf fing width» — dandord O f hydraulic model* Air Fall- were week-end guest« at the SheaviUe called on Mrs. Oeorge Bear C. A Wernick home. Monday afternoon. daughter, Linda, were at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. F*rank Coley, for her birthday Sunday Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. A tt c ifflin g th e w ed d in g o f Vlr. and Gene Geesey o f Denver. Thursday Mrs. Lyndon Friend at Boi-e Sun callers at the Coley residence were day were Mrs. A L Heldt and three Evangelist and Mrs. Benny Harris sorts. Mrs. Heldt -pent the week end at the home of her son, W D of Loveland, Colo. Ilu u w g u e s ts p a rt o f last week w ere Heldt and family. Air. a n d Mrs. V (). N ew ell o f Ile r - Mr-. Cecil Florea and David, Mr. mi.ston visited their daughters, Mrs. and Mrs. C. W. Walker, Mr. and Ralph Lowe and Mrs. Lee Dail over Mr- Roger Walker, Mr. and Mrs. the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Orvls Lloyd Lackey and Mr. and Mis. Newell were al-o vi.-itir.g the Lowe Hugh Glasgow at the home of Mr. home over the week-end. and Mrs. Roy Barnes. .Mr. a n il Mrs. W illia m L ow e and Air. and Airs. G e o r g e N. B ea r had Marilyn journeyed to LaOrande a- guests over the week-end, their Saturday to see Ronald who is * junior at the EOCE and to attend homecoming netivitie- While there, they also visited with Evelyn Dud- Vlr. and M rs. II. S. < u rtw rig h t r e support prices. npinied Mr Wilson to the Vale- daughter. Mrs. James L Pate, and son. Bobby, of Priest River, Ida . Baker ball game. granddaughte: Mrs Allen N s uib Vli-s ( U u d e n e W i l l s o n o f B o i s e n f w t-k-end at the horn* of and baby. Cindy Sue, o f Laclede. r parent-, Mr. and Mr.-. Claude Id » Few days later, they visited at the home o; Bert Adam.- in Owy W ilson. hee Heights NYSSA — VALE — ONTARIO — PAYETTE NYSSA