THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6. 1*52 ed Friday at the Gene Honey home, week from a B ols * hospruU. but w.ll tota! .sum. n< revealed by the *ec- Mrs Blanche Harlan, a sister of be convalescing for seme time retary of -■.»:« went to 21 Mr Honey, her niece and husband. Grover Findley of Madras. Ore . eastern Or- n nines in s#v*n Mr and Mrs. Oranville Hornsby of was an overnight gue>t Sunday at Mrs. Sherman YVibtun U S gra/.. district.' and are re- Bend. Ore , also visited at the Honey 1 the Norland home Fhom* Parma Î1-MI home last week. Sunday. Mr and Mrs. James | celpts from lJt>03 9K8 acres of gra*- Mr- C L. Fruts entertained eight s hetvs and iamll Mr and Mrv ing lanvi S ne of the money being Malheur county received the larg- The Halloween party for the up­ members of her primary Sunday Jo / stept>el1s and ¿amlty Mr and apportioned the : rm of leases school ehws 'With a halloween party Mrs Ge^ Slephen.s and Jfamlly ar.d per grade students and their par­ after scho. 1 Thur-day evening Mr. and Mrs. Art N »0 federal ftpporttan- a ents. the first in the new auditor­ Mrs. Alva Hall was surprised with unt“*s thr'n« h the grazing d. tnct. it was explained, ium. proved to be very successful a birthday dinner Sunday pf last ilv of Owyhee were dinner gue-ts nu'?1" to ° rcson by the Oregon The upper: unic; • . for tne 1863 ar.d will be lC'-ked forward to as one week, when all of her children, but .it the home of Mrs M vrtha Nor-" disbursements secretary of state's office, it was fiscal year of the annual affairs of the year. one. and their families, came bring­ land A large crowd, many in c -;ume, ing their dinner to help enjoy the Mi and Mrs. Conley Wilson and announced last week M.Uheur - ned $5 33» 50 from came to have fun. to be soared and ia”v family were Tuesday evening guests This county received $5 436 46 for mineral lea^e receipts apportioned enjoy the evening. . | Mrs s. Alice Gaun.fe.. of Coquille for a goose dinner in the Jack Wil- the largest single .imount from the for the first half of 1953 A total of Monday evening, at . 30. is the Ore., and Mrs. Edith Tegerstrand of home The occasion being Jaca distribution oi re eipts from rental $3.367 50 was disbursed to six eoun- time -e' for t:.e pothick supper for Portland visited at the Pettit-Bailev '* i i s° n s birthday. j of federal grazing lands a.s provided ties and an t > be used for public th- boys and girls of the grade home Saturday of last week. I Junior choir practice for the local under the Taylor Grazing act. The roads or schools tn the counties school who earned certificates in Pfc Bob Shippey and wife arrived Community church is being held f • boll and volleyball. from Seattle Saturday morning. Pfc each Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Geesey and Shippey is being sent to Alaska and 1 Mrs. Elsie McGregor of Eureka, M. Richards of Denver, Colo ' vislt- Mrs. Shippey will stay with her par- 1 Calif., arrived Sunday for a visit ents. Mr and Mrs. Earl Boston, with her cousin. George Bailey, and while he is gone. j fgmily. She is on her way to Pennsy- Mr and Mrs. Dick Curtis and Ivania to visit her son Vicki Mae of Caldwell visited at the Dale Bobbitt of Boise was Satur- Jack Wilson home Sunday after- day overnight guest of Gene and noon. j Larry Schimmels. Mr. and Mrs Lester Norland re- Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarlin turned Friday evening, from a trip and sons were Sunday dinner guests to L ng Beach, going by the coast of Mr and Mrs. DeLoyd Schimmels highway, and are now at home on in honor of Mr McFarlin's birthday, a ranch near Wilder. Ten ladiew called on Mrs. Alex C. L. FTitts, Thaniel Botner, Duane Wagner Monday afternoon for cof- 3mith, Don Fritts, Jack and Con; fee and to wish her many happy re- Wilson, and Alex Wagner hunted ■ turns of the day. They brought from Thursday to Sunday near Ida- 1 birthday cake to add to the refresh- ho City. They returned with one i mants. Among those present were deer. [ Mesdames Lucille Smith, Luella John Griffin returned home last I Brenneman, Emma Moran, Lorene _______________ | Wilson. Arlene Dick, Lucille Reed, i Thelma Fox. Francis Smalley, Lenna | Mae Lewis, and Helen Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. John W'allace of Hailey, Ida., were week-end guests at the home of his sister. Mrs. Mar­ tha Norland Sunday dinner guests, besides Mr and Mrs. Wallace were Mr and Mrs. Lester Norland of Wil­ der. Dan Norland of Anderson h as G E N E R A L A M E R IC A ta v e d 1 5 % Ranch dam and Mrs Woodrow Wil­ son and children on fire in su ran ce costs fo r o w n e rs of Send Us Your News First Malheur County Gets Top Share Federal Funds Apple Valley PARMA SEED CO. Alfalfa and Clover Seed Euyers CALL NYSSA 088-J1 TO HAVE BUYER SAMPLE AND BID YOUR SEED 0 DEPARTMENTS TO SERVE YOU Toiletries Stationery Greeting Cards Candy Toys Infants' Wear Children's Wear Gift Items Lingerie Hosiery for Men, Women, Children Decorations Towels— Sheets Oilcloth Plastic Goods Hardware Electric Dept. Lamps and Shades Glassware Housewares Thursday, Nov. 6 - 9 a. m. BEN FRANKLIN STORE READY - A BRAND NEW STORE preferred properties? Can YO U m oke Adrian News this sa v in g ? A sk us. Mrs. Pauline McGinnis RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY fv e fc fo a r Car ready to /a«$h a f Let's REMIND You— Cold Days Are Near And Now Is The Time To Winterize Your Car With ph ^ one ANTI-FREEZE $ 3 .7 5 per gallon Andy's "66" Service 518 Main Phone 297 Mrs. Don Hatt and family of Owy­ hee spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. Howard Hatch, while the men went elk hunting. Mr. and Mrs Bill Ashcraft were dinner guests Sunday evening in Homedale with their daughter, Mrs Bob Hamilton and family. Mrs. Anna Sparks and her father, A. C Henderson, -were in Vale on business Saturday. Mrs. Margerite Scott and Donald visited Sunday In Caldwell with Mrs. Plm Case on the way home they visited with Mr. and Mrs. H 1 Sipes of Ridgeview. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cartwright left Monday for their home in Couer d'Alene after a visit with a nephew, j George Cartwright and wife. Mr. | and Mrs. A. C. Henderson spent Saturday night with their daughter, j Mrs. Jim Coon and family in Notus. Mrs. Bernice Carlson and family of Nyssa spent Thursday evening visiting her sister, Mrs. Leonard Smith. Ed Wymer of Parma visited Sun­ day with his daughter, Mrs. How­ ard Hatch. Mrs. Rich Holly entertained sev­ eral ladies at a noon luncheon at her home Wednesday. to make your shopping easier because it's located in your community—handier to shop in because it's a ''Self- Service" Store with all the merchandise right out where you can see it, every item plainly marked — and, best of all, value priced! BEN FRANKLIN IS A VALUE STORE You’ll find hundreds of items to fill your every day needs on display in this new and modern store . . . and you’ll find hundreds of values every time you come to shop! Come in . . . get acquainted . . . and save! SHOP THE WAY YOU LIKE TO SHOP - Full Fashioned Nylons Rubber Edge Dust Pans Here’s your chance to get your hosiery needs at a saving! 3 Pr. See these 51-guage, 15- $ 1 - 0 9 denier sheer nylons. Flattering and perfect Pr. fit. Two shades. 9 to 10^. Just the dust pan you’ve been look­ ing for . . . and at this reasonable price! See these well-made pans with the rubber edge that protects your surfaces from marring. Soft flat-knit cotton with rib knit cuffs and double crotch, 6 for elastic waistband. White, pastels. Sizes 1, 2, 4 and 6. Ea. 15c 10-Quart Dish Pans English Rib Anklets Federal Vogue Enamelware! Wide, round rolled rim, pure white and red trim. Contains titanium which prevents corrosion, re­ In Women’s and Misses’ sizes. Wear the cuff up or down! Made of 66£ )BgM&k¡M3í3t%3& Utility Dinnerware Cup and “PREFERRED” is the Word White semi-porcelain for Saucer Set everyday use. 9 oz. cup 1 j j g f * and 6-in. saucer sets, ' large 9-in. dinner plates. Get a full set of each while they last. 13* 17 ' / / b j LNLRAL'S ''preferred risk” fire insurance plan is as modern as to- 'yvjj morrow. It eliminates costly ''traditional features such as grouping good and bad risks together and basing rates on the result, which means the "good” suffer a penalty because the "bad obtain an advantage. But GENERAL'S ”preferred risk” plan is different. Only good risk properties are accepted— the bad are rejected. Also GEN ERAL helps reduce hre hazards for their policyholders by regular, expert inspection. Naturally, this selective method, plus inspection reduces losses among G EN ER A LS policyholders and effects a substantial saving. Thousands of people have received the benefits and saving of G EN ER A L’S "preferred risk" plan for many years, and have enjoyed the security of insuring with one of the largest, strongest capital stock companies sists acids, won’t pit or stain. 63 ' Children's Panties 88 white mercerized cotton Lustro-ware Styrene plastic with reenforced back. 4 compartments Shatterproof, washable in hot water. Red. Blue. Green, Yellow or Pearl. 55 ' Thirsty towels and matching wash cloths in butter- 20x40 Towels cup, flamingo and aqua with drop terry border stripes. 3 for 9 9 ? 12x12 Cloths 6 (or 4 9 ? 3 pr. in sizes 9 to 11. A real 8 9 £ bargain buy! Save. Pr. 33c Towels — W ash Cloths Cutlery Trays 4 SELFSERVICE We know you'll enjoy browsing through our "super market" variety store, exam­ ining the items in each well-arranged department at your leisure, selecting the items you need. Of course, our department managers will be ready to answer any questions. Use Journal Classified Ads. i,- n& x Women's G ay Hankies Dainty combed lawn hankies, 12',it inches square, colorful floral de­ signs all around the bor­ der. Your choice at an unbelievably low price! 8' Men's Handkerchiefs 5-Pc. Bowl Cover Sets Women's Briefs Keep your left-overs and stored foods fresh, retain flavors. Made of II clear, odorless plastic with Sst elastic binding. 5, 6, 8 and 10 inch diam. sizes. Enjoy comfort and long wear circular knit rayon with all-around elastic, double thickness crotch. White oi pink, Medium and large. Plier-Type C an Opener G ay Aprons Men's Work Sox Here’s a safe, easy, time-saving tool at a low price. It’s constructed for long service, highly nickel-plated steel frame. Convenient opener and cap lifter. Two styles, pretty and practical. Protective in the kitchen and pretty at the table. Good quality plastic in tea or bib style. Choice colors. Slack sox style with elastic top; reenforced heel and toe. They’ll 23 ' 23 ' Generous 17x 16-inch size.* White cotton with V 4 -in. hem-stitched hems. Buy a supply of DoZ. these handkerchiefs while the buying’s good. 9 7 £ Ea. 9c in America. Perhaps your property will qualify for preferred risk W hy not find out today? Call us— there’s no obligation. fire insurance. f-Preferred Risk" does not mean only so-called pre-proof structuret. Any type of well-kept construction may qualify. m RENSTROM INSURANCE ■ AGENCY take a lot of rugged wear because they’re durably knit ot good cotton. 37 ' BEN FRANKLIN 17 ' Locally Owned—Nationally Known 5Pr. 884 112 Main Nyssa