TAGE FTV E THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVFMRER 6. 1S52 Days Gone By in Nyssa Community I'rom the Journal Viles 5 Years Ago Nov. 6. 1947 ceeding E C Crandall, retired.----- B B Lienkaemper is constructing Mr and Mrs. R E. Talbot. Jr., of N> a- first funeral chapel in Wilder, have purchased the Keep- m ortuary on Emison Ave.-----Frank Y-Neat Cleaners plant from Buck T Morgan, general chairm an of the K roeger----- The P T A announced Memorial hospital financial cam ­ paign. announced this week that a net profit of *457 82 for their H al­ Bernard Frost has been appointed loween carnival held Friday even­ chairm an of the general organiza­ ing. tion.----- Thom as Jones of Council, 10 Years Ago Nov. 5, 1941 Ida. has been assigned as Union Unofficial tabulations show th at Pacific ra.lroad agent at Nyssa, suc- G rant R inehart was elected city re­ corder by a slim margin over M F Soloman in the only hotly contested U se race in the city election held Tues­ Gate City Journal day Bernard Frost. George Henne- man, G. M Sallee and R H W hita­ C lassified Ads. ker were elected councilmen.----- Miss Erma Hamlin of LaG rande has pur­ chased R uth's Beauty Nook from Mrs. R uth Bodmer. ----- Bernard Frost, Artie Robertson, Pud Long, Dr. E D Norcott, Charles Newbill and Frank Newbill each killed an elk in the Anthony Lakes area The party tVso killed five deer.----- M ax­ YOU'RE S IJ .. _ ine Shaw and Dale Bingman were married in Payette. Monday.-----Mrs. YOU'RE 5AFE. . . k Wesley Browne was chief supreme YOU’RE SURE! for the annual pheasant feed spon­ sored by the Nyssa post of the American Legion and auxiliary, Thursday night. 15 Years Ago Nov. 4. 1937 Also ZEREX Miss M argaret McNulty, secy, of the Nyssa branch of the First Na­ Perma-Guard tional Bank of Portland, was ap ­ pointed city treasurer by Mayor BERRETT'S G raham and confirmed by the coun­ to replace Lewis W iltshere who Service and Cafe cil ersigned last week.----- Contractor Luther Fife started excavation on FRISTQNE W£ HAVE IT! PUBLIC FARM SALE Go 4*:i miles West of Nyssa on Alberta Avenue and Vz miles South down canal bank, located at old Corbett place Monday, November 10 Sale Starts 1 P. M. TERMS—CASH Lunch Served on Grounds—Proceeds for Polio Fund LIVESTOCK ALL COWS BANGS TESTED 1—Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, milking now. 1—Guernsey cow, 5 yrs. old, milking now. 1—Guernsey cow, 5 yrs. old, milking now. 1—Biindie cow, 4 yrs. old, milking now. 1—Guernsey cow, 3 yrs. old, milking now. 1—Guernsey 1st calf heifer, milking now. 1—Jersey cow, 8 yrs. old, dry now. These cows are all bred, freshening dates and pro­ duction will be given the day of the sale. 1—Purebred yearling Jersey bull. 1—Black yearling heifer, mixed Jersey and Holstein. 1— Holstein heifer from Holstein cow Vera Nc;. . O K it Othe- food rem nants a: >ther hearings, the clinical building f r i Voter LOCAL NEWS relatives visiting Thursday evening Sarazin and Van der Vlught.-----Dt AAA Denounces found along our r and in public and Mrs. I * Newgen left were of Forest G r ve and Mr- Anna 1. A II ,i places." Ray C : . m anager of M Mr onday for M.ulr , Ore to t e Langley, Luray. Kans geon, formerly of Gresham , opened Road Litterbugs the Oregon AAA n 'ia rc d ’ In their son, Bob J. F. Brower, Dave Hooper and offices in the Wilson building the Litterbugs ’ravelc who clu tttr addition, the sent c and deface- first part of the week ----- Eldon the prnwip.il high*.i ami favored ments being see nrea-ingly on Visitor» for two weeks at the home Clifford Fox left Thur day for En­ Jensen is now employed at the public build- of W. D Holcomb were his parent , terprise for elk hunting. national shrines Eder Company's store A p ern rt recreation areas with rubbish and ings are also the of such v ica- Mr and Mrs L E H lc tub. and Visiting at the Tom Kurningham brother and family, Mr and Mr . re-idence were Mr and Mrs Earl to start their basement building * «- tra-h were denoun, ci recently by tioning America:: Elmer Holcomb a: I n Gerald all T rum p of B ut if il, Utah Mr- granted to the Rebekahs this week, officials of the Oreg : State Motor "Their real evi ' in the fact from Troy. Kan> . and \ln and Mi T rum p is Mr Burnir.gham’s sister at their site on Good Ave and Find association in a new ampaign for they are giving a! velers the tin- ’ street. good m anners along :! ,e highways, ei.viable reput.r: being Ameri- ;• Years Ago Nov 10 19;>2 "Today, a thoughts s minority of ca’s ’litterbugs’, Ci vay added Franklin D Roosevelt and the travelers are resptm. ,ble for the Litterm ent efacement o f 1 Democrats swept Malheur county mounting heap c.f p. >.ipers, bottles, public facilitie we protested by with an overwhelming majority the American \ . lobile associa- In the city election, attorney E M arrived in town thi- week, an ob- tion at its recent ;olden jubilee Blodgett was elected mav r of Ny - of great curiosi: ty to the in- meeting, he said. sa and will serve with Howard J ject habitants. ----- Ralph Swoffcrd of "As an AAA a:::!:. :c. the Oregon Larsen. Dr E D. Norcott and Ted Sherm an, T e x a s art. .. ed in Nyssa State M otor j-.-.v.a ion offers its Newell, councilmen-eleet A H Boy- Friday evening to ao ept a position strongest supp>rt all programs doll was elected treasurer — Go'Kl as to promote highway leanliness and ilheur County bookkeeper a t M hay is selling at the low figure of Win Brew: editor of the will advocate all me, sures designed $3 per ton as compared • last year > bank. Journal the past five years is leav- to discourage the :. m ulshing and price of *7.50.----- By betting on ing for a extended on the defacement of our nu ional shrines,” Roosevelt, Rock Shelton won a coast and will be sue \ »cation eeded by Fred Conway announced wheelbarrow ride down Main street L Sheets, a journ; list of ability with W arren McHargue loser ne who dislikes and who has a honi tead on the A misogynist 25 Years Ago Nov. I, 1927 women. Owyhee project. The annual dinner at the C C H unt packing house was held Thur>- ,ai£E atcE ic noon m arking the closing week of a seven weeks’ ru n ----- The bids for the Nyssa s t r e e t light::.g -y tom were opened a t the council room W ednesday evening and the Eder Hardw are bids were accepted, being the lowest. The total cost of th e 1 While You Wait system will be about $2.300.----- A feature of the P. T. A program at ‘Have The Keenest Edge In Town' Owyhee, attracting much attention was the exhibition of nine pair ot twins belonging to the community ----- St. Paul’s guild held their regu­ 2 Mi. E. At Locker Ave. lar meeting with Mrs. Artie Robert ­ son with Mrs. H arlan Diven eo- hostess.— Mr and Mrs Will Schne- m an and Phyllis left on vacation in Yakima. 30 Y’ears Ago Nov. 3, 1922 Nyssa M eat M arket moved from the old stand near the post office Chances are one of your neighbors has— to the Reberger building on M ain street.----- Blaine Gibson is home DRAINAGE — BASEMENT Contacted us for a demonstration! from Seattle where he is coach for the football team of the University of W ashington.----- H arry Cosho was down from Boise this week visiting TANK HOLES home folks. He made the entire trip by canoe which was shipped back by express.----- The community sup­ CRANE SYSTEMS per and bazaar was a grand and I glorious success with the total re- ceipts of the evening being $181.10 T his sum will be used to purchase gymnasium equipment.----- Dr. E A IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Nixon has returned to Nyssa to live and wi'll re-open his dental parlors. ----- C harley Toombs and Miss Dot- Surveys—Free Estimates tie Jam es were married Oct. 27. 35 Years Ago Nov. 9. 1917 New and modern farm homes are )N0MY &• DEPENDABILITY ) U U !I I |JU M J being built near Nyssa by Hub Ward. Fred Woods, Seymour Ross, John M olenaar, H arry T. Francis, John 612 Arcadia Nyssa Phone 444 Forbes, Thoma.srClaggett, M. Smith, Phones 216-R or 293-W Nyssa, Ore. Mr. M cGinnis and a big barn by Wm. McCune.----- A carload of coal \ Have You Tried Th is Tractor?? KNIFE SHARPENING HARTMAN'S EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS F “ «- Clerk: L. H. FfUfa 1 pnmnanv r * ' Ï " AMERICA'S FIRST FAMILY OF FINE CARS A stunning new mood in H ig h w a y F a sh io n ! > .... J Th» brillant new Chryiler New Yorker D e lu ie Newport Here is without question the finest array of motor ears ever pre­ sented to the American motoring public . . . the most beautiful Chryslers of all time . . . creating a glamorous new Highway Fashion for 1953 . . . engineered with all of the perfection for which Chrysler is famous! Here indeed is America’s first family of fine cars, offering all the most-wanted new car features in safety, comfort, and performance. There’s the beautiful Windsor line . .. lowest priced of all Chryslers and a true “family favorite.” There’s the brilliant New Yorker . . . considered by many the most sparkling performer on the road today. And there’s the Imperial . . . custom-built for those who must have the aliaolute best. All in a wide variety of Ixxly models, colors, and interior trim combinations! Yes, there’s something here for everybody . . . and we feel surd there's something wonderful here for you. Why not visit us soon and look these beautiful new cars over . . . you’ll get more than a hint of how wonderful it feels to lie a Chrysler owner! The beautiful 1953 #' _______ Th» fflai»ttic n»w Chryiler Cuitom Imperial 4-door Sedon CHRYSLER the safest car you can drive Waggoner M otor Company Nyssa, Oregon 318 Good Avenue % n _ _ _ B & M Equipment Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe This 40-acr* farm offsrsd ior privst» wla by ownar. Thraa room houaa with porch, in good condition. Excallani concrete cellar with utility room iboTa. Fiva-atanchlon barn, oarage and chicken houaa. Nice family orchard. Price and terms of farm: *8,500. J5.Q0Q down, balance $S00 a year. 6 • interest, Jem Church. ClayS Tachirgl t A NOW ON DISPLAY!... Last iwo belong to Charlie Caldwell. Auctioneers'. Cols. B ert Andefeon. VJ LANKFORD BROS. 2— Guernsey heifer calves. 1—Jersey heifer calf. 1—Jersey bull calf 1—Blackface ewe lamb. 1—Guernsey cow, 7 yrs. old, just dry. 1—Jersey cow l 6 yrs. old. milking now. CHARLEY THOMAS, Owner \ M r Sired by "Carnation Limmere Renown" of the Mal­ heur Dairy Breeders Ass’n. MACHINERY 1—Farmall F 20 tractor with hang-on plow with power take off lilt. In excellent con­ dition. I—McCormick Deering 8 ft. tandem disc. _ 1—John Deere 4 ft. horse-drawn disc. 1—John Deere 4-row beet cultivator, horse- drawn, with attachments. 1—5 ft. McCormick-Deering mower. 1—McCormick-Deering dump rake. 1—Sing1? row McCormick-Deering 6 shovel horse-drawn cultivator. 1—Two-section drag. 1—International fence charger. 1—'34 Ford chassis with 5 good tires & wheels. 1—Lister for making water ditches. GRAIN and HAY 3G0 bushels of oats. 500 bales of alfalfa hay, 2nd and 3rd cutting. 120 bales of straw. MISCELLANEOUS l_ Io v /a electric cream separator, large ca­ pacity, like new. 4 —10-gal. milk cans. 1—Coleman oil heater. 1—Baby Bathinette. 1—Hand garden plow and other articles too numerous to mention._______________ FAR n T f OR SALE WE URGE YO U -TR Y BEFORE YOU BUY. Phone 180