Bulldogs Mest Payette Hère Friday; Game Originally Scheduled Nov. 11 An injury-ridden Ny- a high school football team will meet th e ' scrappy and unpredictable Payette Pirates on the Bulldog field at 2:15 p. m. Friday in a g«.me that can spell Nyssa's fate In the Snake R iv er Valley Class A league. « mummM m MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS Estimates G ladly Given HEATING Phon e 134L2 GEORGE J. KINZER Parm a, Idaho It became necessary to advance the date o f the game, originally scheduled here as the Armistice Day game Nov 11. when the Pirate'.' vis- feat of the Vale Vikings threw the hed'ule into a cocked hat. The Bulldogs will be without the services of their stellar quarterba.k. Dan Lovejoy. who has been the team’s mainstay all season. lo v e jo y received a broken collar bone during the second quarter of the Nyssa-Meridian game at M erid ian last week. H u loss to the team for most o f the game undoubtedly spelled the difference between vic tory and the 13-13 tie the Bulldogs had to settle for. Th e Bulldogs go into their final league game Friday in third place in league standings A win would tie them w.th Vale, at least temporarily for the Vikings meets Ontario on the Tiger field Friday evening. A Vale win would make the V ik POSITION VACANT Steady Work WAREHOUSE FOREMAN Nyssa Residence Apply at Payette Office IDAHO CANNING CO COLOR FILM PROCESSING N o w is the tim e to look up those fa v o rite color slides or black and w h ite negatives and h ave them made into Christmas cards. W e are A u th orized Ansco and K odak C olor finishers o ffe rin g the finest and fastest service in the area. SCHCEN PORTRAITS 114 South 3rd St. V i Block South o f the C ity H all Nyssa, O regon Phone 227-J -¡W ANTED:- YOUR DEAD AND USELESS ANIMALS Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep. Hogs Cash for live horses and cows FREE PROMPT REMOVAL Phone us collect Nyssa 102-W Payette 670 If no answ er call Nam pa 6-4604 D A Y O R N IG H T UU€ GIV€ ¿ y b í. GR€€n 5 T ftm P 5 On All HEATING FU EL Purchased In Any Quantity ings undisputed leagie champions, leaving the Bulldogs m second spot and Payette in third— that is. if N> a win Friday Standing' Team W L 4 Vale 1 4 Payette 1 Ny.'-a 3 1 o Ontario 3 Weiser 3 3 Meridian 1 4 Emmett 0 6 B & E Keglers Widen Lead In Com. League Although a number of switches were made in the standings o f the Women's Commercial Bowling league following Monday night’s play. B fs. E C afe continued to make a run away'race for first place. In taking four games B <A E tops the eight-team league with 28 wins against three losses. Owyhee Beauty replaced Stunz Lumber in second position, with Berrett' Service mak ing the biggest advance— from sixth to fourth place. Th e Farmerettes, a team o f be ginning trawlers, had tar from be ginner's luck in losing four to sink further into the cellar. ileinUi CagP um- Game honors were split between Berrett’s Service and B & E Cafe. Ann Richter of Berrett’s posted 198 for high individual game and 519 for high individual senes High single game went to B & L Cafe with a score of t>50. The same team posted 1874 for high game series. Standings Team Won Lost B A- E Cafe 28 3 Owyhee Beauty 14 18 Stunz Lumber 14 17 Berrett’s 15 17 Brownie’s Cafe 18 14 Hospital 18 14 Bowling Center 21 11 Farmerettes 24 10 Nyssa, Meridian Play to 13-13 Tie Nyssa’s Bulldogs tasted near-de- feat in a Snake River Valley class A conference game last Friday when they were held to a 13-13 tie by Meridian. A fter Meridian made the initial touchdown in the first quarter, on a pass from M cGill to Wilmarth, the Bulldogs made two quickies in the second period to take the lead. Pierce scored the first TD on a 20-yard play through the line Pierce was quarterbacking when he scored, moving into that position when Dan Lovejoy was injured on an end- around play. He sustained a broken left collarbone. Nyssa’s second counter came on R n o sp io v / m 'r» U K i a O 25-yard pass, D Pierce to rT Talbot Pierce made the try for point good. Score. 13-6. Meridian tied it up in the third quarter when W ilm arth smashed through the line for 33 yards It was Meridian’s last game, the team finishing in seventh place with one win. four losses and a tie. Nyssa plays its last league game this Friday against the Payette Pirates on the Bulldog field. Tobler's G ra b s off Men's K eg le r Lead Another tie now exists in the standings of the Men’s Commercial Bowling league as result of last Thursday’s play. Waggoner Motors and Ace Pas time are tied for second spot, at 12 wins and eight losses each, with Tobler's Feed securely lodged in first place, sporting a 15-5 stand ing. Tobler's won three games from Ace Pastime, with whom they had been in a first-place tie for three weeks, who climbed from third by taking three from Nyssa Lumber. Elk Hunters Go To High Hills Several elk hunting parties have left Nyssa during the past week for the high mountains in search of the big game. Reported to the Journal office is I t ’s a Stove a n d F u rn ace fu e l 7T- oil D elivered • to yo u r tank — w h en ord ered or on a re g u la r route basis. DAIRY Buyers & Processors Of Field Seeds Thursday Club Meets Mrs. Claude D ay Phone 0X2- R2 Mrs. Nick Rudellck entertained her Thursday evening Bridge club Members of the A K H extension last week at her home Prizes were won by Mrs. Eddie Powell, high, unit who plan to make wool suits Mrs. Homer Jackson, second and in the tailoring work shop this fall, attended the preliminary meeting in Mrs. Alexander, travelling. Ontario Thursday for all the d iffe r ent unit members. The meeting was Venison D inner to help the ladies get acquainted Mr. and Mrs. Janies Savage en with fabrics and to know what pat tertained with a venison dinner Sat tern best fits the individual Those urday evening week. Among guests members attending from here were were Mr. and M r' Lester Cleaver, ^rs. Frankie Worden Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day, Mr and: Mrs Leota Kreigh, Mrs. Mrs. Eugene Cleaver. Mr and Mrs. Maude Cooper, Mrs. Hazel Schafer, Claude Day and Ken B a tto« of Mrs Dorothy Fox and Mrs. Lois Day. Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R L. Niday of Good ing. Ida . spent the week-end at Election D ay Dinner : the Hid Bassett home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones were Mr and Mrs. Oscar Weeks o f i host and hostess at 7 o'clock dinner Myrtle Creek, O re, spent the week- ‘ Tuesday evening at their home. end at the Lynn Hurst home. Guests were Messrs and Mesdames Mr. and Mrs H L. Day returned Clyde Snider. Monte Fraser, Bill from a two weeks’ vacation Thurs Ru.Hsell, Gene Grasty and Ormond day. They stopped at Madras, Coos Thomas. Bay, Salem, Portland and Grand Coulee, enroute to Montana. W edn esday Bridge Club Miss Wanda Bassett stayed with '■ Mrs B B. Lienkaemper was hos- | the Kreigh children Saturday even tess to her Wednesday bridge club ing. Several of the seventh and eighth I Wednesday evening at her home. Guests were Mrs. E H. Brandt and grade children attended the mas Mr>. Emma Quui'by. Prizes wervt won querade party held in the grade by Mrs. Brandt, first; and Mrs. Ray school gym Saturday evening. Sally Russell, second. Gregg, as a witch, and Fred Jensen, as an old man, won first prize. Shar on Fox. as the cat and her fiddle, H allow een P a rty H eld Th e Young Adult league of the and O ary Smith as the man from Methodist church held a Halloween party for its members and their parents at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Main Wednesday eve ning. The 21 guests played games and refreshments furnished by the members were served. G overnm ent A p p ro ved S torage Warehouse Nyssa, Oregon SSb The Nyssa P.-T.A. and the Nyssa Education. Association cordially invite you to attend an "open house" of the Nyssa schools, Thursday, N jvember 13, 1952, at 8 p. m. TURN ON THE H e a t It takes extra effou *-» hop out of bed on a cold morning— unitss you have a S PA R K oil burning heater to keep your home warm and comfortable! Get a S P A R K now and your home will be warm, regard less of how cold the weather! Your S P A R K dealer is featuring the complete line of these famous heaters— including new, low priced models for smaller homes! Come in for a demonstration! FREE Thursday Club M eets Mrs. Claire Crenshaw entertained j at her home her Thursday bridge club Guests were Mrs. Orant Rine hart and Mrs. Tom Jones. Prize win ners were Mrs. Irene Larson and Mrs. Arthur Boydell. BEAUTIFUL SPARK IUMUM H EATERS RECIPE W CALENDARS A product of ^ 'S P A R K STOVE CO, IN}*, OAKLAND 1, C A U iy fo r ’" T w in Stork Show ers Twin stork showers were given in honor o f Mrs. Clayton Barnes and Mrs. Herb Turner at the Assembly of God parsonage Friday. Mrs. George Geesey was in charge o f en tertainment. 1953 KEN POND R~' Esu«' Insurance 16 NoTth 3rd Phone 218 Nyssa Furniture Co. 9 Good Av» 1 Block W est o f Depot Phone 149-W Selph I’ am ily Honored Mr. and Mrs Paul Selph and fam- ily were honored guests at a fare well party given at the recreational room of the Nazarene church Mon- Bendi* Sale ••• D R YER Reg. Price 239*95 Sale Price 199.^5 WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAM PS Peterson Furniture Co. Your Dependable Fu rniture Store NYSSA — VALE — ONTARIO — PAYETTE 318 So 1st Si. m Í CONCENTRATES THOMPSON OIL CO. Phone II Dessert Seed Co. grass Pillsbuiyfe Best We Never Leave You Without Heat M asquerade P a rty H eld Kingman Kolony Money Bag Balancing your grain, and roughage with Pillsbury’s Best Dairy C on cen trates makes high milk pro du ction m ore e c o nomical. It provide* the important pro teins, minerals and other nutrients that grain and grass lack. T ry it. M r' Earl l.ar-en and daughters. Mrs Larry Dimmick and Mrs Con ley Ward, will hold open house to honor Mrs Lillian Newby on her birthday next Monday The open house will be from 3 to 6 p m. at the home of M r' Newby’s daughter. Mr- Larsen in Newell Heights An invitation i> extended to all of Mrs. Newby's friend' in the community. U n c ia l N u tt's BALANCED RATION fry . Open House M onday home. Mrs. Cecil Flnrea and -on. Dav d of Sumner. O r e , David Hurst and Mr and Mrs H L Day were Sat urday dinner guests at the Claude Day home Mr and Mrs Jim Stephen and son. Delber, of Caldwell were Sun- Nazarene church held a masquer ade party at the Nu Acre Commun ity hall Thursday evening with members of all age groups attend ing Those without masks were pen alized by paving forfeits either in cash or by pe: f irmtng various stunts. Prizes were awarded to costum e; winners, Re\ R >bert Jackson m a \ jolly hobo costume. Mrs, Lena Loe- ber as a pilgrim, Roy W ild dressed as an old maid. Inabelle and Darnell 5th B irth d a y P arty Fisher actir.- .¡' the parson and his Karen Selph cb erved her fifth lady friend. Beckie I.ee Medlock in birthday with a party Oct. 18 at the a ghost outfit, and Carrie Martin as home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. a bulldog. Paul Selph. Our-ts were Ronnie Ditty, K a th y Farmer. Terry Martin, Ronnie Edwards. Janet and Delmer M Y F H allow een P arty Miss Ruth Henman was hostess Peterson and Karen's brother. Phil to a halloween party sponsored by Birthday cake and ice cream re freshments were served after th e , the Methodist Youth Fellowship playing o f gam e' Each guest was held at her home, which was deco rated appropriately in keeping with presented a favor the holiday, Wednesday evening. Halloween games were played and M on day B rid ge Club refreshments were served by the Mrs. Don Soli of Parma was hos hostess to the 25 guests attending tess to the Monday afternoon bridge club Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ted Morgan, high, and Mrs. Mar jorie Mitchell, Parma, low. i f y o u fe e d a ASSOCIATED *( >ne group f 12 t *f whom left \ , . ■ l g the remainder on Thursday night In the party are Dr John Olsen. W arren Farmer. Ed Boydell. Hous ton Wilson. Dale Garrison and his guest. Vorce Porter of Santa Mon ica. Calif . Dr K I Krrby. Du k St. ckham, Charle- Nevbill. Glenn Kenaston and Bernard Frost of Pay ette. Earl Purvis. Dale P. ttgman. K en neth Renstrom and Harley Smith maice up another hunting troop who took o ff for pans unknown last Thursday night and planned to be gone about a week Another bevy f elk hunters is eon'.;>osed o f G e rye and Gordon ' Oxnam of Nyssa and William G Oxnatn o f Ontar The latter two left Nys'a last I ¡day and George Oxnam joined them Monday, to hunt in the Wall, u Lake area un- til the latter pan of the week 1