t THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL- NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER •- 1M2 PAGE TWO THE GATE CITY JOl'RVAI. D IA N E R A L T E R S ............................ Ertiior »nil rubliaher RK HARD II N YOST Advertising Manager |tu»nr R Altera »ad Leo L. Wharton. Oantrs NiWSPAMI P U B L I S HE RS association SUBSCRIPTION K ATES $< oo 1 year »1 75 6 Months I year outside Malheur C and Parma, Ida, rural route - $3 50 .07 Single Copies (Strictly m Advance) tfi < Ü < W Q TJ C < Lloyd Wason. P n ze wjvners we e Mis Duiiford ana M i L A. Mould » « • < > • • 1 O R*V A » * . A SO #0 O K ’ X T h ,« v « » ) A n O’ -E - «oATia Ntar.N«. CAOIt^ K A Mg! i, ou w u 2 ing Mrs Charles Peck o f Boise acted as hostess to her B >ok club at the home o f her daughter Mrs. Lester French o f Roswell. Mrs Stamey Banks of Parma reviewed “ Doctor In Buck-kin“ to the members and guests. Miss Lilli Bridge of Chicago and Mrs Frank Miller of Big Bend and Mr Peck Refreshments were served by the hostess and decora- tic-ns were of Halloween theme. < >—i —i cx, O h < the host club, and Mrs Maurice L Halloween Party Judd, who introduced the guest Susan Stringer was hostess to 17 j speaker. M ri L W Frank-. Stale guests at a jolly halloween party | Federation of Garden club- vno Friday mgnt at the home ol her i I spoke during the morning sess-on paiei.ts. „vir. and Mrs. John String- | Nyssa Women Are On During the afternoon session. Mrs. er. Following a dinner party, con Garden Club Program Franks reported on the national, test games were piayeu * iu i piu.es | 11 a m , morning worship Mrs. Bud Wilson, director. M al meeting of garden clubs held at awarded to Roger Morris, Geraldine Mormaka, Geòrgie Lee Oxnam and 7:30 p. m , evangeli tic service. heur Federated Garden clubs, pre- Biloxi. Miss. Plans were made for a spring flower Dean Sisson. Tn e balance of the j lded over the district meeting of CATHOLIC CHURCH A D R IA N COMM I M T V ( III K< II garden clubs held Oct. 24 at Ontario. j school. Appointed to ac ommittee to evening was enjoyed attending the Park Avenue and Third Street Henry E. Moore, Pastor Other Nyssa women who took a investigate suggested group projects local enea ter. Kembert Ahles, O. P. M, 10 a m., Bible school .imminent part in the meeting were were M E. Bain. Mr Theo Moore, Glenn Halloween Party At Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a m 11 a m., morning worship Mrs. G errit Stam, who gave re- Mrs. George Glenn, Mr 11 a m , junior church. and daily at 8 a. m. pon.se to the welcoming address of High, Mrs. Ray Wilson and Mrs. Episcopal Church 9 a m , Catechism classes Mrs P J Gallagher, president of Judd. 1 Announcement was also made of Approximately 35 ycung people of F IR S T | the state garden club- meeting to the St. Paul's Episcopal cnurch Sun Church of Christ CHURCH OF THF, BRETHREN 3allou, superintendent. be held at McMinnville in June and day school and their guests enjoyed CHRISTIAN Christian Center Mission 11 a m.. morning worship, directed the national meet in San Francisco' a Haiioween party Friday evening Austin J. Hollingsworth Minister East 2nd and'Fhrgocd next April. at the parish hall. The group par 10 a. m., church school Elvin iy minister. 10 a. m., Sunday -chooi. 7 p. m., Christian Youth Fellow ticipated in games and were served ship. „..pi opriate reireshments by hos- ! 2 CW F Groups Meet, o p. m , night devotions with two te -es, Mrs. W illiam 6chireman, Mrs I Work On Projects study groups. Grant Rinehart, Mrs. Ralph Law r Group one of the Christian W o men's Fellowship of the Christian ence and Mrs. Marion Tracy. CHURCH OF CHRIST ❖ — | church met at the home of Mrs. Parma, Idaho John Quigley Oct. 23, with nine Kindergarten Party P L A S T IC MoConnel Ave. members and one guest in attend Members of Mrs. Lloyd Tobler.i O. E. Robinson, Minister ance. A devotional service was led kinuergarten class had a Halloween 10 a. m.. Bible study. by the hostess party r riday morning at i&e Tobler 11 a m., morning worship. 'Human Rights” was the subject home. Th e children made, masks 8 p m., Sunday evening service. of the study hour, directed by Mi s. a..a participated in gamm. Wednesday, 8 p. m., Bible study. Ruth Pruyn and assisted by Mrs. v — *;• * Oaly Lit. Ft. Dorothy Bibbi v The remainder of j Fourth Birthday Event (3Ò In c h # » Wide) the afternoon was spent making I ASSEMBLY OF GOD Lila Lee Yost celebrated her four- i quilt blocks. R 'fre.shments were ser Frank C Coley, Pastor Crystal Clear-Flexible -Sfcattarprsaf- Loaf Lost inf til birthday at a party last Wednes ved by the hostess. South 2nd and Reece Ave. Group two met at the home of day afternoon at the home of her 10 a. m., Sunday school. Mrs. Emerson Bin ■ inian with nine parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Yost, % irw > r i a T i ^ n f i f 11 a. m , morning worship. members and two guests present. Guests were Craig Grasty, Christine 8 p. in., evangelistic service. i t “ ~ ì Mrs. Elsie Dewey led the group in and Becky Parks, Karen and K ent Tues., 8 p. m., prayer service. Statai User s sad I s t i P o e try t t s l M l i waits Chair C m n , a devotional service. The study hour } Main ana the honor guest’s sister, Fri., 8 p. m., young people. Windows Porch am é Áaf »aasa hotiisd i t e m , tar me« I Bag*, topic was “ Human Rights,” under Joanne. « A a « « ws la d o s a rs s ila h i, ta b i«». •r Cartai*« Games were played and appropri- , the direction of Mrs Dan Pennie THE CHURCH OF THE ate refreshments were served In- H o l d s I n H i a t - K ik ps O u t C o l o - C h i a r i r assisted by Mis. R (> , Brockman. NAZAKENE A review on a story entitled, "The eluding a birthday cuke with four Robert Jackson, Pastor C ut W ith S m a r s A T ack O n - E asy T o S cal O r Stw C Sun Came Out," was given by Mrs. candles. 10 a. m., Sunday school. Brockman. This group worked on 11 p. m., morning worship. 7 p m., N Y P S. und Junior meet its project o f sewing children's gar- | Mr. and Mrs. Club merits, which are to be sent to the Entertained A t Parma Phone 364 ings. 617 Good Ava. W hite Swan Indian mission at Ya k i 7:45 p. m.. evangelistic service. The Mr. and Mrs. bridge club was ma. Refreshments were served by the entertained las-t Wednesday evening , hostess. CO M M UN ITY METHODIST at tiie home of Dr. and Mrs. Don j CHURCH Soli of Parma. First Lt. and Mrs Pinochle Club Meets Dr. II. G. McCallister, Minister Clayton Morgan o f Tacoma were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler were guests. Prizes were won by Mr and 9:45 a. m., church school. host and hostess to their pinochle Mr- Ted Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. 11 a. m., morning worship. club Saturday evening at their Dick Tensen. 7 p. in , Youth Fellowship. home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guthrie _.j. were guest players. L. D. S. 2nd WARD Mr. and Mrs Leonard Newgen Mrs. Farmer Entertains I>. Hubert Christensen, Bishop Mrs. Warren Farmer entertained and Mr. and Mr Guthrie were prize 9 15 a in , priesthood meeting. her Thursday afternoon club at her winners. 10:30 a. m., Sunday school. home Guests were Mrs. Grant Lew 8 p m., sacrament meeting. is, Mrs. Ken Danford axid Mrs. Tuesday. 2 p. m , relief society. Hostess At Dinner Wednesday, 4 p. in., primary; 3 Miss Eva Boydell entertained with Use the Journal Classified Ad*. p. in., M I.A. dinner Sunday afternoon fo r Dr. J. J. Sarazin, Mr. and Mrs. N o rb ert, FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sara/in and Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. ! Adrian, Oregon Dick Ten-en and Barbara. 10 a. m , church school. 11 a. m , morning worship. Friday Night Party Billy and Leon Tobler were hosts i Optometrist MISSIONARY BAPTIST C H U M II at a masquerade party Halloween Elder llaskell Dane, Pastor night at the Evan Tobler home | 10 a in., Sunday school. Eyes Examined Seventeen guests were present. Th e 11a. m., morning worship. prize for the best costume was pre- i 8 p. m., evening worship. sented to D. L. F ife and for the j Phone 9-2312 Wednesday, 8 p in., prayer service. funniest costume to Mary Ellen 718 Arthur St. Merrick. L. II S. 1st W ARD The group enjoyed a iweiner and j Gordon Ray, Bishop Caldwell, Idaho marshmallow roas't and played H al Cornar 6th 6c Good Phone 17 9:15 a. m., priesthood meeting. loween games Favors were present 10:30 a. m , Sunday school. ed to each guest. 7 30 p. m., sacrament meeting Tuesday, 2 p m , relief society. Wednesday, 4 p n t. primary; 7:30 p. m . M , I. A. Published every Thursday Entered at the postoiflce through the UnlteJ States the act » t Nyssa. Malheur Count at Nyssa. Oregon for tran mission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3. 187# b u ria l N n tcs CHURCH NOTES We Hove The TRA N SPA REN T F For lex O'G lass Windows of All Kinds 26< & Hundreds of Other Uses! ♦ — + Book Club Entertained Vi '■F 11 ? ¿a Get Ready For Winter Have Your Tires Re-capped Snowcaps- Traction Treads OK RUBBER WELDERS 14 South 6th Phone 5-M C. E. Leseberg Has A Late Model D-8 Cal and 17-yd Scraper Available Now For Land Leveling - Sub-soiling CONTACT GLENN H O FFM AN Phone 067-R1 NYSSA LUMBER CO. We Will Gladly Do Your COME IN- And See The CUT-AWAY MODEL "B " JOHN DEERE TRACTOR DR. C.W. CRAVES Custom Dressing of Poultry at 3 0 £ each Gem Produce Co. On Our Floor Until SATURDAY. NOV. 15 0 HOLLINGSWORTHS', Inc. 605 Main Phone 142 DANCE BEST BUY — OF THE W EEK ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH C. T. Crensliaw, Rector 9 45 a in.. Sunday school. 11 a m., worship services. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Street and Park Avenue John I,. Rriehl, Pastor 10 a in.. Sunday school. 11a. m , divine worship. You are cordially invited to wor- ship with us. At THE BARN Every Saturday Night Parma, Ida. mi. Ea. on Highway 20 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE FORDOR Radio - Heater - Seat Covers, Here’s A Tip On Gasoline Quality Super Tires, Outside Visor And because Chevron Supreme does have these 8 essential qualities, it’s better balanced and thus more dependable un der any conditions, anywhere in the West. Give us a call today. W e’ll see that your bulk tanks are filled promptly. Judge for yourself what a d ifferen ce Chevron Supreme Gasoline makes in your driving. Looks Like a New Car 0NDER-T0NES WONDER- TONES Th« Easiest Some gasolines are refined to stress one or two specisl features , at the expense of others No gasoline gives you ell-around performance unless it has 8 important qualities 8 that make Chevron Supreme: • Full |Mmer • Economy mileage • Anti knock s (Jun k starting s Fast warm up » Smooth acceleration s \ .ipor lock prevention a Area blending ONLY 11475.00 Wt* Also Have Several Other Good Late Model Used Cars HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Home of Quality Transportation SI« Main Thona 77 [CHCVRON SUPREME QASOUHt Paint in th« World to U m I Ea tie tt »• Apply! Yes — pick op your gallon of WONDER-TONFS and your roller coater set TODAY. Then have the "new ' room you've been wanting. Wonder-Tones make painting a pleas ant and easy task. One coat covers most surfaces — dries in 20 minutes! No painty smell — easy to clean up and best of oil it withstands repeated washings — provides a dur able colorful finish on any wall or woodwork. Y«*--g«t Wond«r-Ton«s TODAY! Easie st to Mix! (26 possible sh ad es! A ituudqrj Oil (»mpo-, #1 (tJÜMRis Vrvdetl E a s ie st to C le o n ! Oishibwtad by Co st of Average Room only W M . E. SCHIREMAN $5.19 Nyssa. Oregon 71»« Wonderful Rubber Base Paint Phons 61-W C. F. MINK, Mgr. P h o n s 1$ Nyssa Oragon