Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1952)
THE NYSSA GATE C lIY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER I. 1952 ,<VSSA THEATRE TELEPH O NE 1M FR ID A Y-SA TU R D A Y NOVEMBER 7-8 "ROLL O N TEXAS MOON" with ROV ROGERS DALE EVANS Also "STAND UP AND SIN G " A Musical Comedy SU ND AY-M O ND AY NOVEMBER 9-10 "A N Y T H IN G CAN HAPPEN" with JOSE FERRER KIM HUNTER KASZNAR and EUGENIE LEONTOVICH A happy story of people you will all like who c o m t to this country and find America their promised land. TUESDAY-W EDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11-12 "THE ROSE BOWL STORY" In Cinecolor with MARSHALL THOMPSON VERA MILES RICHARD KOHKR NATALIE WOOD A Jolting .story of football's im mortals, playing their hearts out in 'the nation's greatest gridiron classic. TH U RSD AY FRID AY NOVEMBER 13-14 "LURE OF THE WILDERNESS" In Technicolor with JEAN PETERS JEFFERY HUNTER CONSTANCE SMITH WALTER BRENNAN They lived and loved as they might have a million years a)^ in the lost world of the Ofcefeno- kee swamps In Georgia. SATU RD AY, NOV. 15 "JESSIE JAMES" In Technicolor with IIENRY FONDA RANDOLPH SCOTT NANCY KELLY A re-lcasr SUND AY-M O ND AY NOVEMBER 16-17 "SCARLET AN G E L" Thespian trftupe 938 of Ny: a • Continued from P a y 1 high school held an initiation cere- VtoCourt iR t receiv I 3 973 Ma m ny and busu.c meeting Monday evening. Don Bower-, president, as- hour votes and Robert Y The <D> polled 3.131 Luti • -isted by the ib 1 M: J '• showed Thornton had v Brumbach, initiated four under-tud- ies. Darlene Bateman. June Peter post with 205.53« aga..* ' M <’ 196.387 vote. son, Ona Pounds and Darryl W ill iam-, into full member-h:p during Mrasurrs m m * candlelight ceremoriie- On nine referendum ai ■ in.t According to Mr». Brumbach, the measures attracting the ni" t club has a full schedule of activities ted tron ivere, Malheur • ui. . planned for the fall -erne-ter. The with the state on even <|. • i.ov members are working on a play. d.ffored on two. Vote. ll. Tu ■ "Little Prison," which is to be pre- ty rejected 4.3a6 [.»2 331 * ret / ented in the near future dum measure to api» m: 'i ■ ' tare i f school superintendent, v cd 4.217 it ■ st in favor and 2.K01 again t : he motor 1 T W T Ho A ß carrier highway tran-pi r . tion act: 1 1 school district reorganize on. 3,931 / S 1 / 1 / ;* ■ no and 2,542 yes; abolish day’ ght M M Æ tô f Schedules for motor operators’ ex saving time, 4,645 yes and 2,108 no; / aminations have been corrected to prohibit pari-mutuel betting, 3,901 Ersel W. Heus conform with previous visits yes and 2,977 no; n* w tax method for highway users, 4,963 ye and of examiners in Ny.s.-a, it was re 1,689 no; milk product;' n and m.u- vealed in an announcement from the ke.iiig. 5,404 no and 1 636 ye Vote.- Secretary of State's office last week. on all the above mea-ures followed An examiner will be in Nyssa. Fri the statewide trend Ersel West Beus, son of Mr. and day, Nov. 7, from 9 a m to 2 p.m. Voters in this county differed with \lr Ersel H Beus, 117 North Sixth and will be stationed at the city hall the rest of the state in their vote -treet, Ny-ssa, recently received a to give driving tests and issue li on liquor by the drink, casting; 4,647 all to fill a mission for the Church censes or permit the announce- votes against the initiative and 2,431 t Je-us Christ of La terday Saints'! ment states In favor of it. Th ey also eppo ed the Vtw England stata. headquarters j The visits here are usually on al reapportionimer.t initiative 3 566 t< it Cambridge, Mass. ternate Friday-, but errors in the 2,260 while the measure had appar Beus was graduated from Nyssa announcements from Salem inaccur ently passed, according to incom plete returns from the state early ugh school, and has served the past | ately listed the days of the week and ; wo years in the military service. He th»s morning. dates for Tuesday for the last t.vo v.i- stationed at Moody air force ■>i-p. Georgia, and at Victorville, visits here. Calif. He will enter the mission home at Salt Lake City Nov. 10 for two weeks of schooling prior to departing for W ith a charter membership of 20 his field o f labor. Program of Nyssa Toastmasters the newest automobile club of the club, which meets Friday, 7 p. in., Snake River Valley wa; organized at Brownie’s cafe, as announced by recently in Nyssa, under the name Emil Stunz, program chairman, in of “Choppers." Red and white were clude.- Ken R en-.rom, B b Thomp chosen a . s the club’s colors. New officers of the Adrian chup- son and Gus Liming as five minute The organization meetii.-.t .v.i er of tlie Future Homemakers of .speakers. held at OauTs Doll Hou e cafe with They will be introduced by Henry Denny Bartron presidii;, and later America are Bonita Langois, presi Hartley, toastmaster. Their efforts dent; Fern Price, vice-president; being elected permanent pi ■ lent will be commented on by C liff Mmk, Fellow-ofificers include Gary Bunn Bernadine Price, secretary; Mary El speech evaluator, and mi takes in vice president; Delvin Mace, secre len Williams, treasurer; Marcy Mc- arammer will be pointed out by Art tary, and Elwyn Harold .en, trea - Kinely, hi-itorian; Lorraine Van De- Walz. uirer. Water, song leader, and Doris Cook, Nyssa Toastmasters club com pleted Sunday evening its first out Plans were made at the meet ill -1 recording secretary. to erect a club house behind Dority' The new officers were elected at side project in conducting a public welding shop. Also discur ed w<. i the first fall meeting of the Adrian forum at the Methodist church for the purpose of explaining initia plans for a Thanksgiving turkey FHA chapter, September 29. At the tive and referendum measures that raffle soon. ame time delegates were chosen to appeared on the general eleotio 1 T lie club has dedicated itself ti safety and a worthwhile pastime ol attend the Milton-Freewater con ballot. vention, and are Mary Ellen W il working on and building good r.u liams, Fern Price, Bonita Langois, NYSSA REBEKAIIS ATTEND Marcy McKinley and Bernadine PAYETTE MEETING THURS. Several members o f the Nyssa Price. Rebekah lodge were visitors at a Payette veteran- supper and cere mony last Thursday night. Therp Know how cold it's been lately? were 18 veterans in honor chairs and P len ty! Mrs. Garold Horn had the honor ol Since Oct. 30 there has been but D r James L. Martin, professor of pinning a 30-year jewel pin on her one day with a temperature that ha registered above the 50 and that philosphy at the College of Idaho, mother. Mrs. Homer Garrett, during was that same date when the mer w.i guest speaker before the Metho the ceremony. cury reached 62 degrees dist Women’s society recently, Lowest thermometer reading w.i- in which he highlighted his visit to POST OFFICE EXAMINATIONS a 51 Sunday. Average daytime tem- Europe last summer including the EXTENDED TO NOV. 19 pertaure for the past week was 54 3 World Council of Churches in Swe An extension of time to Nov. 19 degrees. den. has been announced by the Nyssa Coldest night was Tuesday night, Men of the church were guests for post office for an examination for with a drop >u 19 degrees. Average the meetut* and the social hour that the position of substitute clerk and night temperature for the week was substitute city carrier at $ 1.621M an 24 6 followed. hour. Temperature Readings October 28 the WSCS held a Applicants must actually reside High Low -penal service ob-erving the Week within the delivery of the Nyssa Oct 30 62 34 of Prayer and self-denial at the post office or be bona fide patrons Oct. 31 57 31 home of Mrs James L. Stephens. of that office. Nov 1 54 27 Further information may be se 2 Nov. 51 20 emed from the local post office, or COMING EVENTS Nov 3 50 20 by addressing the Director, 11th Nov. 4 54 19 U S. Civil Service Region, 302 Fede Nov 7-8 Mary and Martha circle Nov. 5 52 21 of W.SC.S. will hold a rummage sale ral O ffice Bldg., Seattle 4, Wash. on the corner of 5th and Main be SRV GIRLS' LEAGUE tween 10 and 5 o'clock OFFICERS ELECTED Nov, 16 St Paul’s Episcopal guild will meet at the home of Mrs. „G irl-’ league conference o f the The rural fire department W.I W E Schireman at 8 o'clock, Snake river valley was held at the colled to the M andi H Bishop _ farm ‘m I Nov 12 Merry Matron club to new Ontario high school gymnasium six miles southwest of Ny a Sunday P meet at home of Mary Smiley for O l 29 Delegates representing Nys night at 11:45, after fire brok out | regular meeting sa were June Peterson, Lorraine in used lumber near a haysack Nov 13 Mary and Martha circle Fischer, Kristin Rinehart and Elsa Ralph Lawrence reported that the of W.SC.S. at 2 p. ni. with Mrs. Sanders. fire was believed to have been start Hurry Miner C W.F. of Christian Election o f officers to lead for the ed by an electric fence surrounding i cliur h will have 1 p. m covered coming year was held during the tlie haystack None of the hay dish luncheon followed by business afternoon session. June Peterson damaged, but a few wooden panel- meeting and program. was selected president, with Louella where the fire originated were de Nov 14 Brownie scout fly-up and Prescott, Vale, as vice president. stroyed. Lawrence said, inve.-tore ceremony at Little Then- i Other officers are Kristin Rinehart, hors Ivad the fire under control by ter, high school. 7:30 p. m Open | secretary, and Bernadine Price. Ad tlie time the department arrived, it to the public. rian, treasurer. The next meeting was reported will be held in Nyssa. Driver Examiner In Nyssa Nov. 7 Beus Jr. Accepts LDS Mission In East Automobile Club Organized H e re Mercury Drops to 19 For New Fall Low NOVEMBER 18-19 l o o L a t e To C l a s s i f y "HIGH N O O N " with GARY COOPER THOMAS MITCHELL LLOYD BRIDGES K \TY Jl'RADO Crowded with action, adventure and pulse pounding thrills The loves and hates of a lifetime in a truly great western. TH U R SD AY-FR ID AY NOVEMBER 20-21 "WHERE'S CHARLEY" In Technicolor with RAY HOLGEK ALLYN Mel.ERIE ROBERT SHACKLETON MARY GERMAINE A famous comedy comes to the screen with still more laughs .. It s a scream as Rav Boiger» up as a woman C. of I. Professor Tells Of Visit to Europe Fire Threatens Hay At Bishop Ranch TUESDAY-W EDNESDAY A gay tale of love and adventure in gaudy New Orleans and ex citing San Francisco. Toastmasters Meets At Brownie's Cafe Adrian FHA Has New Set Officers DEATH ( ALLS MRS. DANI.EY Word has been received b\ friends here of the death of Mrs. Earl Dan- ley oi Fraint, C a l i f . who died there Oct 17 o f a heart attack Mr and Mrs Danl< v were former residents of Nyssa a- they lived here seven to eight years several years ago. Mr Danley was a government inspector connected with the con struction o f tile Owyhee dam pro ject. Prior to moving to Fraint, he also worked on the Anderson dam project In Technicolor with YVONNE DeCARLO ROCK HUDSON RICHARD DENNING WHITFIELD CONNOR Thespians Increased By Four Members Record Turnout In 34 Precincts m i t RENT 016-R2 Nam pa Quartet at Church of Nazarene The King's Men. a special quartet featured every Sunday on the Haven of Prayer radio program broadcast by the Nampa First Church of the Nazarene. will vi-it the Nyssa Church of the Nazarene Sunday, the Rev, Robert Jackson, pastor o f the local church announced The morning service will be large ly a singing service with the King's Men presenting several songs it both the Sunday school and morn ing worship service ro< m cottage, phone <-%HD OF T il W H S W e wish to express our sincere POH RENT Furnished «.parimene appreciation to our friends and Jerry LaCelle 112 Park. -43-It neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown us during our re W A N TE D Will take care o f chil- cent bereavement •Iren ;n my home, < r do ironing Family of Mary A. Jamison. CÍ11 317-J . -43-It NOTICE D. L. Olsen, Parma, Ida., has purchased the custom hay chopping equipment formerly owned by Glenn I. Short, and is well qualified to handle your hay chopping needs. PHONE PARM A 214 L \D R !\\ STUDENT AT BOISE CONFERENCE Miss Bernice Chaney of Adrian was one of the College of Idaho students taking part In a two-day conference of the Northwest asso ciation of International Relations clubs in Boise last Friday and Sat I urday She is a member o f the C. of I club which participated along with colleges and universities in Ida ho. Oregon, Washington and Brit- 1 i i C. o f 1 students attended the conferetise. LONGS I I W E FOR WIN TER Dr and Mrs. J. E. Long left early Monday morning for Tucker City. Ore , where they have taken a beach cottage for the winter. They will re turn to their Nyssa home in April. Mr and Mr.- Richard T N. Yost, of Tacoma, Wash . have taken the Long home for the winter. \TTEND CHRISTENING OE TW IN GRANDSONS Mr and Mr* David Beers recently returned from a week's trip to Van couver, Wa»h., where they visited their on-in-taw and daughter. Mi ami Mr- Merrill Firestone, and their twin grandsons W hile in Van couver. Mr and Mrs Beers attended the christening of their grand children and attended the wedding of Mr Fir «-Cone's .-ister Mrs Firestone i- the former Doris Beers of N y -a MY I 4TTEVDS KALI.4 III LD IN 4 MM I T T Fifteen members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship attended the zone rally held in Emmett Sunday Ned Snider, pm-ident of the local or ganization, and Robert Hartley were of the committee which super vised the recreational hour The group arornipan.ed bv Mr and M;* S effti. tvunit is Sunday dinner gue-t at ue Frank Biers Itome R eia Rc»k tool and Lila H> jlmes visited over the week-end with M: B<k» Rook-tool of H »medale Mr and Mr- John Bowen and Billy of Vale visited at. the Frank Byer-, home Sunday afternoon Alfred Adams Is remodeling his house He is enlarging the kitchen. Mr and Mrs. Elton Jennings and •hUdren were visitors Friday even ing at the W. P Hendricks home Sister Passes on Visit to Nyssa Mi and Mrs P a t Patterson re in ■ ; 1. me last Wednesday night from Lancaster. Calif . where they attended funeral services Oct 24 Mr Patterson - sistw. Mi C lam e Evans Mr Evans died Oct. 20 at the Malheur Memorial ho.-pttal ui Nys.-a following a brief illness. She had >een v. siting at the Patterson home in <■ the forepart of August. Lienkaempers of Nyssa had charge f preliminary arrangements. G IR L BORN TO W AH LE RTS Mr and Mrs. W illiam Wahlert. 530 No. Second street, are the proud parents o f a daughter. Mary Lee. oorn to them at 11.30 p. m . Thurs- lay. Oct. 16. at Malheur Memorial hospital. Th e child misled by a haif ...-ur being a bis-thday present for .ts father. C. of C. Nominating Committee Is Named ¡ Jersey Cows Get High Records Tw o registered Jersey cows in the 1 herd owned by FYed Burgess, route 2, Vale, have received special recog ' nition for their outstanding produc tion records made on herd improve ment registry test. Victory Sybil La Bell Garnet pro duced 9,785 lbs. milk containing 568 lbs. butterfat, and Royal Queen S H M Maid produced 10.663 lbs. milk containing 557 lbs. butterfat. j in terms of production records mace ’ ------------------------------ ! Bernard Eastman was named Wednesday noon by Elmer Cruson. pre-idem, Ny*»a Chamber of Com- merce, to head a nominating com- mittee for the selecting o f a new panel of officers. Other comm ittee members are Emil Stunz, the Rev. John Bnehl, Leonard Hewitt and Cruson. To be named to the officer slave , are a president, vice president, sec- j re:ary-treasurer and three directors The past president automatically bi come a member o f the seven-man ! beard of directors. The nominating committee will j report next Wednesday. at a mature age of 6 years on a twue-daily milking 305-day fc.i . , the»« record- exceed 550 lb butte.-- fat, the level of pr iduction on H IR te-t required ter ,-pecial recognition from the Jersey breed registry o r ganization. The official tests were made un der the supervision of the Oregon State Colltge for the American Jer sey Cattle club, Columbus. Ohio. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell and Gloria of New Plymouth were Sunday afternoon callers at the Alva Goodell home. Mrs. Mitchell is a niece of Mr Goodeil. Mr and Mre. R E Capper had as their guests the first of the week. Mr and Mr- Charlie Klingm an of Gertng. Nebr. Mr. K '. 'man is sec retary o f the Goer ig and Ft. Lara mie Irrigation D i-u nct. Mr. Capper and Mr. Klingman are firs-t cousins. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. W illey of Portland returned heme Tuesday after spending a week with the Rev. and Mrs. H E Moore. y|j NEEDLESS rlOSS- Fifty Million people in the U. S. move each year and many are lost to the local churches. Attend Along The church of choice and find the ^our Oregon Trail the w e 1 co m e warm that awaits you among your Mrs. Frank Byera Phone 076-K1 friends. A potluck luncheon was enjoyed last Wednesday by members of the Merry Matrons club at the home of Alberta Bowen at Vale, Thirteen members and one guest, Bernice Cleaver, were present. Th e lunch eon trays were decorated with hal- loween favors and napkins. Follow ing the business meeting games were played with Alberta Bowen, Bettilu Carlson, Bonnie Holmes and Betty Bowen receiving prizes. The next meeting will be Nov. 12 at the home o f M ary Smiley. Bob Holmes went elk hunting over the week-end. Mr and Mrs. F. G. Holmes were N ON a t S l OC NT M£M6ia.S A.s an appreciation of the value of the “ Attend Church Somewhere” cam paign this space is contributed by B. B. LIENKAEMPER At ÏNGS BOYS' LADIES' LADIES' FULL FASHIONED Winter Weight SHOES NYLO N HOSE Hi-heel Dress Sandals Black First Quality Winter Shades Short Sleeve Ankle Length Reg. $9.95 and S10.95 Regular SI.29 s y .9 9 5 9 <: pr. Sizes 2 Pair for $1.25 A ll sizes—A ll widths SLEEP - - - IT'S WONDERFUL WINTER AU TO M ATIC BLANKET Fouf exciting new colors to choose from— in three sizes and styles. No more cold nights with an all auto matic electric blanket. TAFFETA and JACKETS Come in Today — Easy to Pay MEN'S BLAZER STRIPE For Sewing SPORT A ll New Colors Irridescent SOCKS 5 9 £ to $ J .9 8 Sizes 10 to 13 Pair Patterns by "Sim plicity” COATS Various styles and colors to choose from in a price range to fit your needs. Fashioned by CAM PUS— Fox Knapp united Sheeplined. $54.95 to $69.95 PLAIN and PLAID 98 £ 2-12 MEN'S and BOYS' With a New G. E. Priced U N IO N SUITS MEN'S LARGE WHITE Handkerchiefs 7 2 0 C Pair Each Limit of 10 SANTA'S BEEN HERE! come on down and see the hundreds and hundreds of wonder ful toys and other gifts he’s left at EVERYBODY'S. Remember our wonderful convenient lay-away plan. Order these money saving bargains today. You’ve until Christmas to pay. Don’t miss out! EVERYBODY SAVES AT SOFT ABSORBENT FLANNELETTE « DIAPERS 21-in x27-in. SJ.99 W e Give "S <£ H" Green Stamps On* Dosen Open "Til 9 P. M. Every Saturday NYSSA OREGON /