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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1952)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1952 Bulldogs Tame Snarling Wolverines 13-7; Tied for 2nd Spot in SRV League Standing* in the Snake River Val ley cla-s A conference changed with dramatic suddenness last Friday night a- re-ults of Nyssa high school's thrilling wm over Weiser. 12-7, and Vale's .-urprising oen-point defeat at the hands of an und*rdog Payette team, which won 13-12 on a last minute touchdown pass, Kin- brew to Arnold. Turmoil was rife among the league Officials Voice High Praise for Bulldog Team statisticians following the double wm when it became apparent a Jug gling of the schedule is necessary in the event of a tie for the title This is a very real poss-bihty—-and the most 1-kely team to tie up the league is the Bulldogs. Vale still leads the SRV league with four wnas and one loss, while Nysst and Payette are now tied for second place, with three wins and one kiss eaoh Weiser has three wins against two losses. B v B ill M o m e o n Bulldog Feature Writer After the Vale-Nyssa game I was In Coaoh Lovejoy's office and I over heard the offieiaU talking about the game They readily agreed among them selves that the Vale-Nyssa gume was by far the hardest fought and clean est game that they had officiated all yew Also they stated that the Nyssa boys were tackling harder than any high school team they had ever worked with. Although we were on the slxrt end of the score, the boys showed Vale a fightmg spirit that is to be praised in any team, 1st Half Scoreless Elect REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Mad Dog Attacks Tobler's Backs Into Pheasant Hunter Top Spot; “ Kids'" Newell Heigh: Or.e hunting ac cident in this area had nothing to Turn Back Ace 4-0 do with a misfired gun or a weapon the hunter "didn't know was load ed." but came a the result of a mud dog Durlin Hamnion offered a badly lacerated hand while hunting with friends in this area, when one hunt ing dog reportedly went mad" and attacked him Two men in the hunt ing party succeeded in putting the dog in a trailer foil vmg the attack Several stitches were required to close the wound- in Hammon's bad ly torn hand. Tobler's Feed literally backed into the lead of the Ny .1 Men's Com mercial Bowling league last Thurs day when the kid of the Bowling Center handed A <■ Pastime a 4-0 walloping, while T bier's was losing 3-1 to Waggoner Motors. Previous to last week's puay Tob ler's and Ace were tied for top spot with 11 wins and one loss each Latest standings place Tobler's at 12 wins and four 1« -<•> and Ace in second place with 11 wins and five losses. In dr» pping three games Tobler's took all Che honors except high team series, taken by Ace with 2222 pins. Tobler's high single game was 801, with George Vaughn, substitute bowler for Tobler' posting 247 for high individual game and 656 for high individual series Standings Team Won Lost 4 Tobler’s Feed 12 5 Ace Pastime 11 7 Waggoner Motors 9 104 Team No. 1 5 >4 104 Nyssa Lbr. Co 54 Bowling Center 11 5 TA GE THREE leaving Tuesday *,• ln:« v Reffett of John Day also pen the week-end at tlie home if h pa -nt M A P | was an overnight gm t Saturday at the home of his brother. Lyman Pomeroy Mrs. L W Pomeroy ar rived home the first of this week after visiting m California Mrs. Harold Parks and son of Twin Falls. Idaho, arrived Sunday »o visit at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs M A Rataezyk Mrs Amelia Fyllingnes ha- re ceived word of the birth of a new granddaughter Sandra Lee was born Oct. 10, at Moses Lake ti Mr and Mrs H Crutchfield, wh >e home is .t * it n 4 n day aftern >n by Mr James Chadd ' <• lldren Brice age two year-, and Linda, Guests in cluded Caroline and Buddy Dide- ri *k en. Shervl. H.i: : a and Joyce Cleaver, Joel Pr.ce Diana Pendarvis, Diane and Sharon Reffett, and Perry Charland. Ice cream and cake was served Mrs. Ed Ste.ntr flew from her home in Hurrah Wa h , Monday and visited at the Chadd home Wednes day Mr- Agnts Chadd ! -ft for Hur rah with her daughter, Mrs. Steiner, for an extended The Bulldogs and Weiser W ol verines battled pretty much on even terms during the first half of their game played on the Bulldog field, neither team being able to muster up scoring strength. From Nyssa Nyssa worked the pigskin to Its EASTBOUND two-yard line early in the first quar- l aw of the Broken Helmet *19:15 A M. 12:10 P M . 9:00 I’ M. 4:15 AM. During the game our Bulldog ! ter after recovering a Wolverine fumble, only to lose it on downs. quarterback, D«an Lovejoy, and Stunz Lumber Jumped from fourth WESTBOUND The f. n period ended on the Bull Vale's Fulwyler met rather roughly to second place in the Women's 1:50 P.M. •6:35 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 5:50 A M. dog 10. in the last half of the game When com m ercial Bowling league stand- %Loc*l to Boise— llaily except Sundays and National Holidays •Local to Weiser—Daily except Sundays and National Holidays in the second quarter the W ol- both boys picked themselves up from ¡ngs this week by making a clean vermes themselves lost the ball on ground. Dan's hehnet was split sweep of four game to post 18 wins Mrs. Marie Thomas. Agent downs on their two-yard line to in the middle The question in most against 10 losses. . 220 Main St. Phone 217 come the closest to a score in that minds is what happened to Fulwy B it E Cafe tightened its hold on ler? period. first place by sweeping its four-game Although the Bulldogs ware beaten series to post 24 wins against three Starting from their 12-yard stripe early in the third quarter, the W ol- ! by a score of 19-6 by Vale, the statis losses. High team series honors were tak- WAHI.KKT HOST TO verines marched in six fast-running tics showed a fairly even game. plays to a touchdown Try for point The Bulldogs forged to 10 first en by Stunz, with an 1848 score, BIRD HI NTING PARTY Bird hunting guests of Bill W ah wa.. good. downs wlnle Vale battled to the placing second for high team game honors, which went to B & E with lert last week-end were A1 Cellers. Tanner received on the kickoff on | yame number Carl Robinson, Bill Jones and Bert the Weiser 30, pulled the pack to Our passing attack was not as a 639 score, the left behind solid interference sharp as Vale's, for one Vale pass Betty Marostica knocked down Strome, all of McMinviUe. The party did its shooting in the tihen handed off to Savage, who wa* for a T.D. and the other mode enough pins to rate high individual skirted to the right and dashed 60 possible their other score. Vale com- game with a -core of 185 and high vicinity of M ’.chell Butte, with near- bag limit results. yards down the side line to the goal pleted three out of five for 46 yards individual game with a 519 score. lir.c Try for point failed, leaving the gained, Nyssa completed two out of TO Standings: score Nyssa 6, Weiser 7, the quarter five for 50 yards gameti Team Won Lost ending during the play. M IG H TY The Vikings punted eight times | 24 3 Fumbles. Penalties Costly Sunset Auxiliary will meet Thurs for an average of 50 yards per punt ¡ B A E Cafe GOOD START Stime Lbr. 18 10 Penalties- and fumbles by both und Nyssa liad to kick the ball six day afternoon, Nov. 6, at the home j Owyhee Beauty 17 11 teams provided the breaks that set times. Nyssa's punt average was also of Mrs. Dick Wyatt with Mrs. O 14 14 the stage for the second Bulldog 50 yards.—Nyssa High School Bull- j Brownie's Cafe A hen ily fortified supplement thjf helps (H Sohwelzer as hostess. Bowling Center 11 17 Luncheon guests at the Kenneth dog. you “keep ein going" right through wean- Berrett's Service 11 17 ! Lorenson home Sunday included old 10 18 Hospital Nebraskan friends, Mr and Mrs. Al utg It» grejt for cahe» \ou rji-e, or tho»e I touchdown in the fourth quarter. Farmerettes 10 20 vin Baxter of Albany, Oregon. Mrs. And it was a Bulldog fumble re- •hipped in from the ringc A favorite for WINNERS Esther McCathron of Beaverton. 0 i covered by Weiser that gave Nyssa •flow, ulc or nurket animals. I Oregon, and Mr and Mrs. Stauffer its chance late in the final period. Of Lest Week's of Ontario. \ It happened like this: There was a Bernie Lorenson who has been ! series of three consecutive fumbles, visiting the past two weeks at the | Weiser recovering the first, Nyssa the second and Weiser the third. Wilson's Jewelry retained the lead home of his parents, left Sunday Weiser was on the Bulldogs' eight in the Homedale-Adrian Women’s for the west coast. Monday the Kennth Lorensons yard line on the latter recovery. Its Bowling league by taking two and attempted kick was blocked by Bob : a-half points from Bicandi's Tues and granddaughter, Carolyn, visited Hartley and Talbot fell on the ball day night at the Bowling Center. It the Stauffers in Ontario and dined behind the goal line for the final has won 19 games and lost four at the Island home of Mr. and Mrs. William Staub. marker. Point try failed. and one-half. A 2 Charles Chapin and wife and | Stalupca Although dropping three games to daughter, Cynthis Lou, arrived Sun Yards gained N 281, W 292 Martin's Grocery, Martin’s Drugs day evening from Wichita Falls, to held onto second place with 17 wires Yards gained by pass N 18, W 52 visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | First Downs N 9 .W 1 3 and seven losses. Martin’s Grocery Wilbur Chapin until Nov. 6, when posted 2009 points for high series | Penalties N 50. W 30 he will move to Spokane where he Rt. 1, Nyssa Punted N 4 times, W 1 time and 788 points for high game will be stationed. 318 So. 1st St. Phone 361-W Verna Costley took the individual Overnight guests at the Wilbur honors with a high game of 213 and j Chapin home Friday and Saturday high series of 528. were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crow and Standings Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anderson and 404 No. 2nd Won Lost son, Duayne, all of Madras, Oregon. Team 194 Wilson's Jewelry 44 Mr and Mrs. Ed Topliff and fam Vale—The sheriff’s office here re 7 17 Martin's Drugs ily were Sunday dinner guests at ported 32 slaughtered pheasants ..154 8 4 the home o f Mr. and Mrs. William j Bieandi’a were found last Saturday near the 12 12 Martin’s Grocery Gregg Malheur - river Just south of the 12 12 Homedale Tractor Sunday dinner guests at the home bridge on the highway leading east 9 16 Adrian Peed ...... of Mr and Mrs. O. H. Schweizer in- j | from Vale. Deputy Frank Elfering 9 15 Hayes Lumber eluded Mr. and Mrs. Jim Connor, took the game birds to lockers where 22 2 Bill’s Foods Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schweizer. Mr \ they were dressed and frozen to and Mrs. Hubert Keith and five j j prevent spoilage. children, all o f Vale, Mrs Kenneth Arrangements are being made to Parker and Jeff, Linda and Claudia give half the illegally killed game Parker. birds to ‘the Holy Rosary hospital in Houseguests at the home of Mr. Ontario and the other half to the and Mrs. John Reffett from Wed Malheur Memorial hospital in Nyssa W b o t t l r V i n i r C nesday until Tuesday were Mr. and Signed complaints against tres- ” o# H C U b Mrs. Jack McAllister of Portland. passers are literally 'Tolling in” and To meet the increasing need for are being processed in the various wheelchairs and hospital beds, the Gould Pickens of Sun Valley, Calif., Justice courts, the sheriff’s office Nyssa American Legion auxiliary Is was also a houseguest for six days, reported. starting another drive to make them Use the Journal Classified Ads. available for families requiring them, according to announcements made this week by Mfs. Clifford Mink, president. SERVICE 4 CAFE The drive, she said, is a communi The Malheur Memorial hospital ty service project. She emphasized, Nyssa polio ward has an extra »6750 do however, that the drive is not for nated by deer hunters through Hop- funds as ea-h donations cannot be and kins Wholesale Meat, which pro- accepted by the organization moted the contributions of deer she IMnirted out, would be hides with all expenses borne by the raised later through a magazine sub- pwckir« firm. scription campaign. Representatives H. O. Hopkins reported this week wl11 carry lhe credentials, that the response to a request for Mrs. .stated. deer hides, when the deer season I Persons desiring the use of beds Announce opened, had been excellent. Deer and wheelchairs, for use on a tem hides were donated by successful porary basis and free o f charge with hunters «n d were in turn sold by only the obligation of transporting Removal Hopkins and the revenue donated to them, are requested to make appli cation to Mrs Kermit Lienkeanrper, the hospital polio ward. This week Hopkins Wholesale 312 Park Ave. of Offices Meat is requesting all hunters to take their "elk hides to the plant ST HUBERT'S SETS NOV. 6 to which will handle all the details of FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER Thursday, Nov. 6, has been set as selling them. Revenue from the elk hides will be turned over to the the date ior th<> annual Thanksgiv ing dinner of St. Hubert’s Catholic potto ward. Hopkins expressed his thanks to church The dinner, turkey with all the hunters who cooperated with the the trimmings, will be served be Regular tween 5 and 9 p. m. at the church, fund-making project. Park avenue and Third street. S3.49 Use Journal Classified Ads. St Anne's Altar society will serve. Stunz Climbs to 2nd In Women's Com. League TRMUVAV5 „Ä8A& Helps Feeder Calves out*”"#*#, o* A SUNSET VALLEY Geo.H. Van Horn MALHEUR COUNTY TREASURER Resident and taxpaper of Malheur County for past 17 years. Wilson's Leads Adrian Keglers H ARVEST BONUS DAYS- CALF STARTER H Honesty - Efficiency Dependability Nov. 4 Lei's Vote Republican M E A L OR P ELLETS Game Hogs Leave 32 Birds Hidden J You May J Be the Next Comes i Nyssa Feed Mill Jacob Groot Lavin Roberts Varied college education backed by successful busi ness experience. Pillsburq’s Best Legion Auxiliary Makes Drive for To Win the $ 5 0 Prize BERRETTS Deer Hides Bring $57.50 for Polio Trailways Western Union Improve lands, crops, pastures with W O O D ’S R O T A R Y CUTTER 309 Main Between la W . *0', 114’ C«*. •iflQ widths — SondoMl or hydrovlk modoH j y I for heavy duty, high speed That« ol'-pwrpoM cuWen or* «quipped to d o E V E R Y cutting, *b»«dding and mulching job. Ope»o*e from power take off Twin blodet revolve or 1500 R P M . Cutting height odiuttable 0 to 1 4 ". Boiler plate turroundt blodei for 1 0 0 % protection! See the W o o d • mpcMae demonitrated on Y O U R term. M O W IN G and SHREDDING Western Corrugator Co. Phone Idi Nyssa, Oregon HEAR Signal Service H. W. McCLISH and Of Burn«!!. 2 D R E SSE S ior * 5.00 EVERYBODY SAVES AT Batt's Shoe Shop Tex»* Services Each Evening at 8 o'clock NOV. 3 — NOV. 12 Service* at 10 A. M. Sunday EFFECTIVE CHURCH of CHRIST FRIDAY. O E. Robinson, Minister McConncl Ave Parma. Idaho • «9 (?/ OCTOBER 31 Opea TU I P . M . Every Saturday NYSSA OREGON