THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1952 PAGE SIXTEEN INYSSA Final W eek of Political Campaign THEATRE sir Wolf New Owner Of "B eau ten a" "OLD OKLAHOMA PLAINS" and Mr II (Conni, ted fr< ;n P.i-' 1 I;.- Rev W illiam W e.ley Bell, e-pe.-tive cam p .ii:. - have bee:; nary ■! the Meth. di-t church more or lo-s fric - f (>< ai3cu>a- n India, will be gue.-t-peaker :»t tform Uon.-. each u-ing h. ji.irty pla \ a Meth di-t church. Sunday, in national is.-ue- an l hi- own bacie- \ v 2 a. 11 a m. A missionary .-.nee ground m attempts t i win vot es. 1921. tie is branch treasurer in Bum- Bari 1 Ne#- Th e context be; *e TELEPHONE IM ,i\ of the Division ot Foreign Miss- jry. Republican in uunbent -eure- n of the M eth od it church. .ary of state, and Eiiith S Cîreea. The Rev Bell was appointed a Jemccrat. ha beo in-“ heated on a n nary o f the Methodist church :e ha* candidal ■tate level, but neither SATURDAY. NOV 1 visited this area to br ing the bsues 1 ,n 1920 and began in Burma oefore local v ter A ’ lot her " « farm" | ne following year. He was district race is that of Robert Y Thoj•nton. iperintendent o f the Indian di-trict Democrat, and Fran i- Lumber t. Re- m 1931 when he transferred to India publutan. who are et kung the office I for work at the Publishing House in With at attorney general. now oc« upied Madras, India Later, he had charge by George Neuner Ni tther of these ■f the Publishing House in Lucknow OZZIE and candidates has carripu igned in east - 1 H A R R IE T NELSON ern Oregon. For the t.ate trea- urer' ' For five years before 1941 lie was I Also iperintendent of Methodist work post, Sig Unar. Jer, Hi publican . and Francis Lambert, DemLcrat. are tire u. he Calcutta d tnct and manager candidates and the p > t l' now occu- of the B H Smith company in Cal- "Beauterva,” the pure-bred Jersey pied by W alter Pear n. ■utta. From 1941-45 he was inter War heifer who drew many an admiring Incumbent Elma E. Smith, Repub nal.->nal secretary, Y.M.C.A REX ALLEN lican, has_the nomination of both Prisoners Aid for India. He was glance while developing from the ELAINE EDWARDS .nail calf stage in her special pen parties for state senator for the 22nd i.amed mission treasurer in 1946 district encompassing Grant. Har at To bier's Feed and Fuel store, was ney and Malheur countic In un moved last week to a new home on bent Carroll Locey, Republa an, ha SUNDAY-MONDAY a ranch near Mitchell Butte. Her been nominated on both ticket f"r new, and proud, owner l Clifford NOVEMBER 2-3 state representative from Malheur 1 1 id cl ■ m t i Malheur County Judge Sewell Wolf. Rie. 2, N> a. w | county. Stanton of Vale and George Dohner. the $300 by drawing the Oregonians have three indnia't lucky number at a give-away party, to choose from for president < f the Nu Acres farmer, were named re- held at the T bier establishment . nal chairmen o f the Idaho-Ore- United States This state w i one f the first in which Republi in ex . ,n Hells Canyon association Sun Oct. 16 In Technicolor with pressed their preferenre in th* Muv day at the organization's annual Another feature of the affair GENE KELLY primary election for Dwight D invention in Nampa. which drew more than 150 people DONALD O’CONNOR Eisenhower, while the Democrats 1 The group endorsed political can was an illustrated lecture by G M. DEBBIE REYNOLDS Oregon turned "thumb d- ■ vn n didates for election, who had an- (Jerryt Davis, sale repri -entative JEAN HAGEN all presidential contenders except vi red questionaires favorable to of the Ralston Purina Co. Bates Kefauver In Malheur count;. on (ruction of Hells Canyon dam. Davis gave a trainin' talk on dairy What a glorious feeling—You'll Eisenhower led the ticket with 1.542 be happy again when you .see this votes followed by Dougla Mu Ar and specifically named John Jones. methods, illustrating it with a scien pleasureful musical treasure. thur who polled 405 Demi rat m Democratic candidate for Oregon’s tific dairy film produced by the re this county gave Estes Kefauver th • -frond district congressman, for his search department of Iris firm. nod with 1,226 votes as compared "definite decision regarding . . Refreshments were served under TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 4 with 172 for Adlai Stevenson, now the Hells Canyon dam proposal.” direction c f Mr-. Earl (M yrtle) Alex the presidential nominee ander. Assisting her were Mr Mon BROW NIES HAVE H IK E Also running, on th- Iriii* per.-lo ty Fraser, M rs Ray Linville, Mr . Brownie Scout troop 6, under the j ticket tor gin deni . le i ier-hip o f Mrs. Clifford Mink. Hugh Tcbler and Mr Lee Up-Law nan, with Char! t;.i .. p,, S. urday hiked to the airport and presidential nominee. With returned as one of their projects. 19 Measures The BOWERY BOYS There are 13 referendum and in- Also iluuseguests for a week at the j native measures on which the voter heme of Mr and Mr- Jamt Russell o f tire state will decide and Malheur ; county has placed before the people was G. W. Boyd of Newport. the question o f whether or not the With Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jensen of Five-minute speakers on the F ri [ present 10-mill road levy shall b. day morning program of Nyssa Chelan, Wa h . arrived Wednesday C A TH Y DOWNS continued for another five year. ROBERT HCTTON Toastmasters club will be H em y at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. BERNARD BROTHERS The county road ’ ax is the mo-' Hartley, Mark Purcell and Tom J. Poulsen. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie frequently discu c d i tie to be vot- Jones. Th ey will be introduced by Castello and -on. Billy, of Hertniston | t«d with sentiment in Ny a being in were guests of the Poulsens Tuesday T a (master C liff Mink DON'T FORGET THIS IS favor o f continuation of the tax Prior to the speaking section of and Wednesday. Reports are that the measure nuu VOTING DAY! Mr. utul Mrs. A. C. Sallee spent have tough sledding on a county die program, W alter McPartland wide basts because "it is the only will present a table topic on which last week in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clifford and tax measure on which the voter- all present will make brief com WEDNESDAY-THURS. children o f Clinton, Utah, visited can have the final decision,” one o! ment NOVEMBER 5-6 the proponents of the measure com C liff Main will serve as general j at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Frank mented. critic and Art Walz grammarian. Skeen, Mr. ancl Mrs. C hi-ter B >wn.- Running neck-and-neck in local and Mr. and Mr Ellis Field the past Interest insofar as state measurer IH I OWEEN P A R T Y A T week They also vi.-ited Mrs. Anna are conoerned are the motor carrier APPLE VALLEY SCHOOL West, who is recuperating .satis- highway tax act. its closely related Agiple Valiev The P.T.A. is spon- ; factorily at a Boi.-e hospital. constitutional amendment providing i orir.g a halloween party Friday W alter Reeves of Burns spent the taxing method for use of highways night for the upper grade children and the milk production and mar to be held in the new auditorium at weekend at the home of his par In Technicolor with keting act bill Observers and an Apple Valley school. There will be ents, Mr. and Mr. John Reeves. Mrs. alysts, even though disagreeing on games, skits and entertainment for Reeves and her mother, Mrs. Lora V IR G IN IA M AYO the issues, are in agreement that all all with prizes for the best costumes. Ditty, were in Caldwell Sunday at RO N ALD REAGAN three measures are confusing, if not The lower grades are having their the home of Mrs. Gertrude Atke r GENE NELSON somewhat contradictory. calling on Mrs. Bob McCla.dtey and party in the afternoon. DON DrFORE School measures closely follow the her infant boy. Tuesday evening others in local interest and have It's Hips. Hip«, Hooray lor the dinner guest at the Reeves' homi A R C A D IA SUNDAY SCHOOL been thoroughly discussed at most Queen of the midway, she be was Mrs. T. H. Brewer, niece of Mrs. HOST A T SUNDAY A EEAIR public gatherings comes the campus cutie In a Arcadia—Rev. John Rees, a miss- Ditty. new comedy smash. Visitors from Castleford, Idaho, ionary who recently returned from NEW IIIG II RECORD Brazil, was speaker and showed were their son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill IN POLIO CASES slides of his 22 years' work in that Quigley at the home o f Mr. and Mr. (Continued from Page D country, at a social meeting of the J B Quigley Wednesday evening. FRIDAY-SATURDAY nurse to arrive, coming Tuesday Arcadia Sunday school last Sunday- Mrs. I). A. Ashcraft attended a tea from the Portland Red Cross head after classes. There was a pot luck given by Mrs. M. L. Judd Saturday NOVEMBER 7-8 quarters. Mrs. Gwendolyn Deal, dinner for members of the class and and also the luncheon Friday in Nampa. is another registered nurse member- from White Settlement and Ontario. here to assist during the epidemic. Sunday dinner guests at the home the Lincoln Sunday school. Other nurses arriving recently for Other guests included Mr and of Mr. and Mrs. T. Stephenson, of temporary duty have returned to with their respective regular duties, Man Mrs. Marvin McLean and son of Arcadia, were Mr. and Mrs. Uel Al- sup. Nampa ager John O 'Toole said. ROY ROGERS Mr. and Mrs. Victor Marshall en County Health O fficer Dr !., A. I --------------------- DALE EVANS MaHiding stated Thur-day morning \’ YS S \ BIRTHS tertained Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Miller, Also Unit his personal opinion is that Recent births at Malheur Memor- of Boise, Mr and Mrs. Henry Brady, curbing public meetings to escape ial hospital include a daughter to of Wilder. Saturday evening. Th e exposure to polio w.'l do no good Mr and Mrs Donald Roberts, Par- three families were former neighbors O f course, we have to abide by the ma. Oct 17. a son t > Mr. and Mr- in Wilder 20 years ago. laws of the state board of health in i Mel Beck. Nyssa, Oct 18: a son Mr. to and Airs. Clifton Nielson en A .Musical ( luiiedy tlie event any act wry is taken 'n 1 Mr. and Mrs Vern Moncur, Nyssa, tertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. Salem," Dr MuukUng commented Oct. 25. a daughter to Mr and Mr- and Mr- Carl Choat and daughter, Tlve Nyssa doctor returned last Russ Bernett, Ontario, Oct 26, iuid SUNDAY-MONDAY week from I r , Angelo where he re- a daughter to Mr and Mrs. Earl of Caldwell NOVEMBER 9-10 Mr. and Mrs. Pat Potter o f Nampa celved special instructions on new i Kvgar, Nyssa, Oct. 30. developments, treatment and diag spent the week-end at the Ken Ren- nosis of polio The probable control R A Y K I C K V IS ITS PARENTS strom home. Kenstroms were in of the disease in the near future Airm ail 3 C R ay Keck, air force Nampa Tue day evening on business. kooks favorable, he said carga plane flight engineer. Is spen Sunday guests at the Bert Adams Dr Maulding will speak at the ding a five-day leave with his par home in Owyhee Heights near with rural health conference scheduled ents. Mr and Mrs A H Keck of Homedale were Mr. and Mrs. George JOSE FERRER fur No\ h at Boulevaid Grange hall Nys.-u before reporting for overseas N. Bear. KIM lll'N T F R and give details of all information 1 duty, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Olson were din- K I8 Z N A R and available about pollomvllti He ha- been in the service a year, ner guests . of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph El GENIE LF.ONTOVICH three months of which he was sta tioned in Texa and nine month- at Maughan Sunday. A happy story of people you will Tuesday Vlrs. M. Peterson visited Hamilton Flel 1. Calif. all like who come to this country her mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Bowles, and find America their promised who is ill in the nursing home in DOBSON TO NEWFOUNDLAND Complete renovation of the front land. Word was recently received by- Boise D inna Jean Peterson of and side of the Nyssa Pharmacy Mrs T H Brewer, Rt 1. Nyssa. from Grandview has been visiting the TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY budding^» underway with plans for her sister. Mrs Clarence Dodson of Peterson home for a couple o f days revamping the ulterior o f the drug j Weatherford T e x . that her hus Mr. and Mrs. Rodney II twkins and NOVEMBER-11-12 store, Owner Orin Sumner reported band. ^and W W O Clarence Dodson, form boys of Boise visited Sunday at the The entrance to the building Is be erly o f Apple Valley, left Westover home of Mr and Mrs Philip W ood ing redesigned to accomodate a air force base In Massachusettes for ard. double door, a new aluminum mar- | Newfoundland on Oct 18. Mr and Mrs. Edward Powell of quee will be constructed over the In Clnecolor with Mrs Dobson anefldaughter, Shar Payette were Friday evening visitors front and the exterior will be re- on. plan to (oin Dobson at a later at the N 1 Wilson home. M ARSH AM THOM PSON stuccoed. Mrs. George Schweiier and Airs. date. VERA MILES On the west side o f the structure, Bud W i I-. hi were in Ontario Monday RICH \RD ROBEK will be decorative redwood siding W H ITE I I El’ ll \\ T s M E afternoon* :o attend the funeral of N A TA L IE WOOD trtnv while Arizona flagstone will be TO HE III I II NOV. 6 Mr- H K Hashdani. used below the front windows. A jolting tory of football's im Eagles auxiliary will sponsor a Air and Airs. John Weeks and mortal . playing their hearts out Fallowing renovation o f the ex white elephant sale after their regu family of McDermltt were visitors terior, the inside of the building will lar meeting at the Eagle- hall Thurs m Nys-a over the week-end at the in ‘the nation’s greatest gridiron classic. be completely revamped with new day evening. Nov 6 at 8 o'clock All home of Mr and Mrs. T S. Weeks. tile floor, recessed lights and re members are requested to bring Linda Sue Weeks Is staying this « m e articles to be sold at the sale THURSDAY FRIDAY arrangement of fixtures. Date of meeting was changed from week with her grandparents. Her C K Olsen is the contractor In NOVEMBER 13-14 next Tuesday to Thursday due to the parents will return to N charge of the work week to take her home elections on tlu t day Air and Mrs. Il.irrv Aliner. Air. and Mr- Lyle Miner and Harry. Mr« Too Late To Classify COMING EVENTS Mamie Bak> r and daughters spent LO S T Red ladies' billfokt contain Sunday at the home of Mrs Marie In Technicolor with Nov 6- S t Ann Alter so lety tur- ing personal papers between 4th St Stewart of Jamison JEAN PETERS key dinner, St Hubert Catholtc and high school I f found return to Nunda* dinner guest» at the home JEFFRE Y H EN TER church 5 p m to 9 p m WSOS 2 Sylvia Dolan or Ny—a Theatre ( O N 8 T A M I SM ITH Small reward offered 42-lrp oclock at home of Mr- J R Cundall W A L T E R BRENNAN SON S rKt< K I N W IT H r o i IO Eagles auxiliary meeting. 8 o'clock, FOR HALF R oasting liens, whit" Word was recently received by Eagles hall. They lived and loved as they leghorns, each. In e weight Call Mrs H E Collins, o f Ny--.». th it Nov 6-7 Mary and Martha circle 018-J5 might have a million years ago 42- It I her son, M J O'Neil. 30. o f Spokane. rummage sale, corner of 5th and iii the lost world of the Oteefaia - Main DOST O n Fainrlew Drive, tan-grey • a. admitted to a »pok an e hospital t * amp* in Oat rgus N.w 7 P**r p*e .dent’ Parley at wit r«xl lining P k v*e return Clot 19 after becoming stricken with home of M r, * K HuiUn, 2 o V iv k to Richard F Maw phone 06..’ R l ( pi Im He is m an Iren lung "HERE COME THE NELSONS" Fuidluig were ing at the home o f M i Frank M or gan from Ta-xmia wu ii e and M: Hay Aniba- and t » > Roger Skeen and L»nu Rav spent ...... t n > f Portland Mrs. Ma y the week-end at the home- of their kmt ti and two children o f Vale parents. Mr ai d Mr Frank .Skeen i Mi Libert H u-e of Good land. and Mr and Mr Goddon Ray. from K m al o called at the Finding Provo »h e re they are attending BYU home Sunday. M Missionary Listed As Nyssa Speaker Area Men Nam ed As Regional Chairmen "SINGIN* IN THE RAIN" W s tin lr Sunday dinner guests at the R u l ed A Smith home were their son, Wilbert Smith and family o f Boise. rhe\ pen the afternoon in Ontario v, Lai.- Wilbert’s sister. Mrs. Delbert E Taylor and family. Monday visi- r at the Smiths were their daugh- t . M r - Taylor and son, Bobbie. Sharon and Dennis Selph stayed a ... H A Smith family vh.Ie their parents were in Cali- f mia to visit their grandmother who is seriously ill. Airs. Rulon Christensen was Mon day and Tuesday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Moss. Air. and Airs. John Ostrotn attend ed the Scandinavian smorgasbord festivities held at Boise Friday. Air and Airs. Clyde Snider return- turned Saturday from Ogden and Salt Lake City where they had been nice Wednesday. W hile in Ogden, they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bur- nail Brown, former Nyssa ns, and re ported that Mrs. Brown is oonva- le -mg from a recent compound leg fracture. Cor the past few weeks, Mrs. W. W. Foster has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles W lkon of I a --ii. ii. Ore., who gave birth to a baby boy Oct. 30 First Lieut. Clayton Alorgan of the air force and family have been visit- Rebekahs Hold Meeting ha:- worked out ati-fa' >nly and the school lias opened the gym nasium on Saturday during t e winter month- the aih revealed. He suggested -» me mean «<f o r ganizing a kid.- ba-ketball lr.igue for winter recreational activities. Dwight W yckoff. vocational agri cultural instructor, stated that part of his report had been covered by the coach As chairman of the Lions civic improvement committee, W yck o ff verified thp dire need of a swim ming pool in Nyssa, but stated that such a project is out c f the question « ' 'A' The city would have the same tax problem if such a projeot were at tempted now, the instructor said. Rebekah Lodge 202 met Thursday in regular session at the 1.0.0 F hall with 28 member - in attendance During the meeting Mrs Fred Guth- ne was initiated into the order. R e ports o f the rummage sale recently held were given by the various mem bers o f the committee in charge of the project. Refreshments were served at the conclusion o f the meeting by Mrs. Murl Lanca ter. principal o f the Daisy Oohen, Mrs. Nick Rudeliek and Mrs. Bart Ostrom. junior high, reviewed changes in school systems to e Mblish junior high .«gthools for youngsters advan cing from elementary school chil dren to adolescents. Formerly there was a gap for students o f this age group, but the junior high has made it possible to put in more subjects (Continued from Page 11 mountains, they should be lighted and give more individual attention to give players an opportunity to and guidance to make the young.-ters use them at night and escape the feel they belong, he reported. heat o f summer afternoon sun, Schools sometimes are neglectful Lovejoy said. Social activities are •in letting the public know what thrv well taken care o f by the schools are doing and the reasons for chang and churches and the question o f a ing methods- of teaching, the prin youth center is controversial because cipal sa.d. Lancaster asserted that o f the supervision "headaches” even Nyssa has a good system which is though youngsters now have no evidenced by the progress made place .to gather other than public during the past few years and the meeting places. j relationship between the school and The summer recreational program the public. Recreation Needs Reviewed M onday At Lions Meeting "HERE COME The MARINES" LOCAL NEWS Toastmasters Sets Program for Friday "GOBS AND GALS" Rich in Vitamins ORANGES 5 "SHE'S WORKING HER W A Y THROUGH COLLEGE" BANANAS Solid—Green Tipped 2 lbs. » i O c CAULIFLOWER BEANS Big Flowery Heads Double Luck Lb. . . . . 10C 6 cans 6 5 "ROLL O N TEXAS MOON" "STAND UP AND SING " SEGO MILK SPERRY’S FLOUR Pancake and Waffle 4 Lbs. 10 Lbs. 55ç $ 1 .2 5 POTTED MEAT 6 cans 3 9 C CLAPP'S STRAINED BABY FOOD CHOICE MEATS 6 Pharmacy Building Undergoing Change HAMS Picnic Style Lb. 3 9 £ PORX ROASTS Lb. 3 9 £ "THE ROSE BOW L STORY" « 9 5 p tall cans "ANYTH ING C A N HAPPEN" "LURE OF THE WILDERNESS" its. 4 5 c cans 5 3 * TOMATOES Tastewell Brand 4 cans 69Ç Shoulder Cuts VELVETTA MINCED HAM Lb. 3 9 £ TAYLOR’S 2 lb.brick 9 9 Ç FOOD M ARKET U K G IV i AT-H. GR€€n S T ftm P S 425 Arcadia Blvd. Phone 222